BBA 22 ZR 42 Final.pdf-44

  • Uploaded by: Md. Ahbab Hasan
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  • Type: PDF
  • Words: 264
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8. CONCLUSION Most people do not appreciate the gravity of issues like impure drinking water sources. Although they know a lot about the problems that can arise out of these, they are still not willing to buy a water purifier to tackle these harmful effects. The agent selling model of Unilever is an attempt to make people realize how the water contaminants can affect their lives. It starts off by training agents to deal with potential customers of purifiers. They will at first present the problem scenario at hand and then provide a suitable solution to eradicate the problem. In this case, the problem is the increasing amount of water borne disease and the solution is to install water purifiers to cleanse the water and make it safe for drinking water. Although the model has just been initiated, agents have already started to sell purifiers. But there is a long way to go and many people still need to be made aware of the damages that water pollution can cause. These are some of the recommendations that will improve the practices of the agent selling model: 

Expand the operation outside Dhaka

Hire better qualified people with significant sales experience

Provide ID cards to the agents

Train agents to better deal with rejections from customers

Use snowball sampling to identify potential customers who will be willing to buy purifiers

Continue the operation for a longer timeframe, for example, 1 year

Incorporate the aspect of after sales service into the model

Increase engagement in social media posts


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