Pe 111 Midterm Module 2022 (1)

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(Physical Education 111)

For ESSU Use Only




DR. MARINA S. APILADO Vice President for External Affairs – Quality and Assurance



VICENTE A. AGDA, JR., DM, CSEE Vice President for Academic Affairs

University Vision

A technologically-advanced university producing professionals and competitive leaders for local and national development.

University Mission

To provide quality education responsive to the national and global needs focused on generating knowledge and technology that will improve the lives of the people.

University Core Values Excellence. Accountability. Service.


PREFACE This learning material is prepared in accordance with the Physical Education 111 – Self-Testing Activities Including Health and Nutrition. It offers physical activities with the goal of optimizing health and fitness. This learning material contains various activities that students can do according to their fitness goal and wellness. The activities were chosen to match the abilities of the students who will ultimately lead to their holistic development, the main purpose of the material. Body knowledge, nutritional needs, appropriate movements that provide training in different motion patterns and basic engagement in conjunction with the principles of healthy nutrition and a physically active lifestyle are part of the important information in this learning material. This is also designed to enhance exercise performance accompanied with the music and actual training exercise with different bodily movements in a practical activity, in order for the student to learn the fundamental knowledge about how the body reacts and adopts physically. This learning material is divided into five modules. Module 1. Physical Education: A Concern for Life, Module 2. Evaluating Physical Fitness, Module 3. Understanding Body as an Exercise Machine, Module 4. Exercises for Fitness and, Module 5. Nutrition and Fitness. These topics are all focused on the development of students in all aspects, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Socially and Spiritually (PEMSS) in performing appropriately selected physical activities.


Table of contents Title Preface Table of Contents Module 1. Physical Education: A Concern for Life Introduction Learning Objectives Lesson 1: Physical Education: Its Objectives and Purpose A. Physical Education Definition B. Objectives of Physical Education C. Purpose of Physical Education D. Major Goal of Physical Education Lesson 2: Health Habits and Health Risks A. Health Habits B. Health Risks of an Unfit Person Lesson 3: Components of Physical Fitness Categories of the Components of Physical Education Application Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Module 2. Evaluating Physical Fitness Introduction Learning Objectives Lesson 1: The Philippine Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Test (PFSTT)

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What is Physical Fitness and Sport Talent Test (PFSTT)? History New Developments in Physical Fitness Testing Expectations What Should Be Tested? Setting Up Stations for Testing Safety Guidelines

Lesson 2: Administration of the Philippine Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Test (PPFSTT) Health Related Fitness Body Mass Index (BMI) Computing Body Mass Index (BMI) Muscular Fitness Partial Curl-Up Trunk Lift 90 Degree Push-Up Flexibility Fitness Sit and Reach Shoulder Stretch Physiological Fitness One-Kilometer Run and Walk Skill Related Fitness Anthropometrics iii

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Sitting Height Arm Span Muscular Power Standing Long Jump Basketball Pass Speed 40 Meter Sprint Lesson 3: The Conditioning Exercises Before the PPFSTT Battery Test The Basic Conditioning Exercise Routine Lesson 4: Evaluation of PPFSTT Performance Targets Application Activity1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 References


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MODULE 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION: A CONCERN FOR LIFE INTRODUCTION Physical Education today adds significantly to each individual's positive lifestyle, resulting in a higher quality of life. Any individual can improve his or her wellbeing by gaining information and awareness, exercise skills, and desired attitudes through Physical Education. He can avoid common ailments, make good use of leisure time, practice safety from injury, and face life's challenges through this procedure..  LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this module, the students will be able to: Acquire knowledge on purpose, importance and values of physical fitness as part of the national thrust for development and progress.  Define physical education and physical fitness.  State the objectives and purpose of Physical Education.  Categorize components of physical fitness.

Appreciate the challenges offered in the performance of self-testing activities and the values ensuring a better, longer and useful life.  Give the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.  Practice the objectives and purpose of Physical Education by making total fitness as a major goal. Perform skillfully and create new ways of demonstrating self-testing activities that will help promote and maintain physical fitness.  Practice different good health habits.

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LET’S RECALL! “Say something…” Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: _________________

Directions: Each of the following words below must be given a one-word meaning based from your own understanding. Fill-in the boxes with your answers. Write your answers in a SHORT BOND PAPER. Do not write you answers in this module. Do not encode your answers it must be HANDWRITTEN.







LET’S THINK AND REFLECT How often do you exercise? Have you measured your calories today? Are you maintaining a healthy weight? How can you improve your total health? LET’S DISCUSS! A. PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEFINITION Physical Education is an integral part of the curriculum designed to promote the optimum development of the individual physically, socially, emotionally and mentally through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical Page | 2

activities. In other words, Physical Education will help an individual to be developed holistically. B. OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1. COGNITIVE (Mental Development) Knowledge & Information: • Body functions & development process • Analysis, reasoning & decision-making • Rules, strategies & safety 2. AFFECTIVE (Social & Emotional Development) •

Social & Emotional Stability:

Cooperation, sportsmanship, respect for others, leadership, etc.

Courage, self-discipline, aesthetic appreciation, self-expression.

3. PSYCHOMOTOR (Physical Development) Physical Fitness Development & Movement Skills: •

Physical fitness component – endurance, agility, strength, balance, speed, flexibility etc.

Body Mechanics: bodily posture

Games, dance and sports skills: Basketball, Volleyball

C. PURPOSE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION a. To develop optimum physical fitness and health of the individual which will consequently allow him to live a good life. b. To produce individuals who can contribute to the economic well-being. c. To train good leaders with integrity and develop other desirable traits necessary for effective group participation. d. To develop creativity and innovativeness inspired by an abiding faith in God and Love of country and fellowmen. To instill love and pride for our cultural heritage. D. MAJOR GOAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IS FITNESS PHYSICAL FITNESS IS NOT ONLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT KEYS TO A HEALTY BODY, IT IS THE BASIS OF DYNAMIC & CREATIVE INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITY. – JOHN F. KENNEDY

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LET’S DISCUSS! While it is okay to indulge in a sweet treat every now and then, or to skip the gym or from doing daily exercises, getting into a health rut can have an injurious impact on your overall health. Not to mention, it can also increase your risk of cancer or heart disease. You might not feel the negative effects of engaging into unhealthy lifestyle or habits as early as today, but you will realize someday how important it is to be healthy. It is not yet too late to achieve a healthy body and live meaningful life, all you need to do is to simply engage and do the following healthy habits: A. HEALTH HABITS - is acquired when we are consistently making healthy choices as part of our regular behavior. By practicing the following health habits, a person becomes FIT. Below are Six Health Habits of a Fit Person: 1. Regular Exercise - Improve overall health and fitness, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases by exercising regularly.

2. Balance Diet - Eat exact amount of GO, GROW, GLOW Foods every day to give the body the proper nutrients to function correctly.

3. Adequate Sleep is defined as 6–8 hours per night regularly. It is a critical factor in adolescent health and healthrelated behaviors. Source: sleep cycle

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4. Absence of Liquor, Cigarettes, & Drugs a. Liquor is an alcoholic drink. b. Cigarettes are colorless, oily, water soluble, highly toxic, liquid alkaloid, and valued as insecticide. c. Drugs are medicines or other

substances which cause physiological effects when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. 5. Wholesome Recreation is an activity done for enjoyment during leisure, free time, or at work.

6. Positive Attitudes People who maintain a positive approach to life situations and challenges will be able to move forward more constructively. Mental and physical health can be improved by learning how to hold a

positive state of mind. B. HEALTH RISKS OF AN UNFIT PERSON 1. The risks of heart disease, diabetes and any other diseases. 2. Loss of bone and muscle mass and strength. 3. Loss of physical working capacity. 4. More likely to experience aches, body pains, and stiff joints. 5. Reduces longevity of life.

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LET’S DISCUSS! Physical Fitness is complex and challenging to define. But essentially, it relates to the individual physical ability to perform a specific activity. It is the general state of health and well-being. More specifically, it is the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations, and daily activities. Physical Fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, physical activity, and sufficient rest. A. DEFINITION OF PHYSICAL FITNESS The ability to perform one’s daily task efficiently without undue fatigue but with extra “reserve” in case of emergency. TWO (2) CATEGORIES OF THE COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS 1. HEALTH RELATED FITNESS Health-related physical fitness is primarily associated with disease prevention and functional health. Participating in regular health-related fitness helps you control your weight, prevents diseases and illness, improves your mood, boosts energy, and promotes better sleep. The following are the five (5) components of Health-Related Fitness: 1. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance to be able to conduct and maintain longterm physical activities that involve the entire body 2. Body Composition the number of cartilages, bones, muscles, fats, that make up our body. 3. Muscular Strength the ability of the muscles to exert the maximum effort against any objects. 4. Muscular Endurance the ability to move the muscles in repetitive contractions in a period of time 5. Flexibility the ability to move across unrestricted motion, pain-free. 2. SKILL – RELATED FITNESS The term skill-related fitness refers to a person's abilities in areas that are likely to improve performance e.g., in sports or certain work-related activities. The following are the 6 components of Skill-Related Fitness: Page | 6

1. Speed is the ability to perform a movement or to cover a distance in a short period of time. 2. Power is the ability to transfer energy into force at a fast rate. 3. Coordination is the ability to use the senses with the body parts to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately. 4. Balance is the maintenance of the equilibrium while stationary or while moving. 5. Agility is the ability to move and change direction quickly. 6. Reaction Time is the time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of reaction to that stimulation. APPLICATION ACTIVITY 1:


Instructions:  At the heading of your activity sheet, write your Full Name, Sex, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and Address.  Do not write your answers on this module. Write your ANSWERS on a short bondpaper. Direction: Carefully read each statement or question below and indicate the correct answer in the empty fields. Name: ___________________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: ______________

Student Number: __________________

P. E. Instructor: _________________












________1. The ability of the muscles to generate force against physical objects. ________2. The ability to transfer energy into force at a fast rate. ________3. The time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of reaction to that stimulation. ________4. Is the ability to move and change direction quickly. Page | 7

________5. The ability of a joint or series of joints to move through unrestricted pain free range of motion. ________6. The amount of muscle, fat, bone, cartilage, etc. that makes up our bodies. ________7. The maintenance of the equilibrium while stationary or while moving. ________8. The ability of a muscle to make repeated contractions over a period of time. ________9. The time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of reaction to that stimulation. ________10. The ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time. ACTIVITY 2:


Instructions:  At the heading of your activity sheet, write your Full Name, Sex, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and Address.  Do not write your answers on this module. Write your ANSWERS on a short bondpaper. Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and False is the statement is wrong. ________1.

Go, Glow, and Grow Foods are good for the body.


Regular exercise increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and


any other diseases.

Liquors, Cigarettes, and Drugs make the body healthier and stronger.


Wholesome recreation is done during free time.


Mental and physical health can be improved by learning how tohold a positive state of mind.

ACTIVITY 3: Name: ___________________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: __________________

P. E. Instructor: _________________

Instructions:  At the heading of your activity sheet, write your Full Name, Sex, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and Address.  Do not write your answers on this module. Write your ANSWERS on a Page | 8

short bondpaper. Directions: Answer the questions honestly. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your answers in a SHORT BOND PAPER. Do not write your answers in this module. Do not encode your answers it must be HANDWRITTEN. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. 1. Why do we need to be healthy? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________. 2. As a student, how can you promote wellness? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________. 3. Why Physical Education important? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________.

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INTRODUCTION Fitness is a capability to maintain a full and balanced life. Since mental health and physical condition are vital in our lives, each individual needs to be constantly conscious of his/her physical fitness level by involving in self-testing activities, having a healthy diet, and performing proper exercise. In this module, you will perform and achieve the battery test of the Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Test (PFSTT). This test will examine each individual’s sports skills, and health & nutritional fitness. The test outcomes will become the foundation for recommendations for further physical fitness activities.  LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of this module, the students will be able to: Attain knowledge on purpose, importance and values of physical fitness as part of the national thrust for growth and development.  Properly conduct self-testing activities.  Record scores of self-testing activities and assess its performance targets. Execute and demonstrate skillfully the self-testing activities that will help promote and uphold physical fitness.

Perform the Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Test (PFSTT) by following safety guidelines and procedures.

Discover the importance of the tests offered in the performance of self-testing activities and the important values ensuring a better, longer and useful life.  Recognize the implication of testing own Physical Fitness.

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LET’S RECALL! Instruction Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Direction: Tell whether the statement is Physical Activity or Physical Exercise. If it is Physical Activity write PA and if it is Physical exercise write PE. Write it on a space provided before each number. ________1.Washing dishes every after meal ________2.Cleaning your room every week ________3.Walking from home to school every day to make you physically fit ________4.Cycling every 6:00 PM at the beach ________5.Going to gym ________6.Jogging ________7.Jogging to lose weight ________8.Jumping using jumping rope for past time. ________9.Watering the plants every day. ________10. Dancing every week to gain muscles.

LET’S THINK AND REFLECT! Instruction Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: __________________

Direction Explain and synthesize the importance of regular exercise amidst the pandemic in two (2) to three (3) sentences.

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LET’S DISCUSS! What is Physical Fitness and Sport Talent Test (PFSTT)? PFSTT refers to Physical Fitness Sports Talent Test. This is the combination of assessments you undertake to determine your fitness level. The PFSTT assesses your health and skill related fitness. This assessment is subjected to multiple trials. Molina states that the test includes two parts: physical fitness and sports talent. The physical fitness section assesses muscular fitness, flexibility fitness, and physiological fitness. The second part focuses on the individual’s anthropometry, muscle strength, and speed. The test can also assess the person's eating habits and determine the most appropriate sports the person should think about. HISTORY  Physical fitness testing in public schools, mandated under memorandum order, was attempted in the mid 1950’s with standing broad jump, by UP students majoring physical education.  In 1965, entering freshmen students of UP, tested the battery test (except shuttle run for agility), was compared with American and Japanese youth, Filipinos showed a poor performance. The National Sports Association (NSA) considered that a physical fitness-testing program would improve the performance of athletes in international composition.  In the early 1970’s under a Tri-partite agreement among the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation (PAAF), then the governing body of the NSA’s, the Department of Education & Culture (DEC), the American Peace Corp. & American Asso. For Health, Physical Education & Recreation (AAHPER), administered the YOUTH FITNESS TEST was administered to some eleven provinces in Luzon, Visayas & Mindanao.  The result of the battery test was utilized by Aparcio Mequi in his Master’s Thesis, and a Resource Book was crafted for the use of public school teachers.  Some 15 years later, upon his appointment as the Director of Bureau of Physical Education & School Sports, Dr. Aparicio Mequi developed the PHILIPPINE PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST. Unfortunately, analysis of data and utilization of test results were not undertaken, neither were curricular materials developed to compliment the testing program.

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NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING  Because of the growing incidence of obesity and other nutrition-related problems, the concept of physical fitness today is clearer because its components are more precise and more comprehensive. PFSTT or Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Test were introduced by Dr. Aparicio Mequi. A distinction was made between health-related & skill-related test (Testing for the purpose of identifying potential skills in sports).  The new battery test incorporates changes that are in consonance with presentday scientific findings & expert options. An example of this is the Sit-Ups. First, it was straight legs with hands behind neck, then, it was changed to bent leg with hands behind neck. Then it was suggested that putting the hands behind the neck could strain the neck, so its bent leg with hands on the chest. Now, its partial situps; making sure that the abdominal muscles are in sustained contractions throughout the performance.  The test items were adapted from these two sources; The ACSM Fitness Book, 2nd Edition, 1998 and FIT KIDS, 1999, by Kenneth Cooper. Thus, with some modifications in consonance with current practice for physical fitness testing for children.  There is a standard use of Body Mass Index (BMI) from the Food & Nutrition Research & Institute and Department of Science & Technology.  With









recommendations of the PFSTT to accommodate local school conditions, the battery test of PFSTT was first utilized in the public schools during the school year of 2004- 2005. EXPECTATIONS

Physical Fitness Testing is not an end in itself. It is a part of the process to create and educate Filipino citizenry who are acutely aware of the importance of holistic wellness-fitness of body, mind & spirit. The understanding and appreciation will be manifested through the following:  Proper objective and reliable administration of each test in the battery; sloppy testing should be avoided  Correct analysis test of data  Use of test data to improve the physical fitness status of those tested  Sustained interest and study of physical fitness

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SETTING UP STATIONS FOR TESTING 1. First Aid Kit 2. Drinking water 3. Individual Score cards 4. BMI – weighing scale, skirting board, masking tape, spirit level 5. Anthropometrics – skirting board, masking tape, spirit level, bench with flat surface, tri-square, and meter stick. 6. Trunk lift-meter stick marked with a tape at the 15-30 cm. 7. Sit & reach-tape measure, masking tape, tri-square 8. Standing Long Jump – tape measure, masking tape, tri-square 9. Basketball throw – basketball, pre-marked throwing area, tri-square 10. 40 Meter Sprint – stop watches, pre-marked starting and finishing line. SAFETY GUIDELINES 1. Wear appropriate exercise attire. 2. Drink water 2 minutes before and after the Battery Test 3. Set-up stations to insure smooth “flow of traffic” 4. Prior to actual day testing, “familiarity” testing sessions should be held. 5. Conduct warm-up exercises before you perform the Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Test ( PFSTT) for 2-3 minutes. 6. Perform with a peer for assistance.



WHAT SHOULD BE TESTED? PART 1 BODY COMPOSITION (Nutritional Fitness) A. Body Mass Index

B. Classification



A. Muscular Fitness Partial Curl-up Trunk lift 90 degrees Push-up B. Flexibility Fitness Sit & Reach (right leg & left leg) Shoulder Flexibility (right arm & left arm) C. Physiological Fitness One kilometer run

A. Anthropometrics Sitting Height Arm Span B. Muscular power Standing Long Jump Basketball pass C. Speed 40 meter run/sprint

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LET’S DISCUSS! HEALTH RELATED FITNESS Health-related fitness activities portray an important function in the improvement process of an individual. The preference of fitness exercises typically differs on the individual’s interests, maturity, and capability. Health-related exercises make certain improvements on cardiovascular health; so, it benefits you to achieve a state of wellness. Body Composition – is the body’s relative quantity of fat-to-fat-free mass.

Skinfold Calipers – also known as the pinch test – implicates pinching the subcutaneous layer of fat at predetermined sites around the body, then measuring the thickness of the pinched area with a caliper. BODY MASS INDEX (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is simply the ratio of the body weight (kilograms) divided by the height squared (meters2). The concept behind the BMI is that individuals with low percent body fat will have low BMI. For example, men and women of less than 25 are classified as non-obese or normal weight. In contrast, men and women with BMI greater than 30 are considered obese.

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FORMULA: WEIGHT (in kilograms) HEIGHT (in meters) 2 (squared)

Example: 30 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘. 𝑊𝑊 30 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘. = = 20.83 (𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛) 2 1.44 𝑚𝑚. 𝐻𝐻(1.20 𝑚𝑚. )



18.5 – 24.9


25.0 – 29.5


30.0 – Above


Pounds to Kilogram Chart


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PURPOSE – Measures abdominal muscular strength and endurance of the abdominaland hip flexors

EQUIPMENT – a flat, clean, and cushioned surface with two parallel strip that are six inches apart and index card to record your score. PROCEDURE:  Lie down on a flat, clean, and cushioned surface with knees flexed at 90 degreesand hands straight on the sides;  Palms should be facing downwards closer to the ground and parallel to thebody;  Raise the trunk in a smooth motion keeping the arms in position;  After curling up to the desired degree, the trunk should be lowered back to thefloor so that the shoulder blades or upper back visibly touches the floor.  Curl up must be executed slowly at the rate of one second in going up and asecond going down.  Repeat the movements as much as possible.  Student stops if he/she completes 50 curl-ups or form a 2 break counts whichmean he/she stops and rest. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – Record the number of curl-ups performed. The maximum score in 50 for boys and 30 for girls.

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PURPOSE – To measure the trunk extensor strength and flexibility.

EQUIPMENT – a flat, clean, and cushioned surface, a yardstick or 15 inches ruler are required to administer the test. PROCEDURE:  The student being tested lies on the clean surface in a prone position with toes pointed and hands under the thighs;  Place a coin or other marker on the floor in line with the student’s eyes;  Maintaining the focus on the spot on the floor should assist in maintaining the head in a neutral position;  During the movement, the student’s focus should not move from the coin or marker;  The student lifts the upper body off the floor in a very slow and controlled manner to a maximum height of 12 inches.  The position is held long enough to allow the tester to place the ruler on the floor in front of the student and determine the distance from the floor to the student’s chin;  The ruler should be placed at least 1 inch in front of the student’s chin and not directly under the chin;  Once the measurement is taken, the student returns to the starting position in a controlled manner;  Two trails are allowed with the highest score being recorded. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – Record score to the nearest 0.1 centimeters. Example: Measurement is 28.08 cm Record 29.1 cm

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PURPOSE – measures the upper body strength, endurance and trunk stability. EQUIPMENT – NONE PROCEDURE:

 Student lies face down on the floor with the hands and toes touching the floor;  The body and legs should be straight, the feet should be slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width apart, and at the right angle to the body.  Keeping the back and knees straight, student should lower the body until there is a 90 degrees angle at the elbows;  The student must return back to the starting position with the arms extended;  He/she repeats the movement until exhaustion;  For girls, the entire action is the same except the push-up technique, which is with the knees resting on the ground during the movement.  Student will stop if he/she commits two (2) form breaks, which means failure to go low at the 90 degrees angle, failure to extend his/her elbows fully, unable to keep his/her legs and back straight, or inability to maintain the cadence of one second count in going down and one second down in going up. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – Record the number of push-ups completed.


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PURPOSE – to measure the flexibility of the lower back and the hamstring muscles of a person. EQUIPMENTS 1. Tape accurate to 0.1 centimeter firmly attached to the floor marked distractively at the 50-centimeter point, 2. Card board or plywood 10 x 20 centimeters. PROCEDURE  Student should sit on the floor with the measuring line between his/her legs;  Make sure that the sole of his/her feet are placed immediately behind the base line, heels should be 8 to 12 inches apart;  Hands are together, palms facing down an placed on the measuring line;  Slowly, try to reach forward as far as possible keeping the fingers on the base line and feet flexed;  Hold for three seconds while the distance is recorded;  There should not be any jerky movements, the fingertips should remain levelled, and the legs flat.  Repeat with the left leg extended and the right legs bent.  The score is calculated by the initial position and final position in centimeters and millimeters. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – record the distance reached with bent left leg and right leg to the nearest 0.1 cm. Example: Measurement is 64.03 cm Record 64 cm SHOULDER STRETCH

PURPOSE – to measure upper limb or shoulder flexibility of the person. EQUIPMENT – NONE Page | 20

PROCEDURE  The student stands and places the preferred hand over the same shoulder with the palm facing down;  Fingers extended reaching the middle of the back as below as possible;  Elbow should be pointed up;  The instructor should then place the other arm with the palm facing up around the back of the waist reaching the middle of the back as far as possible to touch or overlap the extended middle fingers of both the hands.  Measure the distance between the tips of middle fingers or the distance of overlap to the nearest half a centimeter;  Give minus (-) if the middle finger doesn’t touch, zero (0) if they barely touch and plus (+) if they overlap;  The student should be asked to do two test trails and the best result should be recorded to the nearest half centimeters. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – Record the score as PASSED or FAILED for each test.


PURPOSE – to measure endurance, the ability of the heart, lungs, circulatory and the muscles to transport and utilize oxygen during physical activity. The one (1) kilometer run/ walk test is not recommended for children below 10-yrs. Old. Younger children will just be encouraged to finish the distance at a most comfortable place. EQUIPMENT – a track oval or running area with known measurement; a stopwatch. PROCEDURE  A group about 15 to 20 runners at a time run the distance (2 and ½ laps around the time oval. Their partners will monitor the number of laps covered. Page | 21

 The timer will call out the time in minute and seconds as runners cross the finish line; and  The partners will listen to the time of those who come and note this for recording. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – record the time in minute and seconds. Example: Measurement is 6 minutes and 35 seconds Record 6.35 mins SKILL RELATED FITNESS Skill-related fitness is fitness that condition the body or specific muscles for a primary goal of improving a skill. Skill-related fitness includes training to improve speed, agility, balance, coordination, power, and reaction time. These are usually used to help athletes improve performance for their particular sport or activity.


PURPOSE – Sitting height is the vertical distance from the sitting surface to the vertex (top) of the head. It is the total of trunk, neck and head length. EQUIPMENTS 1. Tape and spirit level as the indicated in the standing height; 2. Small bench with a flat, hard, even surface. PROCEDURE  Attach the tape to the wall so that its zero (0) point is in level with the bench;  The student sits on the bench with the knees forward and bent, and hands resting on the height, which are parallel to the floor.

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 The buttocks and shoulder rest lightly against the tape, which is positioned vertically on the middle behind of the students;  The student is instructed to look straight ahead, take a deep breath and sit erect as possible; and  Place the spirit level against the wall with the base on the top of the head using the spirit level indicator to ensure that it is level. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – Record score to the nearest 0.1 centimeters. Example: Measurement is 28.08 cm Record 29 cm ARM SPAN

PURPOSE – arm span is the horizontal distance between the tips of the middle finger with the arms extended laterally at the shoulder level. It includes the width of the shoulder and length of both upper arms. EQUIPMENTS 1. Two tape measure at least three (3) meters in length and accurate to 0.1 centimeters mounted horizontally on a wall, each tape is parallel to each with the lower tape approximately 1.5 meters above the of a wall. A corner of the wall is used as the zero point; and 2. A Tri-square PROCEDURE  The student stands erect back against the wall with feet and heels together. Buttocks and shoulders should touch the wall.

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 The arms are extended laterally at shoulder and horizontally with the palms facing forward and the tip of the middle finger of one hand pressed against the wall at the zero point.  If the student is tall/short and extended arms above/below the tape measure, make sure the arms are held horizontal plane and use the tri-square held vertically to line the finger tape with the tape measure; and  Measure the distance from the zero point of the tape to tip of the middle finger of the other arm. TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – Record arm span score to the nearest 0.1 centimeters. Example: Measurement is 88.08 cm Record 88.1 cm


PURPOSE – to measure the strength and power of the leg muscles.

EQUIPMENT – a tape measure accurate to 0.1 centimeters at least three (3) meters and placed firmly on the floor; and tri-square. PROCEDURE  Student stands behind the take-off line, with feet parallel to each other;  The tips of the shoes should not go beyond the line;  Bend knees and swing arms backward once then swing arms forward as you jump landing of both feet;  Try to jump as far as you can;  Do not try to control the momentum of the jump;  Perform the test twice in succession;  For the partner or facilitator, place zero point of the tape measure at the take off line, after the jump, spot the mark where the back of the heel of either feet of the student has landed nearest to the take off line;  Record the distance of the two trials.

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Scoring Table Of Standing Long Jump Score Standards Interpretation 5 201 cm and above EXCELLENT 4 151 cm – 200 cm VERY GOOD 3 126 cm – 150 cm GOOD 2 101 cm – 125 cm FAIR 1 55 cm – 100 cm NEEDS IMPROVEMENT TAKE NOTE: RECORDING – Record the best distance in meters to nearest 0.1 centimeters. Example: Measurement is 235.06 cm Record 235.1 cm BASKETBALL PASS

PURPOSE – to measures upper strength and power or ability to exert a forceful movement utilizing the muscles of the arms and upper body. EQUIPMENT – Size 7 basketball and an accurately measure throwing are at least 15 meters long. PROCEDURE  The student sits on the floor with buttocks back and head resting against a wall, the legs are stretched horizontally in front of the body.  The student uses a two-landed chest pass to push the ball in the horizontal direction (45-degree angle) as far as possible. A one arm pass is not allowed.  Throughout the movement, the student must keep his head, shoulder and buttocks in contact with the wall and that the ball is thrown only with the arm and shoulder muscles; and

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 The student is given two (2) trials, with the test noting the distances, to the nearest five (5) centimeters from the edge of the wall to the base of the ball where it makes contact with the floor on the first bounce. TAKE NOTE:

RECORDING – record the lather distance of the two trials to the nearest five (5) centimeters. Example: Measurement is 458 cm Record 455 cm


PURPOSE – to measure running speed. The ability to run very fast in a sudden burst of speed at high intensity is an asset in most sporting events – in individual sports as well as in team’s sports. EQUIPMENT – Stopwatch PROCEDURE  The student stands behind the starting line; the starter and timer at the finish line;  The timer raises his hand, which is holding the stopwatch; shouts out the signal “Ready, go” and with the command “Go!” simultaneously lowers his raised hands and starts the stopwatch;  The timer stops the stopwatch when the students crosses the finish line; and  Allow two (2) trials. TAKE NOTE:

RECORDING – record the faster time of the two trials. Example: Measurement is 8.35 seconds Record 8.35 secs Page | 26



LET’S DISCUSS! THE BASIC CONDITIONING EXERCISE ROUTINE “Conditioning exercise must be done from head to feet”. The BRAIN, which is the most important organ of the body, should be “conditioned” first before a thorough physical activity. All individuals, including Physically Challenged Individuals (PCI) should engage themselves in conditioning exercises suited to their level of fitness for them to be able to “get ready” to any physical activities they are about to do to avoid soreness of muscles and further bodily injuries. Parts of the Body

Sample Exercises


Head rotation, neck twisting


Shoulder rotation, up & down, forward & backward Arms rotation, Flex, Swing, Clasp


Trunk bending, rotation


Knees bending, lunge


Feet rotation, Heels & down, Jumping jack



LET’S DISCUSS! The PFSTT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROCESS The PFSTT Pre-Test Performance Evaluation has the following objectives: 1. To evaluate own scores of Self Testing Activities- PFSTT Pretest. 2. To know and understand own physical strength and weaknesses. 3. To recommend Physical Fitness Activities that will enhance own level of fitness. PROCEDURE 1. Record own scores of the PFSTT Pre-Test. 2. Identify Performance Targets according to age and gender and indicate own performance beside each scores. Page | 27


Standing 1Km Walk or Curl- Up Sit & Reach 40 M Sprint Long Jump Run Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 17 222 175 45 25 68 64 7.0 8.2 4:17 7:00 18 230 180 47 26 72 69 6.8 8.2 4:10 6:55 19 235 184 49 27 74 70 6.6 8.2 4:05 6:45 20 240 187 50 30 75 72 6.5 8.0 3:37 6:35 21 250 190 77 74 6.2 8.0 3:35 6:30 22 259 193 79 76 5.9 8.3 3:33 6:25 23 267 198 82 78 5.6 8.3 3:25 6:15 24 274 204 85 80 5.0 8.6 3:20 6:05 25 282 207 87 82 4.7 8.6 3:13 6:00 26 289 210 89 84 4.4 8.6 3:05 5:50 27 298 213 91 87 4.1 8.9 3:00 5:46 Male Female Push Up 50 30 Sitting Height 80- 104 cm 78-98-cm Trunk Lift 30 cm Basketball Pass 15 ft. or 457 cm or 4.57 m Arm Span Arm Span exceeds height by 5 cm Age



Instruction Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: __________________

Direction: Have a PEER to assist you. Record your weight and height and compute your BMI using the given formula. 𝑊𝑊 𝐻𝐻(

𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘. 𝑚𝑚.)2


𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘. 𝑚𝑚.

= _________________(______________) Classification

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Instruction: Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: __________________

Direction: Have a PEER to assist you. Perform the following and record your score. Write PCI with medical certificate on the second column if you think you are not allowed to perform the activities due to your physical condition. (You will be exempted from some rigorous activities as long as you submit your medical certificate together with your Portfolio). TESTING ONE’S HEALTH- RELATED FITNESS A. MUSCULAR FITNESS SCORE/ MEASUREMENT CURL- UP TRUNK LIFT 90 DEGREE PUSH UP B. FLEXIBILITY FITNESS MEASUREMENT R-Leg Bent SIT AND REACH L- Leg Bent R- Arm Stretch SHOULDER STRETCH L- Arm Stretch C. PHYSIOLOGICAL FITNESS TIME RUN or WALK (1 Km or 2.5 laps in an oval) Assisted by: _______________________________________ ACTIVITY 3:


Instruction: Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: __________________

Page | 29

Direction: Have a PEER to assist you. Perform the following and record your score. Write PCI with medical certificate on the second column if you think you are not allowed to perform the activities due to your physical condition. (You will be exempted from some rigorous activities as long as you submit your medical certificate together with your Portfolio). TESTING ONE’S SKILL-RELATED FITNESS A. ANTHROPOMETRICS MEASUREMENT SITTING HEIGHT ARM SPAN B. MUSCULAR POWER MEASUREMENT STANDING LONG JUMP BASKETBALL PASS C. SPEED TIME 40 METER SPRINT Assisted by: ______________________________________ ACTIVITY 4: Instruction:


Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: __________________

Direction: Based on your activities 2 & 3, identify your Body Part Measured & Component of Physical Fitness Tested. Write PCI with medical certificate on the second column if you think you are not allowed to perform the activities due to your physical condition. (You will be exempted from some rigorous activities as long as you submit your medical certificate together with your Portfolio). TEST ITEMS HEALTH-RELATED TEST ITEMS A. Muscular Fitness 1. Partial Curl- up 2. Trunk lift 3. 90 Degree Push-up

Body Part Measured

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Component of Physical Fitness Tested

B. Flexibility Fitness 1. Sit & Reach 2. Shoulder Flexibility C. Physiological Fitness 1. 1 Km. Run SKILL- RELATED TEST ITEMS A. Anthropometrics 1. Sitting Height 2. Arm Span B. Muscular Power 1. Standing Long Jump 2.. Basketball pass C. Speed 1. 40 Meter Sprint ACTIVITY 5: BODY CONDITIONING EXERCISES Instructions: Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: __________________

Direction: Make a 3-minutes video and execute the body conditioning exercises starting from your head, neck, arms and shoulders, trunks, knees and legs, and feet. Post or submit your video in our Facebook groupchat. ACTIVITY 6: Instructions:


Write your Name, Student No., Course/ Year & Section, and P.E Instructor. Write your answers in SHORT BOND PAPER. DO NOT WRITE your answers on this module. Do not encode your answers. Answers MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Name: _______________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: _______________

Student Number: ______________

P. E. Instructor: __________________

Page | 31

Direction: Based on your Activities 2 & 3, record own BMI and PFSTT ( Pre-Test) scores , and evaluate your own scores by using the PFSTT PERFORMANCE TARGETS as basis. State whether you have passed or failed each test item. Write PCI with medical certificate on the second column and leave blank on the next columns, if you think you are not allowed to perform the activities due to your physical condition. (You will be exempted from some rigorous activities as long as you submit your medical certificate together with your Portfolio. Name: _____________________________

Age: ex; 17

Sex: ex.Male

NUTRITIONAL FITNESS Height __________________ Weight ________________________ BMI __________________ Classification ________________________ PERFORMANCE TEST ITEMS HEALTH-RELATED TEST ITEMS A. Muscular Fitness 1. Partial Curl- up 2. Trunk lift 3. 90 Degrees Push-up B. Flexibility Fitness 1. Sit & Reach Left Leg Bent Right Leg Bent 2. Shoulder Flexibility Left Arm Up Right Arm Up C. Physiological Fitness 1. 1 Km. Walk SKILL- RELATED TEST ITEMS A. Anthropometrics 1. Sitting Height 2. Arm Span B. Muscular Power 1. Standing Long Jump 2. Basketball pass C. Speed 1. 40 Meter Sprint




ex. PCI ( with medical certificate) Need For SKILLS And ex. 30 cm 30 cm ex. 20



Attested by : __________________________________ Activity Assistant

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REFERENCES Books: Alave, J. C. (2016). Physical education and health. -1st edition JFS Publishing Services. Cando, J., Banawa. E. (2015).Physical education 1: Foundation of physical fitness). Fahey, T., Insel,P. ,Roth, W. ( 2009). Fit and well: Care concepts and labs in physical fitness and wellness. New York: McGraw Hill. Gadiano , H., Anastacio, T., Edralin, R.E. (2005). Health and physical education for fitness and wellness. Brilliant Creations. Meeks L., Heit,P. ( 2006). Health and wellness.Texas: Macmillan McGraw hill New York. Mosston, M., Ashworth, S.(1994). Teaching physical education, Fourth Edition. New York: Macmillan College publishing Co., Inc. Oyco, V. (2000). Physical fitness for college freshmen. First Edition. Macmillan College publishing Co., Inc. Racaza, R. (2013).Physical education for college 1 PFSTT Manual. Mequi, Dr. Aparicio. 2004. Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Test (PFSTT). Internet: http:// Exercise and Physical Fitness: MedlinePlus (Jun 2021) LivingMagazine – Chansen Media Group (2020-21) Harvard Health Publishing – The President and Fellows of Harvard College (2021) Folsom Middle School (2020) Nov2014 | Curriculum and Assessment documents by LakeWashington School District -Fitness-Assessment-and-Plan-Study-Guide.pdf

Page | 33

QUALITY POLICY We commit to provide quality instruction, research, extension, and production grounded on excellence, accountability, and service as we move towards exceeding stakeholders’ satisfaction in compliance with relevant requirements and well-defined continual improvement measures.

Dekalidad na edukasyon. Kinabuhi nga mainuswagon.

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