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MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on WORKSHEET#14 LAW OFCOSI NES Name:VI LORI A, CATHERI NEB. Sec t i on:MATH1A Obj ec t i ves : 1. Tos ol veanyobl i quet r i angl egi ven. a. t hr ees i des b. t wos i desandt hei nc l udedangl e 2.To c omput ef ort heunknown s i desand unknown angl esbyus i ng t he f or mul as 3. Tos ol vewor dpr obl ems . Conc ept s : 1. Thepar t sofanyobl i quet r i angl ec oul dbec omput edus i ngt heLawofCos i nes : 2 -2bc ( a2=b2+c c osA) 2 -2ac ( b2=a2+c c osB) 2 =a2+b2-2ab( c c osC)

Appl i c at i on: A. Dr awt het r i angl ewi t ht hegi vendi mens i onst hens ol vef ort heunknownus i ngt he LawofCos i nes . Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on 1.a=8c m

b=8c m

Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

c=14c m

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on 2.A=98° 52’

b=7. 2c m

Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

c=15. 6c m

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on 3.a=3c m

b=5. 2c m

c=6c m

B. Sket c ht het r i angl et henf i ndwhati sr equi r ed. Roundof fans wer st owhol enumber 1. Fi ndt hemagni t udeanddi r ec t i onoft her es ul t antf or c eoft wof or c es , 5Nand14N, Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on ac t i ngatapoi ntwi t hanangl eof150°bet weent hem.

2.At r i angul arc r os s s t i t c hvi ewf i t si nt oaf r amemeas ur i ng12c m,9c m,and6c m Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on r es pec t i vel y. Fi ndt hemeas ur esoft heangl esati t sc or ner s

3.Al adder6c ml ongl eansonawal lt hats l opesawayf r om i t .Thef ootoft hel adder i s3c mawayf r omt hebas eoft hewal lwhi l et het opr eac hes5mupt hef ac eoft he Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on wal l . Fi ndt heangl eofi nc l i nat i onoft hel adder .

4.Al denwal ks37m nor t hofJ ames .J ohnny, whos t aysatt heeas ts i deofAl denand J ames ,i s41m f r om Al denand43m f r om J ames .Fi ndt hedi r ec t i ont hatJ ohnny Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on bear sf r omAl den.

5.Apl anel eavesanai r por ti nt hedi r ec t i onN53° 28’ E.Af uelpl anel eavesanot her por t500km eas toft hef i r s t .I ft hef i r s tpl anei st r avel l i ngat563kph,i nwhat di r ec t i ons houl dt hef uelpl anet r aveli nor dert omeett hef i r s tpl anei nanhour ? Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

MARI ANOMARCOSSTATEUNI VERSI TY Col l egeofTeac herEduc at i on

Cas t r oAve. , LaoagCi t y, 2900I l oc osNor t e, Phi l i ppi nes c t e@mms u. edu. ph

( 077)6002014

www. mms u. edu. ph

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