Scottie dog sign (spine) Radiology Reference Article

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Scottie dog sign (spine)

Last revised by Assoc Prof Craig Hacking ◉ ◈ on 28 Oct 2020 Edit article

+ Citation, DOI and article data

The Scottie dog sign (often seen spelled Scotty but Scottie is the correct spelling) refers to the normal appearance of the lumbar spine when seen on oblique radiographic projection. On oblique views, the posterior elements of the vertebra form the !gure of a Scottie dog with: the transverse process being the nose the pedicle forming the eye the inferior articular facet being the front leg the superior articular facet representing the ear the pars interarticularis (the portion of the lamina that lies between the facets) equivalent to the neck of the dog If spondylolysis is present, the pars interarticularis, or the neck of the dog, will have a defect or break. It often looks as if the dog has a collar around the neck (or decapitation for those with a bloodier imagination). + References

Inspired signs inanimate object inspired accordion sign astronomical inspired comet tail (disambiguation) comet tail artifact (ultrasound) color comet tail artifact comet tail sign (chest) comet tail sign (phleboliths) earth-heart sign galaxy sign (chest) loss of half-moon overlap sign Milky Way (disambiguation) Milky Way (breast) Milky Way (PML) star!eld pattern (fat embolism) starry sky appearance (disambiguation) starry sky appearance (MRI) starry sky appearance (ultrasound) sunburst sign (disambiguation) ​sunburst appearance (bone) sunburst sign (meningioma) sunburst sign (renal angiomyolipoma) sunset eye sign twinkling artifact ball of wool sign chain of lakes sign champagne glass pelvis Coca-Cola bottle sign cockade sign (disambiguation) cockade sign (aorto-left ventricular tunnel) cockade sign (appendicitis) cockade sign (GI tumors) cockade sign (hypertrophic pyloric stenosis) cockade sign (intraosseous lipoma) coin lesion comb sign corduroy artifact corduroy sign corkscrew sign (disambiguation) corkscrew sign (midgut volvulus) corkscrew sign (di#use esophageal spasm) corkscrew sign (inner ear) dinner fork deformity dripping candle wax sign !shhook ureters football sign (pneumopertoneum) ghost triad (gallbladder) goblet sign ground glass opacity hatchet sign hockey stick sign (disambiguation) hockey stick sign (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) hockey stick sign (thyroid hemiagenesis) horseshoe (disambiguation) horseshoe kidney horseshoe lung horseshoe adrenal horseshoe appendix horseshoe pancreas hourglass sign jail bar sign keyhole sign (disambiguation) keyhole sign (breast implant rupture) keyhole sign (posterior urethral valves) leather bottle stomach light bulb sign (disambiguation) light bulb sign (posterior shoulder dislocation) light bulb sign (hepatic hemangioma) light bulb sign (pheochromocytoma) Lincoln log vertebra Mercedes-Benz sign (disambiguation) inverted Mercedes-Benz sign (spinal SDH) Mercedes-Benz sign (gallbladder) Mercedes-Benz sign (aorta) mosaic appearance (disambiguation) mosaic attenuation (lungs) mosaic pattern (Paget disease) napkin ring sign open book fracture pearl necklace sign pencil in a cup picture frame vertebral body polka-dot sign rachitic rosary ring shadow rugger jersey spine sack of marbles sign sail sign (disambiguation) elbow sail sign laryngeal sail sign retrocardiac sail sign spinnaker sail sign thymic sail sign scalpel sign spilled teacup sign stepladder sign (disambiguation) stepladder sign (intracapsular breast implant rupture) stepladder sign (small bowel obstruction) string of pearls sign (disambiguation) string of pearls sign (abdominal radiograph of small bowel) string of pearls sign (polycystic ovarian syndrome) string of pearls sign (!bromuscular dysplasia) string of pearls sign (watershed infarction) Tam o' Shanter sign telephone receiver deformity tombstone iliac wings Venetian blind sign Venus necklace sign water bottle sign weapon and munition inspired signs arrowhead sign bayonet deformity boomerang sign (disambiguation) boomerang sign (ankle) boomerang sign (knee) boomerang sign (splenium) bullet-shaped vertebra cannonball metastases Cupid bow contour dagger sign double barrel sign halberd pelvis panzerherz pistol grip deformity saber-sheath trachea scimitar syndrome target sign (disambiguation) double target sign (hepatic abscess) eccentric target sign (cerebral toxoplasmosis) reverse target sign (cirrhotic nodules) target sign (cholangiocarcinoma) target sign (choledocholithiasis) target sign (hepatic metastases) target sign (intussusception) target sign (neuro!bromas) target sign (pyloric stenosis) target sign (tuberculosis) trident appearance trident acetabulum trident hand trident sign (osmotic demyelination) trident sign (persistent primitive trigeminal artery) Viking helmet sign white pyramid sign windswept knees wine bottle sign vegetable and plant inspired aubergine sign bamboo spine blade of grass sign celery stalk appearance (disambiguation) ​celery stalk anterior cruciate ligament celery stalk metaphysis coconut left atrium co#ee bean sign cotton wool appearance drooping lily sign ginkgo leaf sign (disambiguation) ginkgo leaf sign (spinal meningioma) ginkgo leaf sign (subcutaneous emphysema) holly leaf sign iris sign ivy sign miliary opacities mistletoe sign onion skin periosteal reaction pine cone bladder popcorn calci!cation potato nodes rice bodies rice grain calci!cation salt and pepper skull tombstone iliac wings tree-in-bud tulip sign water lily sign fruit inspired apple core sign (disambiguation) apple core sign (colon) apple core sign (femur) apple-peel intestinal atresia banana and egg sign banana fracture banana sign berry aneurysm bowl of grapes sign bunch of grapes sign (disambiguation) bunch of grapes sign (hydatidiform mole) bunch of grapes sign (bronchiectasis) bunch of grapes sign (IPMN) bunch of grapes sign (botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma) bunch of grapes sign (intracranial tuberculoma) bunch of grapes sign (multicystic dysplastic kidney) bunch of grapes sign (intraosseous hemangiomas) lemon sign pear-shaped bladder strawberry gallbladder strawberry skull watermelon skin sign animal and animal produce inspired human Popeye sign walking man sign mammals anteater nose sign antler sign batwing opacities bear paw sign beaver tail liver Brahma bull sign bu#alo chest bull's eye sign (disambiguation) bunny waveform sign claw sign dog ear sign dog leg sign ears of the lynx sign eye of tiger sign feline esophagus gira#e pattern hide-bound sign ivory vertebra sign leaping dolphin sign leopard skin sign moose head appearance panda sign panda sign (midbrain) panda sign (sarcoidosis) double panda sign pleural mouse raccoon eyes sign rat bite erosions rat-tail sign Scottie dog sign Snoopy sign stag's antler sign staghorn calculus tiger stripe sign zebra sign zebra stripe sign amphibians tadpole sign birds bird beak sign (disambiguation) beak sign (arterial dissection) beak sign (pyloric stenosis) bird beak sign (esophagus) bird beak sign (right colon) bird beak sign (sigmoid colon) talar beak sign (talus) tectal beaking (midbrain) bird's nest sign (lung) crow feet sign egg on a string sign eggshell calci!cation (breast) eggshell calci!cation (lymph nodes) gull wing appearance hummingbird sign owl eyes sign pooping duck sign sitting duck appearance swallowtail sign swan neck deformity winking owl sign !sh and marine life cluster of black pearls sign endosteal scalloping !sh vertebra !shtail deformity !shtail pancreas lobster claw sign manta ray sign scallop sign shrimp sign vertebral scalloping reptiles cobra head sign (ureter) serpent sign (hydatid cyst) snake-eye appearance (cervical spinal cord) snake eyes (facial nerve) turtleback sign (schistosomiasis) arthropods butter$y fragment butter$y glioma butter$y opacities (lungs) butter$y shape of the grey matter of the spinal cord butter$y sign (choroid plexus) butter$y vertebra caterpillar sign cocoon abdomen spider web micro-organisms plankton sign mythical creatures caput medusae sign (developmental venous anomaly) caput medusae sign (portal hypertension) Chinese dragon sign (vascular) cyclops lesion (knee) Shmoo sign food inspired Cheerio sign (disambiguation) Cheerio sign (pulmonary nodule) Cheerio sign (shoulder) chocolate cyst cottage loaf sign double Oreo cookie (glenoid labrum) doughnut sign (disambiguation) crescent in a doughnut sign (bowel) doughnut sign (bone) doughnut sign (bowel) doughnut sign (chest) doughnut sign (orbit) hamburger sign (spine) head cheese sign (lungs) honeycombing (lungs) macrocystic honeycombing microcystic honeycombing hot cross bun sign (pons) ice cream cone sign (middle ear ossicles) ice cream cone sign (vestibular schwannoma) licked candy stick appearance (bones) linguine sign (breast implants) macaroni sign omental cake Oreo cookie (heart) pancake organ (disambiguation) pancake adrenal pancake brain pancake kidney pancake vertebra Polo mint sign salad oil sign (breast implants) sandwich sign (disambiguation) sandwich sign (CNS) sandwich sign (mesentery) sandwich vertebra sausage digit spaghetti sign Swiss cheese sign alphabet inspired A line (US artifact) C sign (MSK) delta sign (disambiguation) delta sign (brain) empty delta sign (brain) double delta sign (MSK) E sign H-shaped vertebra H sign J-shaped sella J sign (shoulder) L sign (brain) lambda sign (disambiguation) lambda sign (obstetrics) lambda sign (sarcoidosis) M sign omega epiglottis O sign (gastric banding) P sign (epiglottis) S sign of Golden tau sign T sign (disambiguation) T sign (obstetrics) upper T sign (brain) lower T sign (brain) U !bers U-!gure (pelvis) U sign (brain) V sign (disambiguation) inverted V sign (pneumoperitoneum) inverted V sign (spinal cord) Naclerio V sign (pneumomediastinum) W hernia X-marks-the-spot sign Y sign (epidural lipomatosis) Z deformity Christmas inspired Christmas tree bladder in neurogenic bladder holly leaf sign in calci!ed pleural plaques ivy sign in leptomeningeal enhancement nutcracker esophagus in esophageal dysmotility shepherd's crook deformity of the femur in !brous dysplasia snowcap sign in avascular necrosis snowman sign (disambiguation) in total anomalous pulmonary venous return in pituitary macroadenomas snowstorm appearance in complete hydatidiform mole and testicular microlithiasis miscellaneous broken heart sign × Promoted articles (advertising)

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Cases and "gures

Figure 1: Scottie dog

Figure 2

Figure 3: annotated Scottie dog sign

Case 1: L5 pars defect

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