Curriculum Devt MIDTERM-2021

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ALDERSGATE COLLEGE Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, 3709 Telefax: (078) 326-5085 E-mail: [email protected] Website: ,

Test I. Multiple Choice Directions: Choose the word/phrase/option that best completes/answers the sentence. Write only the letter of your answer in your test booklet. 1. A curriculum is blue print or pip of the school that includes experiences for the: A. Teacher B. Learner C. Curriculum planner D. Experts 2. Summative evaluation takes place: A. In the beginning B. In the middle C. At the end D. After regular inter 3. In planning and implementing curricula school makes its selection from: A. Culture B. Region C. Nation D. Mass communication 4. Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum: A. Designing B. Implementing C. Evaluating D. All above 5. Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by: A. Objective B. Design C. Method D. Evaluation 6. The final phase of curriculum development is to evaluate and modify the curriculum. A. maybe B. true C. does not say D. false 7. Which is NOT the purpose of Goals and Instructional Objectives? A. to motivate the students to learn B. to provide students the best possible education C. to monitor the progress of the students based on the teacher’s skill D. to let the teacher feel a sense of competence when goals are achieved 8. A curriculum is the sum total of a school’s influence on a child’s: A. Personality B. Attitude C. Behaviors D. action 9. The method used to evaluate the curriculum is: A. Formative Evaluation B. Summative Evaluation C. Diagnostic Evaluation D. a, b & c 10. The yearly content of the curriculum is defined as _____. A. Sequence B. Scope C. The balance D. Vertical articulation 11. Environmental factors that affect curriculum development include of the following EXCEPT _____. A. The community B. Administrators C. Facilities and equipment D. Other “special” subjects at the school 12. Curriculum provides guidance for: A. School B. Teacher C. Students D. Parents 13. Syllabus is a part of: A. Curriculum B. Classroom C. Activities D. Society 14. Which of the following statements about No Child Left Behind is TRUE? A. Schools are not required to share personal student information with military recruiters. B. Schools with over a 75 percent passing rate are named Blue Ribbon schools. C. Schools must allow Boy Scout meetings in their buildings. D. Schools labeled under-performing must allow students to transfer to another school, at their own expense. 15. A “curriculum” is defined as a delivery system that provides children with __________ . A. Sequence and direction B. Enjoyment and knowledge C. Guidance and feedback D. Fitness and motor skills 16. The focus of the _________ domain is to understand words that describe a variety of relationships with objects such as around, behind, over, through, and parallel. A. Cognitive B. Behavioral C. Affective D. Motor skills 17. Demonstrating a willingness to participate with peers, regardless of diversity or disability, is an example of which domain? A. Value orientation inventory B. Responsible behavior hierarchy C. Affective domain D. Individualized Education Program 18. Patterns of movement, moving with others, and movement problem solving are examples of the _______ domain. A. Locomotion B. Motor skill C. Psychomotor D. Cognitive 19. Balance in a curriculum ensures that all objectives in the program receive adequate coverage. a. maybe b. true c. does not say d. false 20. An outline-of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called: A. Programme B. Syllabus C. Curriculum D. Course 21. Major concern of curriculum is: A. Change in individual’s behavior B. Preparation for service C. Personal satisfaction D. None of the above Page 1 of 4

22. The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a: A. Preparation of students for service B. Constitution in a country C. Provision of latest knowledge D. None of the above 23. Curriculum is supposed to: A. Be organized by the school B. Achieve the objective C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above 24. Curriculum reflects the culture of: A. School B. Home C. Area D. Society 25. In planning and implementing curricula, school makes its selection from: A. Nation B. Region C. Culture D. Mass communication 26. What refers to the matching between curriculum and test to be used to assess the learners? A.. Alignment B. Auditing C. Articulation D. Delivery 27. If curriculum is the "means", what is the "end"? A. Strategies B. Instruction C. Technique D. Approaches 28. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developer? A. Feasibility B. Learnability C. Significance D. Validity 29. What do you call the curriculum when the teacher puts into action all the different planned activities in the classroom? A. Recommended Curriculum B. Written Curriculum C. Taught Curriculum D. Supported Curriculum 30. The K-12 curriculum is otherwise called as A. 2002 Basic Education Curriculum B. Revitalized Basic Education Curriculum C. Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum D. Extended Basic Education Curriculum 31. What refers to the appropriateness of the content in the light of the particular students who are to experience the curriculum? A. Significance B. Validity C. Interest D. Learnability 32. Objectives must be evaluated in the light of practical considerations, including teacher competence, availability of instructional materials, time allotment, etc. What characteristic of educational objective is defined by the aforementioned statement? A. Comprehension B. Attainability C. Consistency D. Feasibility 33. What criterion is not included in the selection of subject matter content? A. Self-sufficiency B. Creativity C. Validity D. Utility 34. The subject matter or content to be learned must be within the time allowed, resources available, expertise of the teacher and nature of learners. What criterion is addressed? A. validity B. significance C. interest D. feasibility 35. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline, this means that the curriculum is___. A. sequence B. balanced C. integrated D. continued 36. Parents usually complain that the school where their children go changes their textbooks. If you are the teacher, how would you explain to the parents the practice they are complaining about? A. Textbooks are already old and with pages torn or destroyed. B. Textbooks cover are dirty and faded and do not look presentable. C. There are new authors of textbooks who are popular. D. There are new developments in curriculum content included in new books. 37. If you apply integrated curriculum approach, which one is out? A. Relating topic to life experiences B. Rote learning C. Problem solving D. Lifelong learning 38. If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which feature(s) apply(ies)? I. The aims of the curriculum are set by professional and experts. II. Interested groups (teachers, students, communities) are assumed to agree with the aims of the curriculum. III. Consensus building is not necessary. A. I, II, III B. I, II C. I, III D. III only 39. What kind of curriculum is achieved when the learning outcomes are achieved by the students? A. Assessed curriculum B. Learned curriculum C. Hidden curriculum D. Taught curriculum 40. In developing a curriculum, all except one element should be considered. Which one does not related to curriculum development? A. Balance B. Continuity C. Sequence D. Modernity 41. Environmental factors that affect curriculum development include of the following EXCEPT _____. A. The community B. Administrators C. Facilities and equipment D. Other “special” subjects at the school 42. When developing or revising a curriculum, the physical education staff must consider its value orientation toward the existing curriculum and the proposed changes. This process focuses on all of the following major components EXCEPT A. the students for whom the curriculum is being developed B. the subject matter to be learned C. the community that has established the schools D. the experiences of the staff 43. Laws, regulations, and requirements at the national, state, and local levels may restrict or direct a curriculum. A. False B. True C. Sometimes D. Always 44. Balance in a curriculum ensures that all objectives in the program receive adequate coverage. Page 2 of 4

A. False

B. True

C. Sometimes

D. Not at all

45. The final phase of curriculum development is to evaluate and modify the curriculum. A. False B. True C. Sometimes D. Not at all 46. Syllabus is a part of: A. Curriculum B. Classroom C. Activities D. Society 47. An outline-of the topics of a subject to be covered in specific time is called: A. Programme B. Syllabus C. Curriculum D. Course 48. Major concern of curriculum is: A. Change in individual’s behavior B. Preparation for service C. Personal satisfaction D. None of the above 49. The importance of curriculum change, curriculum implementation and curriculum in the system of education is just like a: A. Preparation of students for service B. Constitution in a country C. Provision of latest knowledge D. None of the above 50. Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is said by: A. John Dewey B. Franklyn Bobbit C. Harold Rugg D. Hilda Taba 51. To _____, curriculum should develop the whole child. It is child-centered. With the statement of objectives and related learning activities, curriculum should produce outcomes. A. John Dewey B. Franklyn Bobbit C. Harold Rugg D. Hilda Taba 52. As one of the hallmarks of curriculum, ______ believes that curriculum is a science and an extension of school’s philosophy. It is based on students’ needs and interest. To him, curriculum is always related to instruction. Subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills and values. A. Ralph Tyler B. Hilda Taba C. Edward Thorndike C. Howard Gardner 53. He championed the Connectionism Theory; he proposed the three laws of learning – Law of readiness, Law of exercise, Law of effect – for specific stimulus has specific response. A. Ralph Tyler B. Hilda Taba C. Edward Thorndike C. Howard Gardner 54. He started the curriculum development movement. He said that Curriculum is a science that emphasizes on students’ needs and Curriculum prepares learners for adult life. A. John Dewey B. Franklyn Bobbit C. Harold Rugg D. Hilda Taba 55. He proposed the ten axioms for curriculum designers and described how curriculum change is a cooperative endeavor. A. Peter Oliva B. Lev Vygotsky C. Gestalt D. Abraham Maslow 56. When the curriculum design draws on social problems, needs, interest and abilities of the learners; various problems are given emphasis; there are those that center on life situations, contemporary life problems, areas of living and many others, the type of Curriculum Design Model used is A. subject-centered design B. learner-centered design C. problem-centered design D. instructional-centered design 57. This type of curriculum design model stresses so much on the content and forgets about students’ natural tendencies, interests and experiences. The teacher becomes the dispenser of knowledge and the learners are the simply the empty vessel to receive the information or content from the teacher. This is a traditional approach to teaching and learning. A. subject-centered design B. learner-centered design C. problem-centered design D. instructional-centered design 58. This curriculum design is anchored on the needs and interests of the child; the learner is not considered a passive individual but one who engages with his/her environment; one learns by doing; learners actively create, construct meanings and understanding. A. subject-centered design B. learner-centered design C. problem-centered design D. instructional-centered design 59. A process of curriculum implementation should be _____ if material provision like supplies, equipment, conductive learning environment like classrooms and laboratory is made available with the help from peers, principals, external stakeholders. A. developmental B. participatory C. supportive D. instructional 60. Teacher Lily would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum because she believes that all subjects in this type of curriculum are geared towards the holistic development of the learner. Is her belief about the subject-centered curriculum true? A. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focuses on the learners needs, interests and abilities. B. No, because it is the experience-centered curriculum that emphasizes the teaching of facts and knowledge for future use. C. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control. D. No, because it is the experience centered and not the subject-centered curriculum that emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning the knowledge component of subject areas. 61. In the elementary level, English literature and Social studies relate well. While history is being studied, different literary pieces during the historical period is being studied as well. What curriculum design is shown here? A. Separate subject design B. Correlation design C. Discipline design D. Broad field design 62. Mr. Rivera, a new teacher, believes that education is a process of development and is life itself; therefore, experience related to the child's need and interest should be given primary consideration. What educational philosophy is being exhibited by Mr. Rivera? Page 3 of 4

A. Idealism B. Reconstructionism C. Progressivism D. Realism 63. Mr. Bernardo, a curriculum consultant on Economics, insists that in selecting the curriculum content, it is better that throughout the high school years, economic geography concepts be used to recur and be repeated with depth for effective learning. What criterion in content selection is shown here? A. Validity B. Continuity C. Significance D. Learnability 64. Mrs. Manuel, the Principal of Bagong Barrio Elementary School invited the Brgy. Captain in the school to solicit inputs for a new curriculum in Social Science which highlights indigenous knowledge in the community. What is shown in this situation? A. Community members as supporters of curriculum B. Community members as curriculum resources C. Community members as managers of curriculum D. Community members as beneficiaries of curriculum 65. Which curriculum design element is taking place when Eduardo, a 4th year student, can connect the lessons he learned in a subject area to a related content in another subject area? A. Articulation B. Balance C. Continuity D. Integration 66. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify certain aspects of a particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions? A. Curriculum improvement B. Curriculum change C. Curriculum design D. Curriculum implementation 67. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true? A. There is a high level of cooperative interaction B. It covers much content in a short period of time C. The teacher has full control of the classroom activities D. The main task is mastery of learning 68. Which is NOT a description of the learner-centered curriculum? A. Emphasis is on the total growth and development of the learners B. Controlled and cooperatively directed by learners, teachers and parents C. Education is a means to develop social creative individual D. Emphasis upon facts and knowledge for future use 69. What refers to an individual or group of individuals who have a direct and indirect influence in curriculum development? A. Stockholders B. Stakeholders C. Promoters D. Incorporators Test II. Essay (10 points each) Directions: Answer briefly but substantially the questions below. Write your answers in your test your test booklet. 70-79. Why is curriculum a means to an end? 80=90. Who is a teacher as a curricularist?

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