Advance Practice c1

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Advanced Language Practice with key

Michael Vince with Peter Sunderland

English Grammar and Vocabulary MACMILLAN

Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 1 405 00762 1 with key ISBN 1 405 00761 3 without key Text © Michael Vince 2003 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003 First published 1994 This edition published 2003 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by Mike Brain Graphic Design Limited Layout and composition by Newton Harris Design Partnership Cover design by Oliver Design Illustrated by: Ed McLachlan pp 109; Julian Mosedale pp 12, 39, 110, 123, 153, 176, 195, 217, 225, 257; David Parkins pp 3, 42, 73; Martin Shovel pp 10, 16, 56, 70, 117, 147, 235, 285; Bill Stott pp 122; Kingsley Wiggin pp 24, 27, 57, 191, 220. Photographs by: Eyewire, Photodisc and Andrew Oliver. The author would like to thank the many schools and teachers who have commented on these materials. Also special thanks to Peter Sunderland and Sarah Curtis.

Printed and bound in Italy by G. Canale and C. S.p. A Borgaro, Turin 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 1 09 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Contents Introduction


Grammar 1

Present time Basic contrasts: present simple and present continuous State verbs and event (action or dynamic) verbs State verbs normally without a continuous form Difference of meaning in stative and active verbs Other uses of present continuous Other uses of present simple

Grammar 2

Future time Basic contrasts: will, going to, present continuous Future continuous Future perfect Other ways of referring to the future Other future references

Grammar 3

Past time Basic contrasts: past simple and past continuous Past perfect simple and continuous Used to and would Unfulfilled past events Polite forms Contrast with present perfect


Grammar 4

Present perfect Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous Contrast of present perfect simple and present perfect continuous Time expressions with present perfect


Grammar 6

Passive 1 Basic uses Using and not mentioning the agent


Grammar 7

Passive 2 Have and get something done, need doir, Passive get Reporting verbs Verbs with prepositions Common contexts for the passive







Grammar 8

Conditionals Basic usage: truths, real situations, hypothetical situations (present and past) Variations: if only, unless, and other alternatives to if, past events with results in the present, should, were to, happen to, if it were not for, if it hadn't been for Other ways of making a conditional sentence: supposing, otherwise, but for, if so, if not, colloquial omission of if, if and adjectives, if meaning although


Grammar 9

Unreal time and subjunctives It's time, it's high time Wishes I'd rather and I'd sooner, I'd prefer As if, as though Suppose and imagine Formal subjunctives Formulaic subjunctive


Grammar 11

Modals: present and future 65 Don't have to and must not: absence of obligation, obligation not to do something Should: expectation, recommendation, criticism of an action, uncertainty with verbs of thinking, with be and adjectives describing chance after in case to emphasise unlikelihood Could: possibility or uncertainty, with comparative adjectives to express possibility or impossibility, suggestions, unwillingness Can: criticism, capability Must and can't: certainty, present time reference only May and might: although clauses, may/might as well, possibility or uncertainty with try Shall: certainty, what the speaker wants to happen Will: assumption, intention, refuse and insist Would: annoying habits, certainty Need: need to not a modal, need partly a modal Related non-modal expressions: had better, be bound to

Grammar 12

Modals: past Had to and must have: past obligation, past certainty Should have and ought to have: expectation, criticism of an action, should have and verbs of thinking, with be and adjectives describing chance, polite expressions Could have: past possibility or uncertainty, with comparative adjectives, unwillingness Could: past permission or ability, compared with could have May have and can't have: certainty, with surely Would not: unwillingness Would have: events in the past which did not happen, assumptions Needn't have and didn't need to: unnecessary actions done and not done Adverbs and modals: well, easily, obviously, really, just



Grammar 13

Inversion Inversion Inversion after negative adverbials Inversion after so/such with that Inverted conditional sentences without if


Grammar 14

Emphasis Changing word order to change focus Adding words for emphasis Other means


Grammar 16

Reported speech Problems: reported speech with modals, with conditionals, don't think Reporting verbs Functions: verbs that describe a function, verbs that describe actions Changes of viewpoint


Grammar 17

Articles Definite article (the), indefinite article (a/an), zero article Translation problems


Grammar 18

Relative and non-finite clauses Defining and non-defining clauses Which and that Who, whom, and whose When and where Omitting the relative pronoun Omitting which/who + be Clauses beginning with what and whatever Non-finite clauses containing an -ing form


Grammar 19

Verbs + infinitive or -ing Verbs followed by either -ing or infinitive with to Verbs with an object, followed by either -ing or infinitive with to Verbs normally followed by infinitive with to Verbs normally followed by -ing Verbs followed by infinitive without to Verbs followed by an object and to


Grammar 21

Verbs + prepositions Verbs followed by: in, for, of, with, from, on, against, about, out, at, to


Grammar 22

Prepositions Following adjectives: of, about, with, at, on, to, by, for, in, from Following nouns: on, to, over, with, for Expressions beginning: in, with, at, on, beyond, by, for, out of, under, without, within, after



Grammar 23

Phrasal verbs 1

Add up to get up to



Grammar 24

Phrasal verbs 2 Give away to put up with


Grammar 25

Phrasal verbs 3 Rip off to work out


Grammar 27

Linking words and phrases Text organisers: adding a point, developing a point, contrast, explaining reasons, making generalisations, giving new information


Grammar 28

Punctuation and spelling Common errors Problem words Words with similar spelling but different meanings Punctuation: commas, apostrophes, colons and semi-colons


Grammar 30

Further Practice


Vocabulary ~T

Leisure activities


Vocabulary 2

Travel and movement


Vocabulary 3

News events


Vocabulary 4



Vocabulary 5

Media and advertising


Vocabulary 6

The natural world


Vocabulary 7



Vocabulary 8

Business and money


Vocabulary 9

People and relationships


Vocabulary 10

Social problems


Vocabulary 11



Vocabulary 12

Government and society


Vocabulary 13

Health and the body



Vocabulary 14

World issues


Vocabulary 15

Thinking and feeling


Vocabulary 16



Vocabulary 17

Quality and quantity


Vocabulary 18



Vocabulary 19

Word formation


Vocabulary 20

Multiple meaning


Expressions with come, expressions with in, idioms based on hand, wood and metal, prefix un-, verbs of movement


Expressions with get, colour idioms, expressions with see, suffix -ful, common expressions, expressions with out


Expressions with on, expressions with one, expressions with break, sounds, words with more than one meaning, words connected with memory


Formality, expressions with no, expressions with head, words connected with people, expressions with make, compound words


Size, suffixes, headline language, expressions with once, body movements, expressions with at


Expressions with set, places, words with more than one meaning, speaking, expressions with within, adjective suffix -ing


Expressions with by, idioms with parts of the body, adjective-noun collocations, expressions with have, verbs of seeing, expressions with do


Collocations of nouns linked with of, size, expressions with bring, feelings, prefix well, expressions with from


Adverbs, expressions with think, expressions with give, modifiers, words with more than one meaning, but


Expressions with put, expressions with run, prefix under-, names, expressions with call, verbs with up


1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10



Grammar answers


Vocabulary answers


Words and phrases answers



The revised edition of this book is designed with a greater emphasis on text and collocation, in keeping with recent trends in the world of English as a Foreign Language. It also incorporates the many changes to the revised proficiency examination from December 2002, such as word formation and multiple word meaning. The book is also intended for use at the level of CAE, and includes new exercises practising the formal/informal register transfer task. Most of the practice sections in the Grammar and Vocabulary sections reflect such changes, and where texts are retained from the first edition, they have been given more of an exam focus. However, the core of this highly successful book remains the same. The grammar section now includes some additional revision and more subtle advanced points. Units on phrasal verbs, prepositions and linking devices are also included. The grammatical information provided can be used for reference when needed, or worked through systematically. The vocabulary section includes topic-based vocabulary, collocations and idiomatic phrases. It also recycles work on prepositions, and phrasal verbs. The book can be used as a self-study reference grammar and practice book or as supplementary material in classes preparing for the CAE and Proficiency exams. If used for classwork, activities can be done individually or co-operatively in pairs or small groups. There are regular consolidation units which include forms of testing commonly used in both exams and the material covers a range of difficulty appropriate to both exams.


Explanations Basic contrasts: present simple and present continuous

Present simple generally refers to: Facts that are always true Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Habits British people drink a lot of tea. States / don't like gangster films. Present continuous (progressive) generally refers to actions which are in progress at the moment. These can be temporary: I'm staying in a hotel until I find a fiat. They can be actually in progress: The dog is sleeping on our bed! Or they can be generally in progress but not actually happening at the moment: I'm learning to drive.

State verbs and event (action or dynamic) verbs

State verbs describe a continuing state, so do not usually have a continuous form. Typical examples are: believe, belong, consist, contain, doubt, fit, have, know, like, love, matter, mean, need, own, prefer, seem, suppose, suspect, understand, want, wish Some verbs have a stative meaning and a different active meaning. Typical examples are: be, depend, feel, have, measure, see, taste, think, weigh Compare these uses: State Event Jack is noisy. Jill's being noisy. Deirdre has a Porsche. We're having an interesting conversation! I think I like you! David's thinking about getting a new job. This fish tastes awful! I'm just tasting the soup. I feel that you are wrong. I'm feeling terrible. This bag weighs a ton! We're weighing the baby. It depends what you mean. Bill, I'm depending on you to win this contract for us. The differences here apply to all verb forms, not just to present verb forms.


Other uses of present continuous

Temporary situations Are you enjoying your stay here? Repeated actions My car has broken down, so I am walking to work these days. Complaints about annoying habits You are always making snide remarks about my cooking! Other possible adverbs are: constantly, continually, forever With verbs describing change and development The weather is getting worse! More and more people are giving up smoking.

Other uses of present simple

Making declarations Verbs describing opinions and feelings tend to be state verbs. I hope you'll come to my party. I bet you don't know the answer! I hereby declare this hospital open! Headlines These are written in a 'telegram' style, and references to the past are usually simplified to present simple. Ship sinks in midnight collision. Instructions and itineraries Instructions and recipes can be written in present simple instead of in imperative forms. This style is more personal. First you roll out the pastry. Itineraries are descriptions of travel arrangements. On day three we visit Stratford-upon-Avon. Summaries of events Plots of stories, films etc, and summaries of historical events use present (and present perfect) verb forms. May 1945: The war in Europe conies to an end. ...At the end of the play both families realise that their hatred caused the deaths of the lovers ... 'Historic present' in narrative and funny stories In informal speech, it is possible to use what we call the 'historic present' to describe past events, especially to make the narration seem more immediate and dramatic. ... So then the second man asks the first one why he has a banana in his ear and the first one says ...




Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) I haven't decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second-hand one. But / think about it/I'm thinking about it. b) All right, you try to fix the television! But / hope/I'm hoping you know what you're doing. c) Every year / visit/I'm visiting Britain to improve my English. d) It's time we turned on the central heating. It gets/It's getting colder every day. e) Of course, you're Mary, aren't you! / recognise/I am recognising you now. f) The film of 'War and Peace' is very long. It lasts/It is lasting over four hours. g) I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what do you do/are you doing in the afternoons? h) I'm going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one doesn't fit/isn't fitting any more, i) That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What happens/is happening now? j) What's the matter? Why do you look/are you looking at me like that?


Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

I work in this office all this year/all the time. Emerson is currently/for long top of the driver's league. I am not making much money these days/so far this year. The food tastes even worse now/presently. You've put too much salt in. Normally/previously we get in touch with customers by post. Pete was ill but he is getting over his illness soon/now. I'm feeling rather run down lately/at present, doctor, I always stay on duty since/until six o'clock. I'm often/forever picking your hairs out of the bath! Fortunately the baby now/recently sleeps all night.


Put each verb in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

a) b) British people apparently.

c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 4

(hear) that you have been promoted. Congratulations! (drink) more and more wine,

I hope Sarah will be here soon. I (depend) on her. Please be quiet, David. You (forever/interrupt). Hey, you! What (you/think) you're doing? Could you come here please? I (want) to talk to you now. Jane is away on holiday so Linda (handle) her work. To be honest, I (doubt) whether Jim will be here next week. You've only just started the job, haven't you? How (you/get on)? Pay no attention to Graham. He (just/be) sarcastic.

Put each verb in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

I work in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I (know) quite well. We (2) (spend) most of the day (1) together, so we have all become friends. In fact, most of my colleagues are so interesting, that I (3) (think) of writing a book about them! (4) (take) Helen Watson, for example. Helen (5) (run) the accounts department. At the moment she (6) (go out) with Keith Ballantine, one of the sales representatives, and they (7) (seem) very happy together. But everyone - except Helen apparently (8) (know) that Keith (9) (fancy) Susan Porter. But I (10) (happen) to know that Susan (11) (dislike) Keith. 'I can't stand people who never (12) (stop) apologising all the time!' she told me. 'And besides, I know he (13) (deceive) poor Helen. He (14) (see) Betty Wills from the overseas department.' And plenty of other interesting things (15) (currently/go on). For instance, every week we (16) (experience) more and more problems with theft - personal belongings and even money have been stolen. When you (17) (realise) that someone in your office is a thief, it (18) (upset) you at first. But I (19) (also/try) to catch whoever it is before the police are called in. I'm not going to tell you who I (20) (suspect). Well, not yet anyway!



5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using one of the words in bold. Do not change the word in bold. a) Charles and his father are exactly alike in appearance. looks/looking his father.

Charles b) Take all your possessions and walk slowly to the exit. belongs/belonging Take everything

and walk slowly to the exit.

c) I'm finding it really enjoyable to work here. enjoy/enjoying I d) I take work home regularly because of my new responsibility at work. means/meaning My new responsibility at work home regularly.



e) In my cycling group there's George, Tom, Harry and me. consists/consisting My George, Tom, Harry and me. f) In your opinion, who's going to win the Cup? think/thinking Who do g) I'm seeing how wide the door is. measure/measuring

win the Cup?

I h) Neil always forgets his wife's birthday. remembers/remembering Neil

the door.

his wife's birthday.

i) Its ability to catch fish is the key to the polar bear's survival. depends/depending The polar bear's j) What's on your mind at the moment?

to catch fish.

think/thinking What .. the moment?


Most of these sentences contain an error. Where there is an error, rewrite the sentence correctly.

a) I'm depending on you, so don't make any mistakes! b) Is this total including the new students? c) Excuse me, but do you wait for somebody? d) These potatoes are tasting a bit funny. e) How are you feeling today? f) I look forward to hearing from you. g) I have a feeling that something goes wrong. h) What's that you're eating? i) Are you hearing anything from Wendy these days? j) I think you're being rather mean about this.


Complete the expressions using the words from the box.

a) I'm

b) Are you

to concentrate. off now, or can we talk?

c) Go on, I'm

d) I think we're e) You're f) It's g) You don't seem to be h) You're

at cross purposes. for trouble. along nicely. much interest. a fuss about nothing.

Which expression means one of the following? 1 Are you in a hurry to leave? 2 We're talking about different things without realising it. 3 If you say or do this you will get into difficulties.

Explanations Basic contrasts: will, going to, present continuous

Will is normally known as the predictive future, and describes known facts, or what we supposes true. I'll be late home this evening. The company will make a profit next year. This can also take the form of an assumption. That'll be Jim at the door. (This means that I suppose it is Jim.) Will is also used to express an immediate decision. /'// take this one. Be going to describes intentions or plans. At the moment of speaking the plans have already been made. I'm going to wait here until Carol gets back. Going to is also used to describe an event whose cause is present or evident. Look at that tree! It's going to fall. Compare the following with the examples in the first bullet point: I'm going to be late this evening. I've got lots of paperwork to finish off. The figures are good. I can see the company is going to make a profit this year. Decisions expressed with going to refer to a more distant point in the future. Present continuous describes fixed arrangements, especially social and travel arrangements. A time reference is usually included. Note the strong similarity to the going to future. / am having a party next week and / am going to have a party next week are communicating the same message.

Future continuous

This describes an event which will be happening at a future point. Come round in the morning. I'll be painting in the kitchen. It can also describe events which are going to happen anyway, rather than events which we choose to make happen. / won't bother to fix a time to see you, because I'll be calling into the office anyway several times next week. In some contexts future continuous also sounds more polite than will. Will you be going to the shops later? If you go, could you get me some milk? It can also be used to refer to fixed arrangements and plans. The band will be performing live in Paris this summer.

Future perfect

This has both simple and continuous forms, and refers to time which we look back at from a future point. In two year's time I'll have finished the book. By the end of the month, I'll have been working for this firm for a year.


It can also be used to express an assumption on the part of the speaker. You won't have heard the news, of course. (This means that I assume you have not heard the news.) Other ways of referring to the future

Is/are to be This is used to describe formal arrangements. All students are to assemble in the hall at 9.00. See also Grammar 11 and 12 for uses expressing obligation. Be about to, be on the point of, be due to, just/just about to Be about to and be on the point of both refer to the next moment. / think the play is about to start now. Mary is on the point of resigning. Be due to refers to scheduled times. The play is due to start in five minutes. Ann's flight is due at 6.20. Just can be used to describe something on the point of happening. Hurry up! The train is just leaving/just about to leave. Present simple and present perfect Present simple is used to refer to future time in future time clauses. When we get there, we'll have dinner. Present perfect can also be used instead of present simple when the completion of the event is emphasised. When we've had a rest, we'll go out. Present simple is also used to describe fixed events which are not simply the wishes of the speaker. Tom retires in three years. Similarly, calendar references use the present simple. Christmas is on a Tuesday next year.

Other future references

Hope This can be followed by either present or future verb forms. / hope it doesn't rain. I hope it won't rain. Other verbs followed by will. Most verbs of thinking can be followed by will if there is future reference. These include: think, believe, expect, doubt. I expect the train will be late. I doubt whether United will win. Shall The use of shall for first person in future reference is generally considered to be restricted to British English and possibly declining in use. See Grammar 11 and 12 for other uses of shall and will. For some speakers, shall is used in formal speech and in written language.



This section also includes time phrases used in expressing future time. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

a) In twenty-four hours' time yacht. b) There's someone at the door.' That postman.' c) By the time you get back Harry d) It's only a short trip. I e) What

(I/relax) on my (be) the (leave). (be) back in an hour. (you/do) this Saturday evening? Would

you like to go out? f) By the end of the week we

(decide) what to do.

g) It (not/be) long before Doctor Smith is here. h) We'll go to the park when you (finish) your tea. i) It's very hot in here. I think I j) What you decided yet? 2

(faint). (you/give) Ann for her birthday? Have

In most lines of this text there is an extra word. Write the extra word, or put a tick if the line is correct.

In August Gordon will then have been at his company for 25 years, and he's getting for a bonus of three weeks paid holiday. So we've

1 2

decided to hire a car and drive around Eastern Europe. We'll be leaving towards the end of August, and our aim there is to visit as

3 4

many countries as we can. We're flying out to Budapest - soon we're 5 due to catch a plane on the 28th day - and then we'll be stopping over 6 at a friend's house, before starting our grand tour. We'll most probably 7 spend the best part of a week in Hungary. When we've just finished


there, we'll probably be go to Romania, but beyond that we haven't 9 planned too much arrangements. We will know a bit more by the end 10 of this week, when we're getting a whole load of brochures from the tourist board. We'd like to get to as far as Russia, but realistically I

11 12

doubt whether we'll have time. I hope it won't be too expensive from till now on we'll really have to tighten our belts! I can't wait!

13 14

In just over two months' of time we'll be having the time of our lives! 15




Choose the most appropriate continuation for each sentence.

a) According to the latest forecast, the tunnel A will be finished next year. B will have been finished next year. C is finishing next year. b) Paula's flight is bound to be late although A it arrives at 6.00. B it's due at 6.00. C it's arriving at six. c) It's no use phoning Bob at the office, he A will be leaving. B is leaving. C will have left. d) Everyone says that this year City A are going to win the Cup. B are winning the Cup. C win the Cup. e) I don't feel like visiting my relatives this year so A I won't go. B I'm not going. C I don't go. f) You can borrow this calculator, I A am not going to need it. B won't have been needing it. C am not needing it. g) I'm sorry dinner isn't ready yet, but it A is going to be ready in a minute. B will have been ready in a minute. C will be ready in a minute, h) Can you send me the results as soon as you A hear anything? B are hearing anything? C will have heard anything? i) You can try asking Martin for help but A it won't do you any good. B it's not doing you any good. C it won't be doing you any good, j) Don't worry about the mistake you made, nobody A is noticing. B will notice. C will be noticing.





Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I don't suppose you have heard the news. won't the news. The Prime Minister expects an easy victory for his party in the election. believes The Prime Minister the election easily. I've been in this company for almost three years. will By the end of the month in this company for three years. This book will take me two years to write. have In two years' this book. Scientists are on the point of making a vital breakthrough. about Scientists are a vital breakthrough. Maria is pregnant again. have Maria is baby. I'll be home late. until I late. No one knows what the result of the match is going to be. who No one knows the match. Don't worry; David won't be late. here Don't worry; David time. Mary and Alan's wedding is next weekend. getting Mary and Alan next weekend. You













Look at the three options A, B and C for each question. Decide which two are correct.

a) We've run out of fuel. A What will we do now? B What do we do now? C What are we going to do now? b) You can't leave early, A we're having a meeting. B we're going to have a meeting. C we will have a meeting. c) Oh dear, I've broken the vase A What will your mother say? B What is your mother going to say? C What is your mother saying? d) According to the weather forecast, A it'll rain tomorrow. B it's raining tomorrow. C it's going to rain tomorrow. e) I'd like to call round and see you A What will you have done by the morning? B What'll you be doing in the morning? C What are you doing in the morning? f) I've got nothing to do tomorrow so A I'll get up late. B I am to get up late. C I'm going to get up late. g) It's my eighteenth birthday next month so A I'm on the point of having a party. B I'm having a party. C I'll be having a party. h) Why don't you come with us? A It'll be a great trip. B It's going to be a great trip. C It's a great trip, i) When you get to the airport A someone is going to be waiting for you. B someone is due to wait for you. C someone will be waiting for you. j) Shut up, will you! A I'm getting really angry. B I'm going to get really angry in a minute. C I'm getting really angry in a minute.




Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 7


I'll be back after a few minutes/in a few minutes. I'm sure that everything will be all right at the end/in the end. Please call me the moment/exactly when you hear any news. I should be back by the time/at the time the film begins. I'm sure Fiona will be here before long/after a while. I can't leave on Tuesday. I won't be ready until then/by then. By twenty four hours/this time tomorrow I'll be in Bangkok, Diana will be retiring soon/already. There will be no official announcements forthwith/from now on. Bye for now. I'll see you in two weeks' time/two weeks later.

Complete the common expressions using the words from the box.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll just I'll I'll I'll

i) I'll j) I'll

what I can do. a look and get back to you. it some thought. you know by tomorrow. and get it. halves with you. to it. back in a minute. about five minutes. and show you.

Which expression means one of the following? 1) I will try and do this for you. 2) I'll share it with you. 3) I'll fix it/arrange it.


Explanations Basic contrasts: past simple and past continuous

Past simple generally refers to: Completed actions / got up, switched off the radio, and sat down again. Habits Every day I went to the park. States In those days, I didn't like reading. Past continuous (progressive) generally refers to: Actions in progress (often interrupted by events) / was drinking my coffee at the time. While I was opening the letter, the phone rang. Background description in narrative / entered the office and looked around. Most people were working at their desks, but Jane was staring out of the window and pretending to write something at the same time. Changing states The car was getting worse all the time. One of the headlights was gradually falling off, and the engine was making more and more funny noises. Repeated actions - criticism With a frequency adverb, this use is similar to the use of present continuous to express annoyance. When Jane was at school, she was always losing things. Past continuous is not used to describe general habitual actions, without the sense of criticism mentioned above. Past simple is used for this meaning. When I lived in London, I walked through the park every day.

Past perfect simple and continuous

We use the past perfect when we are already talking about the past, and we want to go back to an earlier past time ('double past'). By the time I got to the station, the train had left. Compare this with: The train left five minutes before I got to the station. When we talk about a sequence of past events in the order that they happened, we more commonly use the past simple, especially with quick, short actions. Past perfect continuous (progressive) The same contrasts between past simple and past continuous (see previous section) can be made in past perfect verb forms for events further back in the past.




I had been living in a bed-sitter up to then. While I had been talking on the phone, Jimmy had escaped. The whole place was deserted, but it was obvious that someone had been living there. They'd been cooking in the kitchen for a start, and they hadn't bothered to clear up the mess. • Past perfect is also common in reported speech. See Grammar 16. • Past perfect is not used simply to describe an event in the distant past. Used to and would

Unfulfilled past events

Used to This often contrasts with the present. The contrast may be stated or understood. / used to go swimming a lot (but I don't now). The negative form is either: / didn't use to or / used not to (rare for some speakers). The form / didn't used to may also be found. This is usually considered incorrect, unless we consider used to as an unchanging semi-modal form. There is no present time reference possible.

Would This is used to describe repeated actions, not states. It describes a habitual activity which was typical of a person. Every week he'd buy his mother a bunch of flowers. Used to would also be possible here. Compare: I used to like cowboy films. Would is not possible here. Would is more common in written language and often occurs in reminiscences.

• These describe events intended to take place, but which did not happen. / was going to phone you, but I forgot. I was thinking of going to Italy this year, but I haven't decided. I was about to do it, but I started doing something else. Jack was to have taken part, but he fell ill. • The contrasting past event is often understood, but not stated. How are you? I was going to phone you ... (but I didn't).

Polite forms

These are common with wonder. I was wondering if you wanted to come to the cinema. See Grammar 11 and 12 for comment on this.

Contrasts with

See Grammar 4 for contrasts between past simple and present perfect verb forms. Past verb forms are also used to express unreal time. See Grammar 8 and 9.

present perfect verb forms




Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) When you passed the town hall clock, did you notice/were you noticing what time it was? b) Last night my neighbours were shouting/would shout for hours and I couldn't get to sleep. c) When you lived in London, did you use to travel/were you travelling by bus? d) Everyone was having a good time, although not many people danced/were dancing. e) Jill was really hungry because she didn't eat/hadn't eaten all day. f) Before we went to the theatre, we called in/had called in at George's cafe for a pizza. g) It took a while for me to notice, but then I did. Everyone stared/was staring at me. What had I done wrong? h) Nobody bothered to tell me that the school decided/had decided to have a special holiday on Friday. i) I was trying/tried to get in touch with you all day yesterday. Where were you? j) A: Excuse me, but this seat is mine. B: I'm sorry, I didn't realise/hadn't realised that you were sitting here.


Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


Once/Afterwards I'd read the manual, I found I could use the computer easily. It was more than a month before/until I realised what had happened. I managed to talk to Carol just as/while she was leaving. It wasn't until/up to 1983 that Nigel could afford to take holidays abroad. George always let me know by the time/whenever he was going to be late. I was having a bath at the time/that time, so I didn't hear the doorbell. We bought our tickets and five minutes after/later the train arrived. According to Grandpa, people used to dress formally those days/in his day. Everyone was talking but stopped at that time/the moment Mr Smith arrived, The letter still hadn't arrived by/until the end of the week.




Decide if the verb form underlined is correct or not. If it is correct, write a tick. If not, correct it.

Text 1: The train (1) ground to a halt at a small station miles from London, and it (2) became apparent that the engine (3) had broken down. Everyone (4) was getting their cases down from the luggage racks, and we (5) were waiting on the platform in the freezing wind for hours until the next train (6) was turning up. 1 ...\/. 3 5 2 4 6 Text 2: The mysterious disappearance of Professor Dawson (1) was on Inspector Corse's mind. Six months before the Professor's disappearance, he (2) was receiving a letter from Jean Dawson, the Professor's wife. In the letter, Jean (3) accused her husband of plotting to murder her. Gorse (4) considered what his next step should be when the phone rang. It was Sergeant Adams from the Thames Valley police force. A fisherman (5) discovered a body in the River Thames, and it (6) fitted the description of the Professor. 1 3 5 2 4 6 4

Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past verb form.

This time last year I (1) ^cycle) in the rain along a country road in France with a friend of mine. We (2) (decide) to go on a cycling holiday in Normandy. Neither of us (3) (be) to France before, but we (4) (know) some French from our time at school and we (5) (manage) to brush up on the basics. Now we (6) (wonder) if we (7) (make) the right decision. We (8) (plan) our route carefully in advance, but we (9) (forget) one important thing, the weather. It (10) (rain) solidly since our arrival and that night we (11) (end up) sleeping in the waiting room at a railway station. Then the next morning as we (12) (ride) down a steep hill my bike (13) (skid) on the wet road and I (14) (fall off). I (15) (realise) immediately that I (16) (break) my arm, and after a visit to the local hospital I (17) (catch) the next train to Calais for the ferry home. Unfortunately my parents (18) (not/expect) me home for a fortnight, and (19) (go) away on holiday. So I (20) (spend) a miserable couple of weeks alone, reading 'Teach Yourself French'.




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I intended to call you yesterday, but I forgot. going I. call you yesterday, but I forgot. b) Sylvia asked if I wanted more pudding, but I said I couldn't eat any more. had When Sylvia offered enough. c) Owing to illness, Sally was unable to sing the solo, as arranged. have Sally was but she fell ill. d) Diana wasn't always as rude as that. be Diana rude. e) We've changed our minds about going to Rome, as originally intended. intending We we've changed our minds. f) When I lived in London cycling to work was part of my daily routine. used When I lived in London I day. g) I might possibly go to the theatre tonight. wondering I going to the theatre tonight. h) I had to go past your house so I decided to drop in. passing I so I decided to drop in. i) About 100 people were waiting for the late bus. arrived By about 100 people waiting. j) What were you doing at the moment of the explosion? occurred When what were you doing?




In each sentence decide whether one, or both, of the alternative verb forms given are appropriate. Write O for one or B for both.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

In those days, I always used to get up/got up early in the morning. ..B. When I got to the cinema Jack had been waiting/was waiting for me We would always have/were always having breakfast in bed on Sundays Mary was always falling/always fell ill before important examinations My sister used to own/would own a motorcycle and sidecar Pay no attention to Dave's remarks. He wasn't meaning/didn't mean it I felt awful after lunch. I ate/had eaten too much Brenda left/had left before I had time to talk to her The explanation was simple. In 1781 HMS Sovereign, on her way back from India, had sighted/sighted an empty boat drifting off the African coast j) Pauline has changed a lot. She didn't always use to look/wasn't always looking like that Complete the text by writing one word in each space.

When I was a young man I spent a year in France, studying French at the University of Grenoble. Every Friday I (1) eat at the Alps cafe. I didn't (2) to spend much money, as I (3) not afford it, but it was a little tradition of mine to eat there. Anyway, I'm going to tell you a true story which happened on one occasion when I (4) eating there. I remember I was having a pasta dish at (5) time. A beautiful girl came up to me and said, 'I was (6) if you wanted to walk with me in the park?' I had never seen her (7) , so I was rather taken aback. I was (8) to go with her when I noticed a tough-looking man was watching our every movement. (9) my discomfort, the girl whispered to me, in English, 'Park - five minutes!', and then disappeared. Well, my bill (10) ages to arrive, and by the time I (11) to the park, there was no sign of the girl. I asked an old lady (12) was sitting there if she (13) seen a young girl waiting around. I described the girl to her. The old lady said that the girl (14) had to rush to the railway station, and that I (15) to follow her there urgently. She had also left me a note. It said, 'I will explain everything. Meet me on platform 6.'




Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past verb form.

a) I realised that someone b) c) d)


f) g)





(steal) my wallet when (feel) their hand in my jacket pocket. When 1 (phone) Helen last night she (wash) her hair. Peter (offer) me another drink but I decided I (had) enough. Nobody (watch), so the little boy (take) the packet of sweets from the shelf and (put) it in his pocket. I (not/realise) that I (leave) my umbrella on the bus until it (start) to rain. At school I (dislike) the maths teacher because he (always/pick) on me. Wherever Marion (find) a job, there was someone who (know) that she (go) to prison. Several years later I (find out) that during all the time I (write) to my pen friend, my mother (open) and reading the replies! I (not/understand) what (go on). Several people (shout) at me, and one passer-by (wave) a newspaper in front of my face. I (know) I (do) well in my exams even before I (receive) the official results.

Explanations Present perfect simple

Present perfect simple refers to: Recent events, without a definite time given. The recentness may be indicated by just. We've missed the turning. I've just seen a ghost! Indefinite events, which happened at an unknown time in the past. No definite time is given. Jim has had three car accidents, (up to the present) Indefinite events which may have an obvious result in the present. I've twisted my ankle, (that's why I'm limping) With state verbs, a state which lasts up to the present. I've lived here for the past ten years. A habitual action in a period of time up to the present. I've been jogging every morning for the last month. Contrast with past simple Past simple is used with time expressions which refer to definite times. The time may be stated or understood. Compare: I've bought a new car. (indefinite) / bought the car after all. (implied definite: the car we talked about) Choice between past simple and present perfect for recent events may depend on the attitude of the speaker. This in turn may depend on whether the speaker feels distant in time or place from the event. I've left my wallet in the car. I'm going back to get it. Here the speaker may be about to return, and feels that the event is connected with the present. / left my wallet in the car. I'm going back to get it. The speaker may feel separated in time from the event, or be further away.

Present perfect continuous

Present perfect continuous (progressive) can refer to a range of meanings, depending on the time expression used and the context. A state which lasts up to the present moment I've been waiting for you for three hours! An incomplete activity I've been cleaning the house but I still haven't finished. To emphasise duration I've been writing letters all morning. A recently finished activity I've been running. That's why I look hot. A repeated activity I've been taking French lessons this year.



Time expressions with present perfect


Contrasts with present perfect simple There may be little contrast when some state verbs are used. How long have you lived here? How long have you been living here? Some verbs (especially sit, lie, wait and stay) prefer the continuous form. There may be a contrast between completion and incompletion, especially if the number of items completed is mentioned. Completed: emphasis on achievement I've ironed five shirts this morning. Incomplete, or recently completed: emphasis on duration I've been ironing my shirts this morning.

Meaning with present perfect verb forms is associated with certain time expressions. Contrast with past simple may depend on the choice of time expression. Past simple: referring to a specific finished time. yesterday, last week, on Sunday Present perfect: with 'indefinite' time expressions meaning 'up to now'. since 1968, already Many time expressions are not associated with a specific verb form, since they refer both to finished time or time up to the present, depending on the speaker's perspective. / haven't seen Helen recently. I saw Jim recently. Others include: for, never, before, all my life, for a long time, today, all day, every day These may be used with either past simple or present perfect.



Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) I can't believe it, Inspector. You mean that Smith stole/has stolen/has been stealing money from the till all this time! b) You three boys look very guilty! What did you do/have you done/have you been doing since I left/have left the room? c) Why on earth didn't you tell/haven't you told me about that loose floorboard? I tripped/have tripped over it just now and hurt myself. d) It's a long time since I saw/have seen/have been seeing~your brother Paul. What did he do/has he done/has he been doing lately? e) I can't believe that you ate/have eaten/have been eating three pizzas already! I only brought/have only brought them in fifteen minutes ago! f) Don't forget that you didn't see/haven't seen Mrs Dawson. She has waited/has been waiting outside since 10.30. g) What did you think/have you thought of Brighton? Did you stay/Have you stayed there long? h) I feel really tired. I weeded/have weeded/have been weeding the garden for the last three hours and I didn't rest/haven't rested for a single moment. i) I'm having problems with David. He has called/has been calling me up in the middle of the night and told/telling me his troubles. j) How long did you have/have you had/have you been having driving lessons? And did you take/have you taken/have you been taking your test yet? 2

Decide how many different endings (1-10) you can find for sentences (a-j). The sentences you make must be appropriate and meaningful.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

I haven't been feeling very well ... .5,8... I went to the dentist's I've lived here Don't worry. I haven't been waiting I've written two pages I waited outside your house I've warned you about this I haven't made a decision The repair worked I've decided to believe you

1 time and time again. 2 all my life. 3 so far. 4 for the time being. 5 for the past hour or two. 6 yet. 7 till half past eight. 8 for a while. 9 the other day. 10 long.




Put each verb in brackets into the most appropriate perfect or past verb form.

a) So far we


b) I'm sorry I c) I fortnight. d) I wonder if Mary e)

f) g) h)





noticed. (not/notice) anything unusual, but we (not/pay) very close attention. (not/come) to class lately. (work) late in the evenings for the past

(reach) home yet? She (leave) too late to catch the bus. Here is the news. The Home Office (announce) that the two prisoners who (escape) from Dartmoor prison earlier this morning (give themselves up) to local police. (you/make up) your minds? What (you/decide) to do? Harry (leave) home rather suddenly and we (not/hear) from him since. Recent research (show) that Columbus (not/discover) America, but that Vikings (land) there five hundred years before him. I think that people (become) tired of the poor quality of television programmes, though they (improve) lately, (something/happen) to the phone lines? I (try) to get through to Glasgow for the past hour. Bill (get) that new job, but he (complain) about it ever since.




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) This has been my home for thirty years. lived I ..have lived here b) Eating Chinese food is new to me. never I c) Tony hasn't been to Paris before. first It's d) We haven't been swimming for ages. since It's e) Mary started learning French five years ago. has Mary f) I am on the tenth page of this letter I am writing. ten So far I g) It's over twenty years since they got married. for They have h) The last time I saw Dick was in 1995. seen I haven't i) There is a definite improvement in your work. has Lately j) This is my second visit to Hungary. visited This is the

for thirty years.


to Paris.


five years.

of this letter.

than twenty years.







Underline the correct phrase in each sentence.

a) The price of petrol has risen/has been rising by 15% over the past year. b) No wonder you are overweight! You have eaten/You have been eating chocolates all day long! c) I've read/I've been reading a really good book this morning. d) Doesn't this room look better? I've put/I've been putting some posters up on the walls. e) Don't disappoint me! I've counted/I've been counting on you. f) Don't forget your pills today. Have you taken them/Have you been taking them? g) Who has worn/has been wearing my scarf? h) I think there's something wrong with your motorbike. It's made/It's been making some very funny noises. i) Jack has asked/has been asking for a pay-rise three times this year. j) I've been phoning/I've phoned Ann all evening, but there's no reply. 6 Put each verb in brackets into either the past simple, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.

I (1) ...moved. ................ (move) to London three weeks ago to take up a new post at my company's London office. Ever since then, I (2) ............................... (wonder) if I (3) ....................... (make) the right decision. I (4) ............................... (see) a lot of negative things about living in the capital, and I can't say London (5) ............................... (make) a very favourable impression on me. It's so polluted and expensive, and the people are so distant. You see, I (6) ............................... (grow up) in a fairly small town called Devizes and I (7) ............................... (spend) all of my life there. I (8) ............................... (always/want) to live in a big city and so when my company (9) ............................... (offer) me a job in London, I (10) ............................... (jump) at the chance. I think I'm not alone in my aversion to the big city. According to a programme I (11) ............................... (just/hear) on the radio, more and more people (12) ............................... (stop) working in London recently, and a lot of large companies (13) ............................... (choose) to move away from the centre. Oh well, it's too late to change my mind now, because the job is up and running, and I (14) ............................... (already/sell) my house in Devizes. But I must admit, over the past few days, I (15) ............................... (secretly/hope) that the company would relocate me back to my old town.




7 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

It's a long time since/when I last saw you. I've seen Bill quite often lately/from time to time. Have you spoken to the director beforehand/already? I've lived in the same house for years/for ever. I've read the paper now/still. Diana has bought a computer two years ago/since then. Nothing much has been happening by now/so far. I've finished reading her new book at last/this evening. Sue bought a CD player last week and she's been listening to music ever since/for a while. j) Sorry, but I haven't got that work finished already/yet. 8

Match the expressions (a-j) with the explanations of when they might be said (1-10).

a) Have you heard the one about ... ? ..4 b) I haven't seen you for ages! c) I've had enough of this! d) Sorry, you've lost me! e) I've had a brainwave! f) It's been one of those days! g) I've had enough, thanks h) I haven't had a chance yet i) I've been having second thoughts j) Oh, haven't you heard?

1 Saying you don't follow what someone is saying. 2 Having doubts about a big decision. 3 Having a brilliant idea. 4 Introducing a joke. 5 Declining more food. 6 Spreading gossip. . 7 Seeing an old face from the past. 8 Having a frustrating time, when everything is going wrong. 9 Wanting to stop doing something because it's annoying you. 10 Apologising for not doing something you said you'd do.


1 Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form. Reporter Philip Taggart visits a farm where the sheep are super fit!

Farmers, as you may (1) ...know. (know), (2) (have) a hard time of it in Britain lately, and (3) (turn) to new ways of earning income from their land. This (4) (involve) not only planting new kinds of crops, but also some strange ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you (5) (hear) me correctly! A farmer in the west of England now (6) (hold) sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people (7) (turn up) to watch the proceedings. 'I (8) (pass) the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,' one punter told me, 'and I (9) (think) I'd have a look. I (10) (not/believe) it was serious, to tell you the truth.' According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. 'At proper horse races everyone (11) (already/study) the form of the horses in advance, and there are clear favourites. But nobody (12) (hear) anything about these sheep! Most people (13) (find) it difficult to tell one from another in any case.' I (14) (stay) to watch the races, and I must admit that I (15) (find) it quite exciting. In a typical race, half a dozen sheep (16) (race) downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food (17) (wait) for them at the other end of the track, I ought to add! The sheep (18) (run) surprisingly fast, although presumably they (19) (not/eat) for a while just to give them some motivation. At any rate, the crowd around me (20) (obviously/enjoy) their day out at the races, judging by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.





Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) This matter is none of your business. concern This matter .is of no concern/does not concern. you. b) This bridge will take us three years to complete. completed In three years' time this bridge. c) When is the train due to arrive? supposed What get here? d) Today is Liz and John's thirtieth wedding anniversary. ago On this married. e) To get to work on time, I have to get up at 6.00. means Getting to work on time at 6.00. f) Whose watch is this? belong Who to? g) Cathy hasn't been on holiday with her sister before. first This on holiday with her sister. h) My dental appointment is for next Wednesday. see I have an Wednesday. i) This will be the team's first match in the Premier League. time This will be the first in the Premier League. j) The number of people who attended the fair exceeded our expectations. had More people expected. k) I didn't receive the results of my test for a month. before It was the results of my test. 1) Quite a few books are missing from the class library. returned Several members of the class library books.





In most lines of this text there is one extra word. Write the extra word, or put a tick if the line is correct.

Our reporter, Sarah Hardie, goes to Otley Hall to experience a spooky weekend. There have been signs of paranormal activity at Otley Hall at various times

1 ...\/..

over the last 200 years time. If tales of headless huntsmen and wailing nuns


don't spook you out, do get this for a ghostly tale: a young Victorian man in


a silver gown emerges himself from the garden, walks through the front door,


whether or not will it happens to be open, and walks upstairs with a lantern,


before vanishing in the library. If local folklore it is to be believed, he does


this without fail at midnight on 6 September every year, this is being the date


of the untimely death of one George Carpenter, the gardener of the hall,


who met his doom in the library, had burned by his own lantern. Otley Hall


stands 3 miles north of the town of Rugby, England, and that is reputedly the


most haunted house in England, a claim which few who have never visited it


would dispute. Even the approach to the Hall is not much a journey to be


undertaken by the faint-hearted; at one point an executioner emerges


from the trees, was brandishing an axe, although it must be said that this


practice ceases after September, when the Hall is closed to visitors.


My own visit revealed nothing more mysterious than such gimmicks,


laid on for an ever-gullible flow of tourists, cameras been at their sides,


eager to snap their buttons at the first sign of anything even remotely


unexplainable. But it was all having great fun, and the ghostly maze on


the final day was terrific, even if I did never get to see George Carpenter.


Complete each sentence with one appropriate word.

a) It's ..ages.................. since I last had a good Chinese meal. b) Funnily enough I saw Bob quite at the sports club. c) I've loved you ever the first day I set eyes on you! d) How long was it that you lived in Inverness? e) I've to see anyone who can dance as well as Diana. f) Could you phone me the you arrive at the hotel so I don't worry? g) I promise to get everything ready eight o'clock at the latest. h) I told Sue I already finished my essay. i) I'm sorry you've been waiting so long, but it will be some time Brian gets back. j) Just sit here, would you? The doctor will be with you






Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

a) This is my new car. What you think................(you/think) of it? b) A: Who are you? B: What do you mean? I .............................................. (live) here. c) I can't find the car keys. What .............................................. (you/do) with them? d) Sorry I haven't fixed the plug. I .............................................. (mean) to get round to it, but I just haven't found the time. e) What .............................................. (you/do) on Saturdays? f) I don't know what time we'll eat. It .............................................. (depends) when Helen gets here. g) I supported you at the time because I .............................................. (feel) that you were right. h) Peter couldn't understand what had been decided because too many people .............................................. (talk) at once. i) Jean, I'm so glad you've got here at last. I .............................................. (expect) you all day. O

Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

Ask hundreds of people what they (1) plan/are planning.... (plan) to do on a certain day in August next year, or the year after, and there (2) ............................... (be) only one reply. Provided of course that the people you (3) ............................... (ask) (4) ............................... (belong) to the Elvis Presley Fan Club. Although the King of Rock and Roll (5) ............................... (die) nearly two decades ago, his fans (6) ............................... (meet) every year since then outside his home in Memphis, Tennessee, to show respect for the singer they (7) ............................... (love) so much. Fans like Jean Thomas, from Catford in South East London. Jean (8) ............................... (visit) Gracelands, the house where Elvis (9) ............................... (suffer) his fatal heart attack, twice in the past five years. The first time I (10) ............................... (borrow) the money from my Mum, as I (11) ............................... (not/work) then. But two years ago I (12) ............................... (get) married and since then I (13) ............................... (work) in my husband Chris's garage. Chris and I (14) ............................... (go) together last year, and we (15) ............................... (think) of spending two or three months in the USA next year. I (16) ............................... (always/want) to visit some of the places where Elvis (17) ............................... (perform). Like Las Vegas for example.' Jean says that Elvis (18) ............................... (be) her obsession ever since she (19) ............................... (be) ten years old, and she (20) ............................... (own) every single one of his records, good and bad.



7 Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form. a) Sam

b) c) d)

e) f) g) h) i)



(not/receive) the parcel the last time I

.............................................. (speak) to him. I .............................................. (consider) buying a house but now I .............................................. (change) my mind. When you .............................................. (feel) hungry, room service .............................................. (bring) you whatever you want. I .............................................. (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I .............................................. (lose) my ticket, but he believed me in the end. Ever since I .............................................. (be) a young child, I .............................................. (die) to meet you. As soon as I .............................................. (have) a look at the designs, I .............................................. (send) them to you. You'll get them by Friday. Whatever .............................................. (happen), I .............................................. (meet) you here in a week's time. By the time you .............................................. (finish) getting ready, we .............................................. (miss) the train! Sally! I .............................................. (not/expect) to see you here! What .............................................. (you/do) in New York?

8 Decide whether each underlined phrase is correct or not. If it's incorrect rewrite the phrase.

a) Will you be seeing Rob Jones tomorrow? I wonder if you could give him a message from Sally Gordon? ..correct... b) I had a great time in the Greek Islands. We would rent a small boat and go fishing every day. .................................... c) Julie, hi! I've been hoping I'd see you. I've got some good news! .................. d) We had a terrible time looking after your dog. It was constantly chasing the cats next door ................... e) We had a lovely time in Madrid. Every day we were exploring the city, and in the evening we were going to exciting bars ..................................... f) The steam engine is usually thought of as a relatively modern invention, but the Greeks had built a kind of steam engine in ancient times ................... g) I felt rather worried. It was growing darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescue helicopter ................... h) Don't worry! All we have to do is wait here until someone will find us. i) This meat is really tasting awful! Are you quite sure it was fresh?


Explanations Basic uses of the passive

Agent and instrument The person who performs an action in a passive sentence is called the agent, introduced by by. The agent may or may not be mentioned. My purse was found by one of the cleaners. A new road has been built. An object which causes something to happen is called an instrument, introduced by with. He was hit on the head with a hammer. Verbs with two objects Verbs which have two objects can be made passive in two ways. / was handed a note. A note was handed to me. Other common verbs of this type are: bring, give, lend, pass, pay, promise, sell, send, show, tell Verbs with object and complement Some verbs have a noun or adjective which describes their object. We elected Jim class representative. Everyone considered him a failure. When these are made passive, the complement goes directly after the verb. Jim was elected class representative. He was considered a failure. Verbs which can't be passive Most verbs with an object (transitive verbs) can be made passive: e.g. drive is transitive because one can drive something (a car). However, a few transitive verbs may not be used in the passive. These include: become, fit (be the right size), get, have, lack, let, like, resemble, suit. Verbs with no object (intransitive) can not be passive: e.g. fall is intransitive, you cannot 'fall something'. Therefore it is not possible to say The tree was fallen'. Instead the sentence must be active: The tree fell.

Using and not mentioning the agent

Change of focus The passive can change the emphasis of a sentence. Jack won the prize, (focus on Jack) The prize was won by Jack, (focus on the prize)





Unknown agent The agent is not mentioned if unknown. My wallet has been taken. In this case, there is no point in adding an agent: 'by somebody'. Generalised agent If the subject is 'people in general' or 'you' the agent is not mentioned. Bicycles are widely used in the city instead of public transport. Obvious agent If the agent is obvious or has already been referred to, it is not mentioned. Linda has been arrested! (we assume by the police) The company agreed to our request and a new car park was opened. Unimportant agent If the agent is not important to the meaning of the sentence it is not mentioned. / was advised to obtain a visa in advance. Impersonality Using the passive is a way of avoiding the naming of a specific person who is responsible for an action. It has been decided to reduce all salaries by 10%. In descriptions of processes, there is emphasis on the actions performed rather than on the people who perform them. Then the packets are packed into boxes of twenty-four.




Correct any verb forms which are impossible or inappropriate.

a) A lot of homes in the area have been being broken into by burglars. b) As I drove south, I could see that the old road was rebuilding. c) I suppose the letter will have been delivered by now d) There is nothing more annoying than been interrupted when you are speaking e) Jim was been given the sack from his new job f) Somehow without my noticing my wallet had been disappeared. g) The new shopping centre was opened by the local MR h) A lot of meetings have been held, but nothing has being decided yet.


Both sentences in each pair have the same meaning. Complete the second sentence.

a) The crowd was slowly filling the huge stadium. The huge stadium by the crowd. b) The inventor of the computer simplified the work of the accountants. Since the computer the work of accountants simplified. c) Someone has suggested that the shop should close. It that the shop should close. d) 'I'd take out some travel insurance if I were you, Mr Smith.' Mr Smith take out some travel insurance. e) The waitress will bring your drinks in a moment. Your drinks in a moment. f) Someone used a knife to open the window. This window a knife. g) You will hear from us when we have finished dealing with your complaint. After your complaint , you will hear from us. h) An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local paper. Their engagement in the local paper. i) Nobody ever heard anything of David again. Nothing David again. j) They paid Sheila £1,000 as a special bonus. £1,000 Sheila as a special bonus. 35



Rewrite each sentence in the passive, omitting the words underlined.

a) Someone left the phone off the hook all night. b) The government has announced that petrol prices will rise tomorrow. c) A burglar broke into our house last week. d) People asked me the way three times. e) The fruit-pickers pick the apples early in the morning. f) It's time the authorities did something about this problem. g) Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement. h) The government agreed with the report and so they changed the law. i) You have to fill in an application form. j) They don't know what happened to the ship.


Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


The boxes (not/pack) yet. Your food (still/prepare). The new ship (launch) next week. Luckily by the time we got there the painting (not/sell). We had to go on holiday because our house (decorate). I'm afraid that next week's meeting (cancel). If we don't hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there. All main courses (serve) with vegetables or salad. At least that is what is written on the menu. The second goal (score) by Hughes in the 41st minute, The cathedral (build) in the fourteenth century.




Underline any uses of the agent which are unnecessary.

a) My jewellery has been stolen by a thief! b) It has been decided by the authorities that Wednesday will be a school holiday. c) Harry was pushed over by someone standing next to him in the queue. d) The goods are transported by rail to our warehouse in the Midlands. e) I was told by someone that you have a vacancy for a computer operator. f) Sue has been picked by the selectors for the national event. g) The letter was sent by post on the 21st of last month. h) The larger portrait was painted by a little-known Flemish artist. i) It has been agreed by everyone that no smoking should be allowed, j) As I arrived at the conference a note was handed to me by one of the delegates. 6

Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form.

a) Nothing . b)


d) e)





(see) of Pauline since her car (find) abandoned near Newbury last week. As our new furniture (deliver) on Monday morning I'll have to stay at home to check that it (not/damage) during transit. The new Alhambra hatchback, which in this country (sell) under the name 'Challenger', (fit) with electric windows as standard. For the past few days I (work) in Jack's office, as my own office (redecorate). It (announce) that the proposed new office block (now/not/build) because of the current economic situation. A major new deposit of oil (discover) in the North Sea. It (think) to be nearly twice the size of the largest existing field. Pictures of the surface of the planet Venus (receive) yesterday from the space probe 'Explorer' which (launch) last year. A large sum (raise) for the Fund by a recent charity concert but the target of £250,000 (still/ not/reach), No decision (make) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates (interview). 37


Rewrite each sentence in a more formal style so that it contains a passive form of the word given in capitals.

a) Sorry, but we've lost your letter.


b) The police are grilling Harry down at the station.


c) They've found the remains of an old Roman villa nearby. DISCOVER d) You'll get a rise in salary after six months.


e) They stopped playing the match after half an hour.


f) They stopped traffic from using the centre.


g) They took Chris to court for dangerous driving.


h) You usually eat this kind of fish with a white sauce.


i) I don't know your name.



Put each verb in brackets into a suitable active or passive verb form.

Dear Mrs Patel, We are delighted to inform you that you (1) (select) for a free holiday. According to our information, you (2)

(answer) a telephone survey last month, as a

result of which your name (3)

(enter) in the

holiday draw. Now our computer (4) name, so you and your family (5)

(choose) your (invite) to spend

a week in a European destination of your choice. This offer (6)

(make) on the condition that you attend a

special promotions day with other lucky families in your region who (7) (offer) a similar deal. You (8)

(ask) to attend on any Saturday next month at

the Royal Hotel, Manchester. If you (9) attending and taking up this offer, please (10) (detach) the slip below and return it to us as soon as possible.


(interest) in




Using the notes as a guide, complete the e-mail to all company staff. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable passive verb form. NOTES FROM MANAGEMENT MEETING

Tell staff: We'll try flexi-time for 3 months. After 3 months we'll get the opinions of all staff. We'll look at feedback comments and make a decision. We may try it for another month. All workers will have to arrive 8-9.30. We hope you like the idea! FROM: The Managing Director TO: All staff (decide) to adopt a flexi-time system for a trial period of three months. After this period (2) (elapse) all members of staff (3) (consult) through their line manager, and feedback (4) Comments (5) decision (6) (7) trial period (8) employees (9)

(seek). (collect) and analysed before a (make) as to whether the system

(adopt) permanently or not. Alternatively, the (extend) for a further month. All (require) to arrive between the hours

of 8.00 and 9.30, and to leave after they have fulfilled their contractual obligations of eight hours. It (10) arrangement meets with your enthusiastic approval!

(hope) that this


Explanations Have and get

something done, need doing

Have/get something done This typically describes a service performed for us by someone else. I've just had/got my car serviced. I have/get it done every winter. It can also describe something unfortunate that happens to someone. We had/got our car broken into last month. Get is more likely to be used than have when: i) there is a feeling that something must be done. / really must get (have) my hair cut. ii) there is a feeling of eventually managing to do something. / eventually got (had) the car fixed at the Fast Service garage. iii) in orders and imperatives. Get your hair cut! Note that get should not be used in the present perfect passive, where it would be confused with have got.

• The need to have a service done can be described with need doing. Your hair needs cutting. Passive get

Get can be used instead of be to form the passive in spoken language. Martin got arrested at a football match.

Reporting verbs

Present reference With verbs such as believe, know, say, think, which report people's opinions, a passive construction is often used to avoid a weak subject, and to give a generalised opinion. With present reference, the passive is followed by the present infinitive. The criminal is thought to be in hiding in the London area. Vitamin C is known to be good for treating colds.

• Past reference With past reference, the passive is followed by the past infinitive. Smith is believed to have left England last week. • Past reporting verb If the reporting verb is in the past, the past infinitive tends to follow, though not always if the verb be is used. People thought Sue had paid too much. Sue was thought to have paid too much. The police thought that the thief was still in the house. The thief was thought to still be in the house.




• Past reference with two objects In this case there are two ways of making a passive sentence. Everyone knows the portrait was painted by an Italian. The portrait is known to have been painted by an Italian. • Continuous infinitive Past and present continuous infinitives are also used. Mary is thought to be living in Scotland. The driver is thought to have been doing a U-turn. Verbs with prepositions

• Ending a sentence with a preposition It is possible to end a sentence with a preposition in a sentence where a prepositional verb is made passive. Somebody broke into our house. Our house was broken into. • By and with With is used after participles such as filled, packed, crowded, crammed. The train was packed with commuters. The difference between by and with may involve the presence of a person: Dave was hit by a branch, (an accident) Dave was hit with a branch, (a person hit him with one) • Make is followed by to when used in the passive. My boss made me work hard. I was made to work hard by my boss. • Cover and verbs which involve similar ideas, such as surround, decorate, can use with or by. Cover can also be followed by in. The furniture was covered in dust. The living room had been decorated with flowery wallpaper.

Common contexts for the passive

• Formality The passive is probably more common in written English, where there tends to be less use of personal reference in some contexts, since the audience may be unknown. • Points mentioned in Grammar 6 The passive is used to change the focus of the sentence, to avoid generalised subjects, and to make an action impersonal. It is common in descriptions of processes, and in scientific and technical language in general.




Decide whether the sentences in each pair have the same meaning.

a) I've just been to the hairdresser's. What do you think? I've just cut my hair at the hairdresser's. What do you think? b) Someone is painting our house at the moment. We are painting our house at the moment. c) The dentist is going to take out two of my teeth tomorrow. I'm having two teeth taken out tomorrow. d) The teacher made us all tidy up. We were made to tidy up by the teacher. e) The car is thought to have been stolen by joy-riders. Joy-riders are thought to have stolen the car. f) Just a minute. I'll ask someone to wrap this for you. Just a minute. I'll have to wrap this up for you. g) The car hasn't been serviced for a long time. We haven't had the car serviced for a long time. h) They're coming to put in a new water-heater next week. We're putting in a new water-heater next week. i) Would you consider having plastic surgery to alter your nose? Would you consider having your nose altered by plastic surgery? j) A qualified electrician checked the wiring. We had checked the wiring with a qualified electrician. 2

Underline the correct word in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


The busy shopping street was thronged by/with people. The emergency exit was concealed by/from a red curtain. The price of excursions is included in/with the cost of the holiday. All through January, the fields were covered by/from snow. The room was crammed by/with furniture of all descriptions. Two of the climbers were injured by/with falling rocks. The island is inhabited by/from people of mainly Chinese origin, The bank was quickly surrounded from/with armed police. The window had been smashed from/with a hammer taken from the shed, The stadium was packed from/with cheering fans.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) The treasure is thought to date from the thirteenth century. date It

. from the thirteenth century.

b) Your hair needs cutting. get



c) Jill's parents are making her study hard. made Jill

her parents.

d) Apparently the ship did not sustain any damage. appears The ship

any damage.

e) It is thought that the two injured men were repairing overhead cables. have The two injured men

overhead cables.

f) There is a rumour that the escaped prisoner is living in Spain. be

The escaped prisoner

living in Spain.

g) We have agreed to meet again in a fortnight. will It has

meet again in a fortnight.

h) We decided to try again later. would It was

try again later.

i) There is confirmation of Mr Jackson's intended resignation. that It is

to resign.

j) Most of the committee thought it was not a viable solution.

not It was thought

by most of the committee.




Rewrite each sentence so that it ends with the word underlined.

a) Another company has taken over our company. b) We are dealing with your complaint. c) We have not accounted for all the missing passengers. d) Someone had tampered with the lock of the front door. e) We don't know how they disposed of the body. f) I must insist that you keep to the rules. g) We are looking into this allegation. h) We will frown upon any attempts to cheat in the exam. i) The youngest student complained that people were picking on him. j) Ann was well provided for in her husband's will.


Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


The tree had been decorated coloured balls. The answers have been included the book. After the rugby match, Jim's shorts were covered mud. The victim was struck from behind a heavy object. The house was built money that David borrowed from the bank. The cat narrowly escaped being run over a car. When the accident happened, Sue was struck flying glass. The turkey was stuffed chestnuts, and was very tasty. No one knew that Peter had been involved the investigation. When I left the casino, my pockets were crammed money.




Complete the text using the phrases from the box.

A plane carrying 15 members of the government to a conference in Brussels a small-scale fire earlier this morning. The (1) plane (2) about 20 minutes into its journey when the fire occurred in the luggage area. It (3) how the plane caught fire, but initial eyewitness accounts confirm that a trail of smoke (4) coming from the under-carriage. The fire (5) rapidly under control, but the pilot (6) make an emergency landing. Five people (7) treated for shock. The plane (8) with business people flying to Belgium. All 209 passengers (9) stay behind for questioning after landing at a military airport in northern France. Police (10) treating the incident as suspicious. 7

Rewrite the text using the passive where possible. Make sure the words underlined do not appear.

Nobody knows exactly when someone invented gunpowder. People know for a fact that the Chinese made rockets and fireworks long before people used gunpowder in Europe, which occurred at about the beginning of the thirteenth century. We generally believe that gunpowder brought to an end the 'Age of Chivalry', since anyone with a firearm could bring down a mounted knight. In fact, people did not develop efficient firearms until the sixteenth century. They used gunpowder mainly in siege cannon when people first introduced it. Later they used it in engineering work and in mining, but they found that it was extremely dangerous. Modern explosives have now replaced gunpowder, but we still use it for making fireworks, just as the Chinese did.


Explanations Basic usage

• What is always true: present + present If I work late, I got tired. If the water is boiling/has boiled, it means the food is nearly ready. • What was always true: past + past We went home early if it was foggy. If it was snowing, we stayed at home. • Real situations: present + future Here we think that the outcome is really possible. If you keep driving like that, you're going to have an accident. If you see Mark, tell him I'll ring him tomorrow. • Hypothetical situations: past + would These are unreal or imaginary situations. If I knew the answer, I'd tell you. If I was having a party, I wouldn't invite Marcia. The verb be usually takes the form were for all persons in these sentences, though was is used in everyday speech. Note that in the first person it is possible to use should instead of would. If I left home, I think I should be lonely. • Hypothetical past situations: past perfect + would have These refer to past events. If I had known you were coming, I would have met you at the station. • With modals Possible situations in the present If you get wet, you should change your clothes immediately. If you come early, we can discuss the problem together. Hypothetical situations If I had the money, I could help you. Hypothetical past situations If you hadn't reminded me, I might have forgotten.



If only This adds emphasis to hypothetical situations. With past events it adds a sense of regret. The second part of the sentence is often left out. If only I had enough time! If only I hadn't drunk too much, this wouldn't have happened!



• Unless and other alternatives to if Unless means only if not. I'll go ahead and get the tickets unless you call me this afternoon. (This means if you call me this afternoon, I won't get the tickets.) This means if one situation depends on another, if can be replaced by as/so long as, provided or only if. See Grammar 13 for only if. I'll do what you say provided the police are not informed. Even if describes how something will happen whatever the condition. Even if it rains, we'll still go for a picnic. • Past events with results in the present: past perfect + would If Jim hadn't missed the plane, he would be here by now.

Other ways of making a conditional sentence

Should After if, this makes the possibility of an event seem unlikely. If you should see Ann, could you ask her to call me? (This implies that I do not expect you to see Ann.)

Were to This also makes an event seem more hypothetical. If I were to ask you to marry me, what would you say?

Happen to This emphasises chance possibilities. It is often used with should. If you happen to see Helen, could you ask her to call me? If you should happen to be passing, drop in for a cup of tea.

If it were not for/if it hadn 't been for This describes how one event depends on another. If it weren't for Jim, this company would be in a mess. If it hadn't been for their goalkeeper, United would have lost.

Will and would: politeness and emphasis These can be used as polite forms. If you will/would wait here, I'll see if Mrs Green is free. Will can also be used for emphasis, meaning 'insist on doing'. If you will stay out late, no wonder you are tired! (insist on staying out)

Supposing, otherwise Supposing or suppose can replace if, mainly in everyday speech. Supposing you won the football pools, what would you do? Otherwise means 'or if not'. It can go at the beginning or end of the sentence. If you hadn't given us directions, we wouldn't have found the house. Thanks for your directions to the house. We wouldn't have found it otherwise.



• But for

This can replace if not. It is used in formal language, and must be followed by a noun form. If you hadn't helped us, we would have been in trouble. But for your help, we would have been in trouble. •

If so/if not These can refer to a sentence understood but not stated. There is a possibility that Jack will be late. If so, I will take his place.

• Colloquial omission of if An imperative can be used instead of an if clause in everyday speech. Sit down, and I'll make us a cup of tea. (If you sit down ...) •

If and adjectives In expressions such as if it is necessary/possible it is possible to omit the verb be. If interested, apply within. If necessary, take a taxi.

• Formally if can mean although, usually as if+ adjective. The room was well-furnished, if a little badly decorated.





Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

a) Now we're lost! If you (write down) Marys directions, this (not/happen). b) Why don't we emigrate? If we (live) in Australia, at least the weather (be) better! c) I'm afraid that Smith is a hardened criminal. If we (not/punish) him this time, he (only/commit) more crimes. d) Thanks to Dr Jones, I'm still alive! If it (not/be) for her, I (be) dead for certain. e) I'm sorry I can't lend you any money. You know that if I (have) it, I (lend) it to you. f) Don't be afraid. If you (touch) the dog, it (not/bite). g) In those days, if you (have) a job, you (be) lucky. h) It's always the same! If I (decide) to leave the office early, my boss (call) me after I've left! i) What a terrible thing to happen! Just think, if we (not/miss) the plane, we (kill) in the crash. j) Did you enjoy your meal? If you (finish) eating, I (clear away) the plates. 2

Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

If you haven't received a letter yet, you haven't got the job. If it isn't for David, we are missing the bus If it's raining, we go to the pub on the corner instead If you didn't lend us the money, we would have gone to the bank If you should happen to change your mind, drop me a line If it wasn't for the rain, we would have been home by now. If you will drive so fast, no wonder the police keep stopping you If I knew you were coming, I would have met you at the airport But for you helped us, we would have taken much longer If Jack joins the team, I'm leaving




Finish the sentences by ticking the correct option (a-c).

1) If you'd told me you were coming a) b) c) 2) If you're too ill to come a) b) c) 3) If I'd known you weren't coming a) b) c) 4) If you're not coming

5) If only you'd come

6) If you do decide to come

7) If you really don't want to come


a) b) c) a) b) c) a) b) c) a) b) c)

I can get some food in. I'd have found us something to eat. \/ I made a lovely dish. I'll come over and see you. I wouldn't have done all this for you. I asked someone else. I wouldn't be very upset. I would like to know why. I wouldn't have gone to so much trouble. perhaps you'd have the courtesy to tell me. we'd never have met. you'd be so lucky. I'll be the happiest girl alive. I'd have had a lovely time. I would look forward to it. the party's always a success. I won't be coming either. let me know. I'll understand. I can't be sure. tell me tomorrow.

Complete each sentence with a phrase containing the verb in brackets in an appropriate form.

(say) loved you, what would you do? a) If I were b) If it (rain) I would have gone out for a walk. c) If you'd told me it was a surprise party, I (say) anything to Uncle Dave! d) Thanks for your help with the garden; I (do) otherwise. e) If only Mick had come to the disco, then we (have) a great time! f) (pay) the phone bill today, the phone will be cut off. g) If I (had) your tools, I wouldn't have been able to fix the car. h) Those wires look a bit dangerous; (touch) if I were you. i) If (be) the goalkeeper's heroics, we would have lost the match.





Rewrite each sentence three times so that it contains the word in capitals.

a) We won't go away if the weather is bad. UNLESS ONLY STAY

b) If you hurry up you won't be late. DON'T OR WANT

c) If they offered you the job, would you accept? WERE TO SHOULD HAPPENED d) Without your help, I would have given up years ago. HADN'T BEEN BUT HADN'T HELPED e) I'll lend you the money on condition that you pay it back next week. PROVIDED LONG ONLY O

Complete the text by writing one word in each space.

Mr Jeffries, I have decided against a prison sentence in your case. You may walk free from this court on (1) that you report to Chesham police station every Friday for the next six months. Should you fail to (2) so, you will be given one warning; and if you persist (3) failing to meet this obligation, you will return to this court for a harsher sentence. (4) you can present good reason why you were unable to report to the station, you will (5) yourself in severe trouble. If you are (6) to attend because of illness, please note that a medical certificate must be produced, signed by your doctor, proving your state of health. You should realise that (7) for your previous good conduct, I would (8) had no hesitation in imposing a prison sentence. And I shall not forget that if your friend had (9) intervened in the fight, you might (10) seriously injured the defendant.




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I didn't have the money so I didn't buy a new suit. would a new suit. If I b) If you are in London by any chance, come and see me. happen If you come and see me. c) If you insist on doing everything yourself, of course you'll feel tired! will If you , of course you'll feel tired! d) Please take a seat, and I'll inquire for you. will If you , I'll inquire for you. e) If you do the shopping, I'll cook lunch. and You I'll cook lunch. f) If Pauline hadn't been interested, the project would have been abandoned. interest But the project would have been abandoned. g) The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman. for If it hadn't got out of control. h) Dick is in prison because a detective recognised him. if Dick wouldn't recognised him. i) I am not tall enough to reach the shelf. taller If I reach the shelf. j) But for Helen acting so wonderfully, the play would be a flop. wonderful If it the play would be a flop. k) It won't make any difference if City score first; United will still win. even United City score first. 1) Getting up early makes me feel hungry. get If makes me feel hungry. 52




Using the notes as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not occur in the notes. YELLOW BRICK ROAD RECORD COMPANY MEMO

Brian, tell Carter's again that their account must be paid. If they don't pay in ten days we're going to have to go to the law. If they're in financial trouble, they can get in touch with our Finance Dept. If they pay up we can keep their account open. If they don't we shall, if we really have to, close their account. If they have settled the account already, say sorry for this letter.

Credit Controller Carter's Record Store Dear Sir/Madam, you that your account is two months We would like to (1) overdue. On the basis of our goodwill, we are prepared to allow you another ten days to settle your account. However, if you (2) to pay your outstanding bills within ten days you (3) us with no alternative but to take legal action. That is, (4) we receive full payment by 20 March, we (5) steps to reclaim our money, plus compensation costs. (6) you be experiencing financial difficulties, please contact our Finance Department. (7) that you settle your account within the specified time period, we (8) happy to continue to do business with you. However, we will, if (9) , take the regrettable step of closing your account. We are sorry that the situation has come to this, but if you had paid your bills over the last two months, we would not be in this position now. You (10) have settled your account in the last two days; if so, please accept our apologies for this letter. Yours faithfully, Brian Eccles Customer Services Yellow Brick Road Record Company

Explanations It's time

It's time, it's high time These are followed by past simple or continuous, though the time referred to is unreal. See Grammar 8. It's time we left. It's high time I was going.


• Present/future time Notice the past verb forms after wish. These are wishes where you want to change a present/future state. I wish I had a motorbike. (I don't have one now.) / wish you weren't leaving. (You are leaving.) / wish I was going on holiday with you next week. (I am not going.) •

Would Would is used when the speaker wants somebody or something else to change. / wish he would change his mind and marry Jane. I wish it would stop raining. The use with would is often used to describe an annoying habit. / wish you wouldn't make such a mess.

• Past time As with present wishes, the verb form after wish is one stage further back in the past. These are wishes referring to a past event, which cannot be changed. / wish I hadn't eaten so much. This use of wish is common after if only to express regrets. See Grammar 8. • Hope Wishes about simple future events are expressed with hope. I hope it doesn't (won't) rain tomorrow. I hope you('ll) have a lovely time in Portugal (on your holiday next week). I'd rather/I prefer (followed by a clause)


• I'd rather is followed by past verb forms in the same way as wishes about the present. It expresses preference about actions. I'd rather you didn't smoke in here. Both I'd rather and I'd sooner are used with normal verb forms when comparing nouns or phrases. I'd rather be a sailor than a soldier, (present) I'd rather have lived in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome, (past)


• I'd prefer can be used in the same way, but note that prefer in this type of sentence has an object it. I'd prefer it if you didn't go. However, I'd prefer is not followed by an unreal verb form in other situations. I'd prefer tea to coffee. I'd prefer you to go swimming (rather than go jogging). As if, as though

Real and unreal The verb form here depends on whether the situation is true or unreal. You look as if you're having second thoughts. (True. He is having second thoughts.) He acts as if he were in charge. (Unreal. He isn't in charge.) / feel as if an express train had hit me. (It didn't hit me.) Note however, that the more colloquial like does not require this verb form change. Compare: You look like you've just seen a ghost You look as if you'd just seen a ghost.

Suppose and

Understood conditions The conditional part of these sentences is often understood but not stated. Imagine we won the pools! Suppose someone told you that I was a spy! Imagine we'd never met! (we have met) As with conditional sentences, if the event referred to is a real possibility, rather than imaginary, a present verb form is possible: Suppose it starts raining, what'll we do?


Formal Subjunctives

• Insisting, demanding etc After verbs such as demand, insist, suggest, require which involve an implied obligation, the subjunctive may be used in formal style. This has only one form, that of the infinitive, and there is no third person -5, or past form. The verb be has be for all forms. They demanded that he leave at once. The school Principal suggested that he be awarded a scholarship. • Less formal usage Less formally, should can be used, and colloquially no verb form change is made, or an infinitive construction is used. They demanded that he should leave. They demanded that he left, (informal)

Formulaic Subjunctives

These are fixed expressions all using subjunctive. Typical expressions are: God save the Queen! Be that as it may ... Come what may ...




Underline either hope or wish in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 2

I hope/wish I'll see you again soon. I hope/wish the weather improves soon. I hope/wish I knew the answer. I hope/wish you didn't have to go. I hope/wish you'd stop shouting so much. I hope/wish nothing goes wrong. I hope/wish it would stop raining. I hope/wish you can come to my party. I hope/wish you don't mind. I hope/wish we could meet next week.

Complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence.

a) I wish you were a bit tidier. I wish you would b) I wish you were more interested in your school work. I wish you would c) I wish I spoke more languages. I wish I could d) I wish I had enough money to buy a car. I wish I could e) I wish they had more chess books in the library. I wish the library would f) I wish there was some soap in the bathroom. I wish the cleaners would g) I just wish my partner was a bit more romantic! I just wish my partner would




Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 4


I'd rather you (not/watch) television while I'm reading. It's high time you (start) working seriously. I wish I (spend) more time swimming last summer. Helen is bossy. She acts as if she (own) the place. I wish you (not/keep) coming late to class. Suppose a complete stranger (leave) you a lot of money in their will! I wish I (go) to your party after all. I'd rather you (sit) next to Susan, please. The government demanded that the ambassador (be) recalled, You are lucky going to Italy. I wish I (go) with you.

Correct the error(s) in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f)

I wish I bought that old house. I'd rather you don't eat all the bread It's time I go I wish I own a motorbike I wish we are not leaving in the morning Sue would rather reading than watching television.

g) h) i) j)

Come what comes, I'll be on your side I hope it would stop raining I'd prefer if you didn't wait I wish I didn't listen to you before




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) Do you ever regret not going to university? wish to university?

Do you ever b) I should really be going home now. time It's

home now.

c) I'd rather not go by plane. prefer I'd

go by plane.

d) Jack doesn't know all the answers, though he pretends to. acts Jack

all the answers.

e) I'd love to be able to go with you to the opera. wish I

go with you to the opera.

f) I wish I hadn't sold that old painting. pity It's

that old painting.

g) I'd rather you didn't stay long at the party. better It

stay long at the party.

h) The management said it was important for us to wear dark suits to the meeting. insisted The management

dark suits to the meeting.

i) I've had enough of your constant complaining! wish I

complaining all the time!

j) I'd love to be sitting on a beach in Turkey right now! wish I


on a beach in Turkey right now!




Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.

a) I wish you making so much noise late at night! b) I'd rather the children on the television without permission. c) Suppose half the money I owe you. Would that satisfy you? d) I hope get into trouble on my account. What do you think they'll say? e) This is an awful hotel. I wish we to the Grand instead. f) It is absolutely you contact head office in advance. g) I think it's high time we locking all the windows at night. h) Would you rather I the lunch, if you feel tired? i) I wish my car as fast as yours. j) I'd prefer you smoke in here, if you don't mind. 7

Complete the letter by writing one word in each space. A contraction (don't) counts as one word.

Dear Tom, Well, this time next week you'll be somewhere in Europe on a train. I'm sure any mum would worry! Actually, you're very lucky. I'd love to (1) ...v.& able to go off around the world. I often wish I (2) travelled more when I was younger. I really hope you (3) yourself, but do be careful, won't you? You're only 18 after all. Do take care with your money, won't you? And I'd rather you (4) spend too many nights in your tent alone. It's so dangerous. I suggest you only (5) your tent in a proper camp site. I wish you (6) going quite so soon. It's a pity you (7) stay until after Dad's 50th birthday. But never mind. I wish Dad (8) be at the airport to see you off, but he's got some really important business that day. Suppose we (9) out to see you in June?!! ... Just a thought. Anyway, just remember, if you get into any trouble, we're only a phone call away, and come what (10) , we'll always be there for you. Love, Mum



Put each verb in brackets into the appropriate verb form.

Employees protesting at the planned closure of the Magnet electronics factory have begun a protest outside the factory in Brook Road. It (1) (reveal) last week that production at the factory, where over 3,000 local people (2) (employ), (3) (transfer) to the existing Magnet plant in Luton next month. Only a few new jobs (4) (expect) to be created. 'Why (5) (we/not/inform) about this earlier? We (6) (only/tell) about this two days ago,'said Marjory Calder, representing the workforce. 'It's about time companies such as this (7) (start) thinking about how local communities (8) (affect) by their policies. Most of us here own our houses. How are we going to keep paying the mortgage and find a job? I wish I (9) (know).' Reg Reynolds, Director of Magnet was asked what was being done to help those who have (10) (make) redundant. 'Every effort (11) (make) over the past month to offer early retirement to those who qualify/ he told our reporter. When (12) (question) about why the workers (13) (not/tell) about the closure earlier, he revealed the company (14) (promise) a government loan to keep the factory open, but that at the last minute the government (15) (decide) not to provide the loan after all. 'So don't blame the company, we've done our best.' 2

Complete each sentence with one appropriate word.

a) b) c) d) e) f)

You are the person who things done around here! The victim is thought to have been a bath at the time. As I cycled along the lane I was hit an overhanging branch. If the baby looked unhappy we it a toy to play with. If you had asked me earlier, I could have helped you. if I had got there in time, it wouldn't have made any

difference. g) I wouldn't be surprised if Patrick win. h) for the bad weather, our holiday would have been perfect. i) I rather you didn't stay any longer. j) I wouldn't be surprised if Jack to call round this evening.


G R A M M A R 10



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) It is thought that the escaped prisoner is back in custody. been The escaped prisoner is . recaptured. b) The wind was bending the young tree to the ground. bent The young tree to the ground in the wind. c) The police are interrogating Jim in connection with the break-in. about Jim is the break-in by the police. d) I can't lift this table on my own. won't Unless I get to lift this table. e) I won't stay in this job, not even for double the salary. doubled Even , I won't stay in this job. f) It's a pity you aren't going to Ann's party. wish I to Ann's party. g) If you found the missing money, what would you do? were What would you do if gone missing? h) They suspended Jackson for the next two matches. banned Jackson in the next two matches. i) Please come this way, and I'll see if Mr Francis is in. will If I'll see if Mr Francis is in. j) New drugs are being discovered which are helping the fight against this disease. discovery The fight against this disease new drugs.




Rewrite each sentence in the passive, omitting the words underlined.

a) Mushroom-gatherers usually work in the early morning. b) It's time the government brought the economy under control. c) A thief stole several coats from the cloakroom. d) The management has decided to reduce the workforce by 10%. e) The decorators only took a day to do our house. f) They have no idea what caused the accident. g) You have to make an application for a visa in advance, h) Ticket collectors work on the train on this line. i) Lots of people had left their luggage on the platform, j) A person directed Sally to the wrong address.


Complete each sentence with one appropriate word.

a) b) Graham

that as it may, it is still no excuse. his car towed away by the police.

c) I am going to call the police you leave at once. d) I think it's high time you taking yourself seriously. e) If you to think of moving, we could offer you a job. f) I g) Just imagine! h) I wish Harry i) If only you j) It was not


you can come to my birthday party. they told you that you had won first prize! see the children now! just stop talking for a moment and try listening! necessary to call the fire-brigade.

G R A M M A R 10



Put each verb in brackets into the appropriate verb form.

a) I don't like this restaurant, I wish we had (go) to the Taj Mahal'. b) It's time something (do) about this problem. c) The late Prime Minister is said (be) difficult to work with. d) That was lucky! If I (catch) this bus, I (meet) you. e) Your order (deal) with at the moment. f) But for Pauline, I (not/pass) the exam. g) All dishes (serve) with French fries and a green salad. h) The house is thought to (sell) recently for a million pounds. i) If only I (study) more when I was at school. j) If I were (tell) you where the treasure is, what would you do? 7

Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

a) The second film we saw (direct) by Howard Hughes. b) If I (know) that you (arrive) on that train, I (come) to meet you. c) I wish you (not/eat) all the food! I'm hungry! d) Be careful! If you (tease) the cat it (scratch) you! e) Thanks very much! If you (not/help) me, we (not/finish) the work so quickly. f) Hurry up, or all the best seats (take). g) What a shame that it (decide) to cancel the school play! h) Carol now wishes she (marry) in a church. i) If it (not/be) for you, I (still/be) in prison today! j) Unfortunately, tomorrow's match (call off).




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I'll get someone to press your trousers, sir. pressed immediately, sir. I'll b) Everyone knows that taking exercise is good for your health. known Taking exercise good for your health. c) Someone has suggested the resignation of the minister. that It the minister should resign. d) They've asked me if I would chair the meeting. to " I chair the meeting. e) We have managed to account for all the missing papers. successfully All the missing papers for. f) Since Sue left for Glasgow, nobody has seen anything of her. of Nothing has she left for Glasgow. g) I'd rather you didn't sit at the back of the room please. it I'd prefer at the front of the room. h) A traffic warden showed me how to get to the museum. way I was to the museum by a traffic warden. i) John's school is making him sit his exams again. made John sit his exams again. j) I should really be starting my homework. time It's starting my homework.


Explanations Don't have to and must not

• Don't have to refers to an absence of obligation. You don't have to work tomorrow. • Must not refers to an obligation not to do something. You must not leave the room before the end of the test.


Where *should appears, ought to can also be used. •

Expectation This film *should be really good.

Recommendation I think you *should talk it over with your parents. In writing, should can be used to express a strong obligation politely. Guests should vacate their rooms by midday.

• Criticism of an action You *shouldn't eat so much late at night. • Uncertainty Should I leave these papers on your desk? • Should and verbs of thinking Should is often used with verbs of thinking, to make an opinion less direct. I should think that model would sell quite well. • With be and adjectives describing chance This group of adjectives includes odd, strange, funny (=odd) and the expression What a coincidence. It's strange that you should be staying in the same hotel! • After in case to emphasise unlikelihood I'm taking an umbrella in case it should rain. See Grammar 8 for similar uses in conditional sentences. Could

• Could is used to express possibility or uncertainty. This could be the house. • Could is used with comparative adjectives to express possibility or impossibility. The situation couldn't be worse. It could be better.





• Could is used to make suggestions. We could go to that new restaurant opposite the cinema. • Could is used to express unwillingness. / couldn't possibly leave Tim here on his own. Can

• Can with be is used to make criticisms. You can be really annoying, you know! • Can is also used with be to refer to capability. Winter here can be really cold.

Must and can't

These refer to present time only. (See bound to). In expressing certainty, they are opposites. This must be our stop. (I'm sure it is.) This can't be our stop. (I'm sure it isn't.)

May and might

• May can be used to express although clauses: She may be the boss, but that is no excuse for shouting like that. See also Grammar 14 Emphasis. •

May/might as well This describes the only thing left to do, something which the speaker is not enthusiastic about. Nobody else is going to turn up now for the lesson, so you may as well go home.

• May and might both express possibility or uncertainty. May is more common in formal language. The peace conference may find a solution to the problem. • There is an idiomatic expression with try, using may for present reference, and might for past reference. Try as I might, I could not pass my driving test. (This means although I tried hard, I could not pass my driving test.) Shall

Shall can be used with all persons to emphasise something which the speaker feels is certain to happen or wants to happen. / shall definitely give up smoking this year. We shall win! (shall is stressed in this sentence)

• Similarly, shall is used in formal rules and regulations. No player shall knowingly pick up or move the ball of another player. Will


• Will can be used to express an assumption. A: The phone's ringing. B: That'll be for me.




• Will/won't can be used emphatically to tell someone of the speaker's intention, or to forbid an action, in response to a will expression. /'// take the money anyway, so there! You won't! I will! Similarly / won't can mean / refuse, and / will can mean / insist. A: I won't do it! B: Yes, you will! Would

Would is often used in situations where a conditional sense is understood but not stated. Nobody would agree with that idea, (if we asked them) Life wouldn't be worth living without you. (if you weren't there) / think Jim would be the best candidate, (if he was under consideration for the job) Sue wouldn't do that, surely! (if you think she's capable of doing that).


• Need to is a modal auxiliary, and behaves like a normal verb. Do you need to use the photocopier? • Need is a modal auxiliary, but mainly in question and negative forms. Need you make so much noise? See Grammar 7 for need doing

Related non-modal expressions

• Had better This is a recommendation and refers only to the present or future. You'd better not phone her again. • Be bound to This makes a future prediction of certainty. It's bound to rain tomorrow.




Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


I don't think you could/should tell anyone yet. I couldn't/shouldn't possibly leave without paying. That mustn't/can't be the hotel Jane told us about. There are times when the traffic here can/could be really heavy. We are enjoying our holiday, though the weather could/must be better. You couldn't/shouldn't really be sitting here. You could/may be older than me, but that doesn't mean you're cleverer, You might/should like to look over these papers if you have time. I'm afraid that nobody should/would help me in that kind of situation, No member of the association must/shall remove official documents from these premises without written permission.

Put one suitable word in each space. Contractions (can't) count as one word.

Bill: Jane: Bill: Jane: Bill: Jane: Bill: Jane: Bill: Jane: Bill: Jane: Bill: Jane:


This (1) be the house, I suppose, number 16 Elland Way. I pictured it as being much bigger, from the estate agent's description. Well, we'd (2) go inside. We (3) as well. Wait a minute. I (4) to just find my glasses. I (5) see a thing without them. I don't think much of it from the outside, to be honest. Yes, it (6) certainly do with a coat of paint or two. Rather you than me! I (7) like to have to paint it all! And the gutters (8) replacing. I (9) think they haven't been replaced since the house was built. They (10) really be replaced every four years ideally. And I don't like that big ivy plant growing up the side. Ivy (11) get in the brickwork and cause all sorts of damage. I wonder if there's a lock on that big downstairs window? It looks very easy to break in to. There's (12) to be one, surely. Well, (13) we go inside? Do we (14) to? I think I've seen enough already. I (15) possibly live here.

G R A M M A R 11



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I couldn't be happier at the moment. could I am as at the moment. b) Although I tried hard, I couldn't lift the suitcase. might Try , I couldn't lift the suitcase. c) I'm sure that Peter won't be late. bound Peter on time. d) Fancy you and I having the same surname! should It's odd the same surname! e) I think you should take up jogging. were If I take up jogging. f) It's possible that this kind of snake is poisonous. could This snake the poisonous kinds. g) You can't borrow my car! won't I borrow my car! h) I'm sure this isn't how you get to Norwich! can't This way to Norwich! i) It makes no difference to me if we call it off. may We call it off. j) Although it's summer, the temperature is more like winter. may It the temperature is more like winter.




Choose the sentence A or B that is closest in meaning to the sentence given.

a) It's possible that we'll know the answers tomorrow. ...A.,... A We may know the answers tomorrow. B We should know the answers tomorrow. b) I don't think you should ring him now. It's rather late A You might not ring him now. It's rather late. B You'd better not ring him now. It's rather late. c) You needn't come if you don't want to A You won't come if you don't want to. B You don't have to come if you don't want to. d) I think it's wrong for you to work so hard A You don't have to work so hard. B You shouldn't work so hard. e) Perhaps these are the keys A These might be the keys. B These must be the keys. f) It would be wrong for us to lock the cat in the house for a week A We'd better not lock the cat in the house for a week. B We can't lock the cat in the house for a week, g) Ifs possible that the decision will be announced next week A The decision might be announced next week. B The decision will be announced next week, h) Although I try hard, I can never solve The Times' crossword A Try as I may, I can never solve 'The Times' crossword. B Try as I can, I may never solve 'The Times' crossword. i) I know. Why don't we go out to eat instead? A I know. We must go out to eat instead. B I know. We could go out to eat instead.





Complete each sentence with one of the phrases from the box.

turn it on.

a) The heating comes on automatically. You b) Of course I'll help! I

let you do it on your own.

c) It's a lovely hotel. And the staff d) George e) You f) We

more helpful. it there if he has stayed there for so long.

right, but I'm still not convinced. go in this museum. There's nothing else to do.

g) I love these trees. Without them the garden


same. h) There's the phone call I was expecting. It i) Thanks. And now you just j) Try as 6

George. sign on the dotted line.

, I simply couldn't open the lid.

In most lines of this text there is an extra word. Write the word, or put a tick if the line is correct. I may as well be admit it - I'm a secret admirer of all things connected with trains! It's not with something you would want to admit to your


friends, but I can't imagine life possibly without my collection of model


trains and train memorabilia. You're probably thinking I must be done


some kind of nerd who stands around on chilly platforms all day


collecting train numbers, and yes, I have to admit for I've done my fair


share of that, but that's only a small part of it. I can just love the feel of


railway stations, and I can cheerfully spend a whole of afternoon in


one, just walking around soaking up to the atmosphere of the place,


looking for things for my collection, and taking photos of new engines.


Call me might a wierdo, but I'd far rather spend a day in a station


than on the beach by sunning myself. I'd be too busy taking the train


down the coast - coastal routes can be an absolutely spectacular.


There's a convention for those railway lovers on the south coast soon


- rest assured that I shall be there. I wouldn't miss it for all the world!

15 ...



Explanations Had to and must have

Should have and ought to have

Had to is the past form of must and refers to a past obligation. Sorry I'm late, I had to post some letters. The negative form is didn't have to and refers to an absence of obligation. Must have refers to past certainty, (see below) Where *should appears, ought to is also possible. • Expectation Should have refers to something which was supposed to happen. The parcel I sent you *should have arrived by now. • Criticism of an action You *shouldn't have eaten so much last night. • Should have and verbs of thinking The past form knew in the example is an unreal verb form, and the should have form is used according to 'sequence of verb forms'. See Grammar 9. / should have thought you knew. • With be and adjectives describing chance It was strange that you should have been staying in the same hotel last year. • As a polite expression of thanks on receiving a gift or a favour I've done the washing up for you. - Oh, you really shouldn't have! The intonation should be friendly, as this is not a criticism.

Could have

• Could have refers to past possibility or uncertainty. David could have won the race if he had tried, (possibility/ability) It could have been Sue, I suppose, (uncertainty) • Couldn't have is also possible for both meanings. • Couldn't have can be used with comparative adjectives. We couldn't have been happier in those days. • Could have can also express unwillingness. She could have gone to the party with her friends, (but she didn't) We couldn't have left the dog on its own. (so we didn't)


• Could refers to past permission or past ability. When I was sixteen I could stay out till 11.00. (I was allowed to) Mary could swim when she was three, (she actually did) •


Compare: Mary could have swum when she was three, (but she didn't)


May have and might have




• Might have refers to past possibility which did not happen. You might have drowned! •

Might have and may have refer to uncertainty. / suppose I may have been rather critical.

• Both can be used in the negative to express uncertainty. They might not have received our letter yet. • Might have is used to express annoyance at someone's failure to do something. There is strong stress on the words underlined. You might have told me my trousers were split! • / might have known + would is an idiom by which the speaker expresses ironically that an action was typical of someone else. / might have known that he would be late. A: It was Jack who broke the vase. B: / might have known! Must have and can't have

• These refer to the speaker's certainty about a past action. Someone must have taken it. (I am sure they did) You can't have lost it. (I am sure you didn't) • Both can also be used with surely in exclamations. Surely you can't have eaten all of it! Surely you must have noticed it!

Would not

• This expresses an unwillingness in the past. Everyone was angry because Sam wouldn't turn off the television.

Would have

Would have can refer to events in the past which did not actually happen. / would have accepted this job, but I didn't want to move house.

• Assumptions about the past are also possible with would have. A: Someone called after you left but didn't leave a message. B: That would have been Cathy, probably. Needn't have and

didn't need to

Adverbs and modals

Needn't have done refers to an unnecessary action which was actually done. You needn't have paid all at once, (you did pay) Didn't need to refers to an unnecessary action which was not done. / didn't need to go to the dentist again, luckily. Adverbs such as well, easily, obviously, really, just are often used to emphasise modal expressions, in both present and past time. You could easily have been killed. I might well decide to come. She obviously must have left. You couldn't really have managed without me. I might just take you up on that.




Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 2

That can't have been/shouldn't have been Nick that you saw. You must have given/might have given me a hand! I caught a later train because I had to see/must have seen a client. I suppose Bill should have lost/might have lost his way. I didn't refuse the cake, as it should have been/would have been rude. I don't know who rang, but it could have been/must have been Jim. It was odd that you should have bought/would have bought the same car. I asked them to leave but they might not/wouldn't go. It's a pity you didn't ask because I can't help/could have helped you. It's your own fault, you can't have/shouldn't have gone to bed so late.

Complete each sentence using one of the phrases from the box.

a) You and your big mouth! It was supposed to be a secret. You told her! b) The plane is late. It landed by now. c) You met my brother. I haven't got one! d) There is only one explanation. You left your keys on the bus. e) You heard me right. I definitely said 204525. f) The meat is a bit burnt. You cooked it for so long. g) I'm sorry. I accept I been a little bit rude. h) You really taken so much trouble over me. i) Was it really necessary? You tell the police, you know, j) Keep your fingers crossed! The traffic warden noticed the car's parking ticket has run out!







Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) It wouldn't have been right to leave you to do all the work on your own. couldn't all the work on your own. b) Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat. might They the tyre was flat. c) All that trouble I went to wasn't necessary in the end. needn't I all that trouble. d) Apparently someone has borrowed the cassette player. have Someone the cassette player. e) I'm disappointed that you didn't back me up! might You me up! f) Our worrying so much was a waste of time. needn't We so much. g) It's just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge. possibly The cat the fridge. h) It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car. could

Helen i) It's possible that the last person to leave didn't lock the door.

us a lift.


The last person the door unlocked. j) School uniform wasn't compulsory at my school. wear We school uniform at my school.




Complete each sentence by writing one word in each space. Contractions (can't) count as one word.

a) I have become a millionaire, but I decided not to. b) You have been here when Helen told the boss not to be so lazy! It was great! c) Peter wasn't here then, so he have broken your vase. d) I have bought that car, but I decided to look at a few others. e) If you felt lonely, you have given me a ring. f) Don't take a risk like that again! We have lost because of you. g) It's been more than a week! You have had some news by now! h) We were glad to help. We have just stood by and done nothing. i) You really have gone to so much trouble! j) I have thought that it was rather difficult. 5

Correct any errors in these sentences. Some sentences are correct.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Surely you mustn't have forgotten already! Even Paul couldn't have foreseen what was coming next .................. Frances might not have understood what you said .................. It was funny that she should have remembered me .................. Harry may have won the match with a bit more effort .................. You must have told me you had already eaten .................. Look, there's £30 in my wallet. I shouldn't have gone to the bank after all.

h) You mustn't have been so unkind! i) I couldn't have managed without you j) I have no idea who it was, but I suppose it would have been Ann 6

Underline the most suitable adverb for each space.

a) Someone obviously/currently/fortunately must have picked it up by mistake. b) He could really/cheerfully/easily have stolen the painting without anyone knowing. c) I may surely/well/dearly have made a mistake. d) You really/clearly/needlessly shouldn't have spent so much on my present. e) Bill rarely/simply/certainly wouldn't listen to anything we said. f) I couldn't just/yet/already have left without saying a word. g) Certainly/Rarely/Surely you can't seriously believe that I am guilty! h) I opened the window, I greatly/surely/simply had to get some fresh air. i) I still/unfortunately'/surely couldn't have come to your party, j) How dangerous! You could still/strongly/well have been injured!




Complete each space in the text with an appropriate modal verb. Some are negative. Dear Toshie, Thanks for sending back the book I lent you. You (1)


it already! You must be the world's fastest reader! Hope you enjoyed it. Well, the big news is, I decided not to go to Italy to take up my job offer. Basically, moving there (2) meant a lot of upheaval and frankly I couldn't face the hassle. Maybe I (3) just gone, and been a bit more adventurous, and for sure, I've got mixed feelings about it, as if part of me wanted to go. Who knows, I (4) met the man of my dreams! But I didn't take the decision lightly. I (5)

spent several weeks

thinking about nothing else. Anyway, what's done is done. My other news concerns my Dad. You remember I was getting very worried because he'd been having dizzy spells and feeling all light-headed. Well, I (6)

worried - he's been diagnosed as suffering from

low blood pressure, so he's on medication for that. The doctor said it's possible that his vegetarian diet (7) set it off. It's a pity you weren't here! You (8) been able to help Dad, with your interest in holistic medicine. You (9) him some of your aromatherapy treatments.


Anyway, hope to see you again before too long. By the way, guess who's getting married in June? Brenda! I (10) known it would be her! It's typical; that girl has all the luck! Bye! Love from, Sue


Explanations Inversion

The term inversion covers two different grammatical operations. • Using a question form of the main verb Not only did he fail to report the accident, but also later denied that he had been driving the car. Never have I enjoyed myself more! • Changing the normal positions of verb and subject Along the street came a strange procession. See Grammar 14 for an explanation of this example.

Inversion after negative adverbials

• This only occurs when the adverbial occurs at the beginning of a clause. All the examples below are used in formal language, usually for rhetorical effect, such as in political speeches. They are not usual in everyday spoken language. Compare: Never have I heard a weaker excuse! I have never heard a weaker excuse! • Time expressions: never, rarely, seldom These are most commonly used with present perfect or past perfect, or with modals such as can and could. Sentences of this type often contain comparatives. Rarely can a minister have been faced with such a problem. Seldom has the team given a worse performance. Rarely had I had so much responsibility. • Time expressions: hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner These refer to an event which quickly follows another in the past. They are usually used with past perfect, although no sooner can be followed by past simple. Note the words used in the contrasting clause. Hardly had the train left the station, when there was an explosion. Scarcely had I entered the room when the phone rang. No sooner had I reached the door than I realised it was locked. No sooner was the team back on the pitch than it started raining. •


After only Here only combines with other time expressions and is usually used with past simple. Only after posting the letter did 1 remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp. Other examples are only if/when, only then, only later.



Note that when only refers to 'the state of being the only one', there is no inversion following it. Only Mary realised that the door was not locked. • Phrases containing no/not These include under no circumstances, on no account, at no time, in no way, on no condition, not until, not only ... (but also). On no condition are they to open fire without a warning. Not until I got home did I notice that I had the wrong umbrella. • Little Little also has a negative or restrictive meaning in this sense: Little does the government appreciate what the results will be. Inversion after so/such with that

• This occurs with so and adjectives when the main verb is be. It is used for emphasis and is more common than the example with such. So devastating were the floods that some areas may never recover. • Such used with be means so much/so great Such was the force of the storm that trees were uprooted. • As in the examples with such, inversion only occurs if so/such is the first word in the clause.

Inverted conditional sentences without If-

• Three types of If- sentence can be inverted without If-. This makes the sentences more formal and makes the event less likely. If they were to escape, there would be an outcry. Were they to escape, there would be an outcry. If the police had found out, I would have been in trouble. Were the police to have found out, I would have been in trouble. If you should hear anything, let me know. Should you hear anything, let me know. If he has cheated, he will have to be punished. Should he have cheated, he will have to be punished. If I had known, I would have protested strongly. Had I known, I would have protested strongly. • Inversion after as This is more common in formal or written language. We were short of money, as were most people in our neighbourhood. I thought, as did my colleagues, that the recession would soon be over. • Inversion after so, neither and nor These are used in 'echoing' statements, agreeing or disagreeing. A: / am going home. B: So am I. A: / don't like meat. B: Neither do I. See Grammar 14 for ways of giving emphasis without inverting after so.



Complete each sentence by using the phrases from the box.

we arrived at the hotel, when there was a power


cut. b)

members of staff to accept gratuities from clients.


Detective Dawson realise what she was to discover!

d) ten per cent discount. e) I supposed, retiring at 60. f) g) promotion. h) the interval, i) three disappeared, j) time.


to pay the full amount now, there would be a most people, that I would be the doctors seen a more difficult case. Jean win first prize, but she was also offered a late arrivals be admitted to the theatre before one missing child been found, than another so many employees taken sick leave at the same




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) It was only when the office phoned me that I found out about the meeting. find








Not until , about the meeting. The facts were not all made public at the time. later Only all made public. The response to our appeal was so great that we had to take on more staff. response Such to our appeal that we had to take on more staff. Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder. but Not only also injured his shoulder. The police didn't suspect at all that the judge was the murderer. did Little as being the murderer. The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way. held In responsible for the accident. If the government raised interest rates, they would lose the election. raise Were interest rates, they would lose the election, As soon as I got home, I realised I'd left my bag in the shops. had

No sooner I realised I'd left my bag in the shops, i) It was only when I asked a passer-by that I realised where I was. did

Not until j) The minister was interrupted just after starting his speech.

where I was.



he was interrupted.




Decide which sentences are inappropriate in the contexts given.

a) Guest to host: 'So nice was that pudding, that I would like to have some more. b) Witness to court: 'No sooner had I turned out the light, than I heard a noise outside.' c) News reader: 'Such was the force of the earthquake, that whole villages have been devastated.' d) Parent to child: 'Should you fancy a pizza, let's order one now.' e) Friend to friend: 'Never before have I seen this film.' f) Politician to audience: 'Seldom has the country faced a greater threat.' g) Celebrity to interviewer: 'Were I to have the time, I'd go climbing more often.' h) Victim to police officer: 'Scarcely had we been introduced when he punched me for no reason.' i) Printed notice: 'Under no circumstances is this control panel to be left unattended.' j) Colleague to colleague: 'Should you change your mind, just let me know.' 4

Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase containing the verb in brackets in an appropriate form.

(need) anything, could you let me know? a) Should b) Were the plane (take off), everyone in it would have been killed. c) Had (study) harder, I would probably have passed all my exams. d) Should (be) in the neighbourhood, drop in. e) Had (go) to the doctor immediately, your daughter would not be so ill. f) Never before (spend) so much money on her daughter's birthday. g) Should (feel) hungry, just call room service, and order a meal. h) Were (offer) her the job, we couldn't be sure that she would accept. i) Had (take) the necessary measures, this political crisis could have been avoided, j) Scarcely (get) home when the police called us with news of Geoffrey.




Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 6


Jim promised that he would never/never would he tell anyone else. Not until it was too late / remembered/did I remember to call Susan. Hardly had we settled down in our seats than/when the lights went out. Only after checking three times / was/was I certain of the answer. At no time I was aware/was I aware of anything out of the ordinary. Only Catherine and Sally passed/did they pass the final examination. Only when Pete has arrived/has Pete arrived can we begin the programme, No sooner had it stopped raining than/when the sun came out.

Complete the text by using the words and phrases from the box.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've done it again - another election victory. The last four years of office has been a wonderful time for the party, a tale of adversity overcome. had we come to office than the Stock Market crashed. But we survived that scare, and we came out of it stronger for the experience. The opposition claimed we were faltering. (2) have I heard such hypocrisy from a party which continued to squabble internally for the next four years. Then (3) came a fellow called David Rew, with his new breakaway Democratic party - but he didn't have much success in the opinion polls! (4) did he claim he'd become Prime Minister within three years, he also reckoned that this party was now unpopular with younger voters. (5) did he realise that it would be the young voters who gave us an overwhelming vote of confidence in yesterday's election. (6) had the first votes rolled in when it was obvious that we would be re-elected with a huge majority. (7) was the extent of our victory that the New Democrats obtained a meagre five seats. (8) they known they would perform so poorly, I don't think they would have been quite so scathing in their criticism of our economic policy. But rest assured, ladies and gentlemen, (9) will we rest on our laurels. There is no room for complacency in this government. And I am confident, (10) I'm sure are most of you, that the next four years will be a resounding success. Thank you.






Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) Please never ever interrupt me when I'm in a meeting. am On no account

when I'm in a meeting.

b) Nobody from this school has ever written a better composition. anyone Never written a better composition. c) Such was the demand for tickets that people queued day and night. great The demand for tickets queued day and night. d) The money is not to be paid under any circumstances.







that people

no Under to be paid. Three days passed before we arrived at the first oasis. had Not until at the first oasis. Little did Brenda know what she was letting herself in for. no Brenda what she was letting herself in for. It was only when I stopped that I realised something was wrong. did Only that something was wrong. The accused never expressed regret for what he had done. time At regret for what he had done. Exhaustion prevented any of the runners from finishing the race. were So of them finished the race. It's not common for there to be so much rain in March. see Seldom ....................................................................... much rain in March.

Explanations Changing word order to change focus

Passive Passive constructions vary the way information is given in a sentence, putting more emphasis on what comes first. See Grammar 6 and 7. All roads to the north have been blocked by snow.

• Fronting and inversion Inversion here refers to changing the normal word order in the sentence so that a prepositional phrase is emphasised before the verb. This also involves putting the verb before the subject. Suddenly down came the rain! Up in the air went the balloon. Fronting involves changing the order of clauses in a sentence and putting first for emphasis a clause that would usually not be first. / don't know where the money is coming from. Where the money is coming from, I don't know. Time phrases can vary in position, and are often put first because the time reference is important. At six o'clock Monica decided to phone the police. May clauses There is a type of may clause introduced by although which can be inverted. It is a highly formal expression. Although it may seem/be difficult, it is not impossible. Difficult as/though it may seem/be, it is not impossible. • Cleft and pseudo cleft sentences These are sentences introduced by it is/it was or by a clause beginning what. Different parts of the sentence can be emphasised in this way. In speech, stress and intonation also identify the emphasis. With it is/was Sue borrowed my bike last night. It was Sue who borrowed my bike. It was last night that Sue borrowed my bike. It was my bike that Sue borrowed. Sentences with because are also possible. It was because I felt ill that I left. Modal auxiliaries are also possible. You can't have read the same book. It can't have been the same book that you read.



What clauses These are common with verbs such as need, want, like, hate. I hate rainy weather. What I hate is rainy weather. You need a holiday. What you need is a holiday. It is also possible to emphasise events, using auxiliary do/did. Peter left the windows unlocked. What Peter did was (to) leave the windows unlocked. They are destroying the environment. What they are doing is destroying the environment. Clauses beginning all emphasise 'the only thing'. / only need another £15. All I need is another £15. Adding words for emphasis

• Own This intensifies possessive adjectives. It was my own idea. •

Very and indeed Very can be used emphatically to mean exactly/precisely. At the very same moment, the telephone rang. Very ... indeed is another way of intensifying adjectives. It was very cold indeed.

• Emphasising negatives Ways of emphasising not include: at all, in the least, really. It was not at all cold. It was not cold at all. In the least/slightest usually adds bit if used before an adjective. / wasn't interested in the slightest. I wasn't the least bit interested. No and none can be emphasised by at all and whatsoever. There were none left at all. There were no tickets left whatsoever.

• The The can emphasise uniqueness. It is heavily stressed in speech. Surely you are not the Elizabeth Taylor, are you? • Question words ending in -ever These add an air of disbelief to the question. Whatever are you doing? Whoever told you that?

G R A M M A R 14


• Auxiliary do This can emphasise the verb, and is stressed in speech. / do like this film! It's really great! It is also used in polite forms. / do hope you'll come again! Do sit down! • Adverbs and adjectives A large number of adverbs and adjectives are used to add emphasis. Common examples are: / actually went inside one of the Pyramids. It is by no means certain that the match will take place. Some people were even wearing pullovers, it was so cold. Her performance was sheer magic! This book is utter nonsense! The following examples are only possible with adjectives which express an absolute opinion (non-gradeable adjectives). It was absolutely fantastic! The third exam question was quite (completely) impossible. This guide book is utterly useless. You were simply wonderful! Don't cook the meat any more. It's just right! • Echoing phrases with so These express agreement. A: This is the book you are looking for. B: So it is! Other means

• Time phrases Common examples are: day after day; time and time again; over and over again; day in, day out David reads the same book over and over again! • Repetition of main verb / tried and tried, but it was no use. • In the repetition of a phrase with a possessive it is possible to omit the first mention of the noun and use a possessive pronoun. Their marriage was a successful marriage. Theirs was a successful marriage.




Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

a) You can't complain. It's your fault, isn't it? b) A: That looks like Janet. B: it is! My goodness, hasn't she changed. c) I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you haven't been here long. d) It is by no certain that the Prime Minister will attend the meeting. e) I really enjoy in winter is a bowl of hot soup. f) I searched and for my keys but I couldn't find them. g) you are all going to sleep I can't quite work out! h) What the government then was to raise interest rates. i) There isn't much to eat we've got is some leftovers. j) Cathy wasn't the bit put out when I couldn't make it to her wedding. 2

Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase from the box.

you could have a) I know you're busy, but I helped me with the decorating. b) It's certain that the president will be re-elected. c) You may have lots of restaurants where you live, but there are in this part of town. d) I told you about the leaking pipes, but you wouldn't listen. e) You don't seem interested in my problems! f) Strange , the bus is actually faster than the train. g) In the end was to call a plumber. h) We all day, but Chris never turned up. i) Pauline was bothered by our turning up so late. j) It Jim that you saw; he is in Germany at the moment.





Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) The car doesn't need anything else except new tyres. needs new tyres. All b) Brenda didn't worry at all about her exams. bit Brenda wasn't the about her exams. c) The person who told me about the hotel was Keith. who It told me about the hotel. d) I had spent every last penny of my money. absolutely I had whatsoever. e) Although the ticket may seem expensive, it is good value for money. though Expensive the ticket is good value for money. f) I really hate lukewarm food. stand What I lukewarm food. g) In the end Martha went to the police. was In the end what Martha to the police. h) I think you must have seen a ghost. that It you saw. i) Her car was the last car you'd expect to be stolen. very Hers you'd expect to be stolen. j) The accident happened because someone was very careless. caused Sheer happen.




Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 5

Don't worry, I'm none at all/not at all tired. I thought that speech was utter/utterly rubbish. It was because/why the car broke down that we missed our plane. A: You are sitting on my hat! B: So am I/So I am! The sea was so rough that actually/even the experienced sailors were seasick. Whatever/Why ever are you looking at me like that for? I would like to make it quite/simply clear that we are just good friends, This is my very private/very own computer. On this course, we absolutely expect/do expect you to work hard. There were warnings, but nothing whatsoever/nothing simply was done.

Read the dialogue and decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits each space.

Jane: Well, did you see 'Western Warrior' at the cinema? Ben: Yes, and I thought it was very good (1) ..B. A lot of people had warned me that the plot got a bit far-fetched, but I didn't notice anything like that (2) What about you? Jane: No, I'm afraid I wasn't interested (3) I find these action films (4) unbelievable and over the top. Give me 'Love on the Danube' any day. I could watch that film (5) Ben: Well, I (6) hope you'll come with me to see The Fall of Julian'. Jane: It hasn't exactly done very well, has it? Ben: (7) makes you think that? I heard it's been very popular. Some newspaper critics have (8) suggested it'll win several Oscar awards. Jane: Well I think it's (9) not possible to predict these things. You never know what the judges will go for. Last year I was certain that The Leaping Lady' would sweep the board, but in the end it got no awards (10) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)


A certainly A at all A whatever A very A over and over again A would A Whatever A quite A completely A whatsoever

B indeed B by no means B slightly B sheer B whatsoever B do B Whatsoever B utterly B simply B at least

C surely C absolutely C in the least C utterly C at the very moment C utterly C Whoever C even C utterly C indeed




Choose the most appropriate continuation (1-10) for each sentence (a-j).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7


All of the trains were delayed by fog 4... It wasn't so much my qualifications that impressed them I found that I was spending more time staying late at the office I don't find that the buses are especially late, actually Actually my fridge is in quite good condition, considering its age I don't find watching television particularly relaxing I've decided to buy a new stereo after all This book didn't teach me everything I know about cooking The flight itself didn't really bother me at all Actually I wasn't in the office yesterday. Where I am going to get the money from is another matter. What I really need is a new washing machine. It must have been my assistant whom you dealt with. It was after 10.00 when I finally got home. What really gets on my nerves is people who push into the queue. It was when I got off the plane that I felt ill. What I did in the end was to ask for a pay-rise. It was Sarah who taught me how to make bread. It was because I spoke well at the interview that I got the job. What I like most is a long walk in the country.

Complete the dialogue by choosing the most appropriate word from the I

David: I can't make any sense of this letter from the council (1) all. It's (2) nonsense, if you ask me. (3) the council can't write in plain English is beyond me. (4) I really hate is this long-winded, complicated English. In my opinion, what they're doing (5) systematically destroying the language with all this new jargon - 'input', 'time window', 'feasibility study' - (6) are they talking about? (7) we get is the same meaningless drivel over and over (8) Listen to this: 'Difficult (9) it may be for all parties concerned, this is the most viable solution on offer.' I have no idea, none (10) what that means. Eve: Oh for heaven's sake, shut up!



Complete the text with one suitable word in each space.

Some people always have good advice to give you, but only after the event. You have come across the type, who somehow always know what (1) you (2) nave done when it has become too late. By now I (3) spot them a mile off. It (4) be because I have had so much practice. Last week, for example, I (5) to take my car to the garage because the lights weren't working. It was an expensive job, but I decided that I (6) as well pay, and get it over quickly. 'You (7) have told me,' said a friend when I was telling him how much I (8) to pay. 'I (9) easily have fixed it for you. Then you (10) not have wasted so much money.' You (11) imagine how I felt! Actually, he (12) probably have made a mess of the job, and I (13) well have ended up paying more. But it does seem strange that everyone else (14) know exactly what I (15) to do. 2

Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


Do you think I had . catch the earlier train? have we eaten a more enjoyable meal! Strange as it seem, I have never drunk coffee! You have told me the meeting was cancelled! Not I woke up did I realise that Diana had left. I really need is a new motorbike. You be Jane's mother. Pleased to meet you. At the end of the film, she meets the murderer. did we know what was in store for us later! You know Steve, he's to be late, so don't bother waiting for him.





Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) You are not to leave the hospital under any circumstances. are Under leave the hospital. b) Two weeks passed before the letter arrived. did Not until the letter arrive. c) She was so popular that everyone voted for her. her Such that everyone voted for her. d) Luckily it wasn't necessary for Jim to take the exam again. need Luckily Jim the exam. e) In the end I had no choice but to get a lift with a colleague. could In the end all get a lift with a colleague. f) The guests didn't finally leave until after midnight. before It the guests finally left. g) Paul smashed a window and damaged the television too. but Not only damaged the television. h) By law, all rear-seat passengers are obliged to wear seat-belts. have By law, seat-belts all rear-seat passengers. i) Harry tells the same joke all the time! over Harry tells the same joke again! j) It may seem strange but I like stale cake! as Strange I like stale cake! k) It was very kind of you to bring me chocolates. shouldn't You me chocolates. 1) There's nothing better to do, so go home. may You go home.




Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase so that the meaning stays the same. The new sentence must not contain the word or words underlined.

a) It would have been a good idea to take your umbrella. You taken your umbrella. b) It's certain to rain tomorrow. It's to rain tomorrow. c) I know you're tired, but that's no reason to be so irritable. You tired, but that's no reason to be so irritable. d) The hotel was as comfortable as possible. The hotel could more comfortable. e) It's possible that Ann is out. Ann out. f) You are quite wrong to eat so much chocolate. You eat so much chocolate. g) I'm sure this isn't the road to Canterbury. We on the road to Canterbury. h) It's typical of Martin to get promoted! I ... Martin would get promoted! i) Connie's mother refused to let the children watch TV. Connie's mother let the children watch TV. j) I don't think anyone would agree with you. I whether anyone would agree with you. 5

Choose the best meaning, A or B, for each sentence.

a) He might have let me know! ...A A I wish he had let me know. B I'm not sure whether he let me know. b) It's quite the best film I've ever seen A I have seen some that were better. B I haven't seen any that were better. c) You must be joking! A I'm sure you are joking. B You are supposed to make people laugh. d) I should like to invite her out A People think it an obligation for me to do this. B I think it would be a good idea. e) You mustn't work so hard A It's not necessary to work so hard. B It isn't a good idea to work so hard. 94

G R A M M A R 15 C O N S O L I D A T I O N 3


Decide which sentences are correct. Put a tick (/) if the sentence is correct, or a cross (X) if it is wrong. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


Never have I had such a good holiday. / Into the room three policemen came. Hardly I sat down, when there was a knock at the door. Exactly where the boat leaves from, I'm not quite sure. You must not leave the door locked under no circumstances. Should you need me, I'll be in my office all day. Strange as it may seem, but I enjoy hard work, All I need is time. Had the government acted more swiftly, the crisis might have been avoided, Until you've completed this form, there's not much we can do.

In most lines of this text there is an extra word. Write the word, or put a tick if the line is correct. Dear John, Have a little problem, to say the least - might it be grateful of your


advice. Things should have gone pretty badly this week up in Marketing.


On Thursday I did missed this really important meeting. I supposed,


as did we all us, that the meeting would be cancelled, as my boss,


DW, had flu. Little bit did I know, DW's boss, Mike Tranter himself,


was there in the meeting room, waiting for us all, and nobody


turned up! Apparently, as Mike had sent me an e-mail that morning,


asking me to tell everyone what the meeting was still on, but that would


be the day I was too busy to check my e-mails, wouldn't it! Mike


was livid, and accused me of having no common sense so whatever.


I tried to apologise and suggested we shall rearrange the meeting, but


he wasn't at the least bit interested. From his point of view, not only


did I fail to attend a meeting, but also that I failed to communicate a


vital message from him which he'd entrusted me with. No sooner


had I emerged from Mike's office after a dressing-down that it must


have lasted for a good 15 minutes, than who should phone me but


DW, wanting to know exactly what might had happened at the meeting.


He must have arranged it for Mike to chair the meeting in his place.


Well, I feel like I might have as well go and hand in my resignation now.


Any advice will more than gratefully received from a desperate friend!






Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase containing the word(s) in brackets, in an appropriate form. Some negatives are needed.

a) But I only lent you the book this morning! You (finish) it already! b) I don't know who phoned, but I suppose it (might) Sophia. c) Strange (seem), Harry has never been to London. d) Never (see) a more boring film! e) I told you we would miss the train! We (leave) earlier! f) I was just thinking about you. It's strange that (should) phoned me! g) Try (might), I just can't understand how this computer works! h) Seldom (snow/fall) here in winter, even when it is very cold. i) It rained every day on my holiday in France, so I (need) the suntan lotion after all! j) Well, I thought the food was awful. It (can) the same restaurant you went to. 9

Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


had a good time in Denmark. Jean must I'm sure was last week that I paid the bill. I think Phil better stay in bed today. The meals in the hotel were awful. Really the whole house painting. Strange it may seem, Mary likes it here. This restaurant is place to be seen in this town. This is my own recipe, actually. Hardly had I entered the office, the phone started ringing. After we had been on the beach for an hour, came the rain!

Explanations Problems

This unit assumes that the basic rules for forming reported speech are already known. • The most important rule is to use verb forms that are natural in the situation. 'I'm happy to help you' she said. She told me she is happy to help us. In the above example, the verb has not been put one stage back in the past. In the following example, the same is true. 7 wanted to go to the cinema, but John wasn't so keen,' said Sue. Sue said that she wanted to go to the cinema, but John wasn't so keen. • Reported speech with modal auxiliaries If the reporting verb is in a past verb form, modals change where there is a ' 'past' equivalent. Will - would can - could may - might Could, would, and might do not change. / might be late. She said (that) she might be late. Should changes to would if it is used as a first person form of would. I should love to come. She said (that) she would love to come. Otherwise should remains unchanged. You should rest. They said (that) I should rest. Must can be reported as either had to or remain as must. • Reported speech with conditional sentences After a past tense reporting verb, real situations include verb form changes. If we leave now, we'll catch the train. I told him that if we left then we'd catch the train. In reported hypothetical situations, verb form changes are not made if the event has reference to a possible future. If you came back tomorrow, I'd be able to help you. She said that if I came back the next day, she'd be able to help me. If the event is clearly hypothetical and impossible, time changes are made. If I had a spanner, I could fix it. He said that if he had had a spanner he could have fixed it. Hypothetical past conditional sentences do not change. • Don't think Statements reported with verbs of thinking such as think, expect, suppose can transfer the negative from the statement to the verb. / suppose she won't come. (This means I don't suppose she'll come.)




Reporting verbs

There are numerous reporting verbs, which report the words of others, or our own words and thoughts. Only a selection is given here. Other examples are included in the activities. Only the most useful categories are given here. It is advisable to use a dictionary to check on how reporting verbs are used. See Grammar 19, 21 and 22 for prepositions or -ing forms following verbs. • Verbs followed by that + clause (with * can be followed by a person) add confirm predict say feel consider hope state admit promise* decide suggest agree imply reassure * insist suppose announce deny reckon argue doubt mean tell* remark believe estimate mention repeat think expect* threaten claim object reply complain explain warn* persuade report* • Verbs followed by person + to advise remind

forbid warn







• Verbs followed by subjunctive or should Most of these verbs can also be used in the other ways given. As these verbs contain the sense that someone 'should do' something, should can follow them. They suggested that she should apply again. More formally, the subjunctive can be used instead of should. This is formed from the base of the verb (without third person V). They suggested that she apply again. Some other verbs of this type are: advise (also: someone to do/against something) agree (also: to do something, that + clause) demand (also: to do something) insist (also: on someone doing something) prefer (also: someone to do something) propose (also: doing something) recommend (also: doing something) request (also: someone to do something) suggest (also: that + clause) urge (also: someone to do something)


G R A M M A R 16


• Verbs which can be followed by that + clause containing would All these verbs report statements containing will. These verbs can also be followed by 'to do something'. /'// leave at 8.00. She decided to leave at 8.00. She decided (that) she would leave at 8.00. Others are: expect, hope, promise, threaten. Functions

• Many verbs describe a function, rather than report words. Look, if I were you I'd leave early. She advised me to leave early. Examples are: admit complain request suggest advise invite remind warn agree persuade threaten • Some verbs describe actions. Hi, Dave, how are you? He greeted me. Examples are: accept, congratulate, decide, greet, interrupt, introduce

Changes of viewpoint

Changes of time, place and person reference are assumed known at this level. In reported speech, there is no longer a clear reference which can be understood by two people in the same place. / left the parcel on this chair. In reported speech one would have to specify which chair: He said he had left the parcel on the chair by the window. Or the reference may be replaced by a more general one: / love this town. She said that she loved the town.



Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 2

The government spokesperson denied/refused that there was a crisis. Jane said me/told me there was nothing the matter. Peter persuaded me/insisted me to stay to dinner. The director of studies advised me/suggested me to spend more time in the library. Sheila explained me/warned me not to leave the heater on all night. The chairperson mentioned us/reminded us that time was extremely short. Bill answered them/replied them with a detailed description of his plans. Michael and Sarah announced/reported that they were going to get married, Paul accepted/expected that he had made a mistake, and apologised, The manager confirmed/reassured that our room had been reserved.

Rewrite each sentence in reported speech, using the verbs given in the appropriate verb form. Some may be negative.

a) 'I think I'll take the brown pair/ said the customer. (decide) (decide) + (will) (say) + (will) b) 'Me? No, I didn't take Sue's calculator.' said Bob. (deny) (deny) c) 'Don't forget to buy some milk, Andy,' said Clare. (remind) (say) + (should) (remind) + (need) d) 'I'm sorry I couldn't come on Saturday,' said David. (say) + (could) (say) + (be able to) (apologise for) e) 'Why don't you go back to Singapore, Brian?' I said.

(ask) + (do) (suggest) + (should) (suggest) f) 'Make sure you don't take the A20, Tim,' said Jack. (say) + (should) (warn) (warn)






Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) 'Helen, would you like to come to lunch on Sunday?' asked Mary. if Mary . to come to lunch on Sunday. b) 'You are not allowed to smoke in your room, Dick/ said his mother. forbade Dick's mother in his room. c) Sue thought it would be a good idea for me to see a doctor. advised Sue see a doctor. d) The minister proposed regular meetings for the committee. suggested The minister should meet regularly. e) Jack demanded urgent action from the police. do Jack demanded something urgently. f) My bank manager invited me to visit him at home. could My bank manager visit him at home. g) 'No, I really don't want to stay the night, Sophia,' Ann said. staying Ann insisted the night at Sophia's house. h) 'I'll call off the football match if you don't behave,' the teacher said. threatened The teacher the children's behaviour improved. i) 'Ok mum, I'll do my homework, I promise,' said Laura. that Laura do her homework. j) 'Congratulations on getting engaged, Sue,' said Harry. congratulated Harry engagement.





Underline the most suitable word to complete each sentence.

a) I thought Jim would say something about his new job. But he didn't mention/state/declare it. b) Sorry, I wasn't being insulting. I simply offered/reassured/remarked that you seem to have put on rather a lot of weight recently. c) The police requested/estimated/advised that the crowd was under 50,000, although the organisers of the march put it at nearer 100,000. d) The children complained/threatened/persuaded that their parents were always checking up on them. e) It has been objected/hoped/predicted that by the year 2050 some capital cities will be almost uninhabitable because of the effects of air pollution. f) During the months before Smith's transfer from City, it had been rumoured/doubted/threatened that he and the manager had come to blows in the dressing-room, though this was denied by the club. g) Brown forbade/recommended/claimed that the arresting officers had treated him roughly, and that one of them had punched him in the eye. h) An army spokesman stressed that all troops patrolling the streets had been denied/ordered/announced to issue clear warnings before firing any shots. i) Although he didn't say so directly, the Prime Minister told/ordered/suggested that an agreement between the two sides was within reach. j) The witness suggested/insisted/gave her name and address to the court before the cross-examination began. 5

Complete the text with one word in each space.

The case of the break-in at a Cambridge home entered its third day today. The accused's defence was based on the fact that he (1) ...could. not have entered the house at 6.30. He claimed (2) have been playing football at the time, and stated that several witnesses could confirm this. At this point, the prosecution (3) him of changing his story, as he had previously stated that he had been at home at the (4) of the break-in. The defendant agreed that his memory (5) not in the best of shape, as he had been (6) from bouts of depression. The judge stepped in, reminding the defendant that he (7) taken an oath to tell the truth, and warning (8) of the severe consequences of lying in court. The defendant said that he had simply forgotten (9) the football match, and insisted (10) he was not changing his story.






Using the information in the e-mail as a guide, complete each space in the letter with a verb. The first letters of the verbs have been given.

TO: FROM: [email protected] We are sorry that our computer ordering system went on the blink last week. Don't worry, the system is now up and running again, but we think goods will arrive 2 or 3 days late. I'd guess the goods you've just ordered should arrive round about Thursday. Thanks a lot for telling us about the problem with the ZP200. You'll be pleased to know the problem's been put right now. Re the exhibition you're organising, it seems you want to return any goods you don't sell. We're certainly interested, yes, but could I ask for more details before I let you know. Finally, just to tell you, as of 1st May our warehouse is now open 24 hours a day! Dear Mrs Henderson, for the failure of our computer We would like to (1) a ordering system last week. Please (2) b reassured that the system is now fully functional again. It is (3) a that the goods ordered will be delayed by two or three working days. The (4) e arrival time for your latest order is Thursday. We are grateful to you for (5) r the defect in the ZP200 model. We are happy to (6) a that the defect has now been remedied. You (7) m the possibility of taking goods from us 'on sale or return' at an exhibition you are organising. We can certainly (8) c our interest, but we would like to (9) r further information before we commit ourselves to a decision. Please be (10) a 24 hours a day.

that as of 1 May our warehouse is now open

Yours sincerely, David Smith


Explanations Basic uses of articles are assumed known. Definite article


Classes This is one way to refer to classes, and is perhaps more formal than using a plural: The tiger is threatened with extinction.

National groups Groups as a whole: The French eat in restaurants more than the English. Single examples are not formed in the same way: A Frenchman/woman, an Englishman/woman.

Other groups If these are clearly plural: the Social Democrats, The Rolling Stones Note the difference: Pink Floyd, Queen (no article)

Unique objects the moon, the sun Note that there are other suns and moons in the universe. This planet has a small moon.

Titles These tend to be 'unique'. The director of studies If the title is post-modified (has a description coming after the noun), the is more likely, but not essential. Compare: She became President in 1998. She became (the) President of the United States in 1998.

Other titles The may be part of the title, and so is capitalised. Newspapers: The Independent, The Sunday Times

Musical instruments Jane plays the flute. The guitar is my favourite instrument. It is, of course, still possible to use a where it would naturally be used. There was a small brown flute in the window of the shop.

G R A M M A R 17


• Emphatic use This is heavily stressed and emphasises the following noun. This hotel is the place to stay. See also Grammar 14. •

Geographical names The following use the: Rivers: the Thames Mountain ranges: the Alps Oceans: the Mediterranean Unique features: the Channel, the Arctic Compass points/areas: the East, the Middle East Countries: collective or plural: The United Kingdom, The Netherlands This does not apply to: Mountain peaks: Everest (but The Matterhorn) Continents: Asia Countries: France The definite article is sometimes used before Lebanon and Gambia: The Lebanon The Gambia

Place names Post-modification, especially with ... o f . . . plays a role in place names. Compare: Leeds University/The University of Leeds London Bridge/The Tower of London -» If the first part of a place-name is another name, then normal rules about zero article apply. Brown's Restaurant The Garden House Hotel The same applies in geographical names: Canvey Island The Isle of Man

• Most and the most Most hotels in England are very expensive, (making a generalisation) This is the most expensive hotel in town, (talking about a specific hotel) •

Importance of context The definite article refers to already mentioned items, and so its use depends on context. The Smiths had a son and a daughter. The son was in the Army and the daughter was training to be a doctor. On the Saturday, there was a terrible storm. Here, the Saturday refers to a day in an area of time already mentioned. On the Saturday of that week ...



Indefinite article

• Jobs Compare: Tony is a builder. Tony was the builder of that house. • In measuring Three times a week. Fifty kilometres an hour. £3.50 a kilo. £15,000 a year. Formally, per can replace a/an. • Unknown people Use of a/an emphasises that a person is unknown. A Mr Jones called while you were out.

Zero article

• Names Compare: Matthew Smith is one of my favourite artists, (a person) A Matthew Smith hangs in their bedroom, (a painting) •

Some unique organisations do not use the. Parliament, but The (House of) Commons

• Streets Most streets do not use an article. Green Road Godwin Street Exceptions are: ^ The High Street The Strand and street names without preceding adjectives. Compare: Holly Drive The Drive Translation problems


Study these sentences. Would you use an article in your language? I know how to use a computer. A pound and a half of cheese. I was holding it in my hand. It's a film about homeless people. Terry has flu. I've got a headache.



The activities include revision material. In each space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank.

third consecutive month there

It has been announced that for (1) has been (2) (4)

rise in (3)

number of

people unemployed, rather than (5)

had been predicted. (6)

rise was blamed on (7)

continuing uncertainty over (8) and couldn't come at (9)

government economic policy, worse time for (10)

Prime Minister, who is facing (11)

growing criticism over


way (13)


MPs are increasingly voicing (15)

present crisis is being handled.

despite (16)

recent devaluation of (17)

cuts in (18)

interest rates, (19)

expects (20)

fears that pound and government still

recovery of the economy to take three or even four

years. To make (21)

matters worse, (22) „.

small businesses going into (23) (24)

fall that

number of

liquidation is still at

record level, and (25)

housing market is

showing no signs of recovery. Some backbenchers expect (26) general election before (27) unless there is (29) 2

end of (28) rapid change of (30)

winter fortune.

Underline the most suitable option. A dash (-) means that no article is included.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Helen doesn't like the/- cream cakes sold in a/the local bakery. The/- handball is fast becoming a/the popular sport worldwide. We could see that the/— Alps were covered in the/- snow. It's a/- long time since I met a/- lovely person like you! Diana has a/- degree in the/- engineering from the/- University of London. At the/- present moment, the/- man seems to have the/an uncertain future. The/- problem for the/- today's students is how to survive financially, The/- French enjoy spending holidays in the/- countryside. Please do not turn on a/the water-heater in a/the bathroom, Sue bought a/the Picasso I was telling you about the/- last week.



Correct the errors in these sentences.

a) It's not a first-class accommodation unless it has a private bathroom. b) On this record twins play piano duet. c) The halfway through meal we realised what waiter had said. d) If the Mrs Hillier phones, say I'm away on trip. e) There is a wonderful scenery in eastern part of Turkey. f) Cocker spaniel is one of most popular pet dogs. g) There is going to be fog and a cold weather all the next week. h) I spent very interesting holiday at the Lake Coniston in England. i) We are against war in general, so of course we are against war like this between superpower and developing country. j) The burglaries are definitely on increase.

In each space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank.

next election. a) I'm going to stand for Parliament at b) When I left station, I had to stand in queue for taxi for long time. c) We took trip around London and saw Tower Bridge. d) happiness of the majority depends on hard work for everyone. e) most main roads in this part of country follow line of roads built by Romans. f) Have you got latest record by Gipsy Kings? g) If I had time, I would like to take up archery. h) We spent pleasant evening having drinks at Robin Hood. i) Nile flows right through city. j) summer I spent in USA was one of best in my life.





In each space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank.

first woman to cross

a) She was

Atlantic in

canoe. b) Go down Road.

High Street and turn right into

c) Please let me carry shopping. It's d) I don't like milk in coffee. e) At end of busy day, best tonic. f)

James Joyce I knew wasn't Irish either.

g) We'll go for h) This is i) I'm staying in

walk if last time I do you

Mill least I can do. sleep is novelist and wasn't

sun comes out. favour for a while.

Hilton so you can leave me

message. 6

There are ten extra appearances of the in the following text. Underline them.

The word processor and the calculator are without a shadow of doubt here to stay, and in the many respects our lives are the much richer for them. But the teachers and other academics are claiming that we are now starting to feel the first significant wave of their effects on a generation of the users. It seems nobody under the age of 20 can spell or add up any more. Even several professors at leading universities have commented on the detrimental effect the digital revolution has had on the most intelligent young minds in the country. The problem, evidently, lies with the automatic spellcheck now widely available on the word processing software. Professor John Silver of the Sydney University, Australia, said: 'Why should we bother to learn how to spell correctly, or for that matter to learn even the most basic of the mathematical sums, when at the press of a button we have our problem answered for us. The implications are enormous. Will the adults of the future look to the computer to make the decisions for them, to tell them who to marry or what the house to buy? Are we heading for a future individual incapable of the independent human thought?'




In each space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank. a) Please watch use of b) Paul spent c) You have to use at half of milk. d) Dick has

cabin attendant as she demonstrates oxygen mask. half of his life in Far East. least pint and sore throat and is taking

e) We arranged

accommodation on

medicine. outskirts of

city. f) There is

very difficult crossword in '

g) Could you give me letter I sent you? h) I bought kind she likes, i) I always wanted to be wore off. j) And


information I asked for in jewellery for my sister but it wasn't astronaut but

last of all, don't forget to put night.

ambition cat out for

Underline the most suitable option. A dash (-) means that no article is needed.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)



Brenda is the/- ideal for a/the job. She has a/- wealth of the/- experience. The/- safety at the/- work is a/- major concern for us. The/- poorest people in the/- country live in this city. Have you seen a/the new 'Hamlet' at the/- National Theatre? There is a/- beautiful countryside within an/- easy reach of a/the hotel. I have a/- terrible cold and am staying in the/- bed today. I earn £3 an/the hour as a/- supermarket cashier on the/- Saturdays, The/- charge for an/- excess luggage is £10 a/the kilo. The/- most of the/- life is a/- matter of getting on with the/- others, This country is officially called The/- United Kingdom of The/- Great Britain and The/- Northern Ireland.

Explanations Defining and nondefining

• Defining A defining clause specifies which person or thing we mean. It cannot be separated from the person or thing it describes. By 4.30, there was only one painting which hadn't been sold. •

Non-defining A non-defining clause contains extra information. In writing it is separated by commas, and in speech, if used at all, is usually indicated by intonation. By 4.30, which was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.

• Some of the points given below depend on the type of clause. Which and that

• These are alternatives in a defining clause, although which is felt to be more formal. By 4.30, there was only one painting that hadn't been sold. • That is not normally used to introduce a non-defining clause. The train, which was already an hour late, broke down again. •

That cannot follow a preposition. It was a service for which I will be eternally grateful.

• That is often used instead of who in everyday speech in defining clauses. Do you know the girl that lives next door? Who and whom

• Whom is the object form of who and is used formally in object clauses. He was a person whom everyone regarded as trustworthy. • However, this is now felt to be excessively formal by most speakers and who is commonly used instead. • Whom has to be used if it follows a preposition. To whom it may concern. To whom am I speaking? However, in everyday use, it is usual to avoid this kind of construction. Who am I speaking to? See when and where on the next page.


This means of whom. It is used in both defining and non-defining clauses. Several guests, whose cars were parked outside, were waiting at the door. Several guests whose rooms had been broken into complained to the manager.



When and where

Omitting the relative pronoun

Sentences ending in a preposition or phrasal verb

Omitting which/who + be

Non-defining Here they follow a named time or place. Come back at 3.30, when I won't be so busy. I stopped in Maidstone, where my sister owns a shop.

Defining When follows words such as time, day, moment. There is hardly a moment when I don't think of you, Sophia. Where follows words such as place, house, street. This is the street where I live.

This is common in defining object clauses especially in everyday conversation. I've found the keys (which/that) I've been looking for. That's the man (who/that) I was telling you about. He was a person (who/that) everyone regarded as trustworthy. Another common feature of conversational English, as outlined in who and whom above, is to end a defining clause with a preposition. That's the house I used to live in. I couldn't remember which station to get off at. He's not someone who I really get on with. It may be possible to reduce a verb phrase after who/which to an adjectival phrase in a defining clause, especially to define phrases such as the only one, the last/first one. Jim was the only one of his platoon who had not been taken prisoner. Jim was the only one of his platoon not taken prisoner. By 4.30, there was only one painting which had not been sold. By 4.30, there was only one painting not sold.


A non-defining clause can comment on the whole situation described in the main clause. There was nobody left on the train, which made me suspicious. Phrases with which, such as at which time/point, in which case, by which time, in which event can be used in the same way. I watched the play until the end of the first act, at which point I felt I had seen enough. A warning sign 'Overheat' may come on, in which case turn off the appliance at once.

Clauses beginning

• What meaning the thing or things which can be used to start clauses. / can't believe what you told me yesterday. What you should do is write a letter to the manager. See Grammar 14 Emphasis.

with what and whatever

• Whatever, whoever, whichever can be used in a similar way. You can rely on Helen to do whatever she can. Whoever arrives first can turn on the heating. 112


Non-finite clauses containing an -ing form




These are clauses without a main verb. The examples given here are nondefining. Note that the two clauses have the same subject. • Actions happening at the same time. Waving their scarves and shouting, the fans ran onto the pitch. • One action happening before another Opening the letter, she found that it contained a cheque for £1,000. This type of clause often explains the reason for something happening. Realising there was no one at home, I left the parcel in the shed. Both these types of sentence might begin with on or upon: On opening the letter ... Upon realising ... • An event which is the result of another event / didn't get wet, having remembered to take my umbrella. • Where a passive construction might be expected, this is often shortened to a past participle. Having been abandoned by his colleagues, the Minister was forced to resign. Abandoned by his colleagues, the Minister was forced to resign.



The following text contains many 'which's and 'that's. Underline the ten extra ones, which are grammatically wrong.

Having just spent three weeks of my life sitting on an uncomfortable saddle, pounding the roads of France, I am in no fit state that to do anything except sit and write, which suits me fine. For I have cycled some 1,500 kilometres, a figure which includes some extremely hilly routes, and frankly the thought of mounting a bicycle again which is not one that I can face for a good few days yet. The journey, which I undertook alone for most of the way, was all in the name of charity - Help the Aged, a cause which I support whenever that I can. Having organised my sponsorship, which I arrived in France armed only with a tiny map of the Tour de France route, which hastily removed from last month's 'Cycling World' magazine. My intention which was to try and follow the route that the professionals take, but after three days in which I pushed my body to extremes that it had never experienced before, that I rapidly abandoned this plan and returned to flatter ground. On the flat which I was able to keep to about 120 kilometres a day, which is respectable. I did have to rest my weary limbs at the weekends, though, which enabled me to recharge my batteries, by which I mean my bodily ones, not the ones that inside my bike lights. I am pleased to say, that after three tortuous weeks, which I ended up in Marseilles, but what pleased me all the more is that I managed to raise over £2,000 for Help the Aged. Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

a) Midway through the second half City scored their fourth goal, at point United gave up completely. b) There is one person to I owe more than I can say. c) It was the kind of accident for nobody was really to blame. d) leaves last should turn off the lights. e) Mary was late yesterday, was unusual for her. f) At 6.00, was an hour before the plane was due, thick fog descended. g) I don't know told you that, but they were wrong. h) The first time I saw you was you answered the door. i) Mrs Brown was the first owner dog won three prizes in the same show, j) I've just spoken to Sally, sends you her love.





Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I waited for him until 6.30 and then gave up. which I waited for him until 6.30, gave up. b) We suggested a lot of things, which were all rejected. was Everything rejected. c) If someone understands this book, they are cleverer than I am. is Anyone cleverer than I am. d) I won't tell you this again, you naughty boy. time This tell you, you naughty boy. e) The whole summer was sunny and warm, for a change. made The whole summer was sunny and warm, nice change. f) I don't really approve of his proposal. what I don't really approve of proposing. g) The police never caught the culprit. committed The police never caught the crime. h) I have read all of her books but one. that There is only I have not read. i) I can't remember the last heavy rain. when I can't remember heavily. j) Do you get on with your next-door neighbour? who Do you get on with lives next door?




Make one sentence from the sentences given, beginning as shown. Make any other necessary changes. Omit any unnecessary relative pronouns.

a) We eventually caught a train. It was one that stops at every station. The train b) Carol slammed the door behind her. Her father had given her a car as a present. She drove off in it. Slamming c) At the end of the street was a building. The street was crowded with shoppers. Tom had not noticed the building before. At the end of the street .. d) Some people have just moved in next door. They have the same surname as some other people. Those other people have just moved out. The people who have just moved in next door e) I noticed that the door was open. I decided to go in. This turned out to be a mistake. Noticing f) Everyone expects the Popular Party candidate, Flora Benstead, to win the election. She has announced that she will cut income tax by 10% if elected. Flora Benstead, g) I listened to George patiently until he started insulting me. At that point, I told him a few home truths. He didn't like it. I listened to George patiently until he started insulting me, h) Pauline asked me a question. I had no reply to it. Pauline asked me .. i) He rushed out of the room. He was shouting at the top of his voice. This was typical. Shouting






Correct the mistake in each sentence. Omit any unnecessary relative pronouns in your corrections.

c) Most of the guests turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise. d) Whoever that he spoke to last was probably the person who murdered him. e) The book I bought for his birthday is one where I enjoyed very much myself. f) There's a chance that I may be late, in that case I'll phone you. g) Everyone admires her. She's the kind of person whose everyone looks up to. h) No one knows who she is. She is the only member of the gang who the identity remained a secret 6

Most of the following sentences are punctuated incorrectly. Correct any that are wrong.

a) Many people think that Saturn is the biggest planet which is wrong. b) That's the man, I used to live next door to. c) I couldn't remember, which house I had to deliver the card to. d) The coat she wore to the party, was similar to one I have at home. e) Lynn is the only person in my circle of friends, who is married. f) Whoever catches the ball, must come into the middle of the circle.


Explanations This unit focuses on problem areas. Verbs followed by either -ing or infinitive with to

• Can't bear, hate, like, love, prefer Like to usually refers to habitual preferences. We like to go out to lunch on Sunday. Not like to means think it wrong to. I don't like to disturb colleagues at home. • Attempt, begin, continue, intend, plan, propose, start There is no difference in meaning whether we use -ing or infinitive with to. Intend, plan, and propose can be followed by that + clause. This may include should. See Grammar 16 Reporting verbs. • Forget, remember With to both verbs refer to an obligation. / had to phone the office but I forgot to do it. With -ing both verbs refer to past events. / don't remember learning to walk. Both can be followed by that + clause. / remembered that I had to pay the phone bill. • Try With to this refers to something attempted, which might fail or succeed. / tried to warn him, but it was too late. With -ing this refers to making an experiment, or to a new experience. Try taking an aspirin. You'll feel better. Have you tried -windsurfing? It's great! • Go on With -ing this refers to the continuing of an action. She went on working even though it was late. With to this refers to the continuation of a speech. The Prime Minister went on to praise the Chancellor. (This means the Prime Minister continued his speech by praising the Chancellor.)


Mean With the meaning intend, this is followed by to. Sony, I meant to tell you about the party. With -ing, and an impersonal subject, this refers to what is involved. If we catch the early train, it will mean getting up at 6.00. That + clause is possible when meaning is being explained. This means that you have to report to the police station.

G R A M M A R 19

V E R B S + I N F I N I T I V E OR


Regret With to this refers to the speaker's regrets about what is going to be said. It often occurs in formal statements of this kind. We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful. With -ing this refers to a regret about the past. / regret saying that to him. That + clause is also possible. We regret that we didn't tell her earlier.

Stop With to this refers to an intention. Jane stopped to check the oil level in the engine. With -ing this refers to the ending of an activity. The baby has stopped waking up during the night now.

• Hear, see, watch When followed by infinitive without to, the action is complete. We watched all the cars cross the finishing line. With -ing, the action is still in progress. / heard someone coming up the stairs. Verbs with an object, followed by either -ing or infinitive with to

Admit This can be used with or without to followed by -ing. They admitted (to) being members of the gang. That + clause is also possible. He admitted that he was wrong.

• Allow, forbid, permit With an object and to: The school forbids students to smoke in the classrooms. With an object -ing form: The school does not allow smoking. •

Consider With an object and to this refers to an opinion. She is considered to be the finest pianist of her generation. With -ing this means think about. At one point I considered emigrating to Canada. With that + clause it refers to an opinion. We consider that she has behaved badly.

Imagine With an object and to: / imagined the castle to be haunted. With -ing, an object is also possible. / couldn't imagine (her) living in a place like that. With that + clause it means suppose. I imagine that you'd like a cup of tea after your long journey! 119



With an object and to: They required him to fill out a form. With -ing: These letters require typing. See Grammar 7 for needs doing. Verbs normally followed by infinitive with to

• Verbs marked * can also be followed by that + clause. *agree *demand hurry *pledge *appear deserve *learn *pretend *arrange *expect long *promise refuse attempt fail manage ask neglect *resolve grow choose hasten seek offer *happen *seem dare pay *decide *hope *plan struggle

*swear *threaten *vow want *wish

• Appear, (so) happen and seem are only used impersonally with that + clause. It appears that I've made a mistake. It so happens that he is my brother! It seems that Mary is going to win. • Verbs normally followed by -ing

Want can be used colloquially with -ing, and has a similar meaning to need. The car wants cleaning.

• Verbs marked * can also be followed by that + clause. *appreciate avoid contemplate delay *deny detest dislike endure enjoy escape excuse

face *fancy finish involve *mention mind miss postpone practise *resent risk

*suggest it's no good/use feel like give up keep on leave off look forward to put off can't stand spend/waste time

• Appreciate is often followed by possessive + -ing. I appreciate your trying to help. • See Grammar 16 for suggest. • Involve has an impersonal subject. Being an athlete involves regular training.


G R A M M A R 19

Verbs followed by infinitive without to

Help can be used with or without to. / helped George (to) carry the bags.

Make, and expressions with make They made me leave. We shall have to make do. In the passive, to is used. / was made to leave.

V E R B S + I N F I N I T I V E OR


• Let and expressions with let They didn't let me leave. Let me go! Verbs followed by an object and to

• Verbs marked * can also be followed by that + clause. *advise, assist, beg, bribe, command, dare, employ, enable, encourage, instruct, invite, lead, *order, *persuade, select, send, *teach, *tell, train, urge, *wam • See Grammar 16 for advise, persuade, tell, warn. •

Dare can be used without to when there is no object. Compare: They dared him to jump. I didn't dare (to) say anything. How dare you speak like that to me!



Underline the word or phrase that is correct.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 2

What do you mean to do/doing about the leaky pipes? I never imagined the mountains to be/being so high! Don't forget to wake me/waking me before you leave. I regret to tell you/telling you that we cannot accept your offer. Did you manage to find/finding the book you were looking for? I tried taking/to take that medicine you gave me but I couldn't swallow it. We have postponed to tell/telling anyone the news until after Christmas, Have you considered to buy/buying a microwave oven? Sorry I'm late, I had to stop to pick up/picking up the children from school, Margaret was slow at school, but she went on to be/being Prime Minister.

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb from the box, and putting it in the appropriate form.

with what a) It's too late to buy any food. We'll have to make . we've got. b) I hardly ask how much it cost! c) Have you ever taking a year off work? d) I didn't like the town at first, but I to love it eventually. e) What do you doing after this course has finished? f) We are all our holiday in Australia this year. It's going to be such an adventure. g) Jim and I to meet at 6.00 but he didn't turn up. h) It that we won't need to pay so much after all. i) I can't wait for Saturday! I'm really to see you! j) I can't getting up at 6.30 tomorrow morning! I'll catch a later train. 122







Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) It's very kind of you to give me a lift. appreciate me a lift. b) If I take the job I'll have to move to Paris. mean Taking moving to Paris. c) Parking is not permitted here. park You are here. d) 'Shall I carry that bag for you, Pauline?' said John. offered John bag for her. e) Winning the football pools meant we could buy a new car. enabled Winning the football pools buy a new car. f) There is a risk that he will miss the plane if he waits. risks He if he waits. g) I believed you were the murderer because of this clue. led This clue that you were the murderer. h) Does using the hotel swimming pool cost extra? pay Do you have to the hotel swimming pool? i) I think that this is the right street. appears This the right street. j) Jean succeeded in finishing all her work on time. managed Jean all her work on time. 123



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) They said they would like me to stay with them in Florida. invited They stay with them in Florida. b) Calling Jim is pointless, because his phone is out of order. use It's no because his phone is out of order. c) It is compulsory for all students to leave a cash deposit. required All students leave a cash deposit. d) You waste time if you copy your work out again, so don't do it. copying Don't your work out again. e) I bet you wouldn't ask David to come with you to the party! if I dare to the party with you! f) 'Please don't leave me on my own/ Martin begged us. him Martin begged us own. g) If you work for this company, you have to travel a lot. involves Working for this company of travel. h) Joe doesn't like it when people treat him like a child. resents Joe like a child. i) It was resolved that the matter would be brought up at the next meeting. bring They resolved up at the next meeting. j) The police were told that the use of unnecessary force was forbidden. not The police were instructed unnecessary force.


G R A M M A R 19

V E R B S + I N F I N I T I V E OR


Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets in an appropriate form.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Sorry, I meant (tell) I would be out, but I forgot. That's all for now. I (hope) hear from you soon! If I take the new job, it (mean) working a lot harder! Are you still tired? Or do (feel) going out for a meal? Jane is (say) the most outstanding player in the team. I wish you (keep) complaining all the time! How (suggest) that I would take a bribe! I've never been so insulted! h) We offered to help Helen carry her bags, but she said she (manage) on her own. Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form, gerund or infinitive.

Yukie Hanue is considered by many (1) (be) the finest violinist of her generation - and she's still in her early twenties. When we visited her, in the music department of the University of New York, she was too busy practising (2) (talk), but she invited us (3) (have) a coffee with her in her mid-morning break. Astonishingly, she manages (4) (combine) her PhD at the university with international concerts and recitals, numerous public appearances and interviews. She evidently thrives on the workload, buzzing around the place with an industrious enthusiasm that leaves us all breathless. Her fame as a performer means (5) (make) regular appearances at high profile events. Last month, for example, she agreed (6) (appear) in a series of recitals organised by Coca-Cola. This involved (7) (travel) to far-flung places like Seoul, Oslo and Montevideo on successive days, a schedule which would have caused any normal person to wilt. T can't stand (8) (do) nothing,' she says. T happen (9) (have) a particular talent, and it would be wasteful not (10) (exploit) it to the full.' I encouraged her (11) (tell) me about her upbringing, but she was rather reticent to sing her own praises. I did, however, succeed in persuading her (12) (confess) to a secret desire. 'If I hadn't been a musician, I would have loved to train (13) (become) a martial arts expert,' she says. Certainly, she would have had the discipline, but I couldn't imagine someone so physically frail actually (14) (stand) there hitting someone. But it was an interesting revelation, and one that I was (15) (learn) more about during my day with her.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) You haven't seen my pen anywhere, have you? happen . my pen anywhere, have you? You don't b) Everything I told you was true. all I told you a lot which were true. c) According to reports, the President is in poor health. reported The President in poor health. d) Julia's inheritance meant that she could give up work. enabled Julia's inheritance give up work. e) Stupidly, I left my umbrella at home. which I left my umbrella at home, thing to do. f) We received a warning to stay at home. should We were stay at home. g) You could easily become ill unless you give up smoking. risk If you don't stop ill. h) The decorators didn't leave too much mess when they did the job. without The decorators managed too much mess. i) It's pointless to worry about someone else's problems. no There about someone else's problems. j) According to Valerie, she is a relation of mine. be Valerie claims .. me.







Complete the sentences with a/an, the or leave the space blank.

a) That's last time that I go to horror film. b) In circumstances I would say he hasn't chance. c) I'd like to buy piano one day but I haven't got money. d) Could you give me hand to take rubbish downstairs? e) girl I told you about is one on left. f) address is: Park Hotel, 42 Castle Road, Dover. g) Mary spent year and half working with sick people in Africa. h) medicine doctor gave me makes me feel tired all day. i) Dawson put ball in net early in second half but goal was disallowed. j) Terry became teacher with best exam results in school. 3

Complete each sentence using the verb given in brackets in an appropriate form.

a) I didn't know where (send) the parcel to, so I len: it on me UCSK. b) If you feel so tired in the morning, why (try) going to bed earlier! c) The returning officer announced to the crowd that the Democratic candidate (win). d) If I took a job like that, it (mean) earning less money. e) Do you still feel ill? Or (fancy) coming shopping with me tomorrow? f) I saw Harry arrive, but I don't remember (see) him leave. g) All my family were sitting in the front row, which (make) nervous. h) There is a rumour that the army is about to take power, though this (deny) by government sources. i) Sandra trained (be) an architect but ended up as a rock star. j) It's hard (believe) that Jim would be so brave.



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) Does parking here cost anything? pay Do I need .. here? b) After six months, Joe's search for a job was successful. managed After six months, Joe a job. c) Jean was given permission by her boss to take a day off. agreed Jean's boss take a day off d) Although Sue looked for the book for a long time, she couldn't find it. spent Sue , without success. e) All visitors to the town fall in love with it. those All fall in love with it. f) The headteacher warned Tom that she might expel him. threatened The headteacher expulsion. g) I didn't expect to see you here! last This is to see you! h) We haven't seen one another for a long time. other We stopped ago. i) I don't know who did the washing up, but they didn't do it very well! make Whoever good job of it! j) Janet came first, which surprised nobody. when Nobody Janet came first.


G R A M M A R 20



Write the word the, where it is appropriate in the text, in the places indicated.

6.45 train, which went from Winchester to Southampton, was (1) already full of (2) commuters when Rale boarded it with fifteen minutes to go before its departure. He registered (3) vague annoyance at this, as it meant he had to actually communicate with a fellow passenger in order to find (4) one remaining window seat in his normal carriage, (5) carriage C. Rale always made a point of travelling in the middle carriage for (6) safety's sake - about such things as (7) safety he was meticulous - and would only venture into (8) first four carriages, or for that matter (9) last four, in (10) extreme emergencies. Rale was nothing if not a creature of (11) habit; it bothered him intensely if he was unable to get a window seat or if (12) drinks trolley lady didn't come round, or worse still, she came but (13) hot water boiler wasn't working and so (14) coffee was not available. A brioche and a cup of coffee - black, one sugar - was Rale's early-morning indulgence. He found it sufficed for a breakfast, unless he was unusually hungry. Exactly ten minutes into (15) journey, Rale opened his briefcase and took out his copy of that morning's Guardian newspaper, neatly folded, and began (16) crossword. This was (17) time of day Rale liked best. He could immerse himself in (18) delightful challenge of teasing out words from his mind, and put off (19) thoughts of work in the administrative department of (20) Southampton Hospital. Today, however, Rale's neatly planned existence was to be well and truly turned on its head. 6

Complete the sentences with one suitable word in each space.

a) There is nobody for we feel greater respect. b) That's the couple house my sister bought. c) buys the wardrobe will have to arrange to pick it up themselves. d) Why don't you phoning Directory Inquiries? They might know. e) Do you going out for a pizza later on? f) That's an experience I rather forget. g) The police officer us open the boot of the car. h) It is recommended that all luggage bear a personal label. i) The children always look to Christmas as they love all the parties and presents, j) Charles is not the kind of person would help you.




Using the notes as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not appear in the notes.

Re: Application for hamburger stall in front of King's College, Cambridge Write to say: Sorry to tell you we can't give you a licence. Many people think it's a particularly picturesque view. We don't normally let people sell things in areas where tourists take pics. The college authorities have said they don't want a stall there - litter and fumes. We've received similar applications, and we've always said no. You said in your letter you had 3 possible sites. You should think about approaching Cambridge United Football Club. If you decide to do so, apply directly to them. Please write to us to say you've received this letter - we need to be sure. Dear Mr Little, We regret (1) .. that we are (2) issue you with a licence to set up a hamburger stall in front of King's College. The area concerned (3) to be one of the most picturesque in England, and we do not normally (4) trading on such commonly photographed areas. Furthermore, the college authorities have (5) your proposal, on the grounds that it might generate litter and undesirable fumes. In the past we have received a large number of applications for trade access to this site, and in each case access has been (6) In your letter you (7) that the King's College site was one of three you had in mind. You might like (8) establishing your stall in front of Cambridge United football ground, in (9) your application should be made direct to the football club, and not to ourselves. Please would you (10) writing that you have received this letter.


Explanations This unit focuses on a selection of verbs, including their adjectival forms. Many verbs have other uses followed by -ing or infinitive (see Grammar 18, 19). Passive uses with by are not included. See also Grammar 23, 24, 25. Verbs followed by in

absorbed in something (especially absorbed in her work/a book) confide in someone be engrossed in something implicate someone in something involve someone in something result in something specialise in something succeed in something

Verbs followed by for

account for something allow for something (to take into consideration) apologise for something/someone (on their behalf: Let me apologise for Jack.) blame someone for something care for something/someone cater for something/someone charge someone for something (make them pay for it) count for something (especially: / count for nothing in this company.) earmark something for a particular use pay for someone/something

Verbs followed by of

accuse someone of something convict someone of something remind someone of something suspect someone of something

Verbs followed by with

acquaint someone with something associate someone with something charge someone with something clutter with something (especially passive: The room was cluttered with boxes.) coincide with something collide with something comply with something concern with something (usually passive: be concerned with) confront someone with something confuse someone/something with someone/something cram with something (especially passive: be crammed with)



deal with someone/something discuss something with someone face with something (especially passive: be faced with) ingratiate oneself with someone meet with something (especially: meet with an accident) pack with something (especially passive: be packed with) plead with someone provide someone with something tamper with something trust someone with something Verbs followed by from

bar someone from a place benefit from something derive something from something deter someone from something differ from something distinguish one thing from another thing (also distinguish between two things) distract someone from something exempt someone from something expel someone from a place refrain from something resign from something result from something stem from something suffer from something translate one language from/into another language

Verbs followed by on

base something on someone blame something on someone centre something on something (usually passive: be centred on) concentrate something on something decide on something depend on someone/something elaborate on something impose on someone insist on something/someone doing something pride oneself on something

Verbs followed by against

insure something against something protest against something

Verbs followed by about

argue about something be concerned about something (be worried about) boast about something decide about something protest about something


G R A M M A R 21

Verbs followed by



phase something out

out Verbs followed by


Verbs followed by


glance at something guess at something hint at something marvel at something answer to something (especially: answer to a description) appeal to someone (beg) It appeals to me. (meaning I like the idea.) apply oneself to something (This rule doesn't apply to you.) attend to something said/heard attribute something to someone commit oneself to something (especially passive: be committed to) confess to something devote oneself to something prefer one thing to another thing react to something refer to something (This number refers to the next page.) refer someone to someone (The doctor referred me to a specialist.) be resigned to something resort to something see to something (meaning make sure it is done) subject someone to something (stressed: subject) succeed to the throne be used to doing something




Complete each sentence with one suitable preposition.

a) I really prefer just about anything watching television. b) This year's conference coincided two other major conventions. c) Is it possible to insure my bike theft? d) The problem stems the government's lack of action. e) When I asked Jean, she hinted the chance of a promotion for me. f) Being rich doesn't count much on a desert island. g) I pleaded John to change his mind, but he wouldn't listen. h) I can't stand the way she is always boasting her wealthy parents. i) My grandfather is always confusing Madonna Maradona. j) Could you please refrain smoking in the lecture hall. 2

Complete the text with one suitable verb in each space.

I had a difficult time last year with my health. For several months I was (1).. from periodic headaches and almost constant nausea. I made several visits to my GP, who (2) my headaches to migraine and (3) me with medication. When this failed to work he (4) on my nausea as the root cause, (5) my headaches on the nausea. I was (6) to five blood tests, none of which revealed anything significant. I (7) my diet with the doctor at length, and we tried eliminating certain foods from my meals. He (8) , for example, I might (9) from a low-fibre diet. But still the symptoms persisted, and I was starting to (10) myself to feeling ill for the rest of my life. I was understandably concerned about the possibility of it being something serious, even a brain tumour, but the doctor said that my anxiety in this respect (11) from nervous tension and stress. After six months I was (12) to a consultant at the hospital, who (13) in stomach disorders. She said that, even (14) for my age and stressful lifestyle, it was still abnormal to experience symptoms like these for so long. She (15) on all the possible causes of nausea in detail, and suggested that in my case the nausea might be the result of a liver disorder.








Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) Peter always trusts me with his secrets. in










Peter .. . me. A true story forms the basis of Mary's new novel. on Mary's new novel a true story. I thought it was marvellous that Jane could jump so high. at I to jump so high. A lot of people were packed on to the bus. with The bus people. You were in my dreams last night. about I last night. Danny was asked to leave the school for bad behaviour. from Danny was for bad behaviour. This house makes me think of my own home! of This house my own home. Tina rewrote the French book in Spanish. from Tina into Spanish. Christmas and roast turkey go together in my mind. with Christmas roast turkey in my mind. I think a rest would do you good. from I think you a rest.




Put one word in each space. Each word is a form of a verb listed at the beginning of this unit.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


to me. The idea of marriage doesn't . We in finding Ann's house at the second attempt. However poor I was I would not to stealing. Have you for the wind speed in your calculations? He confessed when he was with the evidence. You need to yourself more to your work. Alan himself on his punctuality. I was from doing my work by the music. I for breaking your electric drill. Tina for everyone's lunch yesterday, as she'd just won some money on the lottery.

Complete the text with a suitable preposition in each space.

It never ceases to amaze me how little notice some people now take (1) rules in public places. When I was a child, it would never have occurred to me not to comply (2) the rules. If someone smoked in defiance of a 'No Smoking' sign on a train, they would rapidly be reminded (3) their transgression by several irate passengers, who would refer the errant smoker (4) the sign in no uncertain terms. What's more, the person accused would normally apologise (5) his indiscretion, and would certainly refrain (6) repeating his anti-social behaviour. These days reminding someone (7) their public duty not to drop litter or swear on the streets is likely to succeed only (8) unleashing a torrent of verbal abuse (9) the wrongdoer. Many people seem blithely unaware that, for example, the 'silence in the library' rule applies (10) them, as much as to anyone else. Asking them is not enough, pleading (11) them might still not deter them (12) their noisy chat, resorting (13) physical violence, an undesirable option, seems the only one likely to get a result. But, in all seriousness, what really annoys me is that one is made to feel churlish or old-fashioned just to insist (14) basic respect of everyday manners. Truly, it seems polite behaviour and good manners count (15) nothing in today's society.


G R A M M A R 21





Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) When he has to face a crisis, Tony panics. faced a crisis. Tony panics b) Collecting stamps gives me a lot of pleasure. derive I collecting stamps. c) The arrested man did not look the same as the wanted man. answer The arrested man did not the wanted man. d) The facts of the case were familiar to the lawyer. acquainted The lawyer the facts of the case. e) The deaths of over fifty people were caused by the storm. resulted The storm killed. f) We have given winter equipment to all the soldiers. provided All the soldiers winter equipment. g) It's just our luck that the funeral is at the same time as our holiday in Crete. coincide It's just our luck that in Crete. h) You haven't really explained exactly how the money disappeared. account

Your explanation of the money. i) An ancient philosopher is supposed to have said these words. attributed These words an ancient philosopher. j) I'm sure Brian won't mind looking after the baby. care I'm sure Brian won't object the baby.


Explanations It is assumed that a wide range of prepositions and their general use to describe time, place and position are already known. This unit focuses on a selection of expressions. See Vocabulary section for more work in this area. Note that there may be other possible meanings for verbs and phrases given here, with different prepositions. Prepositions following adjectives

• Of afraid of, ashamed of, aware of, capable of, conscious of, fond of, full of, be good of (someone to do something), indicative of, irrespective of, jealous of •

About annoyed about, anxious about, certain about, excited about, pleased about, right about, serious about, sorry about, upset about, wrong about

With angry with (a person), annoyed with (a person), bored with, commensurate with, connected with, be good at dealing with, happy with, incompatible with, obsessed with, pleased with, preoccupied with

• At angry at (a person), annoyed at (a person), be bad at, be good at, surprised at •

On keen on

• To addicted to, attentive to, grateful to, kind to, immune to, impervious to, indifferent to, liable to (likely to suffer from), married to, prone to • By baffled by, bored by, detained by, distressed by, plagued by, shocked by, surprised by • For early for, eligible for, famous for, late for, liable for (legally responsible), ready for, responsible for, sorry for

Prepositions following nouns

In deficient in, experienced in, implicated in, interested in

From absent from, derived from, different from, safe from, missing from

• On an authority on (expert), ban on, comment on, effect on, influence on, restriction on, tax on • To access to, an alternative to, an attitude to, an exception to, a solution to, a threat to, a witness to • Over be in authority over, have control over, be in dispute over something •

With contrast with, be in dispute with someone, encounter with, link with, quarrel with, relationship with

• For admiration for, craving for, credit for, cure for, desire for, disregard for, provision for, recipe for, respect for, responsibility for, room for, sympathy for



Expressions beginning with prepositions


• In in advance, in the balance, in all likelihood, in answer to, in any case, in charge of, in the charge of, in collaboration with, in comparison with, in comfort, in decline, in demand, in dispute, in distress, in the early stages, in earnest, in the end, be in favour of something, be in favour with someone, in fear of (being afraid of), in (good) condition, in harmony, in high spirits, in jeopardy, in one way or another, in practice, in recognition of, in response to, in short, in theory, in time, in trouble, in turn • With with the exception of, with intent to, with regard to, with a view to • At at any rate, at fault, at first sight, at the first/second attempt, at the end, at large • On on average, on approval, on a regular basis, on behalf of, on the contrary, on good terms, on loan, on the market (for sale), on (its) merits, on offer, on purpose, on the verge of •

Beyond beyond belief, beyond a joke, beyond the shadow of a doubt

• By by coincidence, by mistake, by the time, by rights, by surprise • For for fear of (because something might happen), for life, not for long, for the foreseeable future, for the time being •

Out of out of breath, out of control, out of danger, out of doors, out of focus, out of luck, out of the ordinary, out of pocket, out of practice, out of all proportion, out of reach, out of stock, out of work

• Under under age, under the circumstances, under control, under cover of, be under the impression that, under the influence of, under (a law), under an obligation, under pressure, under repair, under stress, under suspicion •

Without without a chance, without delay, without exception, without a word

After after all




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) We get on very well with our next-door neighbours. terms We are . our next-door neighbours. b) Everybody wants Pauline as an after-dinner speaker. demand Pauline as an after-dinner speaker. c) After winning the match, the whole team was in a happy mood. spirits The whole team was because of their victory. d) I realised I had said something wrong. conscious I having said something wrong. e) You're not lucky today, I'm afraid. out You're today, I'm afraid. f) You can't get to the village because of the snow. access There's the village because of the snow. g) The meeting will probably be cancelled. probability The meeting will, , be cancelled. h) The students are living temporarily in a caravan. being For the students are living in a caravan. i) I intend to discover the truth somehow or other. or One I intend to discover the truth. j) The soldiers entered the castle while it was dark. cover Under , the soldiers entered the castle.





Put one suitable preposition in each space.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Helen had great admiration . her history teacher. I'm afraid I'm not very good animals. The favourite dropped out of the race the early stages. I was the impression that you liked Indian food. The minister stated that no real alternative the plan existed. This town is famous its hand-woven carpets. Your performance this term contrasts very favourably last term's. h) Many young people become addicted drugs through ignorance. i) Apparently a number of army officers were implicated the plot. j) Carol doesn't have a very good relationship her mother.


Complete the text with one word in each space. The words you need are all taken from the beginning of the unit.

Well, welcome to the class everybody. I'm sure vou're all dying to show me exactly what you're (1) .. of. I hope to see your faces at the pool a lot from now on. If you're (2) about swimming, you really need to be doing it on a (3) basis, say two or three times a week - in addition to these teaching sessions. Now a bit about the course. In the early (4) , we'll be working on the basics breathing, body position and so on. Today we're going to work on putting the head underwater, with a (5) to getting you all swimming correctly, with the head partly submerged. If you don't succeed at the first (6) , don't worry. And please don't be (7) of the water - just try and relax. Eventually we'll progress to the big pool, but for the (8) being, we're going to be in the small pool, where you can stand up and practise your techniques. Now, the warm-up exercises we're going to start with today are designed to get you out of (9) , so keep your heads well clear of the water. These exercises may well be (10) from anything you're used to, as we'll be doing some jumping and hopping in the water.




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. •

a) Speaking for my colleagues, I would like to thank you. of I would like to thank you. On b) I thought you had accepted his offer. under I was that you had accepted his offer. c) Everyone was exhausted apart from Sally. of With , everyone was exhausted. d) I like to spend most of my time in the open air. doors I like to most of the time. e) I don't think you mean what you say about disliking me. serious I don't think you're disliking me. f) Nothing unusual ever happens here. ordinary Nothing out ever happens here. g) I wish I knew what to do about this problem. solution I wish I knew what this problem. h) You can walk to the station easily from the hotel. within

The station is i) Karen received a medal for her services to the country.

of the hotel.


Karen received a medal the country, j) You have to pay your son's debts, as he is under age.

her services to




your son's debts, as he is under age.




Complete the text with a suitable preposition in each space.

David Peters, the Scottish long-jumper, has been awarded a knighthood in recognition (1) ...of his services to charity and the world of athletics. Sir David, as he will be known, will be knighted by the Queen in a ceremony next week. Mr Peters, who retired from athletics last year, had a talent which was, quite simply, (2) of the ordinary. All his performances were, (3) exception, characterised by great effort and determination. He seemed to thrive on difficult situations, and it was when (4) pressure, that he produced his greatest performances. In later years, he became increasingly prone (5) injury, and last year, his talents evidently (6) decline, he failed to regain his Olympic long-jump title, and promptly retired. At his best, however, his jumping was sometimes (7) belief, and in his greatest year, 2000, he broke the world record no fewer than four times. In the late 1990s he was single-handedly responsible (8) bringing British athletics out of a severe slump with his inspirational performances and personal charisma. Peters was capable (9) great generosity, and once, famously, failed a jump deliberately in order to let his great rival, Aravan Sijipal, win on his farewell appearance. When being interviewed, Peters was also an exception to the rule, for he always tried to praise others rather than blow his own trumpet. A deeply religious man, he was (10) dispute with the athletics authorities on more than one occasion for his refusal to compete on Sundays. His antidrugs campaign had a great effect (11) young athletes all over Britain, and throughout his career, he remained very conscious (12) what he saw as his public duty in this respect. Many charitable organisations have reason to be grateful (13) him (14) the time he devoted to raising money for their causes. O

Underline the correct word in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Diane showed a complete disregard for/with her own safety. I was totally baffled by/of Tim's behaviour. For Romeo and Juliet it was love at/with first sight. They wouldn't let me in the pub because I was below/under age. Our house has been in/on the market for months. You are perfectly capable for/of making your own bed, I would have thought! We walked on tiptoe for/from fear of being discovered This is one of the exceptions of/to the rule. I am surprised at/by you, forgetting your briefcase like that. We met at the hotel completely by/from coincidence.


Explanations This unit (and Grammar 24 and 25) assume that a wide range of phrasal verbs, and their grammatical types, are already known. These units focus on multiple meaning, and other meanings of known phrasal verbs. Note that there may be other meanings for the verbs listed here. Add up (make sense) His evidence just doesn't add up. Ask after (inquire about) Jim was asking after you. Back down (yield in an argument) Sheila was right, so Paul had to back down. Bargain for (take into account) We hadn't bargained for there being so much traffic, and we missed the plane. Bear out (confirm the truth) Helen's alibi was borne out by her sister. Break down (lose control of the emotions) David broke down and wept when he heard the news. Break off (stop talking) He broke off to answer the phone. Break up (come to an end) The party finally broke up at 3.00 am. Bring about (cause to happen) The crisis was brought about by Brenda's resignation. Bring off (succeed in doing something) The team tried for years to win the competition and they finally brought it off. Bring on (cause the onset of an illness) Sitting in the damp brought on his rheumatism. (cause trouble to happen to oneself) You have brought this on/upon yourself. Bring round (influence someone to your point of view) After much discussion, I brought the committee round to my point of view. Bring up (mention) / feel I ought to bring up another small matter. Call up (mobilise for military service) Mark was called up when the war broke out. Carry off (complete successfully - perhaps despite a problem) Jane had a difficult role to play, but she carried it off. Carry out (complete a plan) The attack was successfully carried out.


G R A M M A R 23


Catch on (become popular - colloquial) This new hair style is beginning to catch on. Come about (happen) Let me explain how the situation came about. Come down to (be in the end a matter of) It all conies down to whether you are prepared to accept less money. Come in for (receive - especially criticism, blame) The government has come in for a lot of criticism over the decision. Come off (take place successfully) I'm afraid that deal didn't come off after all. Come out (appear) All the flowers have come out. When the news came out, everyone was shocked. My photos didn't come out very well. Come up (occur - usually a problem - colloquial) Look, something has come up, and I can't meet you. Come up against (meet a difficulty) We've come up against a bit of a problem. Come up to (equal - especially expectations, standard) The play didn't come up to expectations. Come up with (think of - especially an answer, a plan, a solution) We still haven't come up with a solution to the problem. Count on (rely on) Don't worry, you can count on me. Crop up (happen unexpectedly - colloquial) / can't come to your party, something has cropped up. Do away with (abolish - colloquial) Dog licences have been done away with. (murder - colloquial) What if they do away with the old man? Do up (decorate - colloquial) We are having our living room done up. Draw up (come to a stop) A white sports car drew up outside the door. Draw up (organise - especially a document) The contract is being drawn up at the moment. Drop in (pay a visit - colloquial) Drop in any time you're passing. Drop off (fall asleep - colloquial) The baby has just dropped off. End up (finish in a certain way, or place) We ended up staying there for lunch. The car ended up in a ditch.





Face up to (have courage to deal with - especially responsibilities) You have to face up to your responsibilities. Fall about (show amusement - especially laughing - colloquial) Everyone fell about when Jane told her joke. Fall back on (use as a last resort) If the worst comes to the worst, we've got our savings to fall back on. Fall for (be deceived by - colloquial) It was an unlikely story but he fell for it. (fall in love with - colloquial) / fell for you the moment I saw you. Fall out with (quarrel with) Peter has fallen out with his boss. Fall through (fail to come to completion) The plan fell through at the last minute. Feel up to (feel capable of doing) Old Mr Smith didn't feel up to walking all that way. Follow up (act upon a suggestion) Thanks for the information about that book. I'll follow it up. (take more action) We'll follow up this lesson next week. Get across (be understood - especially get an idea across) I had the feeling I wasn't getting the meaning across. Get at (imply - about personal matters - colloquial) What are you getting at exactly? Get down to (begin to seriously deal with) It's time we got down to some real work. Get off with (avoid punishment) They were lucky to get off with such light sentences. Get on for (approach a certain age/time/number) He must be getting on for seventy. Get on (make progress - especially in life) Sue is getting on very well in her new job. Get over (be surprised) 7 couldn't get over how well she looked. Get over with (come to the end of something, usually unpleasant) /'// be glad to get this awful business over with. Get round to (find time to do - also around) Sorry, but I haven't got round to fixing the tap yet. Get up to (do something - usually bad when about children - colloquial) The children are getting up to something in the garden. What have you been getting up to lately?


G R A M M A R 23


Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Jim completely fell for my joke/story. The conversation/meeting didn't break up until late. It seems that we've come up against rather a tricky idea/problem. It must be getting on for six o'clock/extremely well. The witness's evidence bore out what Peter had said/as Peter said. I really should get down to my homework/the weather. Unfortunately my plan/suggestion didn't quite come off. Mary's new novel doesn't come up to her usual expectation/standard. Last night I dropped off at 11.30/from 11.30 until 7.00 this morning, When David started speaking everyone fell about in laughter/laughing.

Put one suitable word in each space.

a) When I give an order I expect it to be b) Getting up so early really gets me


c) It was a good idea, but I'm afraid it didn't quite d) I'm afraid that your story doesn't really e) I was so surprised when Harry got the job, I couldn't f) Terry's new book out next week.

off. up. over it.

g) Someone was after you in the club yesterday. h) I tried to get an early night, but just as I was off, the phone rang, i) Neil was too embarrassed to pay. j) The police didn't

up the question of who would up Bill's complaint about his neighbours.




Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

The Terrys were sitting calmly having afternoon tea in their lounge when the van (1) ...A..... up outside. The words 'Reliable Removals - you can (2) us' were printed on the side of the van in large blue capitals. Soon afterwards, an enormous man covered in tattoos appeared on the doorstep. Tim opened the door. 'Sorry we're late, guv,' said the tattoo man, 'we hadn't (3) all the traffic on the motorway, otherwise we'd have been here sooner. Isn't that right, Lester? His companion, an unshaven man roughly half his size, joined in: 'We didn't budge for a good half hour, and we (4) up coming off the motorway and going through the villages. I did try and phone, but I couldn't get (5) Anyway, we're here now, so let's (6) some serious work.' Tim said, 'Erm, I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding, gentlemen.' 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

A drew A ask after A got up to A brought A down A do away with

B followed B bear out B faced up to B ended B across B come up against

C cropped C count on C bargained for C broke C over C fall out with

D called D draw up D added up D came D through D get down to

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

When the war (1) ..C. out I must have been (2) 18 years of age, and like most boys of my age, I received the news with a kind of naive enthusiasm, born out of youthful ignorance and inexperience. When I was (3) , I still had a romantic vision of marching quickly to victory and being home in time for tea. I have an old picture of myself standing proudly in my new uniform - a young man about to (4) his responsibilities in life. I look like a boy pretending to be a man - and not quite managing to (5) it off. Little did I realise just what I had (6) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


A came B bore A getting on for B falling back on A counted on B broken up A draw up B face up to A call B break A come in for B come up against

C broke D carried C getting round to D feeling up to C called up D asked after C do away with D bring about C get D carry C come down to D come up with




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) They didn't punish Karen, only gave her a warning.

got Karen



a warning.

b) What sort of progress are you making in your new job? getting How are

in your new job?

c) There were no taxis so in the end I had to walk home.

up Because there were no taxis I


d) I'm doing more work than I bargained for.

be I didn't expect

much work.

e) Brenda doesn't get on with her next-door neighbour any more. fallen Brenda has

her next-door neighbour.

f) I broke down and cried when I heard the news. into I

when I heard the bad news.

g) The best solution was thought of by Sally. came Sally

the best solution.

h) Soon it will be time for lunch. getting It's

lunch time.

i) What happened confirmed the truth of Jack's prediction. borne Jack's prediction

by subsequent events.

j) Carol has trouble communicating her ideas to others.

her Carol has trouble ..

.. across.


Explanations This unit (and Grammar 23 and 25) assume that a wide range of phrasal verbs, and their grammatical types, are already known. These units focus on multiple meaning, and alternative ways of expressing meanings of phrasal verbs. Note that there may be other meanings for the verbs listed here. Give away (betray) His false identity papers gave him away. Give off (send off a smell - liquid or gas) The cheese had begun to give off a strange smell. Give out (be exhausted) When our money gave out we had to borrow some. Give over (abandon, devote) The rest of the time was given over to playing cards. (stop - colloquial) Why don't you give over! You're getting on my nerves. Give up (surrender) The escaped prisoner gave herself up. (believed to be dead or lost) After ten days the ship was given up for lost. Go back on (break a promise) The management has gone back on its promise. Go in for (make a habit of) / don't go in for that kind of thing. (enter competition) Are you thinking of going in for the race? Go off (become bad - food) This milk has gone off. Go on (happen - usually negative) Something funny is going on. Go round (be enough) There weren't enough life-jackets to go round. Go through with (complete a promise or plan - usually unwillingly) When it came to actually stealing the money, Nora couldn't go through with it. Grow on (become more liked - colloquial) This new record is growing on me. Hang onto (keep - colloquial) / think we should hang onto the car until next year. Have it in for (be deliberately unkind to someone - also as have got) My teacher has (got) it in for me. 150

G R A M M A R 24


Have it out with (express feelings so as to settle a problem) / put up with the problem for a while but in the end I had it out with her. Have someone on (deceive - colloquial) / don't believe you. You're having me on. Hit it off (get on well with - colloquial) Mark and Sarah really hit it off at the party. Hit upon/on (discover by chance - often an idea) They hit upon the solution quite by chance. Hold out (offer - especially with hope) We don't hold out much hope that the price will fall. Hold up (delay) Sorry I'm late, I was held up in the traffic. (use as an example - i.e. a model of good behaviour) Jack was always held up as an example to me. Hold with (agree with - an idea) I don't hold with the idea of using force. Keep up (continue) Well done! Keep up the good work! Lay down (state a rule - especially lay down the law) The company has laid down strict procedures for this kind of situation. Let down (disappoint, break a promise) Sony to let you down, but I can't give you a lift today. Let in on (allow to be part of a secret) We haven't let Tina in on the plans yet. Let off (excuse from punishment) As Dave was young, the judge let him off with a fine. Let on (inform about a secret - colloquial) We're planning a surprise for Helen, but don't let on. Live down (suffer a loss of reputation) If City lose, they'll never live it down. Live up to (reach an expected standard) The play quite lived up to my expectations. Look into (investigate) The police have promised to look into the problem. Look on (consider) We look on this town as our real home. Look someone up (visit when in the area) If you're passing through Athens, look me up. Make for (result in) The power steering makes for easier parking. Make off with (run away with) The thief made off with a valuable necklace. Make out (pretend) Tim made out that he hadn't seen the No Smoking sign. (manage to see or understand) / couldn't quite make out what the notice said.




Make someone out (understand someone's behaviour) Janet is really odd. I can't make her out. Make up (invent) / think you made up the whole story! Make up for (compensate for) Our success makes up for all the hard times. Miss out (fail to include) You have missed out a word here. (lose a chance - colloquial) Five people got promoted, but I missed out again. Own up (confess - colloquial) None of the children would own up to breaking the window. Pack in (stop an activity - colloquial) John has packed in his job. Pay back (take revenge - colloquial) She paid him back for all his insults. Pick up (improve - colloquial) The weather seems to be picking up. Pin someone down (force to give a clear statement) / asked Jim to name a suitable day, but I couldn't pin him down. Play up (behave or work badly) The car is playing up again. It won't start. Point out (draw attention to a fact) I pointed out that 1 would be on holiday anyway. Pull off (manage to succeed) It was a tricky plan, but we pulled it off. Push on (continue with some effort - colloquial) Let's push on and try to reach the coast by tonight. Put across (communicate ideas) Harry is clever but he can't put his ideas across. Put down to (explain the cause of) Diane's poor performance was put down to nerves. Put in for (apply for a job) Sue has put in for a teaching job. Put oneself out (take trouble - to help someone) Please don't put yourself out making a meal. A sandwich will do. Put off (discourage, upset) The crowd put the gymnast off, and he fell. Put up (offer accommodation) We can put you up for a few days. Put up with (tolerate, bear) / can't put up with all this noise!


G R A M M A R 24


Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Richard and I have never really hit it/ourselves off. The manager promised to look into my request/the matter. I am afraid I don't hold with this kind of thing/people like you. Hang on to the tickets, they might fall/we'll need them later. The team couldn't keep up the pressure/the score in the second half. This'll go off unless you put it in the fridge/close the window. I think the second paragraph/a great opportunity has been missed out. Most of the meeting was given over in the end/to Tom's report. Stephen eventually confessed up/owned up to sixteen murders, Something odd is going on behind my back/tomorrow afternoon.

Put one suitable word in each space.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

We can't watch that programme if the television is ..playing up again. This novel is beginning to on me. It is quite clearly down that only amateurs can take part. Sales were slow to start with, but now they're up. I don't want to you off, but this type of plane has crashed quite often. Two members of the gang eventually themselves up. We out that we had forgotten Jane's birthday, though it wasn't true. There should be enough plates to round. What does that notice say? I can't it out. Hilary told me to her up the next time I was in London.



Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

The small resort of Palama (1) ..B. out rather in the 1990s, as the tourists flocked to the more obvious attractions of the nearby resorts of Calapo and del Mare. But now, thanks to a major new hotel development plan, business is (2) , and Palama is more than (3) its poor past showing and unfashionable image. The kindest thing one can say about Palama is that it (4) you if you've been staying there for long enough. It is being (5) up as a shining example of the latest retro-style of modern hotel architecture, but as far as this observer is concerned, it only occasionally (6) its billing. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 4

A held A picking up A putting in for A grows on A played A lives up to

B missed B making out B hanging on to B hold with Bput B holds out

C made C paying back C hitting it off C puts up with C held C makes for

D gave D giving over D making up for D pushes on D made D puts across

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Phil West test drives the Mondo XfS

You'd be hard-pushed to find a more comfortable drive - the superb suspension system makes (1) ...C an easy ride over bumpy roads, although the performance is somewhat let (2) by the handling round corners. Maybe I just drove this monster too fast! The instruction manual (3) that the XJS can hit a top speed of 240 kph: 200 would be nearer the mark - still not a figure to be sniffed at. The dashboard controls are an absolute picture and easy to operate, although some of the electronics were a bit temperamental on my trial run - at one point, alarmingly, the windscreen wipers decided to (4) Also I did not (5) with the gearbox, and only found third gear with difficulty. But hey, I'm the world's most demanding critic - this thing is a beast! Don't be (6) by the price, a cool £85,000. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


A out A up A puts up A give away A hit it off A missed out

B off with B down B pulls off B miss out B pull it off B owned up

Cfor C in C makes out C put off C have it out C put off

Dup D on D holds up D pack up D live it down D hit upon

G R A M M A R 24



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I'm not really interested in sports.










go I don't really ..go in for. sports very much. Terry was rude but Anne got her revenge on him. being Anne paid Terry to her. You can stay with us for a week. up We can for a week. The police only warned Sally because it was her first offence. off Sally was warning because it was her first offence. Sue drew attention to the flaw in the plan. out Sue plan was flawed. The plain clothes officer's boots showed he was a policeman. given The plain clothes policeman's real identity his boots. Hard work was what caused Jill's success. put Jill's success can hard work. The box smelled faintly of fish. gave The box of fish. I think my boss is prejudiced against me. it I think my boss me. The holiday wasn't as good as we had expected. up The holiday didn't expectations. MroHMjMgnHjnHnMMWHHjHHNffiHHBHHBVgaMMnUttl



Explanations This unit (and Grammar 23 and 24) assume that a wide range of phrasal verb: and their grammatical types, are already known. These units focus on multip] meaning, and alternative ways of expressing meanings of phrasal verbs. Note that there may be other meanings for the verbs listed here. Rip off (charge too much - colloquial) You paid £50? They really ripped you off! Run down (criticise) She's always running down her husband. (lose power, allow to decline) / think the batteries are running down. Run into (meet) Guess who I ran into at the supermarket! Run to (have enough money) I don't think we can run to a holiday abroad this year. Run over (check - also run through) Let's run over the plan once more. Run up (a bill - let a bill get longer without paying) I ran up a huge telephone bill at the hotel. Run up against (encounter - usually a problem) We've run up against a slight problem. See someone off (go to station, airport, etc to say goodbye to someone) / went to the station to see them off. See through (realise the truth about) I saw through his intentions at once. Send up (make fun of by imitating) Jean is always sending up the French teacher. Set about (start working) We must set about re-organising the office. Set in (establish itself - especially weather) / think this rain has set in for the day. Set out (give in detail in writing) This document sets out all the Union demands. (arrange) I've set out the refreshments in the hall. (start an action) Sue set out to write a biography but it became a novel. Set up (establish) An inquiry into the accident has been set up.


G R A M M A R 25


Set (up) on (attack) We were set upon by a gang of hooligans. Sink in (realise slowly - colloquial, intransitive) Slowly the realisation that I had won began to sink in. Slip up (make a mistake - colloquial) Someone slipped up and my application was lost. Sort out (find a solution - colloquial) Don't worry, Mary will sort out your problems. Stand by (keep to an agreement) The company agreed to stand by its original commitment. Stand for (represent - initials) E.g. stands for exempli gratia, it's Latin. (tolerate) / will not stand for this kind of behaviour in my house! Stand in for (take the place of) Carol has kindly agreed to stand in for Graham at the monthly meeting. Stand up to (resist, bear stress) The engine won't stand up to the strain. Step down (resign - colloquial) The Chairman has stepped down after criticism from shareholders. Step up (increase) Production at the Leeds plant has been stepped up. Stick up for (defend - especially yourself, your rights - colloquial) You must learn to stick up for yourself. Take in (deceive) Don't be taken in by her apparent shyness. Take (it) out on (make someone else suffer because of one's own sufferings) / know you are unhappy, but don't take it out on me! Take off (imitate - colloquial) Dave takes off the Prime Minister really well. Take on (acquire a new characteristic) My grandmother has taken on a new lease of life since her operation. (do something extra) She has taken on too much with a full-time job as well. Take out (insurance - sign an insurance agreement) Ann has taken out life insurance. Take over (gain control of) The army tried to take over the country. Take to someone (develop a liking for) You'll soon take to your new boss, I'm sure. Take up (time - occupy time) The meeting took up a whole morning. Talk out of or into (dissuade from, persuade into) Paul talked me into going skiing, against my better judgement.



Tell off (scold - colloquial) Our teacher told us off for being late. Tie in with (be in agreement with) I'm afraid your party doesn't quite tie in with our arrangements. Track down (trace the whereabouts of) The police tracked down the killer and arrested him. Try out (test - a machine) Let's try out the new washing machine. Turn down (reject an offer) Another company offered me a job but I turned them down. Turn out (happen to be in the end) He turned out to be an old friend of Helen's. (come to a meeting or to form a crowd) Thousands of fans turned out to welcome the team. Turn up (be discovered by chance) Don't worry about that missing book, it's bound to turn up sooner or later. (arrive - often unexpectedly) Not many people turned up for the lesson. Wear off (lose effect - especially a drug) These painkillers wear off after about two hours. Work out (calculate - also work out at for specific amounts) The hotel bill worked out at over £500.


G R A M M A R 25


Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) Tom asked Jane out, but she turned down him/turned him down. b) In the end/Initially I set out to prove that such a voyage was possible. c) If he treated me like that I wouldn't stand for him/it. d) The government should set up a committee/a minister to sort the matter out. e) Both teams stepped up the pace/the rate in the second half. f) The dog didn't take to its new owner/liking me. g) The good news/The prize hasn't really sunk in yet. h) I told her off/told off her for leaving the office unlocked. i) After a week on the ice the expedition ran into difficulties/potholes. j) They really rip the bill/you off in this restaurant! 2

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Telesales have become the bane of my life. Recently I have been so inundated with them that I now refuse to answer the phone between 6 and 9 in the evenings. Friends and relatives understand, and don't bother calling at these times. Last week I was almost (1) ...D..... accepting a year's subscription to a video company, before the red mist descended just in time, and I slammed the phone down. If it's not advisors promising to (2) out your finances for you, or persuading you to (3) life insurance, it will usually be home improvement companies. My advice is, don't be taken (4) by the friendly chat at the beginning of the conversation. You can (5) all their charming chit chat with ease - all they really want is your custom and your money. So (6) them, and, preferably politely, just say 'no'. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

A set in A try A run into A in A turn out A stick up for

B stuck up for B set B take out B over B take to B run up against

C worn off C sort C set about Cup C tell off C tie in with

D talked into D run D stand by Doff D see through D stand up to



Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Meetings which (1) ..D too much of managers' time are being blamed for inefficiency and lost revenue, according to a report from the Institute of Managerial Affairs. The report concludes that a lot of meetings which take place in the business world are a waste of time: the decisions made in them could be arrived at by other means, or the manager's presence delegated, with a capable deputy standing (2) the manager. But it seems this message has not (3) in yet, for the number of hours devoted to meetings continues to increase annually, in most countries of the world. In-house meetings are bad enough, but some companies insist on lavish affairs in hotels or restaurants, (4) huge bills in the process. With delicious irony, one leading finance company has (5) a committee to investigate the new scourge of unnecessary meetings. The number of weekly meetings for the committee has 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

A run over A by A sunk A taking on A run into A sent

B set in B in for B set B sending up B sorted out B stepped


turn out up to taken working out taken out run

D take up Dfor D turned D running up D set up D taken

Put one suitable word in each space.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


The government has allowed the coal industry to run ..down. Robert was set by two masked men and robbed. Why didn't you stick for me instead of saying nothing? Let's run the details of the arrangements just once more. Most of my time is taken with answering the phone. I've run against a number of difficulties in this area. The buffet was set on a number of low tables. The next day, teams of local people set clearing up the damage. No one expected the government to stand the agreement. Hundreds of people turned in the rain to see the prince.

G R A M M A R 25



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I need someone to take my place at the ceremony.

in I need someone to ...stand in for me at the ceremony. b) In the end it was quite a sunny day after all. out It be quite a sunny day after all. c) Members of the audience started sending up the speaker. of Members of the audience started the speaker. d) Janet persuaded me not to sell my house. out Janet my house. e) Brian takes off the French teacher really well. imitation Brian does the French teacher. f) The effect of these pills only lasts for three hours. off The effect of these pills three hours. g) Harry swore he would stand by his promise. back Harry swore that he would not his promise. h) Terry has just insured her life. out Terry has just life insurance policy. i) In the end it was discovered that Joe was the thief. out Joe the thief. j) I need a calculator to arrive at the total. work I can't .. ..a calculator.



Put one suitable word in each space.

Unlikely as it may seem, there has now been expert confirmation that wild pumas and lynxes are (1) large in parts of Britain, rather than being the figments (2) some wild imaginations. Previous sightings (3) such large cats had been put down (4) exaggeration. (5) all, the argument went, some people are prone (6) seeing flying saucers and Loch Ness monsters, particularly when (7) the influence of one drink too many. Some newspapers were suspected (8) having made (9) stories such as that of the Beast of Exmoor, an animal which is responsible (10) the deaths of hundreds of sheep over the past ten years. But experts have now come (11) with proof that such stories were (12) earnest after all. The animals are (13) all likelihood pets which have escaped (14) small zoos, or been abandoned (15) their owners. Because the keeping (16) such animals is severely restricted (17) the terms of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act of 1976, owners of unlicensed animals might not report an escape (18) fear of prosecution. Britain's only surviving native species, the wild cat, is confined (19) Scotland. After examining hair samples, experts now say that the Beast of Exmoor in the South of England is (20) doubt a puma or lynx, both of which are normally native to the Middle East and Asia. 2

Put one suitable word in each space.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

My cousin George is obsessed ..with keeping fit. Many frozen foods are deficient vitamins. They say that there is an exception every rule. It was very good Sue to drive us to the airport. Breaking his leg put Peter's football career jeopardy. The same rule applies, irrespective how much you have paid. With total disregard her own safety, Ann jumped in to rescue the dog. h) I'm afraid you are not eligible a pension until you are 65.


G R A M M A R 26



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) You think I am someone else. confusing You are .confusing with me.................................... someone else. b) Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late. on Gary prides being early. c) On this ship passengers cannot get onto the bridge. access Passengers have the bridge of this ship. d) What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion? differ How exactly nuclear fusion? e) An electrical failure was said to be the cause of the fire. blamed They an electrical failure. f) It's all a matter of money, in the end. comes It all

g) His smooth manner didn't deceive us. taken We were h) The total came to just under £4,000. worked The total i) I haven't realised yet what winning this race means. sunk It hasn't j) In the end we had to walk to the railway station. up We

in the end.

his smooth manner.

just under £4,000.

won this race.

to the railway station.




Put one suitable word in each space.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 5

It looks as if the front door lock has been ..tampered with. The people were protesting the closure of two local factories. We are very to you for pointing out the mistake. The hotel me £14 for phone calls I had not made. I'd just like to consult my father before I myself to a decision. The new television channel tries to for all tastes. I couldn't from laughing at the President's remark. I think that you would both from a few days holiday.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) A bus and a lorry collided on the motorway. between There was ..a collision on the motorway beetween a bus and a lorry. b) Don't make me suffer because of your problems! on Don't take just because you've got problems! c) Sally persuaded rne not to sell my car. of Sally talked my car. d) A true story is the basis of the novel. on The novel a true story. e) They said the accident was Mary's fault. blamed They Mary. f) Joe gets on very well with his mother-in-law. terms Joe with his mother-in-law. g) There is nothing strange about this. out There is nothing about this. h) Ellen has been unemployed for six months. out Ellen has been .. ..for six months.


G R A M M A R 26



Put one suitable word in each space.

a) It's safe to hide here. We won't give you b) My mum told me

for coming home late from school.

c) Sorry I'm late. Something cropped

at the office.

d) You can rely on her. She won't let you e) Nick was taken to court but he got f) It was surprising how quickly that fashion caught g) Don't worry. I'll sort it h) I don't really hit it

with my new boss.

i) Don't eat that sausage. I think it's gone j) She'll come round when the anaesthetic wears 7

Complete the following extracts with a word or phrase that is a more formal version of the informal words in brackets. Then say where each extract comes from.

(turned down) this

a) The three publishers who (1)

fantastic first novel must be kicking themselves. John Carter's Capital City is a wonderful read and all the more amazing when one considers the author is just 23. What Carter may lack in experience he more than (2)

(makes up for) in sheer enthusiasm. Read it

and I promise you won't feel (3) b) I (1)

(let down). (setup) my own business, 'Sarah Castle

Photography Ltd,' two years ago, after (2)


post (stepping down) as a TV camera person. I now (3) c) Dear Mr and Mrs Sinclair,

(do mostly) native pictures.

I do apologise, but I am unable to come to your daughter's wedding on 21 May. Unfortunately, it (1)

(happens at the same

time as) a holiday I've already booked. When I booked it, I was (2) (3) d) Dear Mr Smith,

(thought) that the wedding was to (happen) in July.

This is to remind all employers that Tax Rule 13d has been (1) (done away with), so you are now (2)

(don't have to) declare any earnings for your

company relating to 'ancient debts'. This term shall be deemed to refer to money owed to you from seven years ago or more. We would also (3)

to (point out to you) the fact that column 3

on page 6 of your tax declaration can now be left blank. 165



Using the notes as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not occur in the notes.

To: Anne From: PY We've had a letter from a Mr Scott, complaining about a rather violent scene which upset his children, on one of our programmes, 'Murphy's Run'. Could you write to him? Point out that: The programme is a joint production with Talent Productions. It observed Channel 2 regulations. All programmes, no matter where they come from, are checked 3 months before they're shown. The TV Standards Authority often checks children's programmes, and were happy with the scene Mr Scott didn't like. Unlike similar programmes on other channels, it's very suitable viewing. We always try to show clearly the difference between good and bad on it. Dear Mr Scott, With (1) ..refence/regard.............................. to your letter of 3 May, we deeply regret the distress caused to your children by the violent scene on episode 53 of 'Murphy's Run', a Channel 2 programme produced in (2)

Talent Productions Ltd. However, the

programme did (3)

with Channel 2 regulations.

Each programme is carefully checked for unsuitable material three months in (4)

its scheduled broadcast time. This


to all Channel 2 programmes


of their origin and type. There is also a

watchdog body, the TV Standards Authority, which monitors children's programmes on a (7) the scene you (8) The programme in question is, in (9)

They too were happy with to. similar

programmes on private channels, entirely suitable for children, and takes great care to (10)

between good and bad, and between

moral and immoral. In conclusion, we are happy that the scene was acceptable, and we hope that you will continue to allow your children to watch the programme. Yours sincerely, Ann Orbison


Explanations There are many features of texts which help the reader understand how the information in the text is organised. Text Organisers

This term covers a wide range of words and phrases which make text easier to understand. A selection is given here. • Adding a point As well as the obvious dangers, there was the weather to be considered. In addition to the obvious dangers, there was the weather to be considered. Not only were there the obvious dangers, but there was also the weather to be considered. m Developing a point Besides/furthermore/in addition/moreover/what's more/on top of that/to make matters worse, smoking has been directly linked to lung cancer. • Contrast The identity of the attacker is known to the police. However/nevertheless/an the same no name has been released. The identity of the attacker is known to the police. No name has, however/all the same, been released. (Al)though/while/even though/despite the fact that the identity of the attacker is known to the police, no name has been released. The identity of the attacker is known to the police. A name has nevertheless/none the less/still not been released. No, I didn't say the President got it wrong. On the contrary, I think he's handled the affair superbly. I prefer city life as opposed to country life. I prefer city life, whereas John prefers country life. Donahue established his reputation as a novelist. In contrast, his new book is a non-fiction work. •

Explaining reasons The government does not intend to cause any further provocation. As a result/'accordingly'/thus/hence/'consequently'/for that reason, all troops have been withdrawn. The employers have promised to investigate these complaints, and we in turn have agreed to end the strike.



Making generalisations Broadly speaking, generally speaking, on the whole, by and large, to a large/some/a certain extent, this has been an encouraging year for the company. Starting That's absolute rubbish! For a start/first of all/in the first place/for one thing, it was Rod who said that, not me. And secondly ... Giving new information She then turned to Henry, who incidentally/by the way is now about two metres tall, and said ... By the way/incidentally, do you remember an old friend of ours called Ransom? Concession/qualification OK, so you two have had a few problems. Even so/all the same, I don't see why you need to split up. Lancaster is a man of great personal integrity. Having said that/even so/all the same, I don't think he'd make a good chairman. Reality What did you think of'Death in Action'? To be (perfectly) honest/to tell the truth, I can't stand films like that.





Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) A: Did you ring the hospital for me? B: I forgot as a result/to be honest/to make matters worse. I'll do it now. b) A lot of adults are very wary of learning in a school situation. For that reason/On the other hand/To tell the truth they don't sign up for our courses. c) By and large/Despite the fact that/Owing to I'm very pleased with their work on our home. At any rate/'Accordingly'/Having said that, I think they could have made a better job of the painting. d) I missed two weeks' training because of flu last month. To put it another way/As a result/To tell the truth, I'm not expecting to run very well in today's race. e) They've had a very difficult time. On top of that/At any rate/To start with, their home was burgled. f) What a terrible experience! Anyway/In contrast/By the way, you're safe now that's the main thing! g) She's a sociable girl with lots of friends. Even so/Furthermore/To some extent, she can get lonely, like anyone else. h) He comes across as being very full of himself, in contrast/broadly speaking/whereas he's actually a very nice guy. i) Nonetheless/On the whole/Hence I agree with what you're saying, but I'm not sure about your last point. j) I seem to be giving the impression that I didn't enjoy my time in Norway. After all/Having said that/On the contrary, I had a wonderful time. 2

Underline the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) They've got a terrible record over tax and education. Nevertheless/On the other hand, I still think the Democrats will win the election. b) Balding's 'People in the Sky' is a very disappointing painting. At any rate/In contrast, Rae's 'Beach Scene' really brings this exhibition to life. c) I would like to complain about the way I was treated in your shop. For one thing/Besides, the assistant was rude ... d) Our dining room is a place which we keep strictly for eating, as opposed to/whereas the sitting room, which is for sitting, talking and watching TV. e) We saw the Eiffel Tower, the Seine and the Louvre, what's more/as well as Eurodisney. f) The country's economy depends to a large extent/at least on the tourist industry. g) I'm here on business in addition/as opposed to pleasure. h) The weather is likely to be dry and warm. In the far north-west of Scotland, however/whereas, it will be wet and windy.



Read the interview and decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits each space.

Interviewer: The recent scandal involving your finance minister has done little to restore public confidence in the government. Minister: (1) ...C , I think the 'scandal', as you call it, has shown us to be a very moral party. The minister concerned resigned his post and showed great contrition for what he'd done. Int: (2) , a scandal is a scandal. (3) , a senior minister accepts a large donation on behalf of his party from the entrepreneur Robert Tivwell, then five weeks later, Tivwell's company, which (4) just happens to be nearly bankrupt, wins a contract with the government worth millions of pounds. Min: Well, as I say, the minister has resigned, (5) I should point out that there is technically nothing illegal about what he did. Int: Yes, there is, minister. It's called bribery. Min: Well you can call it that if you want. I prefer to call it 'sharp practice' (6) But it happens, it's always happened, and I'm sure it'll continue to happen. (7) , we will not condone this kind of financial dealing and will continue to stamp down on it. Int: This is pure double talk! Min: No that's not true. (8) we take such matters extremely seriously. But we are realistic enough to know that we can't eliminate them altogether. You see, there is nothing to stop people or companies making donations to parties - (9) if we didn't have such money, we wouldn't be able to survive. It's just that the timing of such payments can be unfortunate. So each case has to be investigated on its merits. But (10) , this practice is causing less controversy than it has done under previous governments. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)


A Incidentally A Even so A By and large A in contrast A despite A anyway A Having said that A As a result A although A in contrast

B First of all B As a matter of fact B Consequently B incidentally B although B furthermore B Moreover B As a matter of fact B thus B in addition

C On the contrary C Hence C First of all C at any rate C whereas C to be honest C To make matters worse C To some extent C indeed C broadly speaking



Read the text and decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits each space.

Starting your own business could be the way to achieving financial independence. (1) ..B it could just as well land you in debt for the rest of your life. (2) , that is the view of Charles and Brenda Leggat, a Scottish couple, who last week saw their fish farm business put into the hands of the receiver. 'We started the business at a time when everyone was being encouraged by the banks to borrow money. (3) , we fell into the same trap, and asked for a big loan. (4) , at the time we were sure that we could make it into a going concern,' said Charles Leggat, a farmer from the Highlands. The bank analysed the proposals we put forward and they agreed that it would be a highly profitable business.' Sure enough, within five years the Leggats were exporting trout and salmon products to hotels all over Europe, and (5) they took on over fifty staff. (6) , with the advent of the recession, they began to lose ground as orders dried up. '(7) , said Brenda Leggat, 'the business has now been valued by the bank at a fraction of its true worth. If they had left us to work our way out of our difficulties, (8) virtually bankrupting us, I am sure that we could have gone back into profit. As it is, we have been left without a livelihood, and the bank has not recovered what it lent us.' The Leggats both felt that their banks had not treated them fairly. '(9) , they were falling over themselves to lend us the money initially, (10) now they are doing very little to keep the business going, and fifty local people in work.' A spokesman for the bank concerned refused to comment. 1) A Moreover 2) A At least 3) A Incidentally 4) A To put it another way 5) A what's more 6) A Hence 7) A In contrast 8) A as opposed to 9) A However 10) A as well as

B On the other hand B However B At any rate B Nevertheless B on the other hand B Consequently B Whereas B as well as B To tell the truth B whereas

C As well as C To make matters worse C As a result C In contrast C to tell the truth C However C To make matters worse C in addition to C As a result C on the other hand


Explanations The CAE exam includes proof-reading activities. Those relating to extra words have been dealt with in earlier units. Those relating to punctuation and spelling are looked at in this unit. Words commonly misspelled

Common errors Learners can benefit by making lists of the words they most frequently misspell. The words listed here are spelled correctly. accommodation, address, advertisement, beginning, committee, conscience, curiosity, disappear, disappointed, embarrassed, faithfully, favourite, forbidden, government, guarantee, immediately, independent, jealous, journey, manufacture, marriage, medicine, necessary, pollution, prefer, preferred, pronunciation, quiet, quite, receive, recommend, responsibility, separate, sincerely, successful, truly, unconscious, unfortunately, unnecessary, writing Words with similar spelling but different meanings. altogether This means 'completely'. all together This describes a group of things or people in one place. effect verb: bring about, make; noun: result affect have an effect on lose verb: fail to have or find loose adjective: not tight specially for a special purpose especially particularly stationery paper, envelopes, etc (collective noun) stationary not moving (used formally of vehicles) principle general truth or standard principal head of college or school Words with the same pronunciation but different spelling and meaning. This is a selection, as there are many of these: allowed - aloud bear - bare fair - fare hair - hare pear - pair piece - peace practice (n) - practise (v) stair - stare their - there weather - whether





• Commas Commas are used to separate items in lists, before question tags, to separate clauses, after and around certain linking words. See Grammar 27. I've been to Dallas, New Orleans, Kansas and Tampa Bay. Sue is a lovely girl, isn't she? If you see Kevin, tell him his photocopies are ready. Broadly speaking, I agree with what you are saying. I do not, however, agree with your last point. Note that commas are not used between a subject and its verb, or in defining relative clauses. The lady standing over there at the bus stop is my next-door neighbour. Will the pupil who threw that paper dart please stand up now. M


Apostrophes Apostrophes are used to indicate letters omitted, possession and plurals of letters and figures. Letters omitted: It's warm today. Possession: Jack's car, the player's entrance, the people's decision Possessive its does not have an apostrophe. Plurals: There are two I's in 'specially'. Are these 7's or 3's? Colons and semi-colons Colons introduce examples, lists, and statements which give in detail what has been stated in general. There were two possible courses of action: borrowing from the bank, or asking for more time to find the money elsewhere. Semi-colons divide parts of long sentences or long phrases in a list; it is usually possible to divide one sentence into shorter ones, so that semi-colons are unnecessary.




Add the necessary commas, (semi) colons and apostrophes to these texts.

I've been to the following Italian cities Rome Florence Genoa and Pisa. I thought Rome was incredible the food was great the views were fantastic and I will never forget the vivacious people. The Italians' legendary hospitality was nowhere more evident than in the capital city. But my all-time favourite is probably Genoa with its fabulous hill-top houses and its dusty mountains reverberating to the sound of grasshoppers. I spent many a happy hour looking down on the seething city below and the sea beyond. Best of all the city's location at the heart of the Italian Riviera meant that fabulous resorts like Portofino and Camogli were only a train ride away. Water is becoming a more and more precious commodity so save as much as you can. Flushing the toilet accounts for a third of all household water use so don't flush wastefully. If you are only getting rid of a tissue for example resist the habit of reaching for the handle or chain. Take a shower rather than a bath it uses about a third of the water. And don't keep the water running all the time when you wash or clean your teeth. If you have a garden try to find ways of saving water outside such as using a water butt to collect rain water rather than using a hosepipe to water your flowers. A simple pipe connecting external gutters to a water butt can save an awful lot of water. 2

For each pair of sentences, find two words with the same sound but different spelling.

a) I cannot ..bear. to see any animal suffering. The giant pulled the roof off the house with his ...bare. hands. b) As soon as the policeman was out of , one of the men broke a window. This spot you are standing on was once the of a great battle. c) The dress showed off Maria's beautiful slender Quite frankly, this whole scheme has been a of time and money. d) In the novel, Cruz is a clever servant who always through his master's plots. Armed police were sent to the house to the gang's weapons. e) Mix the apples and almonds into a fine and pour it into a jug. The Inspector up and down the room, considering his next move.


G R A M M A R 28 P U N C T U A T I O N AND S P E L L I N G

In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

It is an accepted part of everyday nostalgia to assume that in the past food was somehow better, than it is today. The fruit and vegetables were more naturaly grown and this was not seen as an extra bonus which added ten per sent on to the price. Most food was fresh, not frozen, and you had the chance to examine it to see weather you wanted it. When you went shopping you could ask for exactly what peace of meat you wanted and see the butcher cutting, it instead of finding it ready- wrapped in plastic. And your local tradesman soon got to know what you wanted, and provided it for you, otherwise he would have gone out of businness. Of course, unless we invent time-travel we shall never know, whether this is all true. Survivors from those distant days naturally tend to dislike todays convenience foods, and to prefer the Good Old Days when a joint of beef filled the oven, produced thick red juce instead of water when cooked, and cost the same as a can of Coke. What is always forgoten is that then as now the quality of your food depended very much, upon who you were, how well-off you happened to be, and where you lived. Shopping then demanded considerable skill, and shopper's had to be able to tell the fresh from the not so fresh. Their was no sell-buy date to act as a guide. If you were hard up then frozen meat and canned foods' would have been on the menu, just as they are today. 4

0 ..\/. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Correct any spelling mistakes in the following sentences. Some are correct.

a) The sunlight shining on my desk is really effecting my concentration. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

It's not necessary to do anything at this stage .................... The doctor reccommended gargling with diluted aspirin I'm doing the stationery order now, if anyone's short of anything Mum and Dad went to see a marriage counciller .................... The boxer was knocked unconscious. .. ................. My watch has a six-year gaurantee .................... As far as I'm concerned, the marketing is a seperate issue As if by magic, the strange man dissappeared .................... Too much sun can cause premature ageing of the skin 175


In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

A river in the west of England, made famous by the best-seller 'Tarka the Otter' has, once again become safe for otters after ten years of what had been thought a loosing battle against pollution from chemicals. The River Torridge in North Devon was the setting for Henry Williamsons book, the success of which has led to the area calling itself Tarka Country, and becoming a popular tourist spot. Since 1927 when the book was written, the human population of the area has however increased three-fold, and increased use of pestisides and fertilizers lead to the river being declared 'dead' in the early nineteen eighty's. Otters are shy creatures and the river provides them with numerous places to hide along the river vallies, and the fear was that they had been elliminated because of the clearing away of undergrowth and trees, and the affects of chemicals on their breeding capabilities, not to mention otter hunting, though this has now ceased. However, a number of projects desined to cleanse the river area seem to have borne fruit, despite a pesimistic announcement earlier this year. The Tarka Project, which includes local councils and environmental groups, now says that the otter poppulation is healthy and thriving in North Devon. Signs of otter habitation have been found in a number of places, and more and more sitings of otters have been recorded. But the otter is by no means widespred in other parts of the country.


0 ..*.

G R A M M A R 28 P U N C T U A T I O N AND S P E L L I N G

In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

The common cold, as it is technicaly known, still resists the efforts of science to control and cure it, and has given rise to a rich popular mythology. As the name suggests the assumption is that you catch a cold because you go out in the cold or get we As we now that a cold is a virus, and that we actually catch it from being in contact with others', this is not strictly true. Shakeing hands with people, kissing them or just being in the same room, can pass on the virus. It is now generally beleived that cold viruses; and there is more than one type, are always present in the throat, but only become active when the bodys resistence to infection is lowered. The activated cold virus then attacks the membranes in the nose and throat, who's tissues become weakened and thus suseptible to infection by types of bacteria which are generally also present in the body. Sudden chilling, or getting soked to the skin, promote conditions in nose and throat membranes that permitt the cold virus to invade the body, although some individuals seem to be resistant to this. Just being out in the cold is not enough, and studys conducted in wartime among troops living in the open found that the incidence of colds' was no greater. As far as prevention and cure are concerned, nearly everyone has there own favourite remedy. Doctors have been unable to produse an affective vaccine against colds, although strong claims have beer put forward for vitamin C.


Put one suitable word in each space.

Last summer my husband and I had two Italian students to stay at our house in London. It was a kind of exchange, with our two children off to Rome this summer, giving me, incidentally, an interlude of peace in (1) ..which to write this newspaper column, among other things. But back to the two Italians, two charming girls (2) English was a revelation to everyone in our family. I am not going to say that it was perfect or anything (3) that, simply that (4) used expressions that have either long ago died out in these islands, (5) are greeted when used with blank incomprehension. (6) example, when a day or two after their arrival Lucia made some coffee and handed it to my neighbour (who had come round to see (7) her husband kept popping over to brush up his Italian), she unmistakably said 'Here you are'. The shock was (8) great that we both nearly fell off our chairs. (9) the benefit of foreign readers, or for anyone who has just returned from a monastery or a few years on Mars, I should explain that this now quaint English expression has long (10) been replaced by the transatlantic 'There you go', an utterance which threw me into considerable confusion (11) first used by hairdressers, waitresses and barmen. The two girls also surprised us by asking intelligible questions . (12) of making vague statements which were supposed to be taken as questions. And they had retained that ancient habit of addressing strangers by (13) surnames, preceded by a Mr or Mrs, as in 'Good morning, Mrs Scott', rather than greeting me at the door on arrival with a 'Hello, Gloria, and have a nice day'. All in (14) , they were a delight, although I am sorry to report that by the time they left, they had absorbed (15) passes as the English language hereabouts, and had plunged downhill towards unintelligibility. Oh well, there you go, I suppose.







Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I had only just arrived home when the phone rang. sooner No ..sooner had I arrived home than................................ the phone rang. b) Don't under any circumstances press this red button. do Whatever press this red button. c) You can stay with us for a few days. you We can for a few days. d) Apparently her ex-husband was a terrible gambler. known Her ex-husband is a terrible gambler. e) Tony knew what the answer was after reading the book. read By the time Tony knew what the answer was. f) Our MP demanded a police investigation. should Our MP a police investigation. g) I think a change would do you good. from I think a change. h) My passport needs renewing.

to I i) Nobody there had heard of Miss Rutherford. who Nobody there j) There is something on your mind, isn't there? about You're

my passport renewed.


, aren't you?




Underline the 20 extra words in this dialogue.


Well Martin, pleased to meet with you, and congratulations on getting the job. I'm going to show you round the department, so that you know a bit more before you will start work next week. I gather you're coming with me to the Paris conference. Martin: Yes, in two weeks' time. Is the job going to be involve a lot of travel to abroad? Tina: A fair bit - Korea mainly. You'd better to get yourself a Korean phrasebook! Martin: I've ever been to Korea once before, so I know a few words. Tina: Good. We have contacts with most of Asian countries in fact. Well, here's the office you'll be working in. As you can see in this room has a photocopier, your computer ... by the way, are you familiar with PowerPoint? Martin: Well, to be perfectly honest, no. I've never really had needed it up to now. Tina: You really need to spend a few hours in studying this book, then, if you don't mind. I'm sure it'll explain you how the system works. Martin: May I ask who that man was who was leaving the office when we came in? Tina: Oh that's Mike. I'm surprised he wasn't at your interview. He's probably the nicest one of the managers. Martin: He looks like very cheerful. Tina: As I say it, he's a very nice guy. He's my immediate boss. The only thing is, he does tend to make me to do more jobs than I can cope with. Still, he's letting me to go home early today, so I'm not complaining! Martin: And on to the subject of leaving, I didn't really understand what they were saying about this finish your task system. Tina: Oh, well it's just one of the systems you can choose. Basically, it means that the sooner you do finish the sooner you can go to home. But if you finish your task, say, three hours over normal time, you can come in three hours of late the next day.


G R A M M A R 29


Put one suitable word in each space.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 5


That sister of yours! She ...can..................... be really annoying, you know! The crack in the beams resulted the collapse of the ceiling. The block of flats was built money lent by the local authority. The children are so forward to the party, they can hardly wait! Have you insured the car fire? I wish grandfather be here to see all the children. I wouldn't be surprised if Mary come first after all. this really be the right address? The house is for sale. The spokesperson refused to elaborate the plans any further. If you see Judith, would you give her my love?

In most lines of this text there is one unnecessary word. It is either incorrect grammatically, or does not fit the sense of the text. Write the unnecessary word in the space beside the text. Tick each correct line.

A study into family of health conducted in California comes 0 ...of. up with some interesting conclusions, though these might not be 0 ..\/. acceptable to everybody. The main conclusion is so that for a 0 family to remain healthy, both the relationship between husband 1 and wife plays a major role. The family perhaps surprising 2 aspect of this research, however, is that statistically the 3 healthy family is as optimistic, church-going, and led by a 4 traditional male. And perhaps not so much surprisingly, what 5 promotes the health of the husband and does not necessarily 6 promote the health of the wife too, and vice versa. For 7 example, when it comes to expressing emotions, thus it is 8 generally assumed that giving up an outlet to feelings is healthy. 9 But according to the study, there may be benefits for one party 10 but not for the other. If the wife talks to more than the husband 11 does in these situations and gives him feelings of guilt, then he 12 is likely to become a depressed, whereas if the wife lets the 13 husband dominate on the argument, then she in turn will be the 14 one of whose mental state will suffer. The study also found that 15 when men dominate in the domestic arguments, they often end 16 up trying to avoid from the real issue, or become silent and 17 withdrawn. This has the effect of making the wife feel anxious 18 and depressed. As a person's mental state there is closely linked 19 to their physical well being, it is as clear that the dynamics of 20 family relationships help to determine health in general. 181

In most lines of this text there is one unnecessary word. It is either incorrect grammatically, or does not fit the sense of the text. For each line write the unnecessary word in the space beside the text. Tick each correct line.

The term 'drugs' covers many of kinds of chemical substance which they are absorbed by the body, the majority being medicines designed to cure illnesses. They are manufactured from a variety of sources which include animal and products, plants and minerals. In the recent years it has become possible to synthesise in the laboratory many drugs which previously obtained from plants and animal products. A small number of drugs can become addictive if taken excessively, as that is either too frequently, or in doses larger than they recommended for medical to use. Drugs intended as painkillers, or drugs with a hypnotic effect are used as sleeping pills, can both become addictive if abused. It is important to make emphasise the fact that it is the abuse of drugs which has once become a widespread social problem in many societies, and not that the drug itself may have many of beneficial effects when used medically. This is why many drugs are obtainable only through prescription from a doctor. Some people would argue that if addiction to drugs involves both psychological and social factors, since those are people who become addicts may do so as in order to find some relief from personal or social inadequacies. This argument implies that it is somehow the addict's fault if not he or she becomes addicted, and this is it to ignore the powerful physical effects of many drugs. Any temporary effects of the well-being soon wear off, leading to severe physical discomfort.


0 ...y. 0 .. 0 .../... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20





Using the notes as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not occur in the notes. To: David From: Head Librarian Please draft a letter to all students who are leaving the college next week. Use the following information:

Thanks for belonging to the library. Please get all books you've taken out back by the end of term, earlier if poss. Pay all fines for late books by then too. When all books are in you'll get your £10 deposit back, minus anything you still owe. If you don't return your books, your graduation certificate can be kept from you. When the library is closed, you can put your books in the box instead. But we won't deal with them until the next day. To all leavers, We would like to thank you for your (1) ...membership. of this library. Please note that all (2) books must (3) by the last day of term at the very (4) Any outstanding money owed for the late return of books must also be paid by that date. Upon satisfactory return of all library property, your £10 deposit will be returned to you, less any money owed. (5) to return books may (6) in graduation certificates being (7) (8) library hours, books may (9) in the 'books back' box at the entrance to the library, but note that books returned in this way will not be processed until (10) working day.




Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances. no Under no circumstances am be disturbed. b) I didn't expect to see Tim there, of all people! last Tim was to see there! c) This is none of your business! doesn't This , I'm afraid. d) I really should be going now. time It's go now. e) Foolishly, I paid all the money before collecting the goods. which I paid all the money before collecting the goods to do. f) Robert had no idea of his next move. do Robert had no idea next. g) It was only when I checked that I noticed the tyre was flat. notice Only when I checked a flat tyre. h) This problem cannot be solved instantly. no There this problem. i) My friends persuaded me to go to the party in fancy dress. talked My friends to the party in fancy dress. j) The garden party won't take place if the weather stays bad. picks Unless the garden party won't take place.




In most lines of this text there is one unnecessary word. It is either incorrect grammatically, or does not fit the sense of the text. Write the unnecessary word in the space beside the text. Tick each correct line.

Letter 1 Can I add some comments to your to debate about the

0 .to.

value of television? Your readers may find that some of my

0 ..\/.

views reflect exactly of their own experience in this matter.


First of all, I heartily agree with your reader Mrs Goldwood who


she wrote that she has decided to abandon her television set in


protest at the mind-boggling boredom of medical dramas, soaps


and fly-on-the-wall documentaries. Six months ago I decided


that enough was that enough, and took my set to the rubbish tip


where it belongs. I can assure to Mrs Goldwood that she will not


miss with hers. Since getting rid of mine, I have discovered that


there are far more than interesting serials on the radio. I think


that she will also find herself is reading more, and at least with


books you can choose what a kind of story you want to follow,


instead of being at the mercy of the programme for planners.


I am sure that other readers can confirm that life after The Box is


richer and more rewarding. Letter 2 Was I the alone in detecting that the note of superiority


in the letter from Mr Hackett about giving up television? What is


a lot of fuss about nothing! Mr Hackett seems not to think that if


you have a television you have to look at it. Surely it is a rather


question of choosing programmes carefully enough, and turning


the TV off when there is nothing worth it watching. If he is so set 19 against soaps, one wonders why on earth did he watched them?





Put one word in each space.

Recently there have been doubts about the proper functioning of the English legal system, after several well-publicised cases in (1) ..which ......... police evidence was eventually shown to be suspect, but only after the wrongful conviction of the accused. In several of (2) ....................... cases, the crimes involved acts of terrorism, and the police were (3) ....................... considerable pressure to discover (4) ....................... had been responsible. Although this in (5) ....................... way excuses the actions of police officers (6) ....................... may have falsified evidence, or suppressed evidence which worked against their case, (7) ....................... underlines the ways (8) ....................... which publicity in the press and on television exercises an enormous influence, (9) ....................... the supposed guarantees under the law designed to prevent a jury (10) ....................... becoming unduly influenced. The specific details of a criminal case are not discussed in the press before a case reaches the courts, and the names of those involved (11) ....................... often withheld. (12) ....................... , as many recent murder trials make clear, the press all too often reaches its (13) ....................... verdict to suit its taste for sensationalism and members of the police might be accused of enlisting the aid of the press by 'leaking' details of a prosecution. Unfortunately, far too few press reports of court cases examine the evidence (14) ....................... the defence in the same spirit as (15) ....................... for the prosecution. 6

Complete each sentence using the word in brackets in an appropriate form.

a) Don't be silly! It ..can't have been ............ (can) Sally. She's in Scotland. b) But for your help, I .............................................. (win) the prize. c) By the end of this year, we .............................................. (marry) each other for half a century! d) Never before .............................................. (see) such heavy snow in April. e) Be that .............................................. (may), your behaviour is unacceptable. f) If you'd told me you were ill, I .............................................. (go) the chemist's for you. g) Try .............................................. (might), I just couldn't get the car started. h) How kind of you! But you really .............................................. (should) brought me a present. i) Not until I looked at my watch .............................................. (realise) how much time had passed. j) Philip agreed to rob the bank, but then found he couldn't .............................................. (go) it.




Complete the text with one suitable word in each space.

The relationship between the British royal family and the popular press is curious, to (1) ...say the least. In many respects the press has yet to realise that the royals are indeed the goose that lays the golden egg. Royal scandals and royal divorces illustrated with tasteless photographs and supported by the worst kind of journalistic excess have proved to be just the thing (2) raising newspaper circulations. The same papers that oozed sentimentality over royal weddings, (3) drooled over idealised princesses, later went out of their way to hound various royals into separation or divorce. Every photograph became a contribution to (4) new rumour or other; even private telephone conversations were printed on the front page. (5) the press has yet to realise is that (6) intrusions into the privacy of members of the royal family have also helped to create an atmosphere in (7) the very existence of the monarchy has been called into question. The prestige of the royal family has undoubtedly suffered. And how could this not (8) so when their lives have been turned (9) some absurd soap opera? Just (10) the press feeds the illusion that the characters on television, those awful creeps in 'Eastenders' and 'Neighbours', are somehow 'real people', so it has reduced the royal family to the status of (11) series of cardboard characters. And if you are secretly thinking, 'Well, that's what they are, anyway,' perhaps you are yet (12) victim of the illusion. There are real issues still (13) be debated about the role, and indeed the survival, of the royal family, issues to which the popular press has hardly contributed. If the monarchy (14) lose its constitutional role, the press will be largely to blame. And ironically it will then (15) lost one of its main circulation boosters, and killed off its golden goose for good.


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

It is now generally recognised that stress is a major (1) ..C of heart disease, and contributes to many other illnesses. Stress is increased by (2) such as worry, overwork and lack of exercise or relaxation. For it is just as important from a psychological point of (3) to relax as it is to (4) physical exercise. Relaxing does not necessarily mean just lazing about and doing nothing. The benefits of a weekend away or the diversion of sporting activities are considerable. If you are suffering from high stress (5) , or wish to (6) (7)

after a trying day, it is generally advisable to have a change of Although there are some individuals who (8) on stress, for

most of us, it can lead to exhaustion, mood swings and even severe depression. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 2

A reason A factors A fact A make A rates A hold up A scene A bloom

C cause C elements C view C undergo C ratios C draw back C sight C thrive

D purpose D items D return D take D levels D peter out D place D flourish

Choose two items from the box which are used in each activity (a-h).

a) Gymnastics b) Scuba Diving c) Fishing d) Walking e) Photography f) Do-It-Yourself g) Swimming h) Cycling


B motive B aspects B departure B have B layers B wind down B location B prosper




Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

Last week well over a thousand people (1) took place in/took part in our local round-the-city 10-kilometre fun run. This kind of race doesn't normally (2) appeal to me/amuse me, as, frankly, I'm not really (3) cut out for/right for long distance running. But I've got two friends who are dead keen runners and who keep going on about the (4) beneficial/positive effects of running. So I decided to run, partly for that reason and partly to (5) earn/raise money for charity. Friends and colleagues agreed to (6) sponsor/support me, and pay for each mile I completed. Well, I hadn't done much training for the big event, and after two kilometres I was (7) gasping/panting for breath, so I settled down to a slow jog and resigned myself to plodding along with the (8) strugglers/stragglers at the back of the race. At least I finished, and was very pleased with myself, as I didn't need to stop. I timed myself with a stop-watch, and reckon I (9) crossed/arrived at the finishing line in 43 minutes - not bad for a novice. The heat proved too much for a few people who'd gone off too fast for their capabilities and ended up (10) suffering from/showing exhaustion. Apparently, the course was very fast, and both of my friends ran a (11) personal best/personal record. The winner (12) surpassed/broke the course record. I was actually very impressed with the whole event; the organisation was first-class, with medical volunteers (13) on duty/on standby throughout, and drinks (14) stops/stations every few kilometres of the route. So now the charity of my choice is £150 the richer, and as for me, I'm well and truly bitten by the running bug. I go running with my friends regularly now, and I'm actually starting to (15) catch up with/get near to them! 4

Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

a) The new leisure centre doesn't quite come up to my

EXPECT b) There was a bare ............................... of people at the youth club. HAND c) Helen's solo crossing of the Pacific was a ............................... feat. REMARK d) We ............................... go to the pub before lunch on Sunday. e) All the runners, with the ............................... of Mark, were exhausted. f) Our club has just purchased new sports


g) Our city has some open spaces but they are not very ................................ h) Is it possible to ............................... between a hobby and an interest?


i) Nowadays ............................... numbers of people are taking up jogging. j) Leisure habits won't change much in the ............................... future.





Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.

Very few popular (1) ...C..... sports today remain amateur in any sense of the word. In the past, even in cases where payment to players or athletes was forbidden, many sports tolerated what became known as 'shamateurism', and even the sports governing (2) turned a blind eye to such (3) as the paying of 'expenses'. More recently, sport has become, in effect, a (4) of the entertainment industry, and the elite (5) in sports such as swimming, tennis, football and track athletics can expect to become very rich. This worries some people, who complain that the old Olympic ideal has been lost, but the fact is, sport has become more and more professional in the wider sense, not only requiring total dedication from (6) champions, but also expensive facilities, training and nutritional advice. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 6

A audience A associations A practices A branch A doers A hopeful

C spectator C authorities C acts C wing C makers C striving

D viewing D bodies D operations D limb D performers D wishful

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

board round a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


B watching B confederations B occurrences B division B players B aspiring

draw whistle





fan oar

While I was rowing across the lake I lost one .oar. Neither team deserved to lose and the match ended in a Ruth was well out in front by the end of the fifth After the rugby match David was attacked by an angry Brian impressed everyone with his into the pool. Our gym teacher used to make us stop by blowing a During the chess game Carol knocked all the pieces off the Our team was knocked out of the competition in the second During the match one of the spectators offered the his glasses. Denise won the race and her sister was




Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) Later in the programme we have highlights of two big matches played earlier today: Ajax met Juventus while Barcelona ...took on Porto. The weightlifter who allegedly ..took performance-enhancing drugs has been named today. On my doctor's advice, I ...took up yoga in order to relax. b) The transfer of Mario Rossi to Manchester United has been approved by the of directors. The new pool has a slide, water chute and diving In any game of chess, the queen is the most powerful piece on the whole c) Right now Evans is very in confidence; she needs to start winning a few races again. There was a disappointingly turnout for the youth club's open day. When you're cycling up a steep hill you will need to be in a gear. d) the earth down around the roots after you've planted the flower. Jim's Dad took him out into the middle of the pool and showed him how to water. I've got my photos drying out on the kitchen floor, so whatever you do, don't on them! e) Unbelievable - what an amazing around! Smith has come from behind to take the gold medal! As I'd never played this card game before, the others let me have another ... and Walton showed a dead.

of speed that left his opponents for



Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.

Most big cities were built long before the heyday of the private car. As a result they rarely have enough space for moving traffic or parked vehicles, and long queues of (1) ...C..... vehicles are a common sight. Indeed some cities end up being almost permanently (2) during the day. Those that have a relatively free (3) of traffic at non-peak periods of the day do not escape either. The (4) hour of early morning or early evening can easily see traffic brought to a (5) The effects of exhaust (6) on air pollution in cities has been well documented. Buses might be seen as the solution, but they move slowly because of the sheer (7) of other traffic, thus encouraging more commuters to abandon (8) transport. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 2

A standing A stuffed A flow A push A standstill A smells A size A civic

B settled B saturated B current Brush B hold-up B odours B volume B mass

C stationary C crammed C tide C hasty C jam C fumes C breadth C public

D static D congested D flood D hurry D freeze D stinks D depth D popular

Match each person from the box with one of the comments.

a) I love wandering through the countryside along deserted footpaths. b) I'll bring you your drink in just a minute, madam c) I've been waiting all morning at this roundabout for someone to stop. d) I was just walking down the street opposite the bank when I saw it happen. e) f) g) h) i) j)


I've spent the last half an hour looking for a spot. It's hopeless I'll ring the bell for you, love, when it's time to get off The sign clearly says two hours only and you've been here all day. It's just impossible getting across the road here. We need a subway, Do you think you could go a little more slowly, I'm a bit nervous. . This train is late every morning. It has been for years






Complete the text with words formed from the words in capitals.

The Manager Transworld Air Portugal Street London Dear Sir or Madam, I travelled last week on a Transworld Airbus from London Gatwick to Copenhagen. This was the (1) ..outward. journey of a holiday in Denmark, a (2) tour arranged through a company called 'Sunset'. My (3) was due to leave at 8.20 am on Tuesday 25th November, but did not in fact leave until 20.30, a delay of more than eight hours. The reason given was that vital (4) work had to be carried out. Although all passengers were given a free meal, no other offer of (5) was given. Such a long delay is totally (6) , and I feel justified in the circumstances in requesting some form of financial (7) I have written to the tour (8) , who denied responsibility and advised me to write to you. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Charles Rogers 4



Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

We managed to complete our journey ahead of/in front of schedule. On our way to York, we divided/broke our journey in Peterborough. As I wasn't coming back by train, I asked for a single/simple ticket. The two coaches collided/bumped, but luckily no one was injured/wounded. There has been widespread public enmity/opposition to the plan for a new road. My car skidded/slipped off the road and hit a tree. The train was packed, and there was standing place/room only. Look at that enormous goods/industrial train - it must have 20 or 30 wagons! The police accused Donald of breaking the speed limit/restriction. The Chairman made a brisk/flying visit to the company's new office in Brussels.



Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Anyone who has gone on a skiing holiday at a ski (1) ..D of any size will be familiar with the age-old problem - the eternal wait for ski lifts and cable cars. Well, there is an alternative. If you feel like something just a little different why not try heli-skiing in Canada? Somewhere in the snowy wastes of the Rocky Mountains the helicopter will deposit you and your group onto a slope of virgin snow that you have all to yourselves. It is all a (2) cry from the busiest slopes of, say, Switzerland, France and Italy. You are fifty miles from the nearest town and there is nothing remotely (3) a ski-lift, so you have to (4) on legs, skis and the chopper. You might see the (5) mountaingoat or grizzly bear, but there won't be (6) of other skiers. There are one or two disadvantages. Your friendly helicopter pilot might just put you down in a five-metre snow (7) And freezing weather might ground your helicopter and leave you (8) in the wilderness. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 6

A spot A different A resembling A count A occasional A bunches A dune A deserted

B haunt B strange B appearing B trust B sometime B hordes B pile B stranded

C refuge C far C seeming C rely C incidental C throngs C mound C marooned

D resort D long D looking D reckon D irregular D swarms D drift D aground

Replace the words underlined in each sentence with a form of one of the words given. It may be necessary to use a plural or a particular verb form.

a) Ann got off her horse and picked up her riding hat. b) As the plane went faster down the runway, David began to sweat nervously. c) Without realising it, Jim drove backwards into a lamp post d) In thick fog, the two ships ran into each other outside the harbour. e) Passengers who wish to get off at Hove should travel in the front coach. f) Please do up your safety belt before we begin the journey. g) The captain refused to put at risk the safety of the crew. .. h) The balloon rose up gracefully into the summer sky.








Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) It only takes one small accident to ...w?fa

up the traffic for several

hours. The new Atlantic airbus will ..№.W.

about 700 passengers.

Like it or not, it is the train and not the car which will ...w.'ff.

the key

to the future of domestic travel. b) Why don't you just get the goods delivered to your house, and yourself a two-hour car journey into the city-centre? By driving at 70 km/h instead of 100, you can I'm trying to

a lot of petrol.

up for a trip to Canada, so I can't afford to buy

much at the moment. c) The Department of Transport have

a deadline of 1 June for

completion of the new motorway. Because of the strike by air traffic controllers, delays are


continue well into next week. The trains in Switzerland are so punctual you can

your watch

by them. d) The train was delayed because of ice on the After the accident there was a solid

of cars stretching back for

several miles. In a new initiative announced today, police are to take a harder on speeding motorists. e) After a while the

we had been following became thick

undergrowth. Right, now, I want you to run twice around the Sorry, I've rather lost

for a warm-up.

of my argument.


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Reports that the government is about to (1) ..C the go ahead to plans for the building of a new runway at London's Gatwick airport have angered local (2) and raised fears of increased noise and exhaust pollution. The (3) plans also include permission for additional night flights and will (4) the compulsory purchase of farmland, (5) the demolition of a number of private homes. According to sources close to the Ministry of Transport, the government is known to be concerned by the increasing (6) of traffic at London Heathrow, where there are no plans for further runways in the foreseeable (7) Gatwick is widely (8) as a better (9) for expansion than London's third airport, Stansted, which still (10) from poor transport links. A spokesperson for the Keep Gatwick Quiet association, (11) up of local people, accused the government of (12) back on promises made before the General Election. 'We were told then that the airport authority had no (13) of building another runway, and we believe that the government has a duty to (14) its pledges.' Prominent figures in the government are also believed to be concerned at the news, although the Prime Minister, interviewed last night, is (15) as saying that reports were 'misleading'. However, he would not give an assurance that plans for building a runway had definitely been rejected. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)


A sign A inhabitants A controversial A involve A further to A sum A years A regarded A potential A affects A made A getting A desire A bear out A quoted

B make B dwellers B debatable B concern B as well as B size B period B believed B outlook B undergoes B set B falling B intention B count on B known

C give C occupants C notorious C assume C moreover C volume C time Cfelt C prospect C experiences C brought C going C wish C pull off C thought

D approve D residents D doubtful D need D what's more D length D future Dheld D likelihood D suffers D taken D turning D objective D stand by D written




Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) The two men, disguised/transformed as security guards, overpowered staff at the bank and escaped with £150,000. b) The pilot was the one/sole survivor of the crash. c) The fire extensively/widely damaged the 500-year-old building. d) Mr Johnson was taken to Maidstone General Hospital where his condition was described as 'critical/perilous'. e) The government spokesperson declined to speak about/comment on the matter. f) A woman and a man were later detained/arrested for questioning. g) The findings/results of the committee are due for publication this week. h) The government agreed that the problem must be removed/tackled at once. i) We must be very careful with sensitive/difficult issues such as this, to avoid giving offence, j) A police spokesperson admitted that detectives were baffled/upset by Mr Day's disappearance, but were hoping to come up with an explanation. 3

Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.

a) With Smith out injured, there is little .prospect of City reaching the next round. b) After heavy rain, during the race were hazardous. c) It is common that Douglas intends to retire at the end of the season. d) Two French and two English forwards were involved in an ugly just before half-time. e) Miss Schmidt easily secured her in the next round with a confident display of power tennis. f) The final day begins with the Australian team on the of victory. g) Whether Alberto was offside is a matter of , in my view. h) I have every that Jack Wood is the man to lead our team to victory. i) There is no concrete that anyone in the team has taken drugs. j) The club has disclaimed for the damage, blaming it on supporters from London.





Complete the collocation or fixed phrase in sentences (a-j) using endings (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

The union is drawing up 6 The managing director said that recent events had put No one holds out He went on to say that the company prided Both sides have agreed to meet on a regular The union has since challenged Others believe that both sides would jump at the It is unlikely that the union will moderate The management stated that the problem had been exaggerated out of ...

j) The minister said that he put himself at the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

... basis from now on, he added. ... all proportion, and that an agreement was close. ... a strain upon everyone employed by the company. ... its demand for a shorter working week. ... the figures given to the press by the financial director. ... new proposals to put to the employers. ... disposal of both sides in the dispute. ... itself on its good relations with all its employees. ... chance to resume negotiations without delay. ... much hope for the success of the discussions.

Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box.

a) b) c) d)

I am not thinking of resigning at the moment. Everybody is aware that Smith has a criminal record We all know what caused the closure of the factory. The report has made people afraid that others may be at risk from the disease e) We shall try hard, although there is not much chance of winning.

f) A hospital spokesperson refused to confirm that the injured man had been shot g) Some conservationists advocate an immediate ban on hunting. h) Commenting on the weekend travel chaos, the rail company attributed this to a combination of snow and high winds 198





In each headline, replace the word or words underlined with one of the 'headline' words from the box. bid









a) Miners' union promises to fight over local pay deals. ..Y.Q№. b) Change to school funding aims to increase teacher numbers c) Newspapers and union going to clash over pay claim d) Man found innocent in bank robbery case e) British attempt to aid refugees turned down f) Woman arrested by police after pub shooting g) Number of people killed rises to six h) Rail strike approaches. i) Ministers in disagreement over pay rises 7

Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the words in capitals. Press (1) ...speculation. continues over whether the Prime Minister is on the point of calling a General Election. An (2) is expected shortly from government headquarters. Political (3) believe that the timing of an election is crucial to the (4) of the government. Michael Lee of the 'Independent' commented: 'We've had repeated (5) from the Prime Minister that no election would be called this year, but present circumstances may just cause him to change his mind.' Six months ago this would have been (6) An election would have been (7) suicide, and would certainly have led to the (8) of the government. The government was coming in for severe (9) because of its education policy. It was also widely attacked for its (10) involvement in the arms export scandal, and for its (11) to address the problem of (12) But according to recent opinion polls, the electorate is impressed at the way the PM has restored party (13) and overcome the internal (14) which were threatening to rip the party apart. Michael Lee comments: There would be some (15) in calling an election pretty soon. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it happens within the next day or two.'




Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

When I first arrived here to take up my new job, I stayed in a hotel, but I soon started looking for a permanent (1) ..C , a place to (2) my own. The first flat I came (3) was cold and uninviting, and had large (4) of damp on the walls. The flat (5) onto a factory, so the view was not exactly inspiring. Then I had a look at a small flat in a modern apartment (6) It had a parking (7) and was fully (8) , but the rent was far too high for me. I didn't want to end up in a tiny place, so I answered an ad for house-sharing. The house was in a quiet (9) , and as soon as I saw it I fell in love with it. There was a high overgrown (10) around the front garden, and (11) to park cars in the drive. The room to (12) looked out over the back garden, and had a big bay window. (13) it meant sharing the kitchen and living room, I did have my own bathroom, really just a shower and washbasin (14) into what must have once been a cupboard. There was, however, quite a lot of (15) space. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)


A household A refer A over A patches A showed up A tower A bit A furnished A surroundings A fence A room A let A But for A cramped A storage

B accommodation Bbe B across B pieces B saw through B skyscraper B spot B provided B neighbourhood Bbush B capacity B rent B Despite B crowded B stocking

C residence Ccall Cup C stretches C gave over C block C location C supplied C vicinity C hedge C area Chire C Nevertheless C cluttered C saving

D habitation D say Dby D stains D looked out D column D space D prevented D premises D lawn D place Dlease D Although D crammed D accumulation




Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) It took us three hours of hard climbing to reach the ...summit. Being promoted to manager is undoubtedly the ...summit..... of my career to date. A special ..summit. of the leading economic countries has been called. b) When the agreement is finally signed by all parties, you will receive the to the house. The self-study edition of the book comes with a so you can check all your answers. His ability to persuade people is the to his success. c) The second flat I saw was in a terrible His physical condition is improving, but I'm not sure about his of mind. The funeral of President Mawaka was attended by heads of from all over the world. d) The A23 out of the city affords a spectacular of the lake. I would like to look at the house again, with a to moving in shortly. You won't find a better house than that one; that's my anyway. e) OK, let's on and try to reach the top by lunchtime. These trousers are specially designed so that you don't need to iron and them. If you this button here, you'll activate the alarm system. 3

Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) The room was Ughtly'/sparsely furnished, with just a table and a chair. b) I sat down with the landlady and signed the tenancy/lodging agreement. c) At the dump, huge iron skips were crammed full with people's household/domestic rubbish. d) A group of homeless people entered the unoccupied house and claimed squatters' possession/rights. e) You can't walk on here, as it's private land/property. f) They are going to put up a ten-floor/storey building opposite my house. g) Groups with guides should go to the side access/entrance. h) There's been a sharp/heavy rise in the price of property in the south-east, i) The rooms are dark and smelly, and the heating is barely/hardly adequate. j) From the cliff top, it was a vertical/sheer drop to the rocks below.




Complete each sentence with the most suitable word from the box.

a) This water comes from a ...spring ...... ,. near the bottom of the mountain. b) The hills could be seen faintly outlined against the ........................ c) The ship won't be able to sail until the ....................... comes in. d) There was a rocky ....................... rising a hundred feet above the beach. e) The two islands are divided by a narrow ........................ f) There is only one ....................... through the mountains. g) Many small boats could be seen moored in the wide curving ....................... h) The children amused themselves by rolling down the grassy ........................ i) The whole ....................... had turned white after the overnight fall of snow. j) At the foot of the mountains was a wide, well-cultivated ........................ Complete each sentence (a-j) with one of the endings (1-10).


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

I paused at the top of the stairs on the ..... 5. ..... The walls of the bathroom were covered in ............. I chained my bike to the ............. There was a clock on the ............. I left my umbrella in the ............. After the storm we had to replace several ............. I decided to oil the front door ............. There was no heat coming from the ............. You should try to remember to wipe your feet on the ............. We stored our old books upstairs in the .............

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

railings at the front of the house. hinges, which were rather rusty. loft, in case we needed them again. mantelpiece over the fireplace. landing and wondered which was my room. doormat outside the back door. slates which had fallen off the roof. radiator under the window. tiles with a pattern of fruit and flowers. porch and opened the front door.




Using the e-mail as a guide, complete the tenancy agreement. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not occur in the e-mail.

Dear Bob, I spoke to the agency about our new house, and they told me lots of rules. I think I've remembered them all, so here we go. We can't keep pets. We have to respect the people living next door, and not make a lot of noise. We have to keep the house neat and tidy. We have to tell the agency right away if there's been a fire in the house. And if we don't keep to those rules we can be asked to leave. Then, when we decide to leave for good, we need to tell them 28 days before we leave. During this 28-day period, we must allow the agency to get into the property to check it over or to show round possible future tenants. Finally, when we leave we mustn't take any fittings or furniture with us. I think that's everything - I told them we'd sign the actual contract when we move in. Love, Holly. Tenancy agreement 1.1 Please note that the keeping of pets is (1) .forbidden in the house. 1.2 Respect must be given to the (2) of the adjacent house with regard to noise and loud music. 1.3 The house must be (3) in good 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7


(4) In the (5) of fire at the property, please (6) the agency of the details immediately. Persistent failure to (7) the above rules may result in you, the tenant, being (8) Please inform us 28 days in (9) of your intention to (10) the premises. During this 28-day period, you must allow the agency or the landlady (11) to the property should they wish to (12) it, or should they wish (13) tenants to (14) the property. No fittings and furniture may (15) by you on your leaving.



Complete the collocations in each sentence with an appropriate word from the box.

a) Read the instruction ..manual. before using your new word-processor. b) 'David Copperfield' is an autobiographical c) What did it say on the weather ? d) This is a party political e) What time is the next news

on behalf of the Democratic Party. ?

f) This channel doesn't have very good sports g) A first of this book is worth a fortune. h) The mass in most countries is dominated by advertising. i) When does our new advertising begin? j) I spent all of yesterday evening looking at this holiday 2

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.

After more than fifty years of television, it might seem only too obvious to conclude that it is (1) ..D..... to stay. There have been many objections to it during this time, of course, and on a variety of grounds. Did it cause eye-strain? Was the screen bombarding us with radioactivity? Did the advertisements contain subliminal (2) , persuading us to buy more or vote Republican? Did children turn to violence through watching it, either because so many programmes taught them how to shoot, rob, and kill, or because they had to do something to (3) the hours they had spent (4) to the tiny screen? Or did it simply create a vast passive audience, drugged by glamorous serials and inane situation comedies? On the other hand, did it increase anxiety by (5) the news and (6) our living rooms with war, famine and political unrest? 1) A around 2) A information 3) A counteract 4) A attached 5) A scandalising 6) A filling 204

B there B messages B negate B fixed B hyping B loading

C ready C data C offset C glued C dramatising C stuffing

D here D communications D compensate D adhered D sensationalising D packing




Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.

With the advent of so-called 'Reality TV, which puts the emphasis on ordinary people doing ordinary things on TV, the BBC has been much criticised for (1) ...Q..... down its schedules. But it worries me that the biggest victims of this never-ending diet of violent cartoons, immoral dramas and banal docu-soaps is the nation's children. The sheer quantity of TV watched by the under 16's is truly alarming, with the national (2) for Britain placed at three and a half hours per day. The programmes that are rubbish easily (3) the programmes that are decent and watchable. There will no doubt be howls of (4) out there from people who believe that TV is educational. Educational my foot. Fast-moving visual images (5) no useful educational purpose and will be forgotten by the next day. A young family near me has recently taken a (6) against TV and given their set away. Their children now do something truly educational. They read books. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 4

A dimming A medium A outdistance A protest A fill A position


dumping norm outdo complaint serve place


dumbing average outreach objection make stand

D duncing D par D outnumber D disapproval D form D stage

Complete each sentence, using one of the words from the box.

a) The first chapter is based on fact, but the rest of the book is complete ..fiction b) David was unable to read the postcard because the writing was c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

I understood the of the article, but I didn't read it in detail. Brenda's comments were so insulting they were Bill had decided to study French at university. I managed to make notes of the speech in Old Mrs Brown never went to school and is Some people feel that Davis's is better than his poetry. Sheila left the of her novel on a train by mistake. Just tell me the of the story, don't go into too much detail.




In most lines of these letters, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Dear Editor, I am writing to express my disatisfaction with the pictures, recently published in your newspaper, of the soap actress Kathy Walter, shown sunbathing, topless on a beach in the Mediterranean. Was the approval of Ms Walter sought for this tasteless invasion of her privasy? Of course not. Ms Walter's face appears on TV every day, so she is public property. Well, Ms Walter may be a public figure, but that does not give you the right to photograph her in an embarassing situation, purely in the interest of your circalation figures. And she still has a right to enjoy private moment's with her friends in a quiet location of her choice. The growing phenomonon of newspapers deliberately seeking scandal in order to outdo each other is one that this reader finds both offensive and insulting to ones intelligence Yours sincerely, Geoff Rope Dear Mr Rope With all due respect, your letter is based on some extrordinary assumtions regarding famous people. First of all, we are in the business of selling newspapers, and if we had to ask the permision of the subject of every photograph, no copies' would ever make it to the printing press. You should also remember, that Ms Walter's career has bennefited enormously from the Press and other media, and indeed she has often used the media to her own avantage. She is one of the most photographed personalitys in the country, and can not expect to dictate when and where, she wants media attention and when she does not. In short, we feel that we were fully justified in our decision to publish the photographs conserned. Yours sincerely, Sarah Hull Editor





Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) b) c) d)

I do like Channel 4's reporting/coverage of the big sporting events. We do not have the book in stock. It is out of circulation/out of print. This report comes from our political correspondent/journalist, Edward Ross. The 'Sunday News' has the highest circulation/output of any newspaper in Britain. e) They are bringing out Sue's book in a new edition/publication soon. f) Are books subject to banning/censorship in your country? g) Through market research the advertising company identified their intended/target customer. h) They are very concerned with the image that the advert projects/gives. i) At least 50 members of the population/public wrote in to complain about the ad. j) He sits there for hour after hour, staring calmly/blankly at the screen.


Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

A man takes a single (1) ..Spoonful. of a substance and SPOON puts it in his mouth. Instantly he is transported to another world, a place of surreal visions and swirling colours. He rushes (2) into this parallel universe. HEAD What is this (3) compound with the TERRIFY power to induce such a mind-blowing trip? Is it some kind of drug that makes the user hallucinate? No, it's just a humble cereal ad on TV. The Fruity Wheat ad is the latest in a long line of (4) ads whose imagery appears to CONTROVERSY draw on the effects of mind-altering substances. Colin Rees of the 'Stop TV Advertising' group, said: 'I find this and other such ads totally (5) Take this stuff and ACCEPT you will experience something out of this world - the (6) of the ad seems clear to me. The IMPLY companies who make them will say that any relation to drugs is just one (7) of the advert, and not INTERPRET one that they (8) When I complained INTENTION about this ad, I was told that it didn't contain any (9) messages. I thought that was a bit CONSCIOUS rich - I think the message in it is blatantly obvious! And I don't think we should be giving TV viewers any (10) in that respect.' ENCOURAGE



Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.

Whenever we read about the natural world nowadays, it is generally to be given dire predictions about its (1) ..C..... destruction. Some scientists go so (2) as to assert that from now on, the world can no longer be called 'natural', insofar as future processes of weather, climate and all the interactions of plant and animal life will no longer carry on in their time-honoured way, unaffected by humans. There will never be such a thing as 'natural weather' again, say such writers, only weather affected by global warming. It is hard to know whether to believe such (3) of doom, possibly because what they are saying seems too terrible to be true. There are other equally influential scientists who argue that climate, for example, has changed many times over the (4) , and that what we are experiencing now may simply be part of an endless (5) of change, rather than a disaster on a global (6) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2

A coming A much A prophets A generations A revolution A measure

B close B deep B champions B millennia B circle B scale

C imminent Clong C warriors C centuries C round C proportion

D nigh Dfar D giants D eras D cycle D extent

Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) Could you close the window? There's a bit of a current/draught. b) I'm soaked, I got caught in a downpour/torrent. c) Through my binoculars I watched a tiger stalking its food/prey. d) Many species of wildlife could become extinct/defunct if left unprotected. e) I feel hungry. Could you peel/skin an apple for me? f) Don't be afraid of the monkey, it's quite tame/trained. g) Our country has many natural resources/sources. h) Marcia is very much into environmental facts/issues at the moment. i) Local people are concerned about pollution from sea-located/off-shore oil wells, j) That's an unusual dog. What breed/race is it?




Match the words from the box with the creature with which they are associated. Use each word only once.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 4


horse bee lion mosquito dog sheep elephant mouse bat cat

Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

a) Kapo the gorilla was born and bred in ..captivity. b) In the wild Kapo's chances of would be slim. c) The river cleaning project is run by conservation d) The white rhino is now an species. e) claim that the virus among seals was caused by pollution. f) She may look fierce but the lioness has instincts like any other female animal. g) The fish in the river provide an supply of fish for the young bears. h) The whale shark reaches at the age of 30. i) Nowadays only a of wild crocodiles remain there. j) Nowhere epitomises the wonderful of nature better than the jungle.





Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) Glaciers provide vital evidence of climate .. What you need is not pills but a simple ..change ....... of scene. If you need money, there's some spare ...change ....... in my coat pocket. b) Grassland and savannah ....................... a substantial part of Southern Africa. It's a long journey - let's take some books to ....................... the children. The protesting students intend to ....................... the Holman Building. c) The vet said the ....................... on the dog's face was not cancerous. She had a ....................... in her throat and a tear in her eye when she said goodbye. Get up and do some work, you lazy ....................... I d) Many of the wildebeest didn't make it and ....................... half-way across the river. My voice was ....................... out by the sound of builders drilling. I ....................... my meal in sauce to hide the bitter taste. e) The falconer trained the hawk to fly in a perfectly ....................... line. So let's get this ....................... ; you say you saw the man break in through the window. Why can't you just give me a ....................... answer for once in your life? O

Underline the most appropriate word to complete each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


Last year this tree was struck by lightning/thunder/a storm. I like spring best, when the apple trees are in blooming/blossom/flowers. Something must be done to protect wild/wilderness/wildlife. When I want to relax, I go for a walk in the countryside/the nature/the outside. In this part of the country, the earth/the land/the soil is quite expensive. Suddenly we saw a ship appear on the atmosphere/horizon/sky. We were saved! Most animals will attack you to protect their babies/litters/young. Julia recently discovered a new category/make/species of fruit-fly. We got soaked to the skin in the torrential drizzle/downpour/snow. While I was eating cherries I accidentally swallowed a nut/pip/stone.

Take a word from each column to complete the collocations you need for each space in the text.

Column A working, sick, promotion, pension, covering, trial, career, job, claims, travel

Column B description, letter, conditions, scheme, path, pay, prospects, expenses, form, period

Dear David, You'll never guess what's happened - I've only got a job! I saw an advert in the press for an administrative assistant at London Insurance, and sent in my CV and a (1) ..covering letter. , more out of curiosity than anything else. Well, to my surprise, I got an interview, and I managed to convince them that insurance is the (2) I intend to pursue. Apparently, they were impressed with my ambition, especially when I said I was looking for a job with good (3) , and a week later I was offered the job. They seem to look after you well - for example, I was told to send in a (4) so that they could reimburse my (5) to the interview. It's little things like that which make all the difference. I was also impressed by the (6) at the office when I went for the interview. So I'm actually starting work on Monday! I've received my (7) now, and it all seems very favourable. After a (8) of one month, I'll be on a permanent contract with (9) and paid holiday. There's even a company (10) which I can join. David, why don't you apply? They take on 20 new graduates each year. It would be right up your street. Best wishes, Dan




Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why it is that we work? Is it the (1) ...A.... of a job well done, or the sense of (2) behind the (3) of an important deal? Is it the human (4) with other people perhaps? Or is it that work is power and a sense of status? This is the view of those who have either (5) these elusive goals, or feel aggrieved that nobody has yet recognised their leadership (6) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 3

A satisfaction A feat A fastening A communication A attained A attributes

B pride B success B sealing B relation B completed B features

C reward C achievement C verifying C association C gained C values

D gratification D victory D clinching D interaction D won D qualities

Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

This year, (1) ...productivity.. in the factory has suffered PRODUCT because of a lack of expert technical knowledge. As a result we have made very substantial (2) in sending INVEST employees on training courses. The fact remains that it is becoming increasingly difficult to get skilled labourers with the right (3) , experience, and above all, QUALIFY (4) The company has also suffered this year EXPERT from the industrial (5) in November, which ACT saw 340 union members walk out in a pay dispute. Union (6) eventually sat down with management REPRESENT and negotiated a 4 per cent pay rise, but not until 5 working days had been lost to the strike. As a result of such problems we recognise the need to (7) in certain areas, ECONOMY and, on the advice of our external (8) , Prior CONSULT and Young, we have identified the need for at least 3 departments to be (9) It is thought that this will mean STREAM the loss of between 6 and 10 jobs, though the exact figures and nature of the redundancies will be (10) in CLEAR the next report.






Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) Nowadays you often find that the top ..£X6£f&T:Vfe ........... in a company is a woman. b) If you have any problems with your work, talk to the ................................ c) 'Happy Chips' is the number one ............................... of potato crisps in the country. d) I'm starting next week as a ............................... chef in a large hotel. e) Our company is the ............................... for several large insurance companies. f) David was not content until he had become a rich ................................ g) Our firm is quite a long way ahead of our nearest ................................ h) With mechanisation it is difficult to find work as an unskilled i) I have been working as a used car j) A company should make every 5

for the past six months. feel important.

Match the descriptions (a-j) with the explanations (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Jane was headhunted by a multinational company. .5. Pam is at the end of her tether Mary's assistant was given the sack Jean really has her nose to the grindstone. Sue was given a golden handshake Helen took on a new secretary. Ann is on the go all day Brenda was overlooked Judith has made good Pauline's boss keeps her on her toes She is always busy. She doesn't have the chance to become complacent. She's working hard. She didn't get promoted. She was offered a better job. She has become successful. She was dismissed. She received a cash bonus on leaving her job. She has run out of patience. She gave someone a job.




Using the notes as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not appear in the notes.

Dear Ruth, So glad you've accepted our offer! In answer to your queries, you'll be getting a contract through later this week, but until then: 1 yes, you can join the company pension scheme. 2 you get 25 days' paid holiday. 3 no, the salary is fixed. 4 you must wear smart clothes, nothing in particular. 5 9 till 5. 6 no, you don't get paid for any extra work - so don't take work home! 7 if you're off sick for more than 3 days, a doctor must explain your illness in writing. 8 tell us one month in advance if you want to end your employment with us. Kind regards, Sue Cook, Human Resources Assistant. Dear Miss Baxter, Please find enclosed a copy of your contract. The contract will give you more details, but I have a list of questions from you. I am not sure if a colleague of mine has already replied to you. If so, please forgive the duplication. You are (1) ...eligible You are (2) The salary is not (3) All employees must be smartly (4) The working day will (5) There is no (6) Any (7) by a doctor's (8) This contract may be (9) one month's (10) intention to do so. Yours sincerely, Jane Fielding Human Resources Manager


for the company's pension scheme. 25 days' holiday.

at 9.00 and finish at 5.00. payment in.respect of this position. of more than three days must be explained at any time by you, but must be given in writing of your

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Ours is a vanishing world, one in which the familiar is constantly disappearing and technological change is often difficult to cope with. So it should come (1) ..B.

no surprise to most of us to hear that yet another part of everyday life

is about to go for ever. Apparently, within the next decade, money as we (2)

it will probably (3)

countries. (4)

to exist in technologically advanced

Professor Gerry Montague of the Institute for Economic

Reform, the familiar coins and banknotes will soon be replaced entirely by credit cards of various kinds. And the shop of the future will be linked directly to the network of banking computers. The assistant will simply key in your bank account code number and the amount you have spent, and thank you politely. You won't have to dig (5)

in your pockets for change. You may

not even have a number for your account as such, as the computer may by then be able to read your handprint. So no more instances of credit card (6) But I am afraid that I shall miss money. I have felt (7) since I received my first pocket (8)

attached to it, ever

when I was five, and kept it in a

money-box. Even if my credit card of the future will be able to tell me exactly how much spending (9)

I have left in the computer files, even if it lights

up and plays a happy (or sad) tune at the same time, nothing will be able to replace the (10)

pleasure I gained from rattling the coins in my money-

box. 1) A with 2) A have 3) A cease 4) A With reference to 5) A f a r 6) A deceit 7) A heavily 8) A cash 9) A capacity 10) A sheer

B as B see B stop B Further to B long B trickery B strongly B coins B potential B complete

C to C know Cfail C According to Ctall C pretence C widely C money C capability C entire

Din D believe D conclude D Owing to D deep D fraud D largely D gold D power D downright



Match each sentence (a-i) with a sentence from (1-9) which has a similar meaning.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

We have to haggle. ..5 We have a nice little nest-egg We spend a lot We are in debt We don't waste money. We are paid on commission We want a rise We lend money. We earn a lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We have a high expenditure. We are very thrifty. We let people borrow from us. We earn according to what we sell. I We argue about the price. We have a high income. We need higher wages. We owe money. We have some savings.

Take one word from each column to complete the collocations you need for each space.

Column A stock, tax, raise, monthly, savings, down, household, current, earns, business

Column B capital, venture, account, exchange, installments, account, return, interest, bills, payment

Advisor: ... and what about your bank details? Mr Lumley: Well, I have a regular (1) ...current account. from which we pay all our (2) such as gas and water, and also a (3) which (4) at a rate of 4%%. Advisor: I notice you have a regular monthly payment of £200 going out to JCS. What's that? Mr Lumley: Oh yes, that'll be the settee. We made an initial (5) of £400; then we're paying the rest in (6) of £200. Advisor: Right, and do you have any other savings or investments? Mr Lumley: I have some shares invested on the (7) , but their value has gone down to just a few hundred pounds. Advisor: And last time we spoke, you were talking about maybe starting a new (8) with a colleague. Mr Lumley: No, that's fallen through. We couldn't (9) the necessary to satisfy the bank manager. Probably just as well. It will make filling in my (10) a lot easier. Advisor: Yes, that's certainly true. It all gets very complicated if you're selfemployed ... 216




Underline the two words that are appropriate in each sentence. a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Harry has a good salary. He gains/gets/makes over £20,000 a year. Mary was awarded a grant/scholarship/subsidy to study child psychology. How much did you give/pay/take for your new car? Their house fetched/produced/sold for a lot more than they expected. I'm going to the bank to get out/remove/withdraw the money for the rent. The manager disappeared with the receipts/takings/wages from the concert. By the time Kate retired she was a fortunate/prosperous/wealthy businesswoman. h) We had a good holiday but it was rather costly/expensive/valuable. i) Unfortunately the old painting I found turned out to be priceless/valueless/worthless. j) We would appreciate it if you would close/settle/pay your bill as soon as possible.


Complete the fixed phrases in each space by choosing a word from the box which collocates with the words in bold. credit market redundant value investment booming retirement Have your shares just fallen in (1) do? Or have you come into a (2)


it? Well, whether you've been made (3)

charge bankrupt


and you don't know what to and don't know how to invest or qualified for early

(4) , whether your business is (5) or you've just been declared (6) , we are the bank for you, the caring bank. We've got the account for you and can advise you accordingly. Come over to us and you will be making a wise (7) We offer some of the most competitive loans and mortgages on the (8) Provided you maintain your account in (9) , and at a minimum level of £500, we will offer you financial advice completely free of (10) whenever you request it. Can't be bad, can it?





Using the draft as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not occur in the draft.

Draft Dear Mrs Carter Very sorry for any trouble re consignment 3882, which we sent two weeks late I and then with the wrong contents - we like to think our packing is usually up to scratch. So that there are no hard feelings, we are going to send you £200 to make up for our mistakes. You'll find a cheque in this envelope. Please could you contact me to let me know you've got it. Up to now we've had an excellent relationship, which we don't want to lose. Always ready to help Yours, Mike Leggett (Customer Services Assistant) Dear Mrs Carter, Please accept my apologies for any (1)


caused to you by

the late (2) and incorrect contents of consignment 3882. We pride ourselves in maintaining a consistently high (3) of packing. As a goodwill (4) , we are sending you £200 by way of (5) Please find a cheque for this amount (6) Will you be good (7) to (8) receipt of this cheque? To (9) , we have had an excellent working relationship, which we wish to maintain at all costs. We are always at (10) Yours sincerely, John Barr Customer Services Manager



Find 15 common collocations or fixed phrases by completing each space in the text with an appropriate word from the box.

I guess I was what one might call a (1) ...spoilt child, for I was the only child of Mary and David Bettleman and I got whatever I wanted. I had a rather weak-minded mother and by contrast a very (2) father who had exceedingly high expectations of me, expectations that I could not (3) You see, my father was quite an eminent lawyer and wanted nothing more than for me to (4) in his footsteps. He encouraged me to win at everything and to be ultra-competitive. He just couldn't see that he was being far too (5) and putting too much (6) on me. He simply thought that he was acting in my best (7) Not surprisingly, perhaps, I (8) against my upbringing by becoming thoroughly apathetic at school. As soon as I turned 18, I (9) on my own and went off on a trip to India. It was there that I met Ingrid, a fellow traveller. It became clear that we came from very similar backgrounds. She too was running away from something: in her case a very (10) upbringing, caused by having two very over-protective parents. We (11) immediately, and I (12) courage and asked her to be my girlfriend. But I was young and I needed space, and I guess I was too immature to handle the give and take of a relationship. Or perhaps I was just afraid of (13) Anyway, we went through a very bad (14) and had a (15) separation for a couple of months.




Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.

a) As I am officially a/an alien/outsider/stranger I have to register with the police. b) Let me introduce you to my betrothed/engaged/fiancee. We're getting married next month. c) Jim is just a/an acquaintance/colleague/figure I met on holiday. d) Why not bring your child along to the Mothers and Juveniles/Juniors/Toddlers group? It's for one and two year-olds. e) Local people are campaigning for better facilities for the aged/ancient/elder. f) Our ancestors/descendants/predecessors are all buried in the local churchyard. g) Peter is 50 and unmarried and his friends call him 'an eligible bachelor/independent/single'. h) The bridegroom was handed the ring by the assistant groom/best man/godfather. i) When I was a bloke/chap/lad I used to walk ten miles to school. j) We call her 'Auntie Flo', though she is not really any family/relation/relative to us. 3

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) b) c) d) e)

Sharon works very hard and is extremely David does everything alone. He is a rather person. What a lovely couple! They seem totally to one another. Jim has extreme views, and is against all immigrants. Very few students wanted to join in the activities. They seemed rather

f) Simon is always getting into fights, he's so g) Jane may look rather young, but she has a very attitude. h) Pauline is a good teacher, and very to the needs of the students. i) Bill is shy but his brother Mike is more j) Mary doesn't realise how she hurts people. She is really 220




Match each expression (a-j) with one of the explanations (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5


nearest and dearest ...7 newlyweds the nuclear family adults a community a generation contemporaries the extended family a household outcasts people who are alive at the same time or e.g. attend the same school people who have only recently been (or are still) on their honeymoon all the people of approximately the same age the people in a family who live together under the same roof the entire range of relatives in one family all the people living together in the same area a person (or people) from your immediate family people who are no longer teenagers people abandoned by their families or by society in general parents and their children

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Keith's parents ..neglected. him badly when he was a baby. The small child was being by its mother for getting dirty. Tom deeply Ann by ignoring her at the party. David is not my real father, I was by him when I was small. Ian and Fiona are and they may get divorced. I with my boyfriend but we made it up in the end. Jack on his 65th birthday and received his pension. My parents me for having a ring in my nose. Julie's mother her when she was a few months old and she grew up in an orphanage. My boss utterly me in front of important clients, so I resigned.



6 Replace the words underlined with the most appropriate phrase from the box.

fell out turned him down kept in touch ran away from grew up went out together a) b) c) d)

moved in with got to know

got on well with let him down

When Brian asked her to marry him, Ann said no. I communicated regularly with most of my old friends Ann spent her childhood years in London David and Jean dated for three months before they got engaged.

e) Kate quarrelled with her boyfriend and they stopped seeing each other. f) Helen had a good relationship with her in-laws g) Harry left home without his parents' permission. h) Sophia promised to meet Michael after work but disappointed him. i) After a few weeks I went to live in the house of some friends. j) I grew friendly with Pam when we worked together Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) Barry was a very complicated individual who easily ...took offence. to the job immediately and felt like I'd been doing it all my life. After 36 days of fighting, the invading forces finally ..took. the city. b) After quarrelling with David, Martina was to tears. It was a call, but I think Leupers just won it from Collins in second place. In such sweltering heat, it was unbearably and humid on the Underground. c) Jane's father with rage when she told him she was pregnant. Events in oil-producing countries the confidence of investors. The lion its magnificent mane and gave an almighty roar. d) John and Mary met at university, and they've been going for almost five years. ' on - is that really what you want you to do?' There has been a decline in the number of male applicants. e) 'I just can't imagine my Dad me down the aisle in church to get married/ said Maggie. Michael Schumacher is currently the drivers' championship. She emerged from the stable a beautiful black horse. 222

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Ask most people for their Top Ten fears, and you'll be sure to find being burgled fairly high on the (1) ...D. An informal survey I (2) among friends at a party last week revealed that eight of them had had their homes broken into more than twice, and two had been burgled five times. To put the record (3) , none of my friends owns valuable paintings or a sideboard full of family silverware. Three of them are students, (4) The most typical burglary, it seems, (5) the theft of easily transportable items - the television, the video, even food from the freezer. This may have something to do with the fact that the (6) burglar is in his (or her) late teens, and probably wouldn't know what to do with a Picasso, (7) selling a walkman or a vacuum cleaner is a much easier (8) They are perhaps not so much professional criminals, as hard-up young people who need a few pounds and some excitement. Not that this makes having your house (9) upside down and your favourite things stolen any easier to (10) In most (11) , the police have no luck (12) any of the stolen goods. Unless there is definite evidence, they are probably unable to do anything at all. And alarms or special locks don't (13) to help either. The only advice my friends could (14) was 'Never live on the ground floor' and 'Keep two or three very fierce dogs', which reminded me of a case I read about, where the burglars' (15) included the family's pet poodle. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

A rank A called up A straight A as well A means A common A whereas A concern A put A submit A examples A taking A sound A come up with A takings

B rating B held with B right B however B involves B medium B as yet B event B turned B receive B cases B making B look B make do with B profit

C grade C set about C correct C in fact C affects C average C much as C situation C stood C accept C items C tracking C show C go through with Cloot

D list D carried out D steady D at any rate D covers D middle D as soon as D matter D pulled D admit D occasions D recovering D seem D get off with D receipts




Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) The whole building ...collapsed.... but fortunately there were no casualties. b) Throughout the flooded area, villages are being by helicopter. c) The terrorists threatened to kill their hostages if their demands were not d) Several buildings

damage from the earthquake.

e) Trees were uprooted and many roads were f) The two trains collided after one g) Rescue teams h) The blaze rapidly i) Police j) Police

to stop at signals.

out little hope of finding other survivors. to neighbouring buildings. tear-gas in an attempt to disperse the mob. off the town-centre for two hours while they searched

for the bomb. 3

Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

One of the most (1) ..worrying crime statistics in Europe is WORRY the rise in juvenile crime. Often the root cause is (2) to drugs, an expensive habit which often ADDICT leads young (3)

into a life of petty crime.

Some parents, unable to cope with their children's addiction have thrown them out of home, forcing them to live the lives of (4) 'Kate' (not her real name) is one such


person. (5) since she was 18, Kate has had various brushes with the law, most recently for (6) , in order to raise cash to fuel a heroin


habit. As a result of that transgression, Kate spent two months in prison, rubbing shoulders with (7) criminals


and murderers. Kate accepts that she acted (8) in stealing computer equipment, and doesn't bear any grudges towards the police. 'It's their job to (9) the law, I understand that. And I'm trying to come to terms with my addiction.' Kate has come good. Helped by the social services, she hasn't touched any drugs for the best part of a year. But, sadly, for every Kate there are ten young people for whom prison is no (10) at all.










Decide which prepositions collocate in the following sentences.

a) The new law on dropping litter comes ...into. force next month. b) Ann was released from prison and now she is probation. c) Local students have been banned taking part in the demonstration. d) Local people have called for an investigation the causes of the fire. e) Football fans went the rampage in the centre of Norwich last night. f) She claimed that the selling of habit-forming drugs was getting control. g) The car left the road and crashed a tree. h) Several guests at the hotel were robbed jewellery and money. i) David, 19, has been sleeping a park bench for the past six months. j) The police have charged her driving without due care and attention.


Underline the most appropriate word in each sentence.

a) The police arrested Jack and took him into custody/detention/prison. b) In most countries, the capital/death/execution penalty has been abolished. c) A man is said to be helping the police with their arrests/detection/inquiries. d) The judge in the court was wearing a hairpiece/head-dress/wig. e) Two football fans were later charged with aggression/assault/attack. f) Less serious cases are dealt with in the criminal/juvenile/magistrate's court. g) I was given a light sentence because it was my first case/charge/offence. h) A patrol car stopped me because I was racing/running/speeding in a built-up area. i) The court case was dismissed for lack of evidence/a jury/defence. j) 'Members of the jury, what is your answer/summary/verdict?'





6 In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. Write the j correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. After drinking a bottle of vodka, Alan and Richard Potter both 15, decided


to go out and do some joyriding. The car they broke into belonged to a

0 ..'/..

Mrs McDiarmad. Having drivern the car at high speeds along country lanes, 0 they abandonned it in a layby, and thumbed a lift home. Mercifully, no


other drivers were hurt, although several had to swirve dangerously to


avoid the Potter boys. In an experiment which is proveing to be remarkably 3 sucessful, the two teenagers were obliged to meet the victim of their crime


in person. Mrs McDiarmad told them in no uncertain terms that 20 years


earlier she had lost a nephew in a car accident caused by a drinken driver.


The Potters ended up in tears, and the younger, Alan, has since visited Mrs


McDiarmad on two occassions to apologise for his actions. The scheme


Alan and Richard took part in is known, as 'Face up to it'. It brings together 9 young offenders' with those they have wronged. Naturally, the victim must 10 agree to participate, and many find themselves simply unable to coperate.


The scheme is being operated on a tryal basis in several major cities, and


has the aproval of the social services. Early results suggest that young


people who take part are considarably less likely to commit any further


offences. It is to be hoped that this is indeed, the case with Alan and


Richard Potter.

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Until the early part of this century there was certainly a (1) ..B between popular music, the songs and dance tunes of the masses, and what we have (2) to call classical music. Up to that point, however, there were at least some points of contact between the two, and perhaps general recognition of what made a good voice, or a good song. With the development of (3) entertainment, popular music (4) away and has gradually developed a stronger life of its own to the point where it has become (5) with the classics. In some (6) , it is now dominated by the promotion of youth culture. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2

A contradiction A come A crowd A cut A incongruous A respects

B distinction B become B majority B split B inconsistent B manners

C separation C ended C quantity C cracked C incidental C effects

D discrimination D moved D mass D branched D incompatible D regards

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

There is a new (1) ...C..... of classical musicians, led by the likes of Russell Watson and Vanessa Mae, who have achieved the (2) of rock stars, and have been marketed in the same way. This seems to suggest that many young people enjoy classical music but do not wish to be (3) with the lifestyle of those who are traditionally supposed to enjoy it. Or it may (4) be that recording companies have discovered that there is an insatiable desire for 'sounds', and that classical music is beginning to sound exciting to a generation (5) on rock but now (6) into affluent middle-age. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Aline A grade A accompanied A simply A fostered A establishing

B species B degree B combined B clearly B raised B settling

C breed C rank C associated C easily C nurtured C lowering

D pedigree D status D related D plainly D grown D relaxing




Both options make sense. Underline the one which makes a common collocation.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 4

Everyone clapped enthusiastically when the actors came on screen/stage. Most critics agree that Celia gave the best acting/performance. We bought some ice-cream during the interlude/interval of the play. Jean has decided to join an amateur dramatic/theatrical society. There was so much suspense that I was kept on the edge of my place/seat. The leading lady unfortunately lost her voice during the dress/stage rehearsal. Most modern plays don't need a lot of complicated scenery/landscape. I thought it was a good film but it got terrible previews/reviews. Quite honestly, I haven't much time for honor/terror films.

Match each person from the box with one of the descriptions.

acrobat clown a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 5

cast conductor stuntman vocalist



someone who makes people laugh at the circus . someone who sings someone who is a member of this is an actor ..' someone who entertains others by throwing and catching things someone who entertains others by performing gymnastics someone who takes an actor's place in an emergency someone who tells an orchestra what to do someone who performs dangerous actions in place of an actor someone who dances gracefully in a leading role

Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.

brass chorus lyrics percussion woodwind a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)







I went to a rock ..concert held in a large football stadium. The section of the orchestra needs a new violinist. Keith wanted to learn a instrument so took up the clarinet. Their music is really great, but I can't understand the As we entered the church, the began playing a solemn tune. I used to play the trumpet in the local band. You need a good voice and acting ability to perform in a/an I'll sing the first verse, and everyone will join in for the Nowadays it is possible to simulate most instruments electronically, so drums are not always needed.

V O C A B U L A R Y 11



Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

It's 8.30 at the headquarters of the Boogy Woogers dance group, a (1)


studio in Geneva. Dancers of all shapes

and sizes begin to tumble (2) ....................... through the doors. Some begin lumbering up, others splinter off into groups to try


out new moves. One woman, lost in her own (3) ....................... THINK sits with her headphones on, preparing for the punishing routines to follow. A long-haired man with a goatee beard puts a tape in the hi-fi, and rap music blares out of the (4) ........................ Soon the room is alive with whirling, spinning bodies and (5) ....................... fills the air. The Boogy Woogers are the brainchild of Tomas Seeler, who handpicked many of his troupe from local street dancers. Seeler's own (6) ....................... was in gymnastics, but others come from the worlds of martial arts, bodybuilding and ballet. Many different (7) ....................... are represented in the group, including Chilean, Fijian and Senegalese dancers. The group has been performing all over Europe, most notably in Paris, where they became (8) ....................... celebrities. Famous for their (9) ....................... and novel interpretations, the Boogy Woogers have made several (10) ....................... on TV,




and look set to remain the 'in' thing for many years to come. 7

Match each activity from the box with one of the sentences.

billiards cards chess draughts •HHBt- : • • • : •••-•••

darts jigsaw puzzle table tennis video 'MHre


board game


a) If you look at the picture on the box it's easier to decide where the pieces go. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Whenever you deal you seem to get at least three aces ..................... The white ball hit the red ball and went into the corner pocket ..................... I took all of his pieces in one move! I swept the board! .................... Pass the remote control - I want to get the weather report ..................... Throw the dice twice and then pick up a card ..................... The bulls-eye is worth fifty, but it's a bit hard to hit ..................... If the ball hits the net when you serve, it doesn't count ..................... You can easily put her in check if you make the next move with your queen.

j) Don't forget to rewind it when it finishes and put it back in the box.




Complete each sentence with a preposition.

a) The clowns walked into the ring ..on stilts, looking about three metres tall! b) The stadium was packed people for the athletics meeting. c) Janet holds the word record long distance cycling. d) During the match, a message came the loudspeakers. e) There is a craze '. skateboarding at the moment. f) Harry last appeared the role of King Lear at the National Theatre. g) Have you got any tickets left the front stalls, please? h) Alex accompanied Helen's singing the piano. i) The play was so bad that the actors were booed the stage. j) David challenged Cathy a game of chess. 9

Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) Michael Jackson is bringing out a new .record called 'Hopeless Love'. It's difficult for anyone with a criminal ..record to get a job. The police are keeping a ...record of all cars which enter the area. b) The group have benefited from considerable media Maria didn't find John attractive, but was rather flattered by his It's been brought to my that there have been a number of thefts from the office. c) Like all great opera singers, Pavarotti has an imposing She showed great of mind and led the children calmly downstairs to safety. There was a huge police at the football match. d) My favourite in the play is where Uncle Toby breaks a priceless vase. No thanks, discos are not really my Reporting from the of the accident is Channel 4's Jeremy Charles. e) On his latest , Ford has collaborated with several other great pianists. After his from prison, Golding promised to go straight. I experienced a great of pain after the treatment.


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Viewed from the outside (1) ..B. , the Houses of Parliament look impressive. The architecture gives the place a traditional look, and the buildings are sandwiched between a busy square and the river, making them a (2) between the country house of an eccentric duke and a Victorian railway station. You have only to learn that the members (3) to each other as 'The Honourable Member ... to (4) the picture of a dignified gentlemen's club, with of course a few ladies to (5) the numbers. Sadly, over the past few years first radio, and now television, have shown the (6) public, who are (7) the electorate, what in fact (8) when bills are discussed and questions are asked. The first obvious fact is that the chamber is very rarely full, and there may be only a handful of members present, some of whom are quite clearly asleep, telling jokes to their neighbour, or shouting like badly-behaved schoolchildren. There is not enough room for them all in the chamber in any (9) , which is a second worrying point. Of course, television does not follow the work of committees, which are the small discussion groups that do most of the real work of the House. But the (10) impression that voters receive of the workings of government is not a good one. To put it (11) , parliament looks disorganised, is clearly behind the (12) and seems to be (13) with bores and comedians. This is presumably why members (14) for so long the efforts of the BBC to (15) parliamentary matters on television. 1) A likewise 2) A mixture 3) A call 4) A finalise 5) A take away 6) A average 7) A after all 8) A comes up 9) A point 10) A total 11) A bluntly 12) A ages 13) A full 14) A prevented 15) A circulate

B at least B combination B refer B end B bring about B ordinary B anyway B turns up B way B broad B shortly B times B filled B checked B beam

C nevertheless C cross C speak C conclude C make up C normal C even C goes on C matter C overall C directly C moments C composed C defied C spread

D as well D match D submit D complete D set in D general D furthermore D lets on D case D comprehensive D basically D years D comprised D resisted D broadcast



Well, it's 9.30 at night, and by now almost everybody has cast their (1) .............. Very soon all our questions will be answered. Were the government right to hold the (2) ....................... so soon after the so-called 'dash I for cash' scandal, in which certain applicants were apparently granted political (3) ....................... in exchange for financial favours? Will the opposition benefit from the decision of ex-Prime Minister David Howe to come out of (4) ....................... and stand as a (5) ....................... ? Will Mr Howe's famous refusal to toe the party (6) ....................... in matters of policy affect party unity? I Will the vicious smear (7) ....................... which the government have mounted against Mr Howe backfire on them? Well, all will be revealed pretty soon. Interestingly, an opinion (8) ....................... conducted yesterday by 'Express Newspapers' put the government just two per cent ahead, while another, in the 'Daily Mirror', indicated they would be re-elected with an increased (9) ........................ According to the latter poll, people felt that the opposition's election (10) ....................... was poor and contained nothing new. 3

Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box. :

=. •

conventional diplomatic oppressed progressive rebellious courteous notorious privileged radical respectable a) b) c) d) e) f)


If you are ...diplomatic , you are tactful when dealing with people. If you are , you have a good reputation in your community. If you are , you are polite. If you are , you have extreme or very strong views. If you are , you are being ruled unjustly or cruelly. If you are , you behave just like everyone else, perhaps too much so. g) If you are , you are against authority and hard to control. h) If you are , you have more advantages than other people. i) If you are , you have gained a bad reputation. j) If you are , you are in favour of new ideas.






Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

survey mayor

bill poll

council reign





a) Mr Bradly has been elected ...mayor. ........ of Greenswold for the third time. b) The government has introduced a ....................... outlining its plans for the coal industry. c) Hello, I'm conducting a ....................... about leisure habits. d) According to the latest opinion ....................... , the National Party are well ahead of their nearest rivals, the Co-operative Party. e) Although there is an elected assembly, it is generally recognised that General Domenico wields the real ........................ f) There is a locally elected ....................... which has responsibility for roads, street lighting, and other facilities. g) The king enjoyed a long ....................... , and was eventually succeeded by his son, George. h) The ....................... were slow to take control of the situation after the earthquake. i) The Leader of the Opposition proposed a ....................... of no confidence in the government. j) The Prime Minister called a top-level meeting with the Finance Minister, the Foreign Minister, and other members of the ........................ 5

Replace the word(s) underlined with the most appropriate word from the box.

abolished compulsory a) b) c) d)

binding licensed

illegal permitted restricted required voluntary


The proprietor is officially allowed to sell alcohol. The sale of drugs is controlled by law in most countries .................. Education from the age of five is obligatory in Britain .................. Students have been banned from using local pubs since the incident.

e) The law prohibiting the sale of fruit in the street has been done away with. f) g) h) i) j)

For both parties, the terms of this contract are to be obeyed With the application, a passport-sized photograph is necessary Smoking is not allowed in the classroom You don't have to stay after school to help; it's your own decision. Parking in this street is not allowed on weekdays at certain times. .




Match the words from the box with the explanations.

ambassador chairperson a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

delegate minister

patriot president

ringleader sovereign

terrorist traitor

This person may be the elected head of state. ..J?.f&fM£tt£ This person is responsible for a government department This person leads others to make trouble This person represents their country abroad This person loves their country. This person represents others at a meeting or conference This person betrays their country This person may be the head of state by birth This person uses violence rather than the political system for political ends.

j) This person is the head of a formal meeting. 7

Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) Channel 4 will, as ever, be ..following... the election as it happens. The Prime Minister was accused of ..following.... a disastrous economic policy. Coverage of the sport is postponed ..following.... the sudden death of President Gonzales. b) It remains to be seen whether Signer Riva a controlling interest in his business empire if he becomes Prime Minister. As legal executor in this matter, Mr Tomlinson the right to claim compensation costs. And it's gold! Muller the title which he won in Sydney. c) Yesterday's poll shows a significant of public opinion away from the Democrats. Workmen came to remove the faulty from the park. I've only been here for two days, so I haven't quite got back into the of things yet. d) The to ban fox hunting was rejected by five votes. And now we'll see the goal again in slow The constant swaying of the ship made Jan feel sea sick. e) You can rely on the Prime Minister to take of the situation. A new measure has been announced to stem the tide of illegal immigrants flooding the country. The police were accused of heavy-handed crowd tactics.


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Keeping fit and staying healthy have, not (1) ..D , become a growth (2) Quite apart from the amount of money spent each year on doctors' prescriptions and private medical (3) , huge sums are now spent on health foods and remedies of various kinds, from vitamin pills to mineral water, not to mention health clubs and keep-fit books and videos. We are more concerned than ever, it seems, about the water we drink and the air we breathe. But accidents can still befall even the fittest and most health-conscious of us. One of my friends, who is a keep-fit (4) , a non-smoker and teetotaller, and who is very (5) about what he eats, is at present languishing in bed 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2

A strangely A business A attention A fanatic A singular A torn

B unusually B industry B curing B activist B particular B scraped

C evidently C trade C treatment C extremist C special C grazed

D surprisingly D commerce D therapy D militant D peculiar D sprained

Underline the most appropriate word in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

After I drank a cup of black coffee I felt wide awake/awoken/woken. These tablets may make you feel dazed/dozy/drowsy so don't drive. I've been working for twelve hours and I feel exhausting/tiresome/worn out. The doctor said I was all in/run down/stale and gave me some vitamins. Bill's father is impaired/handicapped/invalid, and needs a wheelchair to get around. After walking for miles over the mountains, my feet were limp/sore/sprained. Ann needs a holiday. She has been under a lot of depression/pain/stress lately, The authorities are worried about the increase in drug abuse/disuse/misuse. I told the doctor that climbing the stairs left me catching/gasping/panting for breath, Mary spent a week in bed with a/an attack/case/outbreak of rheumatism.




Complete each space with a word formed from the words in capitals.

Text 1 Bottled water is expensive, unreliable and has no health benefits - at least, that's the view of Water Board chief Bill Tyson. To (1) ..highlight. what good value for money ordinary tap


water still represents, Tyson is running a campaign promoting good old-fashioned tap water and, by implication, criticising bottled water. He claims that there is little to (2) DIFFER bottled water from tap water, since there are often discrepancies between the added mineral (3) of bottled water


and what's on the label. Furthermore, he claims some bottled water (4) are blended from several sources and might PRODUCE even contain tap water. The exaggerated claims made by bottled water manufacturers are 'nothing short of (5) ',


he added. Text 2 My interest in alternative medicine began when I learned (6) techniques to help overcome stress. I was a student in those days, and I became fascinated by the idea of maintaining harmony and flow of healthy energy in the body. Now I'm a fully qualified homeopathic (7) , and I



work on the fundamental principle that illness is caused by (8) in the body. The remedies I prescribe aim to restore this balance. And contrary to (9) belief, homeopathy is based on very sound (10) principles.



V O C A B U L A R Y 13



Seven people are talking about their medical experiences. Complete the spaces. The first letter of each space is given.

a) David When I was playing football, I broke my ankle and was carried off the pitch on a stretcher I was taken to c , where the doctor put a p c

cast on my leg. For the next two months I needed to get around with.

b) Maria I'm a hospital p

You'll see me pushing trolleys or wheelchairs, or

carrying supplies from one department to another. Typically, I collect people who've just come out of s , where they've had an o and take them to their w , where they stay and recover. c) Sue I was s I'm a arm in a s


on the hand by a wasp, which may sound no big deal, but to such things. The doctor gave me some cream and put my She said I should keep the hand exposed to the air

rather than put a p d) Kath

on it.

I've never been fat, but recently I noticed I was getting a bit f round the waist, and I happened to read an article that said I was 10 kilos o for my height, age and build. I wish I was 16 again. I had a lovely f at that age. Now I really have to be selective about what I eat, although I don't believe in d e) Clara I've been having problems sleeping at night, and the doctor d me as suffering from i It leaves me tired and dizzy during the day. Last week I actually f smelling salts to bring me r

at work, and my colleagues had to give me

f) Bob

I've been having toothache and imagined I'd need to have a f at the dentist's. But when I went to get it checked out, she said the tooth would have to be e had worn off, I was in a g) Hanna I am e

Well, after it was all over and the i for two days and had to have painkillers.

a baby in April. I quite like being p


although I have experienced a lot of morning sickness. Also I get strange c for certain foods, like I suddenly urgently need a banana or chocolate on toast. I can't say I'm looking forward to actually giving b... 237



Match each sentence (a-j) with an explanation (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


I nodded. .9. I chuckled I grinned I shook my head I scowled I giggled I yawned I frowned I choked I stared

1 I moved my eyebrows together to show disapproval. 2 I laughed uncontrollably, in a silly way. 3 I looked with wide-open eyes at the same place for several moments. 4 I laughed quietly under my breath. 5 I opened my mouth uncontrollably to show boredom or tiredness. 6 I gave a large smile. 7 I moved my head from side to side meaning 'no'. 8 I made a threatening expression with my lips. 9 I moved my head up and down meaning 'yes'. 10 I had trouble breathing because my throat was blocked.

Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one of the words from the box.

crawling dashing

hobbling limping

marching rambling

staggering tiptoeing strolling wandering

a) I really enjoy walking for pleasure in the countryside. b) After about six months babies start moving about on their hands and knees. c) My sister was walking on the front part of her foot so as to make no noise along the corridor. d) The injured player began walking with one leg more easily than the other off the pitch e) The drunken man was moving unsteadily from one side of the street to the other f) Nowadays soldiers have motorised transport and do little moving on foot. g) There is nothing more pleasant than walking in a leisurely manner along the sea front h) I've been moving very rapidly backwards and forwards all day and I'm exhausted i) When I visit a new town I like walking with no particular purpose around looking at the sights j) I wasn't used to so much walking, and ended up moving with difficulty home, with blisters on both feet


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Over the past fifty years or so, the methods used for collecting money from the public to (1) ..!?. the developing world have changed out of all recognition, along with the gravity of the problems (2) , and the increasing awareness among the population that something must be done. At the beginning of this period, it would have been common to put money in a collecting box, perhaps on the street or at church. The 1960s saw the (3) of shops which sold second-hand goods, donated by the public, and which also began to sell articles manufactured in the developing world in charitable projects set up to guarantee a fair income to local people. The next development was probably the charity 'event', in which participants were (4) to run, cycle, swim or what have you, and collected money from friends and relatives (5) how far or long they managed to keep going. The first hint of what was to become the most successful means of (6) money was the charity record, where the artists donated their time and talent, and the (7) from the sales went to a good (8) This was perhaps a (9) of the fact that young people felt increasingly concerned about the obvious differences between life in Europe and the United States, and that in most of Africa, for example. A feeling of frustration was building up. Why was so little being done? The huge success of Band Aid, and (10) televised concerts, showed the power of the media, and of music in particular, to inspire and shock. It differed significantly in style from other events. People phoned up in their thousands on the day and pledged money by (11) their credit card numbers. (12) , if you have enough money to buy CDs, you can afford something for the world's starving children. 1) A finance 2) A faced 3) A occurrence 4) A supported 5) A in as much as 6) A increasing 7) A produce 8) A agency 9) A consideration 10) A subsequent 11) A mentioning 12) A Anyway

B aid B covered B entrance B funded B according to B lifting B proceeds B enterprise B reflection B consequent B quoting B After all

Cpay C opposed C happening C sponsored C with reference to C boosting C receipts C cause C view C attendant C affirming C Although

D loan D approached D advent D promoted D as regards D raising D returns D movement D display D relevant D recalling D At any rate






Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) Many small houses and huts were flooded away/washed away when the river burst its banks. b) Poor farming methods are responsible for soil devaluation/erosion in many areas of sub-Saharan Africa. c) During the earthquake, many people were buried/covered alive. d) The forest fire left a wide area of the mountainside blackened and ablaze/smouldering. e) Villagers are hoping for rain this month after nearly a year of dry weather/drought. f) Before the hurricane struck, many people were evacuated/shifted to higher ground. g) Thousands of children in the famine-stricken area are suffering from malnutrition/undernourishment. h) Heavy snow has fallen in the mountains and many villages have been blocked out/cut off for the past two days. i) The Aids epidemic/plague is having serious effects in some countries, j) Many small islands in the Indian Ocean are threatened by rising sea waters/levels. 3

Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

a) The country's energy ...consumption-.... is some 30% higher


than a decade ago. At the same time we have seen an increase in the use of

energy sources such as wind


power and solar power. b) An entire month's average

hit Bilbao


yesterday, while across the border in France, it's the opposite problem. The recent lack of rain is likely to lead to water

in some areas.


c) The oil spill was described as 'an It is thought likely to affect

disaster'. within a


about 20-mile radius. d) Numerous species face

if nothing is done

the problem of e) Many and bleach, contain



products, such as cleaning liquids chemicals.






Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word formed from one of the words or part words from the box.

burdened estimated lying joyed nourished privileged

populated simplified



a) Many countries with high birth rates are seriously over b) I'm afraid I think President Lawson's contribution to reducing global famine has been over. c) When the United Nations relief supplies arrived, the people were over d) The government has seriously under the gravity of the situation in drought-stricken areas. e) Those who say that developing countries simply need more money have over the problem. f) Most of the children in the camp were seriously under. g) Most third world economies are already over with foreign debt. h) Those of us who live in prosperous countries should try and help the under peoples of the developing world. i) The refugee camps are now seriously over and more blankets and food are needed, j) Sending aid to countries may help in the short term, but the under causes of the problem must also be tackled. 5

Replace the words underlined in each sentence with the adjectives from the box.

densely illiterate impoverished rural

inadequate wealthy




a) In many countries, there is a drift of population from country areas to the cities. rural. b) Education is desperately needed in many countries where a high percentage of the population is unable to read and write c) Remote villages usually lack basic services such as piped water and electricity. d) Rich people often find it hard to understand how the poor become poor. e) f) g) h) i)

The mountain region of the country is thinly populated Many poor nations can no longer afford to run schools and hospitals. Poor immigrants often end up living in shanty towns in city areas In thickly populated areas, unemployment may be a cause of poverty. The diet of most children in this area is poor 241



In the following texts, complete each space with a word formed from the word in I capitals.

Text 1 With (1) .humanitaria. aid now pouring into the country, charitable agencies are still struggling to cope in a country where day to day life is a struggle for (2) In some areas agency workers have encountered (3) to their efforts from government forces. Meanwhile, in an attempt to (4) the economy, the Government has (5) the currency for the third time this year.


Text 2 The United Nations has not ruled out the possibility of military (6) , although it is still hopeful of achieving a INTERVENE settlement by (7) means. The Secretary General DIPLOMACY roundly condemned the President's policy of ethnic (8) , and also criticised him for spending a CLEAN (9) amount of his country's money on weapons. PROPORTION This follows last week's 'reminder' to the President that (10) is now universally illegal, a fact he SLAVE continues to ignore. 7

Match the words from the box to the explanations.

recycling charity organic self-sufficiency immunisation




a) This is the settling of a dispute through discussion. ..negotiation b) This is the ability of a country or person to support themselves without outside help c) This is a means of protecting people against some diseases d) This is food that is grown without the use of chemical fertilisers e) This is the collection of raw materials so that they can be used again. f)

This is money used by a government to lower the prices of e.g. basic foods.

g) This is a system of distributing water to places which need it for agriculture. h) This is an organisation which collects money from the public and uses it to help people in need


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Interpreting the feelings of other people is not always easy, as we all know, and we (1) ...B as much on what they seem to be telling us, as on the (2) words they say. Facial (3) and tone of voice are obvious ways of showing our (4) to something, and it may well be that we unconsciously (5) views that we are trying to hide. The art of being tactful lies in (6) these signals, realising what the other person is trying to say, and acting so that they are not embarrassed in any way. For example, we may understand that they are (7) reluctant to answer our question, and so we stop pressing them. Body movements in general may also (8) feelings, and interviewers often (9) particular attention to the way a candidate for a job walks into the room and sits down. However, it is not difficult to present the right kind of appearance, while what many employers want to know relates to the candidate's character (10) , and psychological stability. This raises the (11) question of whether job candidates should be asked to complete psychological tests, and the further problem of whether such tests actually produce (12) results. For many people, being asked to take part in such a test would be an objectionable (13) into their private lives. Quite (14) from this problem, can such tests predict whether a person is likely to be a (15) employee or a valued colleague? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

A estimate A other A looks A view A express A taking down A at least A display A have A quirks A awkward A faithful A invasion A different A pedantic

B rely B real B expression B feeling B declare B putting across B above all B indicate B show B mannerisms B risky B regular B intrusion B apart B particular

C reckon C identical C image C notion C exhibit C picking up C anyhow C imply C make C traits C unpleasant C reliable C infringement C away C laborious

D trust D actual D manner D reaction D utter D going over D in fact D infer D pay D points D touchy D predictable D interference D except D conscientious




Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.

a) As there is little hope of being rescued, I have abandoned/decided/resigned myself to the worst. b) Tom didn't believe us, and it took a long time to convince/establish/confirm him. c) I define/regard/suppose this project as the most important in my career. d) In my point of view/viewpoint/view, this plan will not work. e) Are you aware/conscious/knowledgeable that £10,000 has gone missing? f) I haven't the faintest sense/notion/opinion of what you are talking about. g) Mr Smith has appointed his best friend as the new director! It's a clear case of favouritism/prejudice/subjectivity. h) Your new boyfriend recollects/remembers/reminds me of a cousin of mine, i) Sue just can't stop thinking about football! She is biased/concerned/obsessed with her local team! j) I just can't understand the attitude/manner/mentality of people who are cruel to animals. 3

Match the most appropriate opening sentence (a-j) with each expression with 'feel' (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


So, looking back, would you say you enjoyed your stay in Britain? Phew! I can't keep up with you any more Did the anaesthetic hurt? If it's any consolation, Well, just make yourself at home while you're waiting It's going to rain She's a very sensitive girl Now just relax and remember what I told you You should be really pleased with your daughter, Mrs Owen I'm really sorry I had to take this decision Feel free to have some tea or coffee. Dawn clearly has a feel for languages. I can feel it in my bones. You'll soon get the feel of it. I have mixed feelings about it. I hope you have no hard feelings about it. I don't want to hurt her feelings. No, I didn't feel a thing! I'm starting to feel my age. I know just how you feel.


V O C A B U L A R Y 15

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 5


I don't know how to ..put .............. this, but I'm afraid the money has gone! Could you say that again? I didn't quite ....................... you. I would ....................... it if you could help me with this job. I was so flabbergasted that I couldn't ....................... a single word. I simply said we had lost the order. I didn't ....................... that it was your fault. I was so overwhelmed that I just couldn't ....................... my feelings. Whenever I ask you about damage to the car, you always ....................... ignorance. I ....................... that you can get up at 6.00 after what you did last night. Most of the clues in a detective story are there to ....................... the reader. Did you ....................... the deliberate mistake on page two?

Choose the most appropriate ending (1-10) to complete the expressions to do with 'thinking'.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

It's just a thought, but maybe ..... 6. ...... I'll give it some thought .............. Am I right in thinking .............. He thinks very highly of you .............. On second thoughts, ........... That's all I can think of .............. That's a thought! ........... I thought as much! ........... I've thought long and hard about it .............. Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight ............

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

... so don't break his heart! ... and I've decided not to accept. ... and get back to you tomorrow. I've put the wrong date on it. David has taken the car again without my permission! ... you could go by train. ... you used to live in Manchester? ... at the moment. ... perhaps I'd better do it after all. Yes, maybe I should do that.




Replace the words underlined with the most appropriate word from the box.

cherished loathed

dreaded offended

mourned reproached

regretted stressed



a) Peter was very sorry about leaving his old job. ..$$£$$№&... b) The Prime Minister said he strongly disapproved of the behaviour of the demonstrators ........................ c) Lily felt bitter about the fact that everyone had been promoted except her. d) David felt extremely worried about visiting the dentist e) Sally held very dear the memory of her childhood in the country. f) Neil grieved for the death of his mother and father for many weeks. g) I am sorry if I hurt the feelings of your sister h) Brenda really felt a strong dislike for her new boss i) Our teacher laid emphasis on the importance of regular study. j) Jim strongly criticised me for not doing my fair share of the work.

Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three spaces. a) Let's go down to the river. It's a really nice

for a picnic.

I'm afraid I'm going to be late. I'm having a

of bother with

my car.

The evening in Blackpool was the only bright .spot..

in an otherwise

disappointing holiday. b) I'm so tired I'm finding it difficult to keep my If you can cast your

on my work.

back to lesson two, you'll remember we

were talking about body posture. My daughter is very ill, so I've got a lot on my

right now.

c) Perhaps I could talk to you later in private - it's a personal It's only a

of time before the city falls to the rebels.

Dealing with problems like that is all just a

of being firm.

d) It's very upsetting news, as she was a very It's rather


for me - haven't you got anything cheaper?

As the boat lurched from side to side, we held on for e) Police suspect that the shopkeeper had a Come on, concentrate on the job in Never ever raise your



in the robbery. and don't get distracted.

against me again!


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

I was reading an advert for a mobile phone the other day, which described the aforesaid object as an 'aid to (1) ...D....'. As a techno-phobe who does not possess a mobile phone, still less an on-line connection, I was intrigued by the astonishing presumptuousness of this claim. For the (2) reason I do not have a mobile phone is that I don't want to be at someone else's beck and (3) 24 hours a day. But apparently there are plenty of sane adults out there who do. In fact I know plenty of people who bought their phone on the (4) understanding that it was to be used for emergencies only. But the insidious thing gradually took over their lives, to the (5) where it seems they can barely live without it. Giving a mobile phone to a child makes even less sense. Parents lose their freedom and the children lose the ability to (6) tor ulemselves. 1) A ease 2) A sheer 3) A cry 4) A strict 5) A mark 6) A support 2

B handiness B perfect B ring B absolute B point B keep

C utility C very C need C severe C spot Cfend

D convenience D utter Dcall D precise D position D sustain

Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.

a) What a peculiar contraption ..... ! What on earth is that for? b) A washing-machine is probably the most useful household c) d) e) f) g)

We will have to order a new to replace the damaged one. The noise of filled the factory and nearly deafened me. I can't make this computer work. Let's read the again. Scientists in this laboratory are conducting an interesting When is introduced, the number of workers will be reduced. h) Do you like this new I bought for peeling potatoes? i) Every six months the nuclear reactor needs a complete j) My brother has a shop selling photographic 247




In most lines of this text there is either a spelling or punctuation error. Write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. When faced with some new and possibly bewildering tecnological change, most people react, in one of two ways. They either recoil from anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary, or too complicated or that it somehow makes life less personal. Or they learn to adapt to the new invention, and eventually wonder, how they could possibly have existed without it. Take computers as an example, for many of us, they still represent a threat to our freedom, and give us a frigtening sense of a future in which all decisions will be taken by machines. This may be because they seem misterious, and difficult to understand. Ask most people, what you can use a home computer for, and you usually get vauge answers about how 'they give you information'. In fact, even those of us who are familiar with computers' and use them in our dayly work, have very little idea of how they actually work? But it does not take long to learn how to operate a bussiness programme, even if things occasionally go wrong for no apparant reason. Presumably much the same happened when the telephone and the television became widespred. What seems to alarm most people is the speed of technological change, rather than change itself. And the objections that are maid to new technology may well have a point to them, since change is not always an improvement. As we discover during power cuts there is a lot to be said for the oil lamp, the cole fire, and forms of entertainment, such as books or board games, that dont have to be plugged in to work. Match each problem (a-j) with a solution (1-10). a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


The door squeaks. ..4. The battery is dead The pencil is blunt The screw is coming loose My watch has stopped The car seat is too far back The light bulb is flickering The car's got a few things wrong with it The wall looks very bare The TV isn't picking up the signals from the video recorder. .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , 8 9 10

It needs servicing. It needs tightening. It needs painting. It needs oiling. It needs re-programming. It needs recharging. It needs sharpening. It needs winding up. It needs adjusting. It needs replacing.

V O C A B U L A R Y 16



In the following texts, complete each space with a word or compound word formed from the word in capitals.

Text 1 (1) ..installation. of your new energy-efficient domestic gas boiler is free of charge, and will be performed within 5 days of payment. Regular (2) from a qualified engineer is advised. The system comes with an (3) cover, which can be kept fully extended or half down. The cover must be completely removed for repairs to be carried out. As with all (4) equipment, please exercise great care if you are attempting to repair the (5) yourself.



Text 2 Attach the rotating motor to the (6) lead-pipe. CYLINDER Screw the motor down into place. If the motor does not engage, remove it and (7) the lead-pipe. All TIGHT engineers installing or repairing this machinery must observe all necessary (8) precautions. This includes the SAFE wearing of goggles, masks and other (9) PROTECT equipment. For instructions on how to remove the outlet valve, please refer to the (10) described on page 28 PROCEED of this manual. 6

Underline the most appropriate word in each sentence.

a) The hair-drier is fitted with a three point cable/pjug/socket. b) Don't touch that wire! It's live/lively/living. c) This small vacuum cleaner is motivate/powered/run by batteries. d) The set wouldn't work because there was a faulty connection/'joint/link. e) I can't use my drill here. The lead/plug/wire isn't long enough. f) Turn off the mains first in case you get a/an impact/jolt/shock. g) Oh dear the lights have gone off! The cable/fuse/safety must have gone, h) Can you lend me that cassette? I want to record/transcribe/write it. i) The appliance is powered by a small electric engine/machine/motor. j) Jim has just started work as an electrical/electricity/electrician engineer, k) The electrician twisted the wires together using a pair of hammers/chisels/pliers. 1) I buy coffee beans and put them in a grinder/mixer/blender. m) The good thing about this knife is that the blade/point/edge can be replaced n) I can't undo this nut. I need a larger bolt/screwdriver/spanner.


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phase.

The quality of life these days is something most of us take for (1) ..C It takes some radically different experience to (2) this fact home to people. In my (3) , it was spending three weeks aboard a yacht with twelve other people, competing in a major sailing race. Although I was officially a guest, it 1 was made clear to me from the start that there was to be no room for passengers, and that I'd have to (4) my weight. For the first few nights, none us was able to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a (5) before being rudely awoken by an aggressive command. Then we'd do physically exhausting work in total darkness. Every few minutes we'd be completely soaked to the (6) by a large wave we couldn't see coming. I shared sleeping (7) with six other women, with barely enough room to stretch my legs. Soon I found myself (8) for my comfortable sheets back home, a hot chocolate and a warm bath. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 2

A given A bring A example A offer A piece A flesh A quarters A desiring

B accepted B push B instance B move B time B skin B premises B yearning

C granted C sweep C case Cuse C period C bones C dormitories C dreaming

Dread D carry D experience Dpull D moment D toes D digs D craving

Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) We advertised the house widely but only a handful/minority of people have shown any interest. b) The surgeon told Sam that the operation had been only a minor/partial success. c) The amount of parking space available here is no longer adequate/passable. d) Sue has already written the bulk/mass of her third novel. e) You have to use a magnifying glass to see some of the miniature/minute details. f) I am glad to report that the company has made a large-scale/sizeable profit. g) There has been quite a dearth/want of good biographies this year. h) I suppose I have had a fair/good amount of experience in making speeches, i) We can't afford such a lavish party with the limited/narrow means available, j) There is really a wide/vast difference between the two plans. 250

V O C A B U L A R Y 17


Complete each sentence with the most appropriate verb from the box.

augmented contracted a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)



declined diminished

dwindled enlarged

extended faded

reduced spread

The old railway line has been ..extended.... as far as the new airport. In an effort to increase sales, prices will be for a short period. Hope has now for the two climbers missing since last Friday. Helen her small salary by making shrewd share dealings. The school playground has been by the addition of the old garden. Unfortunately the fire has now to neighbouring buildings. The team's enthusiasm was not at all by their early setbacks. As a seaside resort, Mudford has a lot since its heyday in the 1920s. The company has in size, and now employs only 300 people. The number of students attending the class until only two remained.

Add a suitable comment, from the same speaker, to sentences a-j. Choose from 1-10.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

United are much better than City. ..4. You threw the ball before I was ready These wines taste just the same to me Why don't I pick you up at the house? Why bother waiting here when we've missed the last bus? Congratulations on your promotion The hotel we are staying in is a bit disappointing There's no food in this cupboard Pauline has got a new Benson 500 Our product is without doubt the best on the market Personally, I don't think much of it. It would be less bother. It doesn't count. There's no comparison. None whatsoever. I can't tell the difference. It has no equal. It doesn't come up to expectations. It's pointless. You deserve it.




Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the words in capitals.

Ask any adult over forty to make a (1) ...comparison.. between COMPARE the past and the present and most will tell you that things have been getting steadily worse for as long as they can remember. Take the weather for example. Everyone remembers that in their (2) the summers were considerably hotter, YOUNG and that winter always included (3) ABOUND falls of snow just when the school holidays had started. Of course, the food in those days was far superior too, as nothing was imported and everything was fresh. (4) EMPLOY was negligible, the money in your pocket really was worth something, and you could buy a (5) house even SIZE if your means were limited. And above all, people were somehow nicer in those days, and spent their free time on innocent (6) making model boats and tending their PURSUE stamp (7) rather than gazing at the television COLLECT screen for hours on end. As we know, this figure of the past simply cannot be true, and there are plenty of statistics dealing with health and (8) which prove that it is not true. So, why PROSPER is it that we all have a (9) to idealise the past TEND and to be so (10) of the present? CRITICISE 6

Replace the words underlined in each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.

are not alike completely different similar nothing exactly the same as is not as good as we had hoped calculated in relation to a) There is no equivalent to this word in any other language. b) I am afraid that your sales performance has fallen short of expectations. c) These two cars are almost alike. d) The problem can be divided into two distinct parts. e) Although they are based on the same novel, the two films differ. f) The salary given will be commensurate with experience.






Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box.

abundant inferior

excessive lavish major negligible

middling superior



a) The guests were impressed by the ..lavish scale of the banquet. b) Water is in this part of the country, owing to the heavy rainfall. c) Make a list of clients, and then send them our brochure. d) Response to our sales campaign was only , which was a little bit disappointing. e) The government was accused of making demands on the taxpayers. f) There is no need to rush. We have time before the meeting. g) Since winning the pools, Helen and Joe have moved to a neighbourhood. h) There's no need to take the car to a garage. The damage is i) The signing of the peace treaty was an event of importance. j) Just because you don't have your own desk in the office, you needn't feel


Replace the word or words underlined in each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

altogether considerably especially practically barely effectively moderately respectively

specifically thoroughly

a) United are virtually certain of a place in the final after this result. ..practically... b) I'm particularly proud of Jan's contribution to the play. c) Peter says he is utterly fed up with the government d) Be careful! I can hardly, walk! e) After finishing the decorating I felt completely exhausted f) Classes 3 and 4 scored 10 points and 15 points each in that order. g) I am fairly satisfied with the results so far h) Since the revolution, the army has to all intents and purposes run the country. i) We have been greatly heartened by the news from the surgeon in charge. j) I told you clearly and definitely not to write your answers in pencil, Smith!


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phase.

A report on the notorious Fiveways School, visited recently by government (1) ..B , was published yesterday. The report (2) inadequate strategic planning, poor (3) of teaching, and semi-derelict building conditions as being largely to blame for the problems at Fiveways, the school branded 'the worst in Europe'. Our reporters entered the school by (4) arrangement, and witnessed at (5) hand the chaos that has heaped infamy on the school. On the day of their visit, our reporters learned that one disruptive pupil had been given a 3-week (6) for punching a teacher in the face. Our reporters saw pupils virtually (7) riot, throwing stones at passers-by and verbally (8) a teacher. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 2

A authorities A highlights A measures A former A original A expulsion A running A harming

B inspectors B illuminates B patterns B earlier B first B caution B going B abusing

C controllers C features C standards C preceding C immediate C suspension C making C damaging

D examiners D activates D specifications D prior D direct Dban D taking D oppressing

Complete the extracts from two school reports. Use the words from the box.

half-hearted participated

respect contributes

mature applies

distracted insolent concentrate effort


Report 1 Tracey has made a big (1) ..effort. this term, showing herself to be very (2) for her age. She (3) herself well and (4) fully to class discussions. She shows a lot of (5) towards her teachers. Report 2 On one occasion Derek was sent home for being (1) to a teacher. In terms of effort, his work can sometimes be rather (2) He is easily (3) and finds it hard to (4) in class. Also he has not (5) in group work as well as he should.


V O C A B U L A R Y 18



Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a) In my country we have to do nine basic/core subjects and then we can choose several others. b) At this school we put a strong emphasis on academic/scholarly achievement. c) In my country bodily/corporal punishment was abolished 40 years ago. d) In my class we had a helper/support teacher who assisted pupils with learning difficulties. e) On Friday afternoons we had lessons with the trainee/apprentice teacher. f) In my country we have some end of year tests but most of our marks come from progressive/continuous assessment. g) At 16 we have the choice of doing more vocation/employment oriented courses, such as business studies and accounting. h) When I was 15, I had a 2-week work position/placement with a local factory. i) There were a number of teenage/child mothers in my class. j) I was expelled from school for playing/going truant too many times. 4

Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

Last year I resigned my post as a Head of Department at a large comprehensive school. After 23 years of teaching, I had simply had enough of a job which is becoming increasingly (1) ..problematic. . As a Departmental Head, I saw at close PROBLEM hand the effect of the government's increased (2) in educational matters; the job is now INVOLVE ten times more (3) than it was when I BUREAU started out. Not content with loading teachers down with paperwork, the government has also imposed standard national tests on pupils as young as six, a fact which has left many teachers (4) with their profession. But that side of ENCHANT things is by no means all. There is also the growing (5) of the pupils, including the girls. AGGRESSIVE There are the frequent little acts of (6) RUDE which teachers have become almost (7) to stop, POWER now that the right to discipline pupils has been all but taken from them. There is the restlessness and sheer (8) BORING of children brought up on a diet of computer games and violent videos. Some people dismiss any link between computer games and a (9) in attention span, but few of them are REDUCE teachers. When I started out, I used to enjoy teaching history, my chosen discipline, to (10) pupils; now I do so RESPECT every Tuesday evening, teaching local history to pensioners.



Five people are speaking about their learning experiences. Complete each space with a suitable word. The first letter of each space is given.

a) I've just finished university, although I'll have to go back for my g.raduation ceremony in October. So now I'm the proud possessor






of a d in Modern Languages. At last I can get down to earning some money and paying back my 1 from the government. My friend is luckier than me in this respect - she's off to the States. She has a s to study at Yale University. I was known as a rather naughty, mischievous pupil, and I often used to get s out of the lesson or put in d after school. Little did the school know, however, that Dad was actually paying me to have extra Maths lessons at home with a private t And it paid off, for in my Maths exam, I surprised everyone by getting the top m in the class. I left school without any q , and with no real job p But then I started doing e classes at the local f education college. And now I'm a mechanic, and delighted with my job! My problem was exams. I was never any good at them. Classwork fine, exams no go. For my A levels I r solidly for three months, but despite all this preparation, I got disappointing g :D for Physics, E for Chemistry, and E for Biology. The school suggested that I r the exams, but to be honest, I didn't fancy all that studying all over again. But I did win a p at Sports Day, for the Senior Boys Long Jump. When I was 28, I decided I wanted to go back into education, as I was getting more and more interested in English literature. One option was to become a m student at a university, but I couldn't afford this full-time commitment. So in the end I signed up for a c course, or 'distance learning', as it's called. I sent my essays and a to a tutor by post and also communicated with her by e-mail. I had to study English literature from 1300 to the present day, but I chose to s in the twentieth-century novel.

V O C A B U L A R Y 18


Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.

a) When we had finished acting, the teacher gave us all a ..mark out of ten. Elka has only been in the office for three months, but already she has really made her ..mark. The teacher told Jeremy off for making a ..mark on Emma's notebook. b) We are very pleased with Susan's effort - she herself very well to the task in hand. Incidentally, the comment I have just made to Smith equally to everybody in this room. I really hope my sister for that new job; she'd be so good at it. c) I've virtually any ambition I ever had of becoming a teacher. I out of college after one term and went travelling around the world instead. On police advice, Mr Bortello has the charges he brought against his neighbours. d) Mr Ross, our old history teacher his classes with a rod of iron! The judge that Newton had acted in self-defence, and instructed the jury to find him 'not guilty'. Police have not out the possibility of murder in this case. e) The entire workforce at Holman Avionics downed tools today, in of two sacked colleagues. I'll come along to your speech, if you like, and give you some moral If you need help, put your hand up and I or Mrs Kent, the teacher will come to you.


Word formation has been practised throughout the vocabulary section. This unit gives further practice in greater detail. Complete the word in each sentence with over- or under-.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 2

The under..lying causes of the problem are widely known. What a terrible film. It's really rated in my views. The first time I tried out my new bike I balanced and fell off. Don't forget to give the door an coat as well as a coat of gloss paint. The bath flowed and the water dripped through into the living room. It is not as easy as all that. I think you are simplifying the problem. I apologise for the delay in sending your order but we are staffed at present. You can get to the other side of the road by going through this pass. The garden has been neglected and was grown with weeds. You should have turned the meat off before. It's done now.

Complete each word with either -able or -ible. Make any necessary spelling changes.

a) Brenda's new book is really remark. able b) I don't find your new colleague very like c) The pie looked very good, but it wasn't very easily digest d) That was a really contempt way of getting the boss on your side! e) I think that anything is prefer to having to tell so many lies. f) The advantage of these chairs is that they are collapse g) I do hope that you find your room comfort h) Why don't you go to the police? It's the sense thing to do. i) John takes good care of the children and is very response j) I find your aunt a very disagree person I'm afraid.


V O C A B U L A R Y 19


Complete the word in each sentence by adding an appropriate prefix.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

I didn't pay the bill and now the electricity has been ....DISconnected. There is a law against dropping litter, but it is rarely ........... forced. When the cassette finishes, don't forget to ........... wind it. I thought the effects in the film were rather ........... done. The rumours about the minister's death were completely ........... founded. Anyone with a ........... ability may qualify for a special pension. I am ........... debted to you for all the help you have given me. When a currency is ........... valued, it is worth less internationally. I found the instructions you gave us very ........... leading. John rents the house and I ........... let a room from him.

Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one word ending in -ly and beginning with the letter given.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

The country imports every year over two million tons of rice. Harry's work has improved a great deal, c ....................... By coincidence. I'm driving there myself tomorrow. C I'll be with you straight away, d ....................... The two sisters were dressed in exactly the same way, i I'm afraid that Carol's writing is quite illegible, a Tim only understands in a hazy manner what is going on. v I think that this plan is downright ridiculous! t ....................... Diana just wants to know the truth, m ....................... The passengers only just escaped with their lives, b

Complete each word with either in- or un-.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Why are you so ...... .in .sensitive to other people's problems? The garden is divided into two ........... equal parts. I think you were ........... justified in punishing both boys. I am afraid that the world is full of ........... justice. This ticket is ........... valid. You haven't stamped it in the machine. Thank you for your help. It was ........... valuable. Quite honestly I find that argument ........... tenable. The government's ........... action can only be explained as sheer neglect. The amount of food aid the country has received is quite ........... sufficient. Her remarks were so rude they were frankly ........... printable.




Make a compound word in each sentence by adding the most appropriate word from the box.











a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

We used cushions and blankets as a make shift bed. I woke up screaming after having a terrible night The house was severely damaged by an earth We got soaked to the skin in a sudden down Don't forget to tell everyone about the meeting before The average theatre will find this play incomprehensible. After six months abroad, Angela was beginning to feel home The floor of the workshop was covered in saw. and shavings of wood. i) The children made a poster based on the shape of a snow. j) The United Nations tried to arrange a cease but without success. Complete the compound word in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


One of the draw .backs of this car is its high petrol consumption. From the hotel there is a breath view across the canyon. Peter's gambling ability gave him a nice little wind of £300. We always lock the computer in this cupboard, just as a safe If I were you, I'd spend a bit more and buy the hard version of the book. Michael's playboy life was the envy of all his friends. That building has been ear for redevelopment by the council. We cannot take off because the run is rather icy. From my stand , this would not be a very profitable venture. There is wide dissatisfaction with the government's policies.

V O C A B U L A R Y 19


Complete the word in each sentence with an appropriate suffix.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)



I object strongly to the commercial.isation of sport. Skateboarding is no longer very fashion in this country. Don't touch that glass vase?! It's absolutely price ! We decided to go to watch some tradition dances in the next village. Helen's uncle turned out to be a really remark person. We have not yet received confirm of your telephone booking. Driving on these mountain roads in winter is a bit hazard I just couldn't put up with his relent nagging. The doctor will be available for a consult on Thursday morning, None of this work has been done properly. Don't you think you have been rather neglect ?

Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

ROMFORD COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB Hello all members! Welcome to another edition of the club newsletter. A list of (1) ..forthcoming events for the autumn is being COME prepared. It will be displayed on the club's (2) Sadly our intended celebrity guest, the NOTICE actor George Wells, has had to (3) from DRAW the summer fair. However, we are pleased to announce that we have lined up a (4) in the shape of Bethan PLACE Rogers, the folk-singer. Meanwhile, we are looking for (5) to help VOLUNTARY run both the cloakroom and the (6) stall. FRESH If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible. The cost of (7) to the fair for non-members ADMIT has been agreed at £2.50. Members will, of course, be free. As you know, Professor Byatt, who has been associated with the club for 15 years, is retiring at the end of term. In (8) of his support and enthusiasm, we are RECOGNISE planning to hold a little (9) for him. PRESENT Mrs Byatt has suggested we buy him a gold watch. Please send any (10) you would like to make to me CONTRIBUTE by Friday 30th.


Multiple meaning has been practised throughout the vocabulary section. This unit gives further practice in greater detail. 1

Which word(s) from the box could replace the words in bold in the sentences? withdrew stopped produced damaged told off started moving opened dragged extracted


a) The lorry pulled away very slowly because of its heavy b) c) d) e)

load. ..started..moving. I think I must have pulled a muscle The man pulled out a gun and aimed it at the bank clerk It was still dark when I pulled back the curtains Surprisingly, when the dentist pulled out my tooth, I didn't feel a thing.

f) I think it's amazing that Jack pulled it off - I never thought he'd do it. g) The United Nations pulled out their troops from the capital h) Mike was pulled up by his boss for making a joke about the Chairman. i) They pulled the heavy sandbag along as it was too heavy to carry. j) A police car pulled up outside the Burtons' house. Decide in which of the following sentences the verb run fits correctly. a) I'll run your message to John and see what he thinks. ..incorrect b) Would you like me to run you to the bus station? c) I can't stand all the chlorine in the pool - it makes my eyes run d) Your home address isn't run correctly in our records e) They sometimes run an extra train if they know it's going to be busy. f) It is thought that the total cost will run 50% higher than the estimate. g) Well I'm extremely busy, but, at a run, I might be able to do it for you. h) The run of the matter is, we've decided to get married in August i) My contract still has six months to run j) Karen hasn't decided yet if she wants to run for the Presidency again this year


V O C A B U L A R Y 20



Which word completes each set of collocations or fixed phrases?

a) an instrument ..panel. a .panel. of experts a control ..panel. a b) a a


...panel ballot agent

keep it a meet in the c) take it's out of

of success of the situation

the the d) a

exchange market sheet

a only long for the e) a


zone will tell no see being minder abuse care facilities prodigy

behaving like a 4

Decide which of the following uses of odd are correct.

a) You come across some very odd characters over here. b) Come on Jack, one odd glass of beer before you leave! c) It's odd to think that this time yesterday we were on the other side of the world d) I think this software is odd with my computer e) I'm getting an odd wind about this - it's all very suspicious f) Look I can't wear odd socks - everyone will laugh at me g) The match was mediocre - apart from the odd flash of genius from Lupeto. h) Put your odd finger over the hole as you blow. i) Try not to be so odd with your steps - it's supposed to be a slow dance. j) The question master tells you three things, and you have to say which is the odd one out. 263





Underline the two words which collocate best with the words around the space. Choose from the words in italic at the end of each sentence. a) Please

this receipt, as it means we can identify your

photographs more quickly, (maintain/retain/keep) b) Ok, if you can just still while I take the photograph. (stay/stop/stand) c) The final will be shown here on Channel 3 at 8.30 on Tuesday, (part/programme/series) d) The doctor said I had a e) Her work gives a sense of f) He even had the

skin condition, (mild/weak/slight) to her life, (aim/purpose/direction) to ask me to do his photocopies for him.

(cheek/brain/nerve) g) Thanks to that wretched mosquito, my ankle normal size, (swelled/grew/rose)

to twice its

h) I couldn't stand any more, so I left early, but John stayed to the end. (far/very/bitter) i) Today's not a good day for a meeting. I'm rather (tigh t/pushed/pressed) j) Come on Elly, concentrate on the game; it's your

for time.

(turn/go/take) 6

Replace the words in bold with one word which fits in all three sentences. a) It would require a lot of strength to lift that boulder. I find his views on foreigners very hard to accept. I hope the burglars didn't steal anything valuable. take.. b) Sue has not really been challenged at school this term. The pullover expanded when I washed it. I reached out my arm as far as it would go. c) I intend to leave as early as possible. I nominate Sally Field for the post of Chairperson. I suggest setting up another meeting for next Thursday. d) I hope you've got enough room to work at that desk. There's a large storage area under the stairs. There's a place here for you Emma, if you want to sit down. e) Erica thought for a while and then dropped the ring over the bridge. From that point on, their relationship was never quite the same. At the last minute, they decided to pull out of the competition


These units also revise items from earlier units. 1 Come Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

expectation fortune pressure strike light realise undone world a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)



I'm afraid that Jim's new play didn't come up to The building workers have voted to come out on The government is coming under to change the law. When her uncle died, Susan came into a The truth of the matter came to during the investigation. Oh bother! My shoelaces have come Bring the torch with you. It might come in Ted used to be quite wealthy, but he's come down in the Recently I've come to that you were right all the time. The new traffic regulations come into tomorrow.

2 In Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

advance detention a) b) c) d)

comparison doubt earnest response

practice way



All the pupils who misbehaved have been kept in I'm not joking. I'm speaking in Your rent is, of course, payable in The bus drivers are on strike, and the railway workers have come out in

e) f) g) h)

This city makes London seem quite small in It's a depressing book, but I enjoyed it in a Everyone else is away, so I am in of the office. Theoretically term ends at 4.00 on Friday, but in everyone leaves at lunchtime. i) If in , do not hesitate to contact our representative. j) We decided to show the film again in to public demand.



3 Hand Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory examples (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

She did it single-handedly. ...7. You have to hand it to her She can turn her hand to just about anything Her behaviour was rather high-handed She played right into their hands She's an old hand at this kind of thing At the end they gave her a big hand I think her behaviour is getting out of hand She has managed to keep her hand in She was given a free hand She unsuspectingly gave them an advantage. She took advantage of her position to use her power wrongly. She was allowed to do whatever she wanted. She is becoming uncontrollable. She was applauded loudly. She has practised so as not to lose her skill. She did it on her own. She can learn any skill very easily. She has to be congratulated. She has a lot of past experience.

4 Wood and Metal Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

beam t«4g

pole wand


a) A small bird was carrying a







in its beak back to its nest.

b) The wall was supported by a thick metal c) Wasps had made a hole in the of the old fruit tree. d) A workman pushed the wheelbarrow along a e) The magician waved the and the rabbit vanished. f) We have to replace an old oak g) I use a long piece of bamboo as a fishing h) Our neighbour crashed his car into our gate i) After I left hospital I could only walk with a j) We hoisted the flag to the top of the


which supports the ceiling.


5 Prefix unRewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that it contains a form of the word underlined beginning un-.

a) I don't envy his position. His position unenviable b) Philip flew to New York without the company of his parents. Philip flew to New York c) Margaret has no inhibitions at all. Margaret is completely d) There is no foundation to the rumour that I have been dismissed. The rumour that I have been dismissed e) I just can't bear this heat! For me, this heat f) There's no doubt that Schwartz is the best skier around at the moment. Schwartz is g) The sound of Jenny's voice cannot be mistaken. The sound of Jenny's voice h) There is no justification for your behaviour. Your behaviour is quite i) There is no precedent for such action. Such action j) Ian teaches but has no teaching qualifications. Ian is an

6 Verbs of movement Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.

a) The drunken soldier was marching/staggering/scrambling crazily from one side of the street to the other. b) George suddenly dashed/slunk/rambled into the room waving a telegram. c) Sue found it very difficult to pass/overtake/cross the busy street. d) Passengers who wish to alight/leave/descend at the next station should travel in the front four coaches. e) The runner with the injured foot flashed/limped/trundled across the finishing line. f) Kate spent the morning rambling/strolling/crawling along the sea-front. g) Harry strode/tiptoed/trudged along the landing, trying not to make any noise, h) The road was icy, and I skidded/skated/slipped over. i) I managed to creep/slink/strut up to the burglar before he noticed me. j) After the meal we lounged/loitered/lingered over our coffees for an hour or so.


1 Get Replace the words underlined by using the most appropriate expression from the box.

get you down get your own back got the sack get it straight get hold of get the idea across get up speed get rid of ?et away with murder there's no getting away from it a) b) c) d)

If you're not careful, you're going to be dismissed. Doesn't this gloomy winter weather depress you? ........................ You're going to grow old one day. You can't ignore it Willie treated you really badly. How are you going to take revenge?

e) These trains start very slowly but they soon accelerate f) Ann talks well but she doesn't always communicate what she wants to say. g) The pipes have burst. We must try to find a plumber h) Let's understand each other. I don't want to go out with you! i) Philip is the teacher's favourite. She lets him do whatever he wants. j) I feel awful. I can't seem to shake off this cold. 2 Colour Complete each sentence with a colour, in an appropriate form of the word.

a) When Bill saw my new car he was ..,green. ......... with envy. b) Tina never comes here now. We only see her once in a ....................... moon. c) When the visitors from Japan arrived, the company gave them the ....................... carpet treatment. d) I'm fed-up with this job. I feel completely ....................... off. e) Julie's letter was unexpected. It arrived completely out of the ........................ f) The ....................... -collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop floor were told they had to wait. g) We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town ........................ h) Tony can't be trusted yet with too much responsibility, he's still i) You can talk until you're j) They fell deeper and deeper into the


in the face, but he still won't listen. and then went bankrupt.


3 Common phrases Match each sentence (a-j) with a continuation sentence by the same speaker, (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gosh, it's incredibly hot today. ...6 I'm really terribly sorry about damaging your car. I feel that proof of Smith's guilt has now been established Well, that's the last item we had to discuss Why didn't you phone me at all? It's a good plan, I suppose You may be the office manager The search has gone on now for three days Don't worry about the missing money. Haven't you heard about Gordon and Eileen then? But that doesn't give you the right to speak to me like that. Chances are it's just an administrative error. Beyond a shadow of doubt, in my opinion. For all you know, I might be dead! I thought it was common knowledge. I could really do with a cold drink. As far as it goes, that is. So I think that covers everything. And hope appears to be fading, I'm afraid. All I can say is that it certainly won't happen again.

4 See Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.

better days my way red the light a lot

the last things the funny side

it through

a) I started this project, and I intend to see b) If you ask me, this restaurant has seen

eye to eye

The decor is very old.

c) Well, so much for Jack. I think we've seen

of him for a while.

d) I don't think we really see over this matter, do we? e) Come on, laugh! Can't you see ? f) When Brenda told me I had been dismissed, I saw g) I don't think I can see h) Mark and Ellen have been seeing i) At last! Rob has seen

to lending you the money after all. of each other lately. and come round to my way of thinking.

j) Ghosts! Don't be silly! You're seeing




5 Suffix -ful Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that it contains a form of the word underlined ending in -ft//.

a) Martin did his duty as a son. Martin b) You didn't show much tact, did you? You


c) I think the whole idea is a flight of fancy. I think the whole idea d) We have a relationship which means something. We have e) I have my doubts about this plan. I f) I can only pity his performance, I'm afraid. His performance g) Smoking definitely harms the health. Smoking h) It would be of some use to know what they intend to do. It would be i) Jim doesn't show any respect to his teachers. Jim j) I'm afraid your directions weren't much help. I'm afraid

6 Out Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrase from the box.

of the way of order

on strike and about

of range of my control of breath of all proportion of character

a) I don't spend all my time in the office, I get out ..and about. quite a lot. b) She doesn't usually behave like that. It's completely out c) I wish you'd get out ! I can't get past. d) After running up the stairs I was quite out e) The gunners couldn't fire at the castle because it was out f) This was a small problem which has been exaggerated out g) Don't bother trying the lift, it's out h) The railway workers are out i) I can't do anything, I'm afraid, it's out

again. again.

1 On Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.

loan average my retirement the market a regular basis good terms purpose the premises the verge of its own merits a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Each of the five peace plans will be judged on The company gave me a gold watch on We have decided to employ Diana on from now on. This is easily the best type of outboard motor on This Rembrandt is on to the National Gallery at present. There should be at least five fire extinguishers on Mary has remained on with her ex-husband. Paul's doctor says he is on a nervous breakdown. We serve ten thousand customers on every week. I don't think that was an accident. I think you did that on

2 One Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.

one at a time one by one a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

for one all in one

one another one-time one-way one-off one-sided one in three

You may disagree, but I ..for one think the play is a ghastly failure. The match was a affair, with United dominating throughout. Irene Woods, the singing star, has written her third musical. According to a survey, of all students are unable to pay tuition fees. We are willing to make you a payment of £1,000 as compensation. Not all together please! Can you come out to the front Jim is trainer, coach, manager and driver the weary soldiers fell exhausted along the side of the road. We can't turn left here. It's a street. I wish you kids would stop pushing and start behaving yourselves.



3 Break Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

They have broken down several miles from home. ...9. They worked on without a break They took the corner at breakneck speed They got on well as soon as they broke the ice Their marriage is about to break up They have made a breakthrough at last They broke off at that point There has been a break-in at their house They broke the news to Pauline gently. They broke her heart in the end They have made an important discovery. They have been burgled. They got over their initial shyness. Their message was interrupted. They went on without stopping They made her very unhappy. They are on the verge of separating. They revealed what had happened. They have had trouble with their car. They were going extremely fast.

4 Sounds Underline the most appropriate word or phrase in each sentence.

a) A bee was humming/buzzing/crashing angrily against the window pane, unable to get out. b) The crowd banged/rustled/booed in disagreement as the politician left the platform. c) The bus stopped at the traffic lights with a screech/howl/grind of brakes. d) I had to put some oil on the hinges to stop the door whining/squeaking/whimpering. e) The sack of potatoes fell from the lorry with a heavy crunch/splash/thud. f) The helicopter passed overhead with a grinding/chirping/whirring sound, like a giant insect. g) The mirror fell from the wall with a whoosh/crash/screech. h) Air was escaping from the punctured tyre with a hissing/bubbling/puffing sound. i) The tiny bells on the Christmas tree were clanging/ringing/tinkling in the draught, j) The saucepans fell onto the floor with a great clatter/crunch/ping.



5 Memory Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) This house makes me think of the place where I grew up. reminds This house .reminds me off. the place where I grew up. b) I used to remember things a lot better. memory My it was. c) Please say hello to your mother for me. remember Please to your mother. d) Edward couldn't remember anything about the crash. memory Edward the crash. e) I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name. slipped I'm sorry but my mind. f) Remind me to put the rubbish out. forget Don't put the rubbish out. g) That makes me think of something that happened to me. brings That something that happened to me. h) I can never remember anything. forgetful I am my old age. i) I will never forget seeing Nureyev dance. unforgettable Seeing experience. j) Brenda is very good at memorising phone numbers. by Brenda is very good at


1 Formality Replace each word or phrase underlined with the most appropriate of the more formal words from the box. abandoned scrutinised dismissed beneficial investigated commensurate discrepancy rudimentary inopportune lucrative a) b) c) d) e) f)

George was given the sack yesterday. I am afraid I have only a/an basic knowledge of physics The whole matter is being looked into by the police I'm looking for a job on a level with my abilities The actual voting is carefully watched over by special officers Terry was left somewhere by her parents when she was a baby.

g) I must apologise if I have arrived at a/an bad moment h) There is a/an difference between the sum of money sent, and the sum received i) Carol's new catering business turned out to be very profitable j) I am sure that a month's holiday would be good for you

2 No Complete each phrase in bold with one of the words from the box.

a) It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid you give me no b) By the time the police arrived, there was no of the burglars. c) It's no asking me the way, I'm only a visitor here. d) If you will smoke so much it's no e) f) g) h)

You go home, there's no in both of us waiting. Mind your own business, it is no of yours. As far as we know, the old man has no of support. There is really no what Eric will do next.

i) I couldn't solve the puzzle, no j) At the moment there is no


you have a bad cough.

how hard I tried. of the Prime Minister resigning.





3 Head Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory examples (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I never even thought of it. ...2. I avoid attracting attention I made sure that something had to be decided I'm not a practically minded person I'm involved so far that it's out of my control I don't understand it at all I've gone mad I've let my feelings get out of control I never lose control of my emotions I find it really easy. I always keep my head. It never entered my head. I brought matters to a head. My head is in the clouds. I can't make head or tail of it. I'm in way over my head. I could do it standing on my head. It's completely gone to my head. I'm off my head. I keep my head down.

4 People Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a) I thought that Wendy's action was rather out of personality/character/role. b) Paul was easy to manage when he was crawling, but now he is a youngster/brat/toddler it's a little more difficult. c) Tim has been visiting some distant relatives/family/parents in the country. d) She's not a teenager any more. She looks quite outgrown/overgrown/grown up now. e) I can't understand Keith, he's a strange figure/human/individual. f) Good heavens, it's you, Tom. You are the last person/personality/character I expected to see here. g) Mary later became a figure/being/character of some importance in the academic world. h) With the end of childhood, and the onset of teenage/youth/adolescence young people experience profound changes, i) Do you think that masses/humans/beings will ever be able to live on other planets? j) Jean has a very easy-going reputation/characteristic/personality which is why she is so popular. 275




5 Make Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. point way

effort inquiries

impression difference




a) Don't be silly. What you are saying just doesn't make b) If you made more c) Although the police made found.

, you would succeed. about the missing car, it was never

d) I don't know how much I want. Why don't you make me a/an e) What are you trying to make, exactly? f) You may not care one way or the other, but it makes a

? to me.

g) Jack made ample for his family in his will. h) Well, it's time we started making our home, I think. i) I'm afraid the play didn't make much of a/an

on me.

6 Compound words Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a compound word formed from the two words in bold. Some changes can be made to the words. The word may or may not be hyphenated. a) A girl with fair hair answered the door. b) When we set out on this project, you knew the risks. c) Jack loses his temper after just a short time. d) I am not sure which point of view you are taking on this problem. e) You have to serve yourself in this restaurant. f) We have certainly had some trouble from our neighbours. g) The people upstairs have a child who is five years old. h) I stood on the step outside the door at the back of the house, i) The sight of the waterfall took my breath away.


1 Size - adjectives Decide how many of the words/phrases from the box will go in each sentence.

mere good

bare minor considerable well over widespread




a) The soldiers held out for a while, but in the end were overwhelmed by ...sheer numbers. b) There were ten thousand people shouting outside the parliament building. c) Jack was given a part in the play. He only had one line. d) There were a thousand people at last week's hockey match. e) A number of people have reported seeing a UFO over Exmoor. f) Wendy had a cold, but thought it wouldn't get any worse. g) The company suffered losses after the stock market crash and found it difficult to recover. h) I'm not hurt, it's a scratch, nothing serious. i) We expected a good turn-out for the meeting, but a handful of people turned up. j) There is a belief that the economic situation will improve. 2 Suffixes Complete the word in each sentence with a suitable suffix.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

The customs official was accused of bribe-ry and corruption. This painting has a certain charming child quality. Long leather boots were extremely fashion at one time. A shelf fell on Jim's head and knocked him sense Helen served her apprentice as a reporter on a local paper. The Prime Minister handed in his resign yesterday. The film didn't live up to my expect at all. Every employ will be given an electric badge for entrance and exit purposes. i) Paul doesn't just like to be clean, he is obsessed with clean j) We have no plans to move house for the foresee future.





3 Headlines The headlines (a-j) contain special 'headline words'. Each 'headline word' has a more common equivalent in 1-25. Match 'headline words' with their common equivalents.



disagreement discussions raid confusing news approval revolution prohibition the unemployed investigation Conservatives coalmines criticises arrested number killed remove by force mystery marry again fire the Prime Minister remains public alarm cuts dispute armaments with legal authorit)





4 Body movements Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a) I grabbed/clutched/cuddled the bag of money tightly so no one could steal it. b) Several people came forward to congratulate me and held/grasped/shook me by the hand. c) Pauline was only wearing a thin coat and begin trembling/vibrating/shivering in the cold wind. d) With a violent movement, the boy eased/snatched/dashed the purse from Jane's hand. e) Could you extend/catch/hand me that file on your desk, please? f) The barman began to fold/bundle/clench his fists in a threatening manner so I left. g) If you really lengthen/stretch/expand can you reach that book on the top shelf? h) Please don't lean/curl/tumble against the wall. It dirties the new paint. i) Harry crept/crouched/reclined down behind the desk, trying to hide. i) I can't control this movement. My arm keeps ticking/twitching/revolving like this. What do you recommend doctor? 5 At Rewrite each sentence so that the underlined words are replaced by an expression containing at.

a) Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

c\t oy\£c there. iv#.r # knack. eit th&.door. b) I could see just from looking quickly that Sam was ill. I could see c) The captain is on the ship at the moment, in the middle of the Atlantic. The captain is d) Harry is a very skilful tennis player. Harry is e) I thought this book was rather dull originally, but I've changed my mind. I thought f) A new carpet will cost not less than £500. A new carpet g) Paul shot in the direction of the duck, but missed it. Paul shot h) Brenda ran up the stairs taking three stairs in one step. Brenda ran i) Tim won the 100 metres gold medal when he tried for the second time. Tim won .


1 Set Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

I don't set much store by it. ...7 I've set my mind on it I've had a set-back I'm dead set against her marriage I've set up the meeting for next week I've set the table in the living-room I've got the whole set I set you two exercises for today. It sets my teeth on edge I've set it to turn on at seven

1 2 3 4 5

I've arranged the meal. I am strongly opposed to it. I have operated the timer. I've decided for certain. I have had a reversal of fortune. 6 I've made the arrangements. 7 I don't consider it very important. 81 don't like the bitter taste. 9 I have a complete collection. 10 I gave you some homework.

2 Places Decide how many of the words from the box will go in each sentence.

post point

location plot

site position





a) The missing girl's exact ..whereabout is still uncertain. b) The sculpture cannot be appreciated unless you stand in the right c) Don't go to that part of town. It is a well-known of muggers. d) The film was made on in West Africa. e) There is an empty opposite the church where a school could be built. f) The precise of the ancient temple is a matter of scholarly dispute. g) We had our picnic at a local beauty h) The where these two lines meet gives us our position on the map. i) The for our next concert has been changed to Wembley Stadium, j) Helen was the first past the winning 280





3 Words with more than one meaning In each sentence replace the words underlined by one of the words from the box.

sound a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)










We tied the boat securely to the tree, and went for a walk. .fast..... I only take the absolute essentials with me when I go camping The sales campaign is exactly on target so far Did you know that Bob and Tina manage the local pub The robbers got completely away from the police in a sports car I'd like my steak underdone, please Mr Jones erected a memorial to his recently dead wife Don't touch that wire. It's carrying an electric current. He dropped my drink and I dropped his, so now we are equal. I think that the idea of investing the money is very reliable advice

4 Speaking Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a) The accused sat silently throughout the proceedings and did not emit/pronounce/utter a word. b) I forgot to announce/mention/narrate earlier that I'll be home late this evening. c) We were just having a friendly gossip/chat/whisper about football. d) I'm sorry to cut/butt/rush in but did you happen to mention the name 'Fiona'? e) The police officer addressed/argued/lectured the children for ten minutes about the dangers of throwing stones, but then let them off with a warning. f) John was muttering/whispering/swallowing something under his breath, but I didn't catch what he said. g) It is difficult for me to speak/tell/say exactly what I mean in a foreign language. h) The two people involved in the accident were both pronounced/defined/stated dead on arrival at Kingham Hospital, i) My boss didn't say it in so many words, but she clarified/'declared/implied that I would get a promotion before the end of the year, j) After we saw the film, we stayed up half the night disputing/arguing/criticising.



5 Within Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

the law enquire





the hour


a) The police promised to do everything within their ..f.Q.YrQC. b) The notice on the door said ' c) Provided you live within your d) As long as we stay within

to help us.

within.' , you won't get into debt. , we won't have any legal problems.

e) There are several shops within easy of the house. f) The ship sank when it was within of land. g) You can have anything you want for your birthday, within h) Hurry up! The president will be here within 6 Suffix -ing Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a word ending -ing formed from the word given in capitals.

a) There was a very strong smell coming from the lab. b) Oh dear, we don't seem to have understood each other. c) I was really frightened by that horror film.


d) The root cause of the problem is an economic one.


e) Building the hydro-electric dam is of supreme importance.


f) The plane appears to be breaking up in mid-air.


g) The operation will not leave you with an ugly scar.


h) The government is intent on basing the country's economy on industry.


i) They will be cutting off the electricity in the morning.


j) I think you are making this problem seem simpler than it is. SIMPLE


1 By Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.

a) This video-recorder is brilliant; it's by this price.

the best available at

b) By , I should give you a parking-ticket, but I'll let you off this time. c) Please wait out here, and the doctor will be with you by d) It is by certain that the bill will become law. e) We met the other day at the supermarket by f) There was not total agreement, but by

the members agreed

that the new rules were necessary. g) I don't really like going to the cinema all by h) By , are you coming to the office party next week? i) By

wait here if you have got nowhere else to wait.

j) By

I got back to the bus-stop, the bus had already passed.

2 Other uses for names of parts of the body Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.











a) My football team won the first ..leg ................ of the two-match tie. b) You can't fool me, I'm an old ....................... at this game! c) The hotel lies in the ....................... of the English countryside. d) Absolutely right! You've hit the nail right on the ........................ e) The trouble with paperback books is that the ....................... often breaks. f) I sat on the ....................... of the chair because there was nowhere else to sit. g) The village lay at the ....................... of the mountain beside the lake. h) You've got a lot of ....................... to speak to me like that! i) We didn't have a corkscrew so we broke the ....................... of the bottle. j) We packed all our clothes into a strong ....................... and sent it by rail.



3 Adjective-noun collocations Complete each sentence with one of the adjectives from the box.

a) Jenny was the

survivor of the air crash in the Brazilian jungle.

b) The island has only a population of less than a thousand. c) Terry's old car is a joke among the people at her office. d) It is knowledge that the director has applied for another job. e) The management bears a f) The college expects a g) Janet has a

responsibility for this strike. standard of behaviour from its students. grasp of theoretical nuclear physics.

h) The victim was hit on the head from behind with a object. i) Buying the shares was a risk, but luckily it came off. j) There has been a

increase in the number of unemployed.

4 Have Rewrite each sentence so that it contains an expression which includes the verb have in an appropriate form.

a) There are still a few days until the end of our holiday. We still . b) Old Mrs Jones can't climb stairs very easily. Old Mrs Jones c) I don't want to hear you complaining any more! I've d) I do not intend to call the police. I've e) I don't wish to be a nuisance. I f) I really don't know where we are. I g) Give me the spanner and I'll try to do it. Here, let me h) I don't recollect posting the letter. I i) I went to the hairdresser's this afternoon. I

of our holiday. climbing stairs. your complaining! calling the police. to be a nuisance. where we are.

, I'm very good with a spanner. posting the letter. this afternoon.

j) There's a rumour going around that a new Director is going to be appointed. Rumour a new Director is going to be appointed.


5 Verbs of seeing Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a) She noticed/watched/eyed her daughter's boyfriend up and down, and then asked him in. b) Jack stared/glimpsed/glanced at the map for a while, unable to believe his eyes. c) Would you like to regard/observe/view the house that is for sale this afternoon? d) Police faced/gazed/spotted the wanted man in the crowd outside a football ground. e) I checked/glanced/faced at my watch. It was already well after three. f) The burglar turned to view/regard/face me and said, 'Don't you recognise me?' g) I only beheld/witnessed/noticed we were running low on petrol after we had passed the last filling station. h) Tony was noticing/glimpsing/scanning the page, looking for his name in print, i) I only peered/glimpsed/squinted the Queen from a distance before her car drove away, j) Sally was sitting by the sea, glandng/gazing/fadng at the shape of the distant island.

6 Do Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

He'll do you a favour. ..3. It does him credit He's having a do He just won't do He was doing over a hundred. . He does go on He'll make do He likes do-it-yourself He won't do you any harm He could do with one

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

He is unsatisfactory for the job. The dog is quite safe. He will help you. He can manage, don't worry. He talks all the time. He needs one of those. It's his party on Saturday. His hobby is fixing his own house. It shows how good he is. He was driving extremely fast.


1 Collocations: nouns linked by of Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

matter slip fact term







a) As people get older they often suffer from this kind of ..W$.s.£-. of memory. b) No, I don't think he's weird. As a matter of , I'm rather attracted to him. c) The two headers had a

of opinion over the right course of

action. d) e) f) g)

She said that her use of the word 'Baldy' was a of endearment. The of failure in this case will be the loss of 2,000 jobs. The authorities have had to turn down our of help. As far as I am concerned, the meeting was a of time.

h) I feel that we should treat this as a of importance. i) Our neighbours claim that this footpath is a public of way. j) I'm sorry I said that, it was just a

of the tongue.

2 Size and amount Underline the option that best completes the collocation.

a) The results of the two experiments varied only by a negligible/petty amount. b) You can travel from one end of the park to the other on a minute/miniature railway. c) It's a smallish town, but it has a sizeable/middling park near the centre. d) The cost of building a tunnel under the Atlantic would be vast/astronomical. e) Chorton is a medium/standard-sized city in the west of the country. f) Travel to other planets involves covering vast/monstrous distances. g) It's a small flat with rooms of medium/neutral size. h) We have made a considerable/plentiful amount of progress towards negotiating a cease-fire. i) One has to admire the minute/tiny attention to detail in Rodin's paintings, j) You could make reasonable/substantial savings by transferring your bank account to us, Mr Jones.




3 Bring Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

She couldn't bring herself to do it. ...6 This brought her quite a lot She brought all her powers to bear on it It brought her to her knees It brought it home to her Eventually she was brought to book It brought it all back to her She brought the house down She brought him into the world She brought it about It nearly defeated her. She was punished. She did everything she could to find a solution. She gave birth to him. She remembered. She couldn't bear the idea. She made it happen. She was applauded enthusiastically. It fetched a good price. It made her realise.

4 Feelings Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a) I didn't go to the party as I felt a bit under the water/clouds/weather. b) When he called me those names I just went/took/saw red and hit him. c) Peter agreed reluctantly to sign the form but looked extremely ill-atease/heart/soul. d) When I saw the door begin to open I was scared out of my bones/wits/blood. e) I feel very nervous; I've got birds/butterflies/bees in my stomach. f) You look rather out of order/tune/sorts. Why don't you see a doctor? g) When Diane told me I was going to become Manager I was pleased as powder/pigs/punch. h) Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the sleeves/collar/shirt. i) When Sally told me she was my lost sister I was completely taken aback/awash/aware. j) Sam is a happy-over-heels/go-lucky/may-care kind of person, and worries about nothing.


5 WellComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) Carol reads a lot and is extremely wellabout the world. b) Her attempts to help were wellbut rather ineffective. c) You would be wellto take out travel insurance before you leave. d) 'Let's go for it' is becoming a rather wellexpression. e) Ann doesn't spend much on clothes but is always wellf) Peter brought the meeting to an end with a few wellwords. g) The rumour about Sarah's engagement turned out to be wellh) We found the climb up the cliff to the castle wellimpossible. i) I prefer my steak well, please. I can't stand the sight of blood. j) Harry lives in a large house in a wellneighbourhood. 6 From Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) b) c) d)

What I am saying to you now comes truly from the George can repeat whole pages of books from The houses are so much alike that we couldn't tell one from We decided to abandon all the work we had done and start again from

e) Two members of the expedition died from f) She was dressed completely in white from to foot. g) From on, we're going to study really hard and make sure we pass the exams. h) From on, the price of petrol is rising by ten per cent. i) I think he will feel much more relaxed once he is away from j) From Carol's you wouldn't guess that she was over fifty.


1 Adverbs Decide how many of the words from the box will go into each sentence.

extensively considerably

broadly largely practically invariably effectively literally relatively


a) The music from the four loudspeakers was .literally deafening. b) The factory is now given over to the manufacture of spare parts. c) It has been d) The weather

rumoured that Mr Murwell is about to be arrested. changes for the worse whenever we go on

holiday. e)

speaking, I would agree with Jane Bowling, though not entirely.

f) The decorating is ready soon. g) The theatre was close.

finished, and we should have everything damaged in the explosion and will have to

h) We thought that this year's exam paper was


i) Her career ended after her injury, although she did play again. j) The government will be encouraged by these latest figures. 2 Expressions with think Complete each sentence with a word formed from think or thought. a) Russell was one of the greatest ...thinkers... of the century. b) How kind of you. That was very c) We cannot possibly surrender. The idea is d) I don't like that idea. It doesn't bear


e) You might have phoned to say you'd be late. It was a bit f) This plan won't work. We'll have to the whole idea. g) Thanks for sending a card. It was a very kind h) I'm having second about marrying Gavin. i) Jack is very generous, and very j) I wasn't paying attention and

brought us some champagne. I threw the receipt away.



3 Give Rewrite each sentence so that it contains an expression including the verb give in an appropriate form.

a) Why don't you phone me tomorrow?







b) Can you assure me that the money will be paid? Can you

? ?

c) What makes you think you can just come in here like that? What d) You really make my neck hurt! You e) All right, officer, I'll come quietly.


All right officer, f) How much did that car cost you? How much



g) The old wooden floor collapsed under their weight. The old wooden floor h) If you want to leave this job, you have to tell us two weeks in advance. If you want i) I'd rather have old-fashioned dance music any day. Give j) Julia had a baby last week. Julia 4 Modifiers Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


It is by no means/without doubt certain whether the plan will go ahead. To all intents and reasons/purposes the matter has been settled. The minister has, in a form/manner of speaking, resigned. There has hardly/apparently been no sighting of the ship for a week or more. As a matter of coincidence/fact I bought my fridge at the same shop. Some people truthfully/actually still believe that the Earth is flat. The plan is a very good one, as far as it goes/seems. The police are in some ways/more or less certain who the culprit is. In some aspects/respects it was one of the cleverest crimes of the century, The work is beyond the shadow of a suspicion/doubt one of the best she has written.



5 Words with more than one meaning Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

blow post a) b) c) d)

drop set







We have been seeing a good of each other lately. I don't want too much milk in my tea, just a will do. I managed to keep the cold at by drinking lemon juice. We decided to buy them a of cutlery as a wedding present.

e) The victim was killed by a

to the back of the head.

f) More than a hundred people applied for this g) My watch needs to be repaired. The hour

has fallen off.

h) After you cross the mountains you come to a wide i) Fifty metres from the end Carol put on a first place, j) Sam was secretary and so he took down the

of speed and took of the meeting.

6 But Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

We couldn't help but lose our way. ...6 But for you we would have lost our way. Everyone but us lost their way. We tried, but we lost our way. You have but to ask, and you won't lose your way. But for losing our way, we would have found you We had nothing but trouble and lost our way. We've done everything but lose our way. We all but lost our way. Nothing but losing our way would have stopped us We had a lot of problems. We managed not to. That is the only thing which would have prevented us coming. It happened despite our efforts. We haven't lost our way yet, though we have had other problems. It was bound to happen. If it hadn't happened, that is. It nearly happened. Thanks for your help. If you get some advice everything will be all right.


1 Put Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.



a) The real culprits managed to put the ..blame on us. b) When I asked her if she was Phil's mother, I realised I had put my in it. c) In Saturday's violent storm, the new sea defences were put to the d) When the policeman saw the boys fighting, he soon put a to it. e) After the second attack, the troops were easily put to f) We've found a new house and so we have put this one on the g) Having to repair the car put us to considerable h) When the proposal was put to the , it was passed easily. i) The sick man was examined by the nurse and then put to j) Carol soon put the candidate at by chatting about the weather. 2 Run Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

luck pound house a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)








Peter has been on the run from the ..police for three months. In the second half the team ran and scored five goals. During the recent financial crisis there was a run on the Do you think you could just run your over this for me? Having a good singing voice runs in the I would have won easily but I had a run of bad They gave us the complete run of the while they were away. You can't really complain, you've had a good run for your After recent pay cuts and redundancies, among the work force is running high, j) The had an extremely long run in the West End.





3 Prefix underRewrite each sentence so that it contains a word beginning under-.

a) We thought our opponents were worse than they actually were. b) Fiona is having treatment for a back condition. c) There are not enough people working in this hotel. d) Harry's father arranges funerals. e) The shop didn't ask me for enough money. f) I managed to hide in the grass and bushes. g) Edward got his promotion in a rather dishonest fashion, h) The children had clearly not been fed properly. i) The wheels of the plane fell off as it was about to land. j) We have not yet discovered the cause which explains the accident.

4 Names Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a) b) c) d)

What does your middle letter'/initial/name stand for? I'd rather not be called Miss or Mrs, so please call me Mr/Messrs/Ms. Her first book was published under a homonym/synonym/pseudonym. Many people think that prefixes/addresses/titles such as Lord or Sir, are out of date. e) People are often surprised that the British do not carry identity/identifying/identification cards. f) Her married name is Dawson, but Graham is her virgin/spinster/maiden name. g) At school we gave all our teachers namesakes/nicknames/pen-names. We called the maths teacher 'Fido'. h) William Bonney, versus/ergo/alias Billy The Kid, was a famous Wild West gunman. i) It's a small black dog and belongs/obeys/answers to the name of 'Emily', j) I entitle/register/name this ship Titanic'. May God bless all who sail in her.



5 Call Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

question halt blame close







a) The children were calling each other ..names. ........ in the playground. b) The police called a ....................... to the investigation after they found the letter. c) I found a call ....................... , but I didn't have the right change. d) David studied the law for ten years before being called to the ...................... e) After the loss of our supplies, the whole expedition was called into f) That was a ....................... call! We nearly hit that lamp-post! g) Well, I must be going ........................ calls, I'm afraid. h) This kind of weather calls to ....................... the severe winter of 1946-47. i) Don't feel guilty. You have no call to ....................... yourself. j) I would like to call your ....................... to something you may have overlooked. 6 Verbs with up Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.











a) I didn't expect anyone to ...take ............ up such an unsatisfactory offer. b) Whoever it was on the phone decided to ....................... up when I answered. c) A journalist managed to ....................... up some interesting facts about John. d) If you're not careful, you'll ....................... up paying twice as much. e) When they find out who has managed to ....................... up, there will be trouble! f) g) h) i)

The Russian expedition is hoping to ....................... up with the Americans. Of course it's not true! He managed to ....................... up the whole thing. If you ....................... up the figures again, I think you'll find I'm right. Why don't you ....................... up! Things could be worse!

j) The company was not doing well so we decided to ....................... up.


Adjectives 87 Adjective-noun collocations 284 Adverbs 73, 87, 289 Article - definite 104 Article - indefinite 106 Article - zero use 105, 106 As - inversion 79 As if 55 As long as 47 As though 55 At 279 Barely - inversion 78 Be about to 8 Be bound to 67 Be due to 8 Be on the point of 8 Body movements 279 Break 144, 272 Bring 33, 144, 287 Business and money 215 But for 43 But 291 By 33, 41, 138, 139, 283 Call 144, 294 Can - capability 66 Can - criticism 66 Can't-certainty 66 Can't have - certainty 73 Causative have 40 Changes of viewpoint - time, place, person 99 Cleft sentences 85 Collocations: noun of noun 286 Collocations: adjective-noun 284 Colour idioms 268 Come 145, 265 Come what may 55 Common phrases 269 Compound words 276 Conditional sentences 46-48, 55, 67, 97 Conditi&nal sentences without if 47, 79 Conditional sentences - colloquial omission of if 48 Could - past ability 72 Could - past permission 72 Could - possibility, uncertainty 65 Could - suggestions 66 Could - unwillingness 66 Could have - past possibility and uncertainty 72 Could have - with comparative adjectives 72

Defining and non-defining clauses 111-113 Didn't have to 72 Didn't need to - compared with needn't have 73 Do 87, 285 Don't have to 65 Don't think 97 Easily 73 Education 254 Emphasis - changing word order 85 Emphasis 85-87 Entertainment 227 Even if 47 Event verbs 1 Expressions with parts of the body 283 Feelings 287 Fixed arrangements 7, 8 Formality 41, 274 From 132, 138, 288 Fronting 85 Future continuous 7 Future perfect 7 Future time clauses 8 Gerund - see -ing 118-120 Get something done 40 Get 40, 146, 268 Give 150, 290 Going to 7 Government and society 231 Had beginning conditional sentences 79 Had better 67 Had to 72 Hand 266 Happen to in conditional sentences 47 Hardly - inversion 78 Have something done 40 Have 150, 151, 284 Head 275 Headlines 278 Health and the body 235 Historic present 2 Hope 8, 54 I'd prefer 54, 55 I'd rather 54 I'd sooner 54 //"and adjectives 48 If it hadn't been for 47 If it were not for 47 If meaning although 48

If not 48 If only 46 If so 48 I f - sentences 46 Imagine 55, 119 In 265 Indeed 86 Instructions 2 Intentions and plans 7 Inversion - after negative adverbials 78 Inversion - conditional sentences 79 Inversion 78, 85 Is to be 8 It is strange that you should be 65 It was strange that you should have 72 It's high time 54 It's time 54 Itineraries 2

fust 8, 21, 73 Leisure activities 188 Little - inversion 79 Make -41, 121, 151, 152, 276 May possibility and uncertainty 66 May as well 66 May clauses 55, 66, 85 May have - possibility and uncertainty 73 May have and might have - annoyance 73 Media and advertising 204 Memory 273 Might - possibility and uncertainty 66 Might as well 66 Might have - possibility and uncertainty 73 Modifiers 290 Must - certainty 66 Must have - certainty 73 Must not 65 Names 293 Natural word 208 Need - modal and non-modal 67, 86 Need doing 40 Needn't have - compared with didn't need to 73 Neither - inversion 79 Never - inversion 78 News events 196 No 274 No/not 79 No/not - emphasising negatives 86 No sooner 78



Non-finite clauses 113 Nor - inversion 79 Nouns linked by of 286 Obviously 73 Omitting the relative pronoun 112 On 271 Once 278 One 271 Only - inversion 78 Only if 78 Otherwise 47 Ought to 65 Ought to have 72 Out 270 Own 86 Passive get 40 Passive - common contexts 41 Passive voice 33 Past continuous 14, 41 Past perfect continuous 14, 15 Past perfect simple 14, 46, 47, 78 Past simple 14, 22, 46 People and relationships 219 People 275 Phrasal verbs 144, 150, 156 Places 200, 280 Plurals 173 Possessive pronoun - starting a sentence 87 Predictive future 7 Prefix un- 267 Prefix under- 293 Prefix well- 288 Prefixes 258-259 Preposition - ending a sentence 41, 112 Prepositional phrases 85 Prepositions following adjectives 138 Prepositions following nouns 131 Present continuous 1, 2 Present continuous, future use 7 Present perfect continuous 21, 22 Present perfect simple 8, 21, 22 Present perfect - future reference 8 Present simple 1, 2 Present simple - future reference 8 Provided 47 Pseudo cleft sentences 85 Punctuation 172 Put 292 Quality and quantity 250 Question words ending -ever 87 Rarely - inversion 78 Really 73 Relative clauses 111 Repetition of main verb 87 Reported speech 97 Reported speech - changes of viewpoint 99


Reported speech - past tenses 97 Reported speech - with conditionals 97 Reported speech - with modals 97 Reporting verbs - passive 40 Reporting verbs 98 Reporting verbs as actions 99 Reporting verbs as functions 99 Run 292

Transitive and intransitive 33 Travel and movement 192 Try as I might 66

Scarcely - inversion 78 See 269 Seldom - inversion 78 Sentences beginning with what clauses 86 Set 280 Shall - certainty 66 Shall 8, 60 Should - beginning conditional sentences 79 Should - conditional sentences 46, 47, 55 Should - instead of subjunctive 55, 98 Should 65, 72, 97 Should have - and verbs of thinking 72 Should have - criticism of an action 72 Should have - politeness 72 Should have - expectation 72 Size 277, 286 So - inversion 79 So 87 So happens 120 So long as 47 So ... that - inversion 79 Social problems 223 Sounds 272 Speaking 281 Spelling - common mis-spelling 172 State verbs 1, 2, 21 Subjunctive 55, 98 Subjunctive with insist, demand 55 Subjunctive - formulaic 55 Such ... that - inversion 79 Suffix -ful 270 Suffix -ing 282 Suffixes 258-261, 277 Suggest, require 55 Suppose 55 Supposing 47 Surely 73

Verbs followed by -ing 118-120 Verbs followed by infinitive 118-120 Verbs followed by prepositions 131 Verbs of movement 267 Verbs of seeing 285 Verbs of thinking 8 Verbs with prepositions - ending sentences 41, 112 Very 86

Technology 247 Text organisers 167 That 99, 111 Thinking and feeling 243 Think or thought 289 Time expressions - with present perfect 22, 78 Time phrases 85, 87

Under- 293 Unless 47 Unreal tenses 48 Up - multi-word verbs 294 Used to 15

Was about to 15 Was and were - unreal tenses 46 Was going to 15 Was thinking of 15 Was to have done 15 Well 73 Were - beginning conditional sentences 79 Were to - in conditional sentences 47 What 86, 112 Whatever 78, 112 When 112 Where 112 Which I I I , 112 Who 111, 112 Whom 111 Whose I I I Will 1 Will - assumption 7, 66 Will - intention 67 Will - meaning refuse and insist 67 Will - politeness and emphasis 47 Will - immediate decision 7 Will - predictive future Wish 54 Wish and hope 54 Wish with would 54 With 41 Within 282 Wonder with past tenses 15 Wood and metal 266 Word formation 258 Words with more than one meaning 262, 281, 291 Work 211 World issues 239 Would - annoying habit 54 Would - past habits 15 Would have - assumptions 73 Would have - non-occurring past events 46, 73 Would not - unwillingness 73

Every effort has been made to make the answer key as all-inclusive as possible. Where students provide their own answers, the full form of the verb has been put in the answer key, e.g. would not. However, the contraction would be equally acceptable, e.g. wouldn't.

Grammar 1 i a) I'm thinking about it.


b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

I hope I visit It's getting I recognise It lasts do you do doesn't fit happens are you looking

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

all the time currently these days now Normally now at present until forever now

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)





1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) H)

are drinking am depending are forever interrupting do you think want is handling doubt are you getting on is just being know spend am thinking Take runs is going out seem knows fancies happen dislikes



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

see have give let go go see be be come

15) realised 16) had broken 17) caught 18) were not expecting/did not expect 19) had gone 20) spent 5

1) a 2) f 3) g

Grammar 3 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) D

did you notice were shouting did you use to travel were dancing hadn't eaten called in was staring had decided was trying didn't realise

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Once before as until whenever at the time later in his day the moment by






a) was going to b) me more pudding I said I had had c) to have sung the solo d) did not use to be so/that e) were intending to go to Rome but f) used to cycle to work every g) was wondering about h) was passing your house i) the time the bus (finally) arrived there were j) the explosion occurred a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

both was waiting would always have both used to own didn't mean both, but ate is colloquial in this context. h) both 1) both j) didn't always use to look

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

would use could was the wondering before about Seeing/Noticing took got who had had was

a) was stealing, felt b) phoned, was washing c) offered, had had d) was watching, took, put e) did not realise, had left, started f) disliked, was always picking/always picked g) found, knew, had gone h) found out, had been writing/had written, had been opening

i) j)

did not understand, was going on, were shouting/shouted, waved knew, had/had not done, received

Grammar 4 1

a) b) c) d) e) f)

has been stealing have you been doing, left didn't you tell, tripped saw, has he been doing have eaten, only brought haven't seen, has been waiting g) did you think, Did you stay h) have been weeding, haven't rested i) has been calling, telling j) have you been having, have you taken a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


5, 8 9 2, 8 10 3 7, 8, 9 1 2, 3, 6, 8 8 4

a) haven't noticed, have not been paying b) have not come/have not been coming c) have been working d) has reached, left e) has announced, escaped, have given themselves up f) Have you made up, have you decided g) left, have not heard h) has shown, did not discover, landed i) have become/are becoming, have improved/have been improving j) Has something happened, have been trying k) got, has been complaining a) have lived here/in this house b) have never eaten Chinese food c) the first time Tony has been d) ages since we went/we have been e) has been learning French for


have written ten pages been married for more h) seen Dick since i) your work has definitely i) second time I have visited f) g)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)




1) moved 2) have been wondering 3) made 4) have seen 5) has made 6) grew up 7) (have) spent 8) always wanted/have always wanted 9) offered 10) jumped H) have just heard 12) have stopped 13) have chosen/have been choosing 14) have already sold 15) have secretly been hoping a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

since lately already for years now since then so far at last ever since yet

a) b) c) d) e)

4 1 9



has risen You have been eating I've been reading I've put I've been counting Have you taken them? has been wearing It's been making has asked I've been phoning

1 3 f) 8 g) 5 h) 10 i) 2 j) 6




a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

correct rented, went correct correct explored, went built correct finds tastes really


Grammar 6

a) have not been packed b) is still being prepared c) will be launched/is being launched d) had not been sold e) was being decorated f) has been cancelled/is cancelled g) will have been sold/will be sold h) are served i) was scored j) was built


a) b) c) d) e) f)

have been broken into was being rebuilt correct being interrupted was given/has been given had/has disappeared/ disappeared g) correct h) has been decided


a) by a thief b) by the authorities c) by someone standing next to him e) by someone f) by the selectors g) by post i) by everyone j) by one of the delegates


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


a) has been seen, was found b) is being/is going to be delivered, has not been/was not damaged c) is (being) sold, is fitted d) have been working, is being redecorated e) has been announced, will now not be built f) has been discovered, is thought g) were received, was launched h) was raised, has still not been reached i) will be made, have been interviewed


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

was slowly being filled was invented/has been has been suggested was advised to will be brought (to you) was opened with has been dealt with was announced • was ever heard of was paid to The phone was left off the hook all night. It has been announced that petrol prices will rise tomorrow. Our house was broken into last week. I was asked the way three times. The apples are picked early in the morning. It's time something was done about this problem. Lots of cars had been parked on the pavement. The government agreed with the report and so the law was changed. An application form has to be filled in. It is not known what happened to the ship.


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


Unfortunately your letter has been mislaid. Harry is being questioned at the police station. The remains of an old Roman villa have been discovered nearby. After six months your salary will be raised. The match was abandoned after half an hour. Traffic was banned from (using) the centre. Chris was prosecuted for dangerous driving. This fish is usually served with a white sauce. We have not been introduced.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

have been selected answered was entered has chosen are invited is made have been offered are asked are interested detach

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

has been decided elapses/has elapsed will be consulted will be sought will be collected is made will/should be adopted will/may be extended are/will be required is hoped

Grammar 7 a


Different. Same would be: I've just had my hair cut. b) Different. Same would be: We are having our house painted. Same d) Same e ) Same 0 Different. Same would be: I'll have this wrapped for you/I'll have someone wrap this for you. Same. n ) Different. Same would be: We're having a new waterheater put in next week. i) Same j) Different. Same would be: We had the wiring checked by a qualified electrician.


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)



with by in by with by by with with with




a) is thought to date b) need to get your hair c) is being made to study hard by d) appears not to have sustained e) are thought to have been repairing f) is rumoured to be g) been agreed that we will h) decided that we would i) confirmed that Mr Jackson intends j) not to be a viable solution a) b) c)

d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 5


Our company has been taken over. Your complaint is being dealt with. Not all the missing passengers have been accounted for./The missing passengers have not all been accounted for. The lock of the front door had been tampered with. We don't know how the body was disposed of. I must insist that the rules are kept to. This allegation is being looked into. Any attempts to cheat in the exam will be frowned upon. The youngest student complained that he was being picked on. In her husband's will Ann was well provided for.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) j)

with in in/with with with by by with in with

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

is known to have experienced is thought to have been is not known was seen was brought was obliged to are believed to have been was packed were made to are thought to be

7 It is not known exactly when gunpowder was invented. It is known for a fact that rockets and fireworks were made by the Chinese long before gunpowder was used in Europe, which occurred at about the beginning of the thirteenth century. It is generally believed that the 'Age of Chivalry' was brought to an end by gunpowder, since a mounted knight could be brought down by anyone with a firearm. In fact, efficient firearms were not developed until the sixteenth century. When it was first introduced, gunpowder was used mainly in siege cannon. Later it was used in engineering work and mining, but it was found to be extremely dangerous. Gunpowder has now been replaced by modern explosives, but it is still used for making fireworks, just as it was by the Chinese. Grammar 8 1


a) had written down, would not have happened b) lived, would be c) do not punish, will only commit d) had not been/were not/was not, would be e) had, would lend f) touch, won't bite g) had, were h) decide, calls i) had not missed, would have been killed j) have finished, I will clear away a) possible b) not possible (could be: If it wasn't for David, we would have missed the bus) c) possible d) not possible (could be: If you hadn't lent us the money ...) e) possible f) possible g) possible h) not possible (could be: If I had known you were coming ...)


not possible (could be: But for your help ...) j) possible 1) b 2) a

5) b

3) c

7) a



4) a 4

a) to say I b) had not rained/had not been raining c) would not have said d) could not have done it e) would have had f) Unless you pay/If you do not pay g) had not had h) I would not touch them j) it was not/were not for/it had not been for







We'll go away unless the weather is bad./We won't go away unless the weather improves. We will only go away if the weather improves. We will stay at home if the weather is bad. If you do not hurry up you will be late. Hurry up, or you will be late. If you do not want to be late, hurry up. If they were to offer you the job, would you accept? If they should offer you the job, would you accept? If they happened to offer you the job, would you accept? If it had not been for your help, I would have given up years ago. But for your help, I would have given up years ago. If you had not helped (me), I would have given up years ago. I'll lend you the money, provided (that) you pay it back next week. I'll lend you the money, as long as you pay it back next week. I'll only lend you the money if you pay it back next week.




1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 1)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

condition do in Unless find/land unable but have not have had had the money I would have bought happen to be in London will do everything yourself will (just) take a seat do the shopping and for Pauline's interest been for the nightwatchman, the fire would have be in prison if a detective had not was/were (a bit) taller I could/would be able to was/were not for Helen's wonderful acting will (still) win, even if I get up early it remind fail/are unable will leave unless will take Should Providing/Provided are/will be necessary may

put some soap in the bathroom g) be a bit more romantic 3



Grammar 9 1



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

hope hope wish wish wish hope wish hope hope wish

put your things away take/show more interest in your school work c) speak more languages d) afford to buy a car e) get/buy (some) more chess books

3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

didn't watch started had spent owned/owns did/would not keep left had gone/had not gone sat/did not sit (should) be was/were going/could go

a) / wish I had bought that old house. b) I'd rather you didn't eat all the bread. c) It's time I went. d) I wish I owned a motorbike. e) I wish we were not leaving in the morning. f) Sue would rather read than watch television. g) Come what may, I'll be on your side. h) I hope it (will) stop(s) raining/I wish it would stop raining. i) I'd prefer you not to wait/I'd rather you didn't wait./I'd prefer it if you didn't wait. j) I wish I had not listened to you before. a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

wish you had gone time I was going/went prefer not to acts as if/though he knows wish I could a pity I sold would be better if you didn't h) insisted on our wearing/that we wear i) wish you would stop j) wish I was/were sitting


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) j)


1) be 2) had

a) b)

would stop did not turn/switch on I paid/gave you (back) you do not/won't had gone/could go essential/imperative that started made/got/prepared/cooked was/went not to

enjoy didn't use/pitch were not cannot could come/came may

Grammar 10 1

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

was revealed are employed is being transferred are expected were we not informed were only told started are affected knew been made has been made questioned were not told/had not been told 14) was promised/had been promised 15) (had) decided


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

gets having/taking by gave only Even did/does But would happened/were/decided

thought to have been was being bent being interrogated about help I won't be able if the salary is doubled wish you were going you were to find the money which has h) was banned from playing i) you will come this way j) is being helped by the discovery of




h) i) j)

could have given to leave might have left did not have to wear

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

could should couldn't could/might/should should/could might/could should/must could not should not would/should

a) e) f) g) h)

can't could/might have won should/could have told need not have gone should not have been could/might have been


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

obviously easily well really simply just Surely simply still well can't have would have should have might/could have must have need not have might/may/could have might have could have might/should have


b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 3



Grammar 13 1


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Hardly had Under no circumstances are Little did Were you as did Rarely have Not only did Under no circumstances will No sooner had Rarely have



the office phoned me did I find out later were the facts was the response did Harry break his leg but he did the police suspect the judge no way can the bus driver be held the government to raise had I got home than I asked a passer-by, did I realise had the minister started his speech when


inappropriate - too formal in everyday conversation d) inappropriate - too formal when talking to a child e) inappropriate - too formal when talking to a friend about this topic. h) inappropriate - too formal for everyday speech a) you need b) to have taken off c) I studied d) you be e) you gone f) has/had she spent g) you feel h) we to offer 1) you/we/they/the government taken j) had we got a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

he would never did I remember when was I was I aware passed Pete has arrived than No sooner Seldom along Not only Little Scarcely Such Had under no circumstances as

a) am I (ever) to be interrupted b) has anyone from this school c) was so great d) no circumstances is the money e) three days had passed, did we arrive f) had no idea g) when I stopped did I realise h) no time did the accused express i) exhausted were the runners that none j) do we see/does one see

Grammar 14 1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

own So do means What searched Where did


All least


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

do think by no means none at all time and time again the least bit as it may seem what we did waited and waited not at all can't have been


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

the car needs is least bit worried was Keith who absolutely no money left though it may seem cannot stand is did was go must have been a ghost that was the very last car carelessness caused the accident to

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

not at all utter because So I am! even Whatever quite very own do expect nothing whatsoever





A C C A B A C B A 9 7 5 2 10 1 8 6 3

1) at utter

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)


b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)



whatever All

again as



Rarely/Never/Seldom may might/could/should until What must very Little bound


it had really/quite needs/needed as the very when down



should can must had might should had could need/would can would might/could/may should ought/need


b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Grammar 16


1) must

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 2



Grammar 15 1

should have left you should have as I might does snow fall need not have taken/did not need j) cannot have been

a) 4 b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


e) f) g) h) i)

1) B 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

denied told me persuaded me advised me warned me reminded us answered them announced accepted confirmed

The customer decided to take the brown pair. The customer decided (that) he/she would take the brown pair. The customer said (that) he/she would take the brown pair. b) Bob denied taking Sue's calculator. Bob denied having taken Sue's calculator. c) Clare reminded Andy to buy some milk. Clare said (that) Andy should not forget to buy some milk. Clare reminded Andy that they needed/he needed to buy some milk. d) David said he was sorry (that) he couldn't come on Saturday. David said he was sorry (that) he had not been able to come on Saturday. David apologised for not being able to come on Saturday.



h) I spent a very interesting holiday at Lake Coniston in England. i) We are against war in general, so of course we are against a war like this between a superpower and a developing country. j) Burglaries are definitely on the increase.

The word processor and the calculator are without a shadow of doubt here to stay, and in the many respects our lives are the much richer for them. But the teachers and other academics are claiming that we are now starting to feel the first significant wave of their effects on a generation of the users. It seems nobody under the age of 20 can spell or add up any more. Even several professors at leading universities have commented on the detrimental effect the digital revolution has had on the most intelligent young minds in the country. The problem, evidently, lies with the automatic spellcheck now widely available on the word processing software. Professor John Silver of the Sydney University, Australia, said: 'Why should we bother to learn how to spell correctly, or for that matter to learn even the most basic of the mathematical sums, when at the press of a button we have our problem



answered for us. The implications are enormous. Will the adults of the future look to the computer to make the decisions for them, to tell them who to marry or what the house to buy? Are we heading for a future individual incapable of the independent human thought?'

which was to try and follow the route that the professionals take, but after three days in which I pushed my body to extremes that it had never experienced before, that I rapidly abandoned this plan and returned to flatter ground. On the flat which I was able to keep to about 120 kilometres a day, which is respectable. I did have to rest my weary limbs at the weekends, though, which enabled me to recharge my batteries, by which I mean my bodily ones, not the ones that inside my bike lights. I am pleased to say, that after three tortuous weeks, which I ended up in Marseilles, but what pleased me all the more is that I managed to raise over £2,000 for Help the Aged. 2

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


a) at which point I b) we suggested was c) who understands this book is d) is the last time I will e) which made a f) what he is g) the person who (had) committed h) one of her books that/one book of hers that i) when it last rained j) the person who

Grammar 18 1

Having just spent three weeks of my life sitting on an uncomfortable saddle, pounding the roads of France, I am in no fit state that to do anything except sit and write, which suits me fine. For I have cycled some 1,500 kilometres, a figure which includes some extremely hilly routes, and frankly the thought of mounting a bicycle again which is not one that I can face for a good few days yet. The journey, which I undertook alone for most of the way, was all in the name of charity Help the Aged, a cause which I support whenever that I can. Having organised my sponsorship, which I arrived in France armed only with a tiny map of the Tour de France route, which hastily removed from last month's 'Cycling World' magazine. My intention


which whom which Whoever which which who when whose who

a) The train we eventually caught was one that stops at every station. b) Slamming the door, Carol drove off in the car her father had given her as a present. c) At the end of the street, which was crowded with shoppers, there was a building Tom had not noticed before.

d) The people who have just moved in next door have the same surname as the people who have just moved out. e) Noticing the door was open, I decided to go in, which turned out to be a mistake. f) Flora Benstead, the Popular Party candidate, who is expected to win the election, has announced that she will cut income tax by 10% if elected. g) I listened to George patiently until he started insulting me, at which point I told him a few home truths he didn't like. h) Pauline asked me a question to which I had no reply. i) Shouting at the top of his voice, which was typical, he rushed out the room. 5

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Taking my life who to address which took us Whoever he spoke is one which in which case I'll person everyone looks gang whose identity has


a) b) c) d) e) f)

planet, which man I remember which party was friends who ball must

Grammar 19 1

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

to do to be to wake me to tell you to find to take/taking telling buying to pick up to be



12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

the the the the the the -

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

whom whose Whoever try fancy would made/had should forward who

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

to inform you unable to is considered allow/permit objected to/thrown out/refused/re j ected denied stated/declared/mentioned to consider which case confirm in

6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Grammar 21



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) j)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

to with against from at for with about with from suffering attributed provided concentrated/focused blaming subjected discussed suggested benefit resign stemmed/resulted referred specialised allowing elaborated


Grammar 23 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)



a) b) c) d) c) f) g) h)



story meeting problem six o'clock what Peter had said my homework plan standard at 11.30 laughing carried

down come add get

comes asking dropping bring follow/take

1) A 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


D C 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) D

6) B

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

got off with you getting on ended up walking to be doing so/this fallen out with burst into tears came up with getting on for was borne out getting/putting her ideas

Grammar 24 1

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

it the matter this kind of thing we'll need them later the pressure put it in the fridge the second paragraph to Tom's report owned up behind my back




a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) j)

playing grow laid picking put gave made go make look/call


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)




1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

go in for back for being rude put you up let off with a pointed out (that) the was given away by be put down to gave off a faint smell has (got) it in for live up to our




1) D 2) C 3) B 4) A 5) D 6) D 1) D 2) B 3) A 4) D 5) D 6) B


down upon up over/through up up out about by out

a) stand in for me b) turned out to c) making/to make fun of d) talked me out of selling e) a very/really good imitation of f) wears off after/in g) go back on h) taken out a i) turned out to be j) work out the total without

Grammar 26

Grammar 25 a) turned him down b) Initially c) it d) a committee e) the pace f) its new owner g) The good news h) told her off i) difficulties D you

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

at of of to After to under of up for up in in from by of under for to without

f) g) h) i) j)

comes down to money not taken in by worked out at sunk in yet that I (have) ended up having to walk


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

tampered about grateful charged commit cater refrain benefit


a collision on the motorway between b) it out on me c) me out of selling d) is based on e) blamed the accident on f) is on (very) good terms g) out of the ordinary h) out of work


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


a) b) c) d)

with in to/for of in of for for

a) confusing me with b) prides himself on always c) no access to d) does nuclear fission differ from e) blamed the fire on


away off up down off on out off off off 1)


2) 3) 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3)

compensates for disappointed established resigning specialise in coincides with under the impression take place abolished under no obligation to draw your attention/ refer

a) a book review b) a letter of application/letter informing of a professional service c) a letter in reply to a wedding invitation d) letter from tax authorities to a business 8

1) regard/reference 2) collaboration/association with 3) comply


4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

advance of applies irrespective/regardless regular basis object(ed) contrast with distinguish/differentiate

Grammar 27 a) to be honest b) For that reason c) By and large, Having said that d) As a result e) To start with f) Anyway g) Even so h) whereas i) On the whole i) On the contrary a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Nevertheless In contrast For one thing as opposed to as well as to a large extent as opposed to however

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


6) C 7) A 8) B 9) C 10) C

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

grasshoppers. I spent many a happy hour looking down on the seething city below and the sea beyond. Best of all, the city's location at the heart of the Italian Riviera meant that fabulous resorts like Portofino and Camogli were only a train ride away. Water is becoming a more and more precious commodity, so save as much as you can. Flushing the toilet accounts for a third of all household water use, so don't flush wastefully. If you are only getting rid of a tissue, for example, resist the habit of reaching for the handle or chain. Take a shower rather than a bath; it uses about a third of the water. And don't keep the water running all the time when you wash or clean your teeth. If you have a garden, try to find ways of saving water outside, such as using a water butt to collect rain water, rather than using a hosepipe to water your flowers. A simple pipe connecting external gutters to a water butt can save an awful lot of water.


Grammar 28 1

I've been to the following Italian cities: Rome, Florence, Genoa and Pisa. I thought Rome was incredible: the food was great, the views were fantastic and I will never forget the vivacious people. The Italians' legendary hospitality was nowhere more evident than in the capital city. But my all-time favourite is probably Genoa, with its fabulous hill-top houses and its dusty mountains, reverberating to the sound of



Grammar 29

19) there 20) as Grammar 30

i) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) H) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 4


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

membership borrowed be returned latest Failure result withheld Outside be deposited the following

Vocabulary 1 i

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)


horse, bars flippers, mask rod, bait rucksack, compass e) tripod, lens f) hammer, spanner g) goggles, armbands h) helmet, pump


7) 8) 9) 10) H) 12) 13) 14) 15)




a) b) c) d)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


took part in appeal to me cut out for beneficial raise sponsor gasping stragglers crossed suffering from personal best broke on standby stations catch up with

expectations handful remarkable invariably e) exception f) equipment g) accessible h) distinguish i) increasing i) foreseeable


a) b) c) d) e)

took board low tread turn

1 1)


2) D 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) C 7) B 8) C


a) b) c)

d) e) f) g) h) i) j)




limit flying


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

dismounted accelerated reversed collided alight fasten endanger ascended


a) hold b) save c) set d) line e) track


rambler steward hitchhiker passer-by driver conductor traffic warden pedestrian passenger commuter

Vocabulary 3 1

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

1) outward 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)


2) D 3) A 4) A 5) D 6) B

oar draw lap fan dive whistle board round referee runner-up

Vocabulary 2

a) b) c) d)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

package flight maintenance assistance unacceptable compensation operator(s)

a) ahead of b) broke c) single d) collided, injured

e) f) g) h)

opposition skidded room goods


disguised sole extensively critical comment on detained findings tackled sensitive baffled








a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

prospect conditions knowledge incident place verge opinion confidence evidence responsibility

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

6 3 10 8 1 5 9 4 2 7

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

have no intention It is common knowledge brought about raised fears little prospect of success say for certain argue that there should be explained the cause as

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

vows boost set cleared bid held Toll looms clash

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) H) 12) 13) 14) 15)


speculation announcement analysts survival assurances unthinkable political downfall criticism disastrous failure unemployment unity divisions justification

Vocabulary 4 1

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)


a) b) c) d) e)

summit key state view press

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

sparsely tenancy household rights property storey entrance sharp barely sheer

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

spring horizon tide cliff strait pass bay slope landscape plain

a) b) c) d) e)

5 9 1 4 10

f) g) h) i) j)

7 2 8 6 3






1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

not allowed/forbidden occupants maintained condition/order event notify/inform observe evicted advance vacate access inspect prospective view be removed

Vocabulary 5 1

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) j)

manual novel forecast broadcast bulletin coverage edition media campaign brochure


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)



1) 2) 3) 4)


5) B 6) C


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) j)

fiction illegible gist unprintable literature shorthand illiterate prose manuscript outline


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

privacy \/ \/ embarrassing circulation moments phenomenom





f) g) h) i) j)

flock, lamb, wool ivory, trunk, tusks squeak, hole, trap blind, nocturnal, wing purr, kitten, scratch

8) consultants 9) streamlined 10) clarified 4

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

captivity survival/surviving volunteers endangered Environmentalists maternal/mothering abundant maturity handful diversity

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


a) 5 b) 9

a) b) c) d) e)

change occupy lump drowned straight

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

lightning blossom wildlife the countryside the land horizon young species downpour stone


Vocabulary 7 Vocabulary 6


1 i) c



2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

draught downpour prey extinct peel tame resources issues off-shore breed

a) b) c) d) e)

hoof, saddle, stable, (mane) hive, buzz, sting cub, mane, roar whine, net, spray bark, kennel, lead



1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

covering letter career path promotion prospects claims form travel expenses working conditions job description trial period sick pay pension scheme

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

productivity investments qualifications expertise action representatives economise

executive foreman producer trainee agent industrialist competitor labourer dealer client



d) e) f) g) h) 1) j)

3 8 10 1 4 6 2

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

eligible entitled to negotiable dressed commence/start overtime absence(s) certificate/letter terminated notice

Vocabulary 8 1

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

5 9 1 8 2 4 7 3 6







1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

current account household bills savings account earns interest down payment monthly instalments stock exchange business venture raise capital tax return

Inappropriate words: a) gains b) subsidy c) take d) produced e) remove f) wages g) fortunate h) valuable 1) priceless j) close 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

value fortune redundant retirement booming bankrupt investment market credit charge

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

inconvenience delivery/arrival standard gesture compensation enclosed enough acknowledge date your service

Vocabulary 9 1

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)


spoilt domineering live up to follow pushy pressure interests rebelled struck out sheltered hit it off plucked up commitment

14) 15) 2

a) b) c)

patch trial

Vocabulary 10

alien fiancee an acquaintance Toddlers aged ancestors bachelor best man

1 1) D 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) D 9) B 10) C H) B 12) D 13) D 14) A 15) C

d) e) f) g) h) i) lad 3







a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

conscientious solitary devoted prejudiced apathetic aggressive mature attentive extrovert insensitive

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

collapsed evacuated met

sustained blocked failed held spread fired sealed



2 10 8 6 3 1 5 4 9

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) h)

neglected scolded offended adopted separated quarrelled retired criticised abandoned humiliated

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) a) b) c) d) e)

took close shook steady leading

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

custody death inquiries


turned him down kept in touch grew up went out together fell out got on well with ran away from let him down moved in with got to know

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)




worrying addiction offenders beggars Homeless shoplifting hardened illegally enforce deterrent on

from into on

out of into of on with


assault magistrate's offence speeding evidence verdict




1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)


Vocabulary 11 1





1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

stage performance interval dramatic seat dress scenery reviews horror




d) e) f) g) h) i)

juggler acrobat understudy conductor stuntman ballerina

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

concert string woodwind lyrics organist brass opera chorus percussion

rehearsal energetically thoughts speakers laughter background nationalities overnight creative appearances

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

jigsaw puzzle cards billiards draughts television board game darts table tennis chess video

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

on with for over for in for on off/from to

a) b) c) d) e)

record attention presence scene release

Vocabulary 12 1

a) down b) vocalist c)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

1) 2) 3) 4)


candidate line campaign poll majority manifesto


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

diplomatic respectable courteous radical oppressed conventional rebellious privileged notorious progressive


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

mayor bill survey poll power council reign authorities motion cabinet


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

licensed restricted compulsory barred abolished binding required permitted voluntary illegal


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

president minister ringleader ambassador patriot delegate traitor sovereign terrorist chairperson


a) following b) retains c) swing d) motion e) control

I) B 2) C 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)


5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

vote election asylum retirement




1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

humanitarian existence resistance stabilise devalued intervention diplomatic cleansing disproportionate slavery negotiation self-sufficiency immunisation organic recycling subsidy irrigation charity

Vocabulary 15 1 1) B 2)


3) B 4) D 5) A 6) C 7) D 8) B 9) D 10) C 11) A 12) C 13) B 14) B 15) D


a) resigned b) convince c) regard d) view e) aware f) notion g) favouritism h) reminds i) obsessed i) mentality


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)



5 9 8 10 1 3 7 4 2 6







put follow appreciate utter imply express plead h) wonder i) mislead ]) spot

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)



3 7 1 9 8 10 5 2 4

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

regretted deplored resented dreaded cherished mourned offended loathed stressed reproached

a) b) c) d) e)

spot mind matter dear hand




1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

contraption appliance component machinery manual experiment automation gadget overhaul equipment

Vocabulary 17 1) 2)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 1) m) n)


3) C


Vocabulary 16 1

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

Installation maintenance adjustable electrical appliance cylindrical tighten safety protective procedure plug live run connection lead a shock fuse record motor electrical pliers grinder blade spanner

4) 5) 6) 7) 8)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

handful partial adequate bulk minute sizeable dearth fair limited



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) D

extended reduced faded augmented enlarged spread diminished declined contracted dwindled

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


i) 1)

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

3 6 2 9 10 8 5 1 7

comparison youth abundant Unemployment sizeable pursuits collection prosperity tendency critical






a) nothing exactly the same as b) is not as good as we had hoped c) similar d) completely different e) are not alike f) calculated in relation to g) mixture h) more or less the same as i) opposite number j) wide variety a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

lavish abundant potential middling excessive ample superior negligible major inferior

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

practically especially altogether barely thoroughly respectively moderately effectively considerably specifically

Vocabulary 18 1




2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)


Report 1 1) effort 2) mature 3) applies, 4) contributes 5) respect Report 2 1) insolent 2) half-hearted, 3) distracted 4) concentrate 5) participated



a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

core academic corporal support trainee continuous vocation

f) g) h) i) j)

dis in de mis sub-


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

annually considerably Coincidentally directly identically absolutely vaguely totally merely barely


a) b) c) d) e) f) g)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

shift mare quake pour hand goer sick dust flake fire

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


taking fall guard back style marked way point spread

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

able less al able ation ous less ation ful

h) placement 1) teenage j) playing 4



1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

problematic involvement bureaucratic disenchanted aggression rudeness powerless boredom reduction respectful

a) graduation, degree, loan, scholarship b) sent, detention, tutor (teacher), mark(s) c) qualifications, prospects, evening, further d) revised, grades, retake/resit, prize e) mature, correspondence, assignments, specialise a) mark b) applies c) dropped d) ruled e) support

Vocabulary 19 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


overrated overbalanced undercoat overflowed oversimplifying understaffed underpass overgrown overdone




a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) !)

likeable digestible contemptible preferable collapsible comfortable sensible responsible disagreeable

a) b) c) d) e)

dis en re over un

in un un in in in un h) in i) in j) un





1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

forthcoming noticeboard withdraw replacement volunteers refreshment admittance recognition presentation contribution(s)


a) b) c) d) e)

take stretched propose space moment

Vocabulary 20 1

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

started moving damaged produced opened extracted succeded withdrew told off dragged stopped


b, c, e, i, j Possible options for other sentences: a) pass/give d) recorded/written f) be g) pinch/push h) fact


a) b) c) d) e)


a, c, f, g, j Possible options for others sentences: b) more d) not compatible e) ill wind h) index finger i) fast


Inappropriate words: a) maintain b) stop c) series d) weak e) aim f) brain g) rose h) far i) tight j) take

panel secret stock time child


Words and phrases 1 1 a) expectation b) strike c) pressure d) fortune e) light f) undone g) useful h) world i) realise i) force 2


detention b) earnest c) advance d) sympathy e) comparison f) way g) charge h) practice i) doubt i) response

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)




a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 1)


dashed cross alight limped strolling tiptoed slipped creep lingered



a) was a dutiful son b) were not very tactful, were you c) is fanciful d) a meaningful relationship e) am doubtful about this plan f) was pitiful, I'm afraid g) is definitely harmful to the health h) useful to know what they intend to do i) is disrespectful towards his teachers j) your directions weren't very helpful


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Words and phrases 2

a) b) c) d) e) f)


7 9 8 2 1 10 5 4 6 3

twig girder trunk plank wand beam rod post stick pole

is unenviable unaccompanied uninhibited is unfounded is unbearable undoubtedly the best skier around at the moment g) is unmistakable h) unjustifiable i) is unprecedented i) unqualified teacher


a) get the sack b) get you down c) There's no getting away from it. d) get your own back e) get up speed f) get the idea across g) get hold of h) Let's get it straight. i) get away with murder i) get rid of a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

6 10 3 8




blue red browned blue white red green blue red


4 7 1 9 2 5

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

better days the last eye to eye the funny side red my way a lot

it through

the light things






and about

of character of the way of breath of range of all proportion of order on strike of my control

Words and phrases 3 1 a)


b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


its own merits my retirement a regular basis the market loan the premises good terms the verge of average purpose

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

for one one-sided one-time one in three one-off one at a time all in one One by one one-way one another


Words and phrases 4 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)



rudimentary investigated commensurate scrutinised abandoned an inopportune a discrepancy lucrative beneficial trace use wonder point concern means knowing matter likelihood



f) g) h) i)

will cost at least £500 at the duck, but missed it up the stairs three at a time the 100 metres gold medal at the second attempt

a) b) c)

Words and phrases 6 1






d) e)

a) 7 b) 4 c)


d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

2 6 1 9 10 8 3

a) whereabouts b) position/spot c) haunt d) location e) plot/site/spot f) site/whereabouts/location/ position g) spot h) point i) venue j) post a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

fast bare dead run clean rare late live even sound

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

utter mention chat butt lectured muttering say pronounced implied arguing

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

power enquire means the law reach sight reason the hour

f) g) h) i) j)

There was an overpowering smell coming from the lab. Oh dear, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. I found that horror film terrifying. The underlying cause of the problem is economic. Building the hydro-electric dam is of over-riding importance. The plane appears to be disintegrating in mid-air. The operation will leave no disfiguring marks. The government is intent on industrialising the country. They will be disconnecting the electricity in the morning, I think you are oversimplifying this problem.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


have a few days left has difficulty had enough of have no intention of have no wish/desire have no idea have a go have no recollection of had my hair cut has it (that)


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

eyed stared view spotted glanced face noticed scanning glimpsed gazing


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

3 9 1


Words and phrases 7 1



a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

far rights and by no means chance and large myself the way all means the time

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

leg hand heart head spine arm foot cheek neck chest

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

sole scattered standing common heavy high sound blunt calculated significant


1 10 5 4 8 2 6

Words and phrases 8 1

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

lapse fact difference term price offer waste matter right slip


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

negligible miniature sizeable astronomical medium vast medium considerable minute substantial


a) 6 b) 9 c)


d) 1


e) f) g) h) i) j)

10 2 5 8 4 7


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

weather saw ease wits butterflies sorts punch collar aback go-lucky


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

informed meaning advised worn groomed chosen founded nigh done to-do


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

heart memory another scratch exhaustion head now today home appearance

h) i)

thoughts thoughtfully

Words and phrases 10

Words and phrases 9 1

a) literally b) largely/effectively/ practically c) widely d) invariably e) Broadly/Relatively f) practically/largely g) extensively h) relatively i) effectively j) considerably


a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

thinkers thoughtful unthinkable thinking thoughtless rethink thought




e) f) g) h) i) j)

question close Duty mind blame attention

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

take hang dig wind slip link dream tot cheer sell




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