National Security Concerns

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Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Define national security 2. Discuss the different national security interests 3. Determine the internal and external threats to national security 4. Identify specific national security issues that are currently faced by the Philippines 5. State how national security issues are being addressed 6. Suggest solutions to national security issues that are unaddressed

National Security Defined The following are definitions of national security from various sources: 1. “National security or national defence is the security and defence of a nation state, including its citizens, economy, and institutions, which is regarded as a duty of government (“National Security”, n.d.). 2. National security is “the ability of a state to cater for the protection and defence of its citizenry (Osisanya, n.d.).” 3. National security is “the requirement to maintain the survival of the state through the use of economic power, diplomacy, power projection and political power (ScienceDaily, n.d.).” Looking at the three definitions, we can deduce that primarily, national security is the duty of the government. This duty imposes upon the State to ensure that the nation and its people are protected against internal and external threats. Originally, national security focused only on securing the State’s stability and security. Therefore, the State ascertains its military might. Currently, however, it includes the protection of the people’s safety and well-being, thus, ensuring economic, political, environmental security, etc. In the context of the Philippines, national security is defined as “a state or condition wherein the people’s welfare, well-being, ways of life; government and its institutions; territorial integrity; sovereignty; and core values are enhanced and protected (“National Security Policy,” 2017). Hence, every administration adopts its National Security Policy that is geared toward enhancing and protecting

the people and the State. The government, therefore, is mandated to safeguard national unity, and the nation’s democracy and its institutions; ensure the security of the State and preserve and protect its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and institutions; protect properties, infrastructures, and keep the people safe from all forms of threats here and abroad. The Philippines by virtue of the Executive Order No. 5 (s. of 2016) envisions that: In the year 2040, we will all enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle, secure in the knowledge that we have enough for our daily needs and unexpected expenses, that we can plan and prepare for our own and our children’s future. Our family lives together in a place of our own, and we have the freedom to go where we desire, protected and enabled by a clean, efficient, and fair government.

National Security Elements/Interests The National Security Policy (NSP) of 2011-2016 during the presidency of Benigno Aquino III called these elements of national security. However, The National Security Policy (NSP) of 2017-2022 of the administration of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte calls these national security interests. Since the latter is recent, this module considers the NSP of 2017-2022 and takes from it the following national security interests: 1. Public safety, law and order, and justice. By adhering to the Philippine Constitution and relevant laws of the land, the State shall ensure that its citizens are safe and secure and their human rights protected. 2. Socio-political stability. We are one nation and one people working towards a common goal. We are diverse, but despite this diversity, we have to collaborate and cooperate towards the attainment of a better Philippines where everybody lives in harmony and prosperity. 3. Economic solidarity and sustainable development. The economy is an integral part of nation building. It is important in ensuring the welfare of the people and their well-being. Therefore, it is necessary that the government create a strong economy to support and sustain the livelihood of the people and the nation’s initiatives. 4. Territorial integrity. The territory of the Philippines must be protected by the State. Bound by the international laws, we have sovereign rights over our land, aerial domain, and maritime territories within our nation’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf. The Government, therefore, must “protect and defend all land, marine and submarine features in its territory from invasion, illegal incursions, and resource exploitation (“National Security Policy”, 2017, page 7).” 5. Ecological balance. Economic development and increased human activities have brought about changes in our ecological system. This development has largely impacted our ecology negatively. We face the problem on global warming and climate change. Yearly, natural disasters devastate our land

and adversely affect millions of its inhabitants. The Government, hence, has to create a sustainable and beneficial developmental direction to ensure our readiness to prevent and/or combat the negative effects of natural disasters. Additionally, it has to endeavor to protect and preserve our rich natural resources for the sake of the present and future generations. 6. Cultural cohesiveness. We are diverse, yet we are one. Our unity will lead us to the attainment of our national vision and our survival as a nation. The State must support initiatives geared toward strengthening values and belief systems, moral and ethical standards, and traditions and cultural heritage, the key elements that bind us together. Our unity will allow us to care for one another, work for our common good, and take pride in being a Filipino. 7. Moral and spiritual consensus. As we take pride in our being a Filipino, we consider the national vision our vision. Hence, we endeavor to take part in its attainment. It is the prime duty of the national leadership to ensure that the people trust the government. With trust, there is confidence that will propel Filipinos to share with the national vision. 8. International peace and cooperation. Our country is affected not only by internal but also external factors. The neighboring countries will certainly impact national security. We are not just Filipino citizens, but also global citizens, who are members of the international community. To secure the nation, it is material to forge strong relationship with other countries while safeguarding our freedom from their control, interference, or threat of aggression.

Challenges/Threats to National Security Threats in the Internal Environment 1. Law and Order and Administration of Justice Crimes are a major concern of the national government. An increased crime rate means a huge threat to the people’s welfare and well-being. It is, therefore, incumbent on the government to mitigate crimes. Nonetheless, law enforcement institutions are plagued with corruption, making the reduction of crime rates a lot challenging. A high crime rate may thwart the progress of the country, thereby, thwarting also the progress of the people. Reforms, therefore, in the law enforcement, the courts, prosecution, correctional institutions, and the community must be undertaken. 2. Internal Armed Conflicts Poverty and social injustice, widespread economic inequity, poor governance, abuse and control of political power, and marginalization of cultural communities led a specific group of people to raise arms against the government. Insurgency has been a threat to national security since the 1960s.The problem has persisted for so long because the armed groups have been successful in encouraging extremely poor people to join them. Though the number of insurgents may have plummeted, their activities have

continued to pose threat to the State. It is, therefore, necessary for the Government to strategize to minimize if not eradicate armed conflicts. 3. Terrorism and Transnational Crimes Domestic and international terrorists and transnational crimes persist because terrorists and syndicates are well-supported monetarily. “They are well-resourced, have access to the latest technologies and skills, and will use unlimited or any form of violence to achieve their goals and objectives (“National Security Policy”, 2017, page 11).” The Philippines continues to face threats of domestic and international terrorism. Among the terrorist groups that endanger the safety of the people and the security of the country are Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), Rajah Solaiman Movement (RSM), Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), Ansar al-Khilafah Philippines (AKP), Maute Group, Bangsamoro Freedom Fighters (BIFF), and Islamic State (ISIS). The Philippines is also prone to transnational crimes since its borders are not secure. Transnational criminals can easily gain access to the country by entering at sea specifically. Hence, crimes such as drug trafficking; human trafficking of children, women, illegal migrants and labor; illegal fishing/poaching; arms smuggling; money laundering; and piracy at sea are issues of concern. Strategies utilized for the curtailment of these criminal activities need to be constantly evaluated and updated to ensure effectiveness. In addition, strengthening international partnership is a necessity. 4. Economic and Social Threats Economic and social problems threaten our safety and security. Among the economic problems are poverty, unemployment, and income inequality. Such problems cause other social problems, such as homelessness, hunger, malnutrition, and migration of people from rural to urban areas. Diseases and epidemics also pose a threat to our safety and security. There is a need, therefore, to institute programs to reduce economic and social problems. Graft and corruption also must be addressed and other causes of economic and social problems. Threats in the External Environment 1. Overlapping Territorial Claims and Maritime Domain Issues The protection of our maritime boundaries is crucial to maintaining our regional peace and stability. When there are territorial disputes (e.g., disputes with the claimants of the West Philippine Sea), diplomatic negotiations must be done in favor of violent means. This is to protect further the nation and the Filipino people, for resorting to violent means may jeopardize the lives of the people and the state of the nation as a whole. In addition, the good order at our seas must be ensured and maintained by addressing sea hostilities, piracy, terrorism, trafficking, and illegal fishing, among others. It is also imperative that any initiatives that the government will employ shall be compliant with the international law, under which the nation has commitments and obligations. 2. Global and Regional Geopolitical Issues

Peace and stability in the neighboring nations are crucial to the safety and security of the Philippines. Therefore, conflicts like the ones in the Middle East and Africa (MENA region), China and Taiwan, and the Korean Peninsula, the unresolved territorial disputes in Northeast and Southeast Asia, unsettled Sabah issue, and others are a threat to our nation. To ascertain security, forging international alliances is vital specifically with the ASEAN and the United Nations. 3. Increased Global Economic Uncertainties The Philippines largely profits from exportation and importation of goods and services. The strength, therefore, of the global economy is also its strength. Hence, the economic uncertainties around the world are a threat to Philippine economy, for they may lower the demand for Philippine exports and foreign investments in the country. Once this happens, the overall business climate in the country will be adversely affected. 4. Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) Currently, the following countries possess weapons of mass destruction (nuclear weapons, and chemical and biological warfare agents): Britain, China, France, India, Israel (assumed), North Korea (claimed), Pakistan, Russia, and the United States. WMDs could potentially result in large-scale destruction and their effects are long term and indiscriminate. Thus, the World calls for unity and cooperation of countries to avert the development, proliferation, and use of these weapons. 5. Rising Threat of Cybercrime The cyberspace has enabled criminals. At the onset, cyber criminals operate individually or in a small group. Presently, cybercrime has been highly organized… “today we are seeing highly complex cybercriminal networks bring together individuals from across the globe in real time to commit crimes on unprecedented scale(“National Security Policy”, 2017, page 17).” To combat cybercrime, the Philippines needs to strengthen its cyber capabilities. 6. Climate Change It is not unknown to us that the climate has been changing bringing natural disasters that devastate lives and properties. Yearly, around the world, news of the devastations of natural disasters affecting millions of people reaches us. The devastating effects are mostly felt by the most vulnerable and the poorest communities. If left unaddressed, problems resulting from climate change, such as criminalities may exacerbate and cause national insecurity. “Evidence suggests that climactic events over a large range of time and spatial scales contribute to the likelihood of violence… (“National Security Policy”, 2017).”

REFERENCES “National Security”. (n.d.). Retrieved from “National Security Policy for Change and Well-Being of the Filipino People”. (2017). Retrieved from Osisanya, S. (n.d.). “National Security versus Global Security”. Retrieved from ScienceDaily. (n.d.). “ National Security”. Retrieved from

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