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Get More Prospects, Make Bigger Sales & Brand Yourself as The Expert in Your Niche

So, Who Am I & Why Should You Listen to Me?

10-Year Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor & International Speaker Helping Consultants, Coaches & Experts in: Fitness / Health Property Management Marketing Personal Development Online Businesses Martial Arts Real-Estate Life Coaching …and more

Our Story

• We travel the world helping other consultants, coaches, experts and anyone with valuable knowledge or skills share it to the world •

We do it because we’re so passionate about helping people enjoy the same freedom lifestyle as us – working less hours, earning more money, and loving what you do, knowing that you make a difference to people’s lives

We created Born2Succeed to empower you to empower others – to see your true value, to overcome your limiting beliefs & to learn the roadmap to success

Your Golden Opportunity…


The Most-Laser Targeted Direct Response Marketing


Huge Reach of Thousands of Local Prospects & Millions Globally (be the ‘go-to’ expert)


The Lowest Advertising Investment Ever (Free or super-low cost)


But the Biggest Opportunity…?

Facebook’s Plans for World Domination …and how they need experts (YOU) to achieve it

Video Creates Expert Authority Instantly Facebook are now in talks to buy Vevo “…considered crucial to supporting Facebook's growing market valuation and poses a potential long-term threat to traditional TV networks” -Reuters.com

Video = Instant Expert Authority Status More trust, credibility & they see the ‘You’ in your business People buy from experts they trust

Real-Life Case Studies….

<<< Day 1, Day 3 (Below) - €0 Investment

26 Prospects for $7 (€5) €0.27 per prospect… (€600 Average Customer Spend)

17 applications within 24 hours

UK client 25 leads for £35 investment

Martial Arts Academy Doubled His Business Within 30 Days

Live Webinar for Consultants Total Investment = €90 ROI = €1994 in sales (within 90 minutes)

But At One Time I Couldn’t Get Facebook To Work For Me…

 Wasted HUNDREDS On Adverts With NO Return…  Spent HOURS On Facebook Every Day Chasing Prospects…

 I Thought Facebook Was The Problem…. Until…

I met a coach in California who showed me the secrets…

Invested €1000 to learn FB ads 2 years ago Invested €3000 to learn advanced FB concepts Invested £20, 000 to join high-end business masterminds in USA & London. Get 1-1 mentoring from multi-millionaires using these strategies Invested time & money into studying over 400 business & marketing psychology books

What Did I Learn?  Facebook WORKS. It was MY fault my marketing wasn’t making a profit…  Most business owners don’t understand the PSYCHOLOGY of Facebook users…  Facebook is by far one of the most powerful tools available to you today. There is NO REASON why you cannot grow and scale any

Facebook Marketing Mistakes & Myths

Mistake #1 – Being ‘Friends’ doesn’t permit you to SPAM my page Mistake #2 – ‘Likes’ Don’t Mean ‘Profits’ Mistake #3 – Not Engaging Your Prospects

The Rapid Client-Getting Funnel ??? Facebook Marketing


Lead Magnet

Sales Consultation


Close a sale

FB Marketing Secret #1: Fan Page Expert Authority Optimization

Shows lifetime care / customer loyalty Specific Niche

Keyword-Based Title

Engagement With Target Customer Relevant &Timely Giveaway (very effective now) Encourages interaction & social media usage

FB Marketing Secrets #2: LittleKnown Ways to Use Groups & Events to Get 100’s of Leads Within Days

Groups – Build a Database of Future Prospects & Establish Yourself as The Local Expert for FREE

Who Wants to Know How I Made €1995 in 2 Weeks With a Facebook Group Without Spending a Cent?

Step 1: Create The Group

Step 2: Add Relevant People (And encourage referrals)

Step 3: Promote a Seminar or Other Event

Step 4: Get Prospects From FB to Email Database

Step 5: Create a Facebook Event

Step 6: At the event, make an awesome offer that helps people

15 Minute Break When we come back…  How to create FB Ads that make you loads of cash  The SECRET to make 80% more sales on every advertising campaign (that your competitors are likely NOT doing)

FB Marketing Secrets #3: The Most Powerful Force in Marketing – Facebook Ads (done right)

No Desirable Call to Action …Always think “Why should someone click this?” WIIFM

Again, no reason for me to act. No engagement.

No value offered, only price….

Don’t let people decide on price first, or they miss out on what value you have to offer

How to Position Yourself As the Expert Authority With Facebook Ads…

Specific Title Targeted

Instant Benefit (Question – More Engaging) Great Headline Gives Value Before Asking for Return

Specific Title Engaging Question Targeted With Ads Manager

Call to Action Link Within Top 6 Lines Sales Copy With Frustrations & Relation

“But I Can’t Afford to Spend Money on Advertising…” Cost Mindset = Failure Investment Mindset = Success Strange Fact: We invest hundreds or thousands into learning, books, courses and education…. Yet we get scared about investing $10 into an advert…?

Fear of Advertising is Either: a) A lack of knowledge on HOW to use advertising

And / or b) A lack of belief in your own product or service

How to Remove The Fear of Investing in Your Business… The Formula >>>


Average Lifetime Customer Value = Average Earning per Sale x

Do This Exercise RIGHT NOW – It Will Transform Your Business… “What is ONE Average New Client Worth to You?” Example: Client pays avg. €300/month Client stays avg. 12 months

That Means…. I can easily invest up to €3600 to acquire a new average client and still break even. Now, how much more are you able to invest in your business? When you understand and apply this…. Your growth will

Campaign Results: • • • •

100+ email subscribers 65 applications completed 20 people signed up (couldn’t fit in any more) Front End Profits: €1980 (-€300)

= €1680

Campaign Results: • •

The REAL Profit…. BACK END

16 / 20 remained as clients to this day.

So far, €9504 in membership revenue since December

6 of the email subscribers converted into full-paying paying clients since then (with email marketing) = €1782 - NO advertising budget

Another 20 subscribers recently converted to a €57 product (€1140 front end – NO advertising budget)

Campaign Results: Overall Campaign Results (So far) Investment = €300 over 7 days ROI (so far) = €14, 106 >>>>>> 47 X ROI <<<<<< With €2178 recurring revenue each month Not including referral value, or viral reach value (branding & familiarity from advert)

FB Marketing Secrets #4: How to Dominate Your Local Market With Expert Positioning for 80% More Back-End Profits

Why Back-End Marketing?  Takes 7 ‘touches’ to get most people to buy  80% of sales made on the back-end  Expert positioning & TOMA

Who Wants to Know How Our Client Curt Earned +$10, 000 From ONE Email?

Curt runs a $500/ month coaching business for athletes in Seattle USA

We ran a promotion to get new clients where he signed up 25 new clients (no space left after that)

But we also collected the email addresses of over 400 local prospects…

After the closing date of the promo, we sent out ONE email where we opened up 5 more spots

Using sales copy writing secrets & unique expert positioning, he signed up another 4 prospects who were ‘on the fence’ from that one email.

Curt’s ALCV = $3000 ($500 x 6 months average)

Sales income received from this email campaign = $12, 000 in

This is the process we’ve used to build several consulting businesses – in Europe, the UK, USA and Australia As a professional expert you should be rewarded well for what you offer, and grow a stress-free, lucrative business

If you’d like us to give you our complete blueprint and help you create your dream business, we’d be delighted to help you

Myself & Irina will personally lead you through an 8-week interactive coaching class where we work with you to create Expert Authority in your niche - This is the SECRET to attracting toppaying clients, earning a higher income & being seen with celebrity status quickly

Our mission is for you to get paying clients and build a prospect list as soon as possible

Here’s what you’re getting…

You Get New Course Material Every Monday

We’ll Talk LIVE Every Thursday

Week 1: Deciding on Income Goals & Simplifying Your Business Your “Big Vision” Blueprint The “Rapid Client-Getting Funnel” Model Overview

Week 2: Identify & Find Your Ideal Prospects Emotional Buying Triggers

Week 3: Creating Your Signature Service That Positions You as The ‘Go-To Expert’

Week 4: Creating Confidence & Expert Authority NEW: Creating Your ‘Lead Magnets’ NEW: Be Seen “Everywhere” NEW: Expert Publishing, Branding & PR

Week 5: Getting Prospects The 3-Step Magnetic Marketing System

Week 6: Selling Your Services Our ‘Sell Without Selling’ Technique

Week 7: Keeping Your Clients Happy The 4 R’s

Week 8: Additional Expert Streams Get your message to the masses Speak & present with impact The “Living Legend Formula”

8-Week Investment: €799

Or 2 payments of €499

FAST ACTION BONUSES for first 10 Bonus #1: Kick-Start Results Workshop

Personal Coaching in Small Group THIS WEEK We’ll start setting up your client-getting Facebook funnel THIS WEEK with our personal help every step of the way.

Bonus #2: Done-For-You Facebook Expert Generator Package (€500-Value)  Professionally Designed Cover Graphic, Image, & Expert Optimization of your page  Professional Sales / Marketing Video

Bonus #3: Personal Coaching for LIFE (PRICELESS Value)

Class Starts Monday 2nd June Enrol at www.born2succeed.ro/coaching

NOTICE: The Price WILL Increase by €1000. Enrol at www.born2succeed.ro/coaching

If You’re Thinking “Is It Worth It?”, Then Ask Yourself…

“What is Just ONE Average Customer Worth to My Income?” Enrol at www.born2succeed.ro/coaching

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