Final PPT Batch 12 in Phase 2 Review 2 Final-1

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II Jai Sri Gurudev II Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust (R)

SJB Institute of Technology DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Project Phase 2 Review 2 Presentation On

“Phase Failure Detector and Protection of Submersible Motor” 2020-21

BY -

Shwetha B V Veena D Chaithra G Manjesha M D

[1JB18EE428] [1JB18EE435] [1JB18EE403] [1JB18EE415]


Mr. Dwarakanath S K 

Asst Prof.

CONTENTS • Abstract • Introduction • Literature Survey • Objectives • Hardware Requirement • Block Diagram • Work progress • Result • Plan of Action • Conclusion • Reference Dept of EEE, SJBIT


ABSTRACT  The 3 phase transmission lines are the souls of power system, fault in the transmission line is  common and major problem. The main aim of this project is to detect, indicate and protect the 3-phase submersible motor from various faults.  This circuit is to prevent overload, dry run fault conditions like voltage or current variation in any phase of three phase ac supply.  Generally there are two types of faults that occur in AC motor i.e. mechanical fault and electrical fault. Mechanical fault occur due to bearing jam and electrical fault occur due to over voltage, over current, over temperature, under voltage, dry running etc.  This project deals with governance marshal circuit to monitor and control the submersible motor for agriculture purpose. Dept of EEE, SJBIT


INTRODUCTION  India being an agriculture country most of its resources depend on agriculture products. In some areas where rainfall is insufficient its important to use borewell water wisely.  In an electric power system, a fault is abnormal flow of electric current. In this case when there is any fault in 3 phase transmission line the motor will get damaged. To repair that motor which costs more to over come this problem we are developing a circuit .  When any one of the phase get faulted this circuit detect and analyze in which phase fault has occurred, and it generates the voltage for the faulted phase, then it provides continuous 3 phase voltage to motor.

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


Recent Literature Review [1] “GSM and microcontroller based three phase fault analysis system” (Author – Anisur Rahman, EEE Dept. , 2017 )  In this paper, there are two types of faults is denoted Line to line and line to ground fault.  The described system is constructed only for over coming , the stated difficulties that can sense those faults automatically and will take an immediate action against the created faults.  The project is planned to develop an automatic tripping mechanism for the three phase supply system by using GSM and microcontroller . [2] “Fault protection and automatic on and off of the submersible pumps using electric smart control panel” (Author- Shyam joseph A. ,EEE Dept., 2017)  In this paper analyzing the performance of submersible pumps used in agriculture  The protection provided for under voltage, phase reversal, phase to phase unbalance, locked rotor protection.  The ongoing motor remote on and off using GSM can be replaced by this new project electric smart control panel, to give reliable way to control the pump and protect the motor from fault Dept of EEE, SJBIT


OBJECTIVES  The objective of this project is to design a protecting circuit, which will analyze the fault in the transmission line and provide protection to the submersible motor used in agriculture.  Protection and control of submersible motor in any one phase failure in transmission line. The major reasons for phase failure are as fallows  Over heated or loose connection in one phase  Due to unbalance voltage source and phase sequence  Rapid change over in supply

 To satisfy this demand by designing the circuit, to detect any one phase failure in the transmission line after that it generate the voltage for faulted phase, proper working and protection of 3phase submersible motor from damage will done .

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


HARDWARE REQUIREMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Fuse Miniature Circuit Breaker(MCB) Contractor Inductor Transistor[MJE1503X] Diode[1N4007] Capacitor Submersible Motor Dept of EEE, SJBIT



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WORK PROGRESS Circuit Diagram:

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


Logic Circuit

(a) Logic Circuit Diagram

(b) Model of Logic Circuit Dept of EEE, SJBIT

• Logic gate is an idealized model of computation of physical electronic device implementing a Boolean functions of a logic operation performed on one or more binary input that produces a single binary output. • Compound logic gates AND-OR invert (AOI) and inverter I are often employed in Circuit design because their construction being MOSFET same per le and more efficient than the sum of the individual gates. • AND gate is a logic gate having two or more inputs and single output. An AND gate operates on logical multiplication rules. • A NOT gate it has only a single input and single output.

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


Contactor Circuit

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


• When all the three phases that is R,Y,B are correct without any phase fault the contactor 1 will operate. • If any one phase are gets faulted the contactor 2 and 3 will operate. • In this circuit we are used to 12 volts DC relay • Relay is a sensing device. When apply a current to the relay coil the closes the contactor.

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


3 Phase Rectifier

(a) 3 Phase Rectifier

(b) Output Waveform of 3 Phase Rectifier Dept of EEE, SJBIT


• A 3 phase full wave diode rectifier is shown above the AC voltage supply is 110 voltes line and 50 Hz frequency. • The waveform of voltage across load is shown in fig • From the circuit above we can see that diode D1 starts conduct at 30 degree when voltage in Rphase is maximum. • The diode D1 stops conduction the diode D3 takes over conduction at angle 150 degree when the voltage in Y-phase is maximum. • While diode D1 conducts from 30 degree to 150 degree in positive cycle it is helped by the diode D6 which helps complete the path of return to 3 phase source • Diode D6 sees maximum negative voltage but this remains positive only up to 90 degree when diode D2 takes over conduction from D6 and completes the path along with diode D1. • There fore each diode pair conducts for 60 degree and each diode conducts for 120 degree.

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


3 Phase Signal Generator

(a) 3 Phase Signal Generator

(b) Output Waveform of 3-phase signal generator Dept of EEE, SJBIT

(c) Model of 3 phase signal generator


• In our project we are using the three phase signal generator to generate a three phase signal in 50 HZ each phases are having 120 degree phase shift in each phases. • In the three phase signal generator using lf411,3 Op-Amps. The OpAmps is supplied with supply voltage positive voltage to pin number 7 and negative voltage for pin number 4 we get output in pin number 6. • Thus we get positive input at the inverting terminal and output is amplified by its gain and reaches its maximum value the we get a positive half of sine wave. • At inverting terminal now the capacitor gets charged continuously till it becomes greater than the initial voltage hence Op-Amp output switches to negative voltage and gets amplified we get negative half of the sine wave. Dept of EEE, SJBIT


Pre-Amplifier Circuit

(a) Inverting and Non inverting Circuit

(b) Output Waveform of Preamplifier circuit Dept of EEE, SJBIT

(c) Model of inverting Non-inverting circuit 17

• Preamplifier circuit having 6 Input and 6 output in the circuit preset resistors are used to set the voltage level • Here we use LM 4558 IC it has four input pin number 2, 3 and 5, 6 pin number 2 and 6 are Inverting pin number 3 and 5 are Non-Inverting and Pin number 4 is ground, Pin number 7 is output, Pin number 8 is +VCC • A Preamplifier also known as preamp is an electronic amplifier that converts electrical signal into an output signal • For sending the power amplifier without the final signal would be noisy or distorted. • The preamplifier is often placed close to the sensor to reduce the effects of noise and interference

Dept of EEE, SJBIT



(a) Power Drive Circuit

(b) Model Of Power drive Dept of EEE, SJBIT


• We are converting AC voltage to DC voltage by using Rectifier circuit the output of the rectifier circuit is given to power drive input. • Power drive is a switching device. • It consist of a series connected transistor • The rectifier output is 220 dc voltage is given to the power drive input the power drive gives the 440 volts AC constant voltage. • If there is any variations in input voltage power drive gives the constant voltage to the motor. • Variations in the voltage will damage the motor hence we are using power drive it will gives the constant voltage to the motor and protects from damage. Dept of EEE, SJBIT


Final Project Model

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


RESULT  Input signal is amplified to 3 phase with the help of 3 phase signal generator and DC power supply  When any one of the phase get faulted this circuit detect and analyze in which phase fault has occurred, and it generates the voltage for the faulted phase, then it provides continuous 3 phase voltage to motor.

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


CONCLUSION • In this project we have made easy to monitor the submersible motor for parameters like phase failure. •The process we have learned about different components and how it works and functions accurately. And also learned about different techniques to implement very well for the use of this project and other purposes.

Dept of EEE, SJBIT


REFRENCES [1] priya V . Kale, Amith M. Kale, Nikhil R. Prof. Ankita A. Yeotikar, protection of induction motor using classical method , international research journal of engineering and technology, volume;04 issue;01|Jan2017. [2] M N. Kumawat, V.T. Kulkarni and S.N Halambe, wireless indore farm monitoring system using PS Oc1. in international journal of engineering development and research vol.6,issue1, 2018. [3] IEEE PAPER;emerging trends in engineering and technology(ICETET 2009) Second international confarance on 16-18 dec.2019. [4] Real application of 3 phase water pump control and level sensing using GSM And mobile IJSRD- international journal for scientific research and development Vol.3 Issue02,2015 Dept of EEE, SJBIT





Dept of EEE, SJBIT

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