Lithuania_ Experience June

  • Uploaded by: Karmele LOPEZ DE ABETXUKO
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LITHUANIA: EXPERIENCE (JUNE FIGAL) This 16th of October we went to Lithuania to an Democracy and Participatory project. In this project students from Portugal, Lithuania and Spanish (us) participated. We stayed 5 days in Siauliai, the 4th biggest city in Lithuania. The experience was really fulfilling and fun for various reasons: First of all, we visited various parts of the country such as Vilnius and Kaunas. All the visits of cities were focused on democracy: In Vilnius we visited the Parliament and we learnt about the government in Lithuania. It was a really interesting visit because we had the opportunity to see how a government works and functions. In Kaunas we visited an old front of war which later became a jail of the Soviet Union. In this visit we had the opportunity to see how a sovietic jail looks and the guide told us a lot of interesting facts of the history of Lithuania. There was a section focused on Nazis and jewish and it was really interesting because we learnt about the holocaust in Lithuania. The visits were not boring at all because all the information provided was really interesting. We learn a lot. Secondly, we had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people from two different countries and share our culture and learn about new ones. After school activities were finished we hung out and told stories about our countries. It was really entertaining because we learnt how they live in Portugal and Lithuania.One night we went bowling and it was so much fun. The last day we had a small gathering to say our goodbyes. The experience was so great in part because of the people we met there. Everybody was so nice and there was a lot of trust between us which made the experience fun and comfortable. In conclusion, the experience was really fulfilling and interesting because we learnt a lot about democracy and other cultures and we also met fantastic people.

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