2022 JRP Food Security Sector Project Proposal Peer Review Process Guidance Note

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Guidance Note for Peer Review FSS

JRP 2022 Summary Based on the agreed and endorsed Food Security Sector’s objectives, response strategies and indicators, partners who intend to submit projects proposals under Food Security Sector should develop projects indicating their intentions in line with the Sectors JRP requirements through the 2022 project proposal template (to be shared by ISCG asap). Partners should submit their project proposal to the Food Security Sector Team NOT later than November 16 through the adopted excel project proposal template, and proposals submitted in a different template will not be accepted. Project proposals submitted after the 16th of November will NOT be accepted. The Peer Review process will assess the feasibility, budgetary allocations, strategic harmony and overall impact of individual projects proposed by appealing partners for the 2022 JRP. Appealing partners are organizations that will be seeking donor funding. These organizations who are appealing for Food Security Project Proposals need to demonstrate that they are part of the sector within the framework of the humanitarian response. As shared by ISCG in the last Townhall meeting (24 October 2021), the funding envelop has not yet been agreed for 2022 but there are indications that it will be reduced. This implies that projects will be reviewed in depth based on the relevance (link with sector’s objectives and strategic response) and area of intervention, to fill the gaps and avoid duplication, for a full and efficient deployment of resources. Peer Review Team Peer Review Team (PRT) will review all proposed projects against their agreed criteria and will communicate with partners on the outcomes. PRT Meetings will be Chaired by the Sector Coordinator/s and will include at a minimum: • • •

1 representative from a UN Agency 1 representative from an INGO 1 representative from an NNGO.

The ISCG Secretariat will attend as an observer at the PRT events. ISCG serves a technical function. The determination of a project’s feasibility status is determined by the PRT. Peer Review Event The dates dedicated to review the project proposals by Food Security Sector are from 17th – 18th and the 21st of November 2021. FSS Team will communicate with the respective Peer Review Team members on the location of the venue, list of projects to review, the revision schedule, scoring card, and the tools necessary to assess and provide feedback to partners. Proposed agenda during PRT session 1. Presentation of Sector Strategic Objectives, response strategy and indicators 2. Summary presentation of the received projects 3. Criteria used to assess project proposals 4. Review of individual projects for assessment by PRT 5. Provide scoring of projects and provide revision recommendations 6. Communicate with partners with final decision on the status of the project proposal 7. Summary report endorsed by the PRT and share with ISCG and Food Security Sector partners

Guidance Note for Peer Review FSS

Peer Review Questions The PRT will view a range of project proposals under the sector portfolio. Each project proposal is assessed against the following criteria (Yes/No). Criteria List: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Project targets most vulnerable populations based on documented needs. Project budget and timeline are feasible and realistic. Projects are in accordance with the objectives and priority activities of the sector. Partner has demonstrated commitment to coordination with the sector. Cost per beneficiary is commensurate to proposed project objectives and outcomes. Administrative costs are reasonable. Protection and Gender are mainstreamed. Sex and age disaggregation, and gender and disability markers are used effectively. Projects demonstrate how they comply with AAP principles in design, implementation and monitoring. Projects consider DRR, environment, and social cohesion aspects in their design as relevant.

Projects that meet all criteria with a positive (Yes) assessment are included in the sector portfolio. If a proposed project does not meet one or more of the criteria, the PRT can seek more inputs or explanations from the proposing agency. This process of inputs and clarifications should result in improved proposals that can be eventually included in the final sector portfolio. Project proposals which do not meet the criteria will be declined/rejected based on the assessment/scoring conducted by the PRT and the agency will be informed accordingly. Projects which are evaluated and selected to be included in the Food Security Sector’s portfolio based on the above-mentioned criteria must be uploaded into the HPC by 28th of November COB. If all requirements set by the PRT are met by the proposing agency, the project proposals will be approved on the 29th of November. If there are any outstanding inquiries or need further clarification prior or during the project proposal process, FSS partners can reach out to the FSS Team. FSS Team: Anna Rzym | Deputy Coordinator | [email protected]  Hossain Rahman Raiyan | Co-Coordinator  | [email protected]  Zolboo Bold-Erdene | Information Management | [email protected] Neyamul Akhter | Information Management | [email protected]  Ajmerry Hossain | Information Management | [email protected]

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