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Dr. Tyler Clarke Coverdale Postdoctoral Fellow • Harvard University OEB Harvard University Herbaria • Room 401 • Cambridge, MA 02138 USA [email protected] • EDUCATION AND TRAINING Postdoctoral Fellow, Davies Lab, Harvard University


Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, Agrawal Lab, Cornell University



Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Pringle Lab, Princeton University



Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Pringle Lab, Princeton University


Research Assistant & Lab Manager, Bertness Lab, Brown University ScB


Biology, Brown University


FELLOWSHIPS, HONORS, AND AWARDS Atkinson Center Research Fellow, Cornell University


Society of Fellows, Cornell University


Ecological Society of America Graduate Student Policy Award


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Award


Centennial Fellowship, Princeton University


Magna Cum Laude, Honors, and Senior Prize in Biology, Brown University


Sigma Xi Society


RESEARCH FUNDING Harvard University Star-Friedman Challenge Fund ($78,155)


Cornell Atkinson Center Sustainable Biodiversity Fund ($7,500)


Cornell University Presidential Fellowship ($15,000)


National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant ($16,380)


Garden Club of America Caroline Thorn Kissel Scholarship ($3,000)


Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies Research Grant ($1,400)


Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research Grant ($5,000)


National Geographic Young Explorers Grant ($5,000)


Princeton University Field Research Grant ($2,840)


The Nature Conservancy Sander Buchman Memorial Long Island Sound Grant (Declined)


The Nature Conservancy Sander Buchman Memorial Long Island Sound Grant ($30,000)


Harold Ward Undergraduate Teaching and Research Fellowship ($3,000)


Updated November 2021

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS In print or in press (* denotes undergraduate co-author; click journal name for PDF) 22. Alston, JM, CG Reed, L Khasoha, BRP Brown, G Busienei, NJ Carlson*, TC Coverdale, MO Dudenhoffer, M Dyck, J Ekeno, AA Hassan, R Hohbein, RP Jakopak, B Kimiti, S Kurukura, P Lokeny, AM Louthan, S Musila, PM Musili, T Tindall, S Weiner, TR Kartzinel, TM Palmer, RM Pringle, and JR Goheen. Ecological consequences of large herbivore exclusion in an African savanna: 12 years of data from the UHURU experiment. Ecology (In Press). 21. Coverdale, TC, RD O'Connell*, MC Hutchinson, A Savagian, TR Kartzinel, TM Palmer, JR Goheen, DJ Augustine, M Sankaran, CE Tarnita, and RM Pringle. Megaherbivores prevent harmful liana infestation in an African savanna. 2021. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2101676118. 20. Coverdale, TC and AA Agrawal. Evolution of shade tolerance is associated with attenuation of shade avoidance and reduced phenotypic plasticity in North American milkweeds. 2021. American Journal of Botany 108:1705–1715. 19. Guyton, JA, J Pansu, MC Hutchinson, TR Kartzinel, AB Potter, TC Coverdale, JH Daskin, AG da Conceição, MJS Peel, ME Stalmans, and RM Pringle. 2020. Trophic rewilding revives biotic resistance to shrub invasion. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4:712-724. 18. Coverdale, TC, IJ McGeary*, RD O’Connell*, TM Palmer, JR Goheen, M Sankaran, DJ Augustine, AT Ford, RM Pringle, and CE Tarnita. 2019. Strong but opposing effects of associational resistance and susceptibility on defense phenotype in an African savanna plant. Oikos 128:17721782. 17. Pringle, RM, TR Kartzinel, TM Palmer, TJ Thurman, K Fox-Dobbs, CCY Xu, MC Hutchinson, TC Coverdale, JH Daskin, D Evangelista, K Gotanda, N Man in ‘t Veld, H Wegener, JJ Kolbe, TW Schoener, DA Spiller, JB Losos, and RDH Barrett. 2019. Predator-induced collapse of niche structure and species coexistence. Nature 570:58-63. 16. Coverdale, TC, JR Goheen, TM Palmer, and RM Pringle. Good neighbors make good defenses: associational refuges reduce defense investment in African savanna plants. 2018. Ecology 99: 1724-1736. 15. Tarnita, CE, JA Bonachela, E Sheffer, JA Guyton, TC Coverdale, RA Long and RM Pringle. A theoretical foundation for multi-scale regular vegetation patterns. 2017. Nature 541: 398-401. 14. Coverdale, TC, TR Kartzinel, K Grabowski*, RK Shriver, AA Hassan, JR Goheen, TM Palmer and RM Pringle. Elephants in the understory: opposing direct and indirect effects of consumption and ecosystem engineering. 2016. Ecology 97: 3219-3230. 13. Kartzinel, TR, PA Chen, TC Coverdale, DL Erickson, WJ Kress, ML Kuzmina, DI Rubenstein, W Wang and RM Pringle. DNA metabarcoding illuminates dietary niche partitioning by large African herbivores. 2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112: 8019-8024.

12. Bonachela, JA, RM Pringle, E Sheffer, TC Coverdale, JA Guyton, KK Caylor, SA Levin and CE Tarnita. Termite mounds can increase the robustness of dryland ecosystems to climatic change. 2015. Science 347: 651-655. 11. Coverdale, TC, EW Young*, CP Brisson* and MD Bertness. Indirect human impacts reverse centuries of carbon sequestration and marsh accretion. 2014. PLoS One 3: e93296. 10. Bertness, MD, CP Brisson*, TC Coverdale, MC Bevil*, SM Crotty* and ER Suglia*. Experimental predator removal rapidly generates salt marsh die-off. 2014. Ecology Letters 17: 830-835. 9.

He, Q, MD Bertness, J Bruno, B Li, G Chen, TC Coverdale, AH Altieri, J Bai, T Sun, S Pennings, J Liu, P Ehrlich and B Cui. Economic development and coastal ecosystem change in China. 2014. Scientific Reports 4: 5995.

8. Brisson, CP*, TC Coverdale and MD Bertness. Salt marsh die-off and recovery reveal disparity between the recovery of ecosystem structure and service provision. 2014. Biological Conservation 197: 1-5. 7. Coverdale, TC, MD Bertness and AH Altieri. Regional ontogeny of New England salt marsh die-off. 2013. Conservation Biology 27: 1041-1048. 6. Coverdale, TC, EE Axelman*, CP Brisson*, EW Young*, AH Altieri and MD Bertness. New England salt marsh recovery: opportunistic colonization of an invasive species and its nonconsumptive effects. 2013. PLoS One 8: e73823. 5. Altieri, AH, MD Bertness, TC Coverdale, EE Axelman*, NC Herrmann and PL Szathmary. Feedbacks underlie the resilience of salt marshes and rapid reversal of consumer-driven die-off. 2013. Ecology 94: 1647-1657. 4. Bertness, MD and TC Coverdale. An invasive species facilitates the recovery of salt marsh ecosystems on Cape Cod. 2013. Ecology 94: 1937-1943. 3. Coverdale, TC, NC Herrmann, AH Altieri and MD Bertness. Latent impacts: the role of historical human impacts in coastal habitat loss. 2013. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11: 6974. 2. Altieri, AH, MD Bertness, TC Coverdale, NC Herrmann and C Holdredge. A trophic cascade triggers collapse of a salt-marsh ecosystem with intensive recreational fishing. 2012. Ecology 93: 14021410. 1. Coverdale, TC, AH Altieri and MD Bertness. Belowground herbivory increases vulnerability of New England salt marshes to die-off. 2012. Ecology 93: 2085-2094.

Submitted, in review/revision, or in prep (all manuscripts below are available upon request) 23. Coverdale, TC and AA Agrawal. Experimental insect suppression causes loss of induced resistance to a specialist herbivore in horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) (In Revision)

24. Xu, C, BR Silliman, J Chen, X Li, MS Thomsen, J Lee, JS Lefcheck, TC Coverdale, P Daleo, and Q He. Managing trophic interactions to help revegetate planet Earth. (In Prep) INVITED COMMENTARIES i. Coverdale, TC. 2019. Defense emergence during early ontogeny reveals important differences between spines, thorns, and prickles. A commentary on: Developmental constraints and resource environment shape early emergence and investment in spines in saplings. Armani, M et al. Annals of Botany 124: iii-iv. TEACHING AND PEDAGOGICAL TRAINING Guest Lecturer, Conservation Biology (Harvard University)


Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom Certificate (Cornell University)


Guest Lecturer, Coastal Ecology and Conservation (Brown University)


Guest Lecturer, Ecology & Conservation of African Landscapes (Princeton University)


Guest Lecturer, Freshwater and Marine Botany (Wheaton College)


Teaching Assistant, Ecology & Conservation of African Landscapes (Princeton University)


Teaching Assistant, Ecology: Species Interactions, Biodiversity & Society (Princeton Univ.)


Teaching Assistant, Marine Biology (Brown University)


Teaching Assistant, Coastal Ecology and Conservation (Brown University)

2010, 2011, 2012

Teaching Assistant & University Tutor, Principles of Ecology (Brown University)


MENTORSHIP Mentees (*undergraduate co-authors, #number of student-awarded funding sources): Ella Bradford (Harvard University) *Nathaniel Carlson3 (Cornell University) David Alvarez1 (Cornell University/Boyce Thompson Institute REU) *Ryan O’Connell2 (Princeton University) Anna Marsh1 (Princeton University) *Ian McGeary2 (Princeton University) Azwad Iqbal1 (Princeton University) *Katherine Grabowski1 (Princeton University) Ben Culver1 (Princeton University)

2021-present 2019-2021 2019 2015-2018 2017 2016 2016 2014-2016 2014

Mentees (Co-advised): Chelsea Lee (Cornell University) Elijah Gallimore-Repole (Cornell University)

2018-2020 2019

Vinicius Amaral (Princeton University) *Elena Suglia (Brown University) *Matt Bevil (Brown University) *Caitlin Brisson (Brown University) *Sinead Crotty (Brown University) *Eric Young (Brown University) *Eric Axelman (Brown University)

2016 2013 2013 2011-2013 2012-2013 2012 2010-2011

Undergraduate Mentoring Workshop (Harvard University)


Postdoc Leadership Certificate (Cornell University)


Co-creator, Princeton EEB Graduate-Undergraduate Mentoring Program


Mentor, Princeton University ReMatch Mentoring Program Group Leader, Daraja Academy for Girls Discovery Day at Mpala Research Centre

2015-2016 2014

DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Certified Trainer, Preventing Sexual Harassment & Assault in Field Settings (UCSC CAMINO) 2021 Member, Working Group on DEIJB in Fieldwork, Cornell University EEB 2020-2021 Ad hoc reviewer, Cornell Atkinson Center Sustainable Biodiversity Fund 2020 Participant, Building Allyship Series 2020 Member, Botanical Society of America 2020-present Ad hoc reviewer, NSF DEB 2019, 2021 Judge, Buell and Braun Awards, ESA Annual Meeting 2019 Graduate student representative, ESA Congressional Visits Day 2017 Member, American Society of Naturalists 2017-present Judge, Hopewell Elementary School (NJ) Science Fair 2017 Ad hoc reviewer 2011-present American Journal of Botany, Annals of Botany, Austral Ecology, Biological Invasions, Ecology and Evolution, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Ecosystems, Estuaries and Coasts, Journal of Arid Environments, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Journal of Vector Ecology, Marine Community Ecology and Conservation, Nature Climate Change, Oecologia, Oikos, Plant Biology, Plant Ecology, PNAS Member, Ecological Society of America Co-organizer, Princeton University Scientific Communication Workshop

2016-present 2014

SELECTED CONFERENCE TALKS AND INVITED SEMINARS Kennesaw State University (Invited Departmental Seminar)


Ecological Society of America


Cornell EEB Research Symposium


Ecological Society of Australia


Brown University (Invited Departmental Seminar)


Princeton, Penn, Rutgers, Columbia Research Symposium


Benthic Ecology Meeting

2010, 2011, 2013

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