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Sursa (pentru download) Autor Titlu carte Sub-titlu (original) An publicatie Editura Localitate / tara tehnica picturii www.artistdaily.comArtist Daily 15 Portrait Painting Techniques -2010- Artist Daily Oil Painting Lessons 2010 Interweave Press Loveland, CO, USA arta picturii web ? 15c painting A Study of 15th Century Paint Materials and 2007 Recipes ? tehnica picturii www.artistdaily.comArtist Daily 18 Painting Techniques in Still Life Oil Painting -2009- Artist Daily 18 Instructions for Painting With Oil Colors:2009 Painting Interweave Techniques Pressin Still Life Loveland, Oil Painting CO, USA vitralii / pictura cu/pe sticla The Cooper Union Museum for the 2500 Arts F., of theDecoration art and technique of modern glass 1948 The Cooper Union Museum New forYork the Arts of Decoration materiale de pictura Albert Alban A semi-rigid transparent support for paintings which have both inscriptions on their fabric JAICreverse 1980, Volume and acute 20, planar Numberdistorsions 1, Article 21980 (pp. JAIC 21 to online 27) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati desen Walter Dight A booke of sundry draughtes (schite desen artistic) principaly serving for glasiers and not impertinent 1615 Schoolane for plasters, and gardiners London besides sundry other professio email Ray Thomas Stull, Albert Bleininger A cheap enamel for stoneware 1908 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Illinois, BULLETIN USA No. 9. DEPARTMEN tehnica picturii R.P. Leitch (Richard Pettigrew) A course of sepia painting Cassell, Petter, Galpin & London Co materiale de pictura R. Ingham Clark A few notes on varnishes and fossil resins Charles Letts & Co London ceramica John C. L. Sparkes A handbook to the practice of pottery painting Lechertier Barbe & Co London materiale de pictura Tatyana Petukhova A History of Fish Glue as an Artist's Material: Applications in Paper and Parchment Artifacts 2000 The American Institute forUSA Conservation - The Book and Pa alchimie Lynn Thorndike A History of Magic Experimental Science -vol.1During the first 13 centuries of our era 1923 The Macmillan Company New York tehnica picturii W.B. Sarsfield Taylor A manual of fresco and encaustic painting 1843 Chapman & Hall London arta picturii Abraham Bosse A Messieurs de l'Académie royale de la peinture et sculpture 1660 Académie royale de la peinture Paris et sculpture materiale de pictura James Sowerby A new elucidation of colours, with observations on the accuracy of Sir Isaac Newton 1809 Richard Taylor & Co London materiale de pictura Phil Gottfredson A note on stretcher modification JAIC 1984, Volume 24, Number 1, Article 71984 (pp. JAIC 57 to online 58) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati tehnica picturii Barbara H. Berrie A note on the imprimatura in two of Dosso Dossi's paintings JAIC 1994, Volume 33, Number 3, Article 61994 (pp. JAIC 307 toonline 313) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati arta picturii Will H. Low A painter's progress 1910 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S New SONS York foto Samuel D. Humphrey A practical manual of the collodion process (foto print pe sticla si hartie) giving in detail a method for producing positive 1857and Humphrey's negative pictures Journal PrintNew on glass and Yorkpaper. Ambrotypes. Print materiale de pictura Riffault, Vergnaud, and Toussaint A practical treatise on manufacture of colors for painting 1874 Henry Carey Baird & Co Philadelphia materiale de pictura httpwww.michaelprice.infoLeonardo.pdf Michael Price A Renaissance of Color: Particle Separation and Preparation of Azurite for Use in Oil Painting 2000 ISAST - LEONARDO, Vol.USA 33, No. 4, pp. 281–288, 2000 tehnica picturii Michael C. Duffy A study of acrylic dispersions used in the treatment of paintings JAIC 1989, Volume 28, Number 2, Article 21989 (pp. JAIC 67 to online 77) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati materiale de pictura Hermann Andreas Loos A Study of colophony resin 1900 The Chemical Publishing Baston, Company PA vitralii / pictura cu/pe sticla Lisa Weilbacker A study of residential stained glass - the work of Nicola D'Ascenzo studios from 1896 toA1954 THESIS in The Graduate Program in Historic 1990 Preservation University of Presented Pennsylvania toPthe ennsylvania faculties of the University of P materiale de pictura Claire L. Hoevel A Study of the Discoloration Products Found in White Lead Paint Films 1985 The American Institute forUSA Conservation - The Book and Pa restaurare, conservare / intretinere Hanna Szczepanowska, CharlesAM. study Lovett of the removal and prevention of fungal stains on paper JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 2, Article 11992 (pp. JAIC 147 toonline 160) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati restaurare, conservare / intretinere Adam Karpowicz A study on development of cracks on paintings JAIC 1990, Volume 29, Number 2, Article 51990 (pp. JAIC 169 toonline 180) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati tehnica picturii Raymond White, Jo Kirby A Survey of Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century - Varnish Compositions found on achapter Selection 6 - National of Paintings Technical in theBulletin, National Volume Gallery 2001 22, National Collection 2001 Gallery Company London Ltd. - distributed by Yale Univers materiale de pictura David Jackson, Janice JacksonA Survey of Tibetan Pigments Kailash, Volume 4, Number 3, 1976 1976 ?? tehnica picturii Barry R. 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Dentu, sur porcelaine éditeur dure Paris et porcelaine tendre, sur émail, ém tehnica picturii Bernard Lamy Traité de perspective - ou font contenus les fondemens de la peinture 1701 Anisson, Directeur de l'Imprimerie Paris Royale ceramica Alexandre Brongniart Traité des arts céramiques ou des poteries- vol.2 ou Des poteries considérées dans leur histoire, 1844 leur Imprimerie pratiquedeetFain leur et théorie Thunot Paris email Didier François d' Arclais de Montamy Traité des couleurs pour la peinture en émail et sur la porcelaine 1765 C. Cavelier, libraire Paris materiale de pictura Paul Schützenberger Traité des matières colorantes - vol.1 comprenant leurs applications à la teinture1867 et à l'impression Victor Masson et des et Fils noticesParis sur les fibres textiles, les épaissis materiale de pictura Paul Schützenberger Traité des matières colorantes - vol.2 comprenant leurs applications à la teinture1867 et à l'impression Victor Masson et des et Fils noticesSuite sur les d'estampes fibres textiles, pour les servir épaissis à l'his tehnica picturii Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz Traité des plantes qui fervent à la teinture & à la peinture 1785 Imprimerie de la veuve Valade desen Abraham Bosse Traité des pratiques géométrales et perspectives enseignées dans l'Académie royale de la peinture et sculpture 1665 Abraham Bosse Paris desen Lambert Libert Traité élémentaire et pratique du dessin et de la peinture Par L. LIBERT, Peintre et Dessinateur 1811 BLOGQUEL , Imprimeur -Libraire Lille, France tehnica picturii Karl Robert Traité pratique de peinture à l'huile (Paysage) 1912 HENRI LAURENS, ÉDITEUR Paris tehnica picturii Karl Robert Traité pratique des peintures à la guache Petite bibliothèque illustrée de l'enseignement 1893pratique HENRI des LAURENS, beaux-arts, ÉDITEUR publiée Paris par et sous la direction de K tehnica picturii Bernard Dupuy Du Grez Traité sur la peinture pour en apprendre la téorie et se perfectionner dans la pratique 1699 Veuve de J. Pech & A. Pech Toulouse alchimie httpwww.muslimheritage.comuploadstransfer_of_islamic_technology_to_the_west.pdf Ahmed Y. Al-Hassan Transfer of Islamic technology to the West -2006- Ahmed Y. Al-Hassan 2006 FSTC Limited (Foundation Manchester, for ScienceUK Technology and Civi tehnica picturii W. Williams Transparency painting on linen 1855 Winsor & Newton London tehnica picturii Leonardo da Vinci Trattato della Pittura 1651 Carabba editore, 1947 tehnica picturii Leonardo da Vinci Treatise on painting with a life of Leonardo and an account of his 1651 works George by John BellWilliam & SonsBrown; London translated from Italian by John F pictura si altele Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo Trattato dell'arte della pittvra, scoltvra, et architettvra Trattato dell'arte della pittvra, scoltvra, et architettvra 1584 A inftantia di Gio.diPaolo PietroLomazzo Tini Milano, milanese Italiapittore : diuiso in sette restaurare, conservare / intretinere David C. Goist Treatment of a flood-damaged oil painting on a solid support JAIC 1977, Volume 16, Number 2, Article 31977 (pp. JAIC 21 to online 26) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati foto Elissa M. O'Loughlin Treatment of Two Nineteenth-Century Chromolithographs an Approach to Reduction of Magnesium Bicarbonate 1992 The American DepositsInstitute forWashington Conservation, Vol.11-1992 tehnica picturii W.H.J. Boot Trees and How to Paint Them in Watercolours 1883 RLB-Publishing Huddersfield, UK alchimie Arthur Edward Waite Turba Philosophorum CALLED ALSO THE BOOK OF TRUTH IN1896 THE ART GEORGE AND THE REDWAY THIRD PYTHAGORICAL London SYNOD -- AN ANC tehnica picturii scribd Bart Devolder Two 15th Century Italian Paintings on Fine-Weave Supports and their Relationship to Netherlandish Canvas Painting 2005 Harvard University - Devolder, ANAGPIC 2005 Paper tehnica picturii Ashok Roy, Dillian Gordon Uccello’s Battle of San Romano chapter 1 - National Technical Bulletin, Volume 2001 22, National 2001 Gallery Company London Ltd. - distributed by Yale Univers gravura Henri Bouchot Un ancêtre de la gravure sur bois, étude sur un xylographe taillé en Bourgogne vers 1370 1902 Librairie Centrale de Beaux-arts Paris foto Mary Studt, Amy Fernandez andUndercoverIrene Brückle Two-Layered Inserts for Chromo Papers 1997 The American Institute forWashington Conservation, Vol.17-1997 tehnica picturii Lance Mayer, Gay Myers Understanding the techniques of American tonalist and impressionist painters JAIC 1993, Volume 32, Number 2, Article 41993 (pp. JAIC 129 toonline 139) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati restaurare, conservare / intretinere Gianfranco Pocobene, Ian Hodkinson Use of a pressure-sensitive adhesive to facilitate the transfer of a severely tented painting JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 2, Article 21992 (pp. JAIC 161 toonline 173) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati materiale de pictura Jutte Haberlein Various Uses of Gum Mastic in the Middle Ages 2008 Mark S. Harris materiale de pictura scribd Olivier Verf - Gele Pigment (in olandeza - dar cred ca e f.b.) 2004 ? ? materiale de pictura Catherine Helm-Clark Vermilion 2001 Therasia von Tux, Barony?1000 Eyes - Sept 2001 revised ed arta picturii httpwww.proeditura.roxFilesFileeseuriText%20Curticapeanu.pdf Doina Curticăpeanu Viata artei istorisita de Sir Ernst H. Gombrich 2008 Tabor, nr. 12, martie 2008? arta picturii Francesco Galluzzi Viata si opera lui Picasso Biblioteca de arta, colectia "Pictori de Geniu" 2009 nr.3, Adevarul PicassoHolding arta picturii Henri Focillon Vie des formes -1934- Henri Focillon 1934 Éloge de la main, Paris, Presses Paris Universitaires de France arta picturii Alain (Émile Chartier) Vingt leçons sur les Beaux-Arts 1931 Éditions Gallimard Paris arta picturii Ralph Murrell Larmann Visual Art History Introduction to the Visual Arts, ART 105, Spring 2004 2004 - Syllabus, Index and ? Study Guides (1 o tehnica picturii Gerard de Vries, D. Barton Johnson Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Painting Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Painting - 2006 Gerard Amsterdam de Vries and University D. Barton Press Amsterdam Johnson, with an essay by Liana A tehnica picturii Charlie? Wash techniques 2007? ? ? arta picturii Joyce Hill Stoner Washington Allston - Poems, veils, and "Titian's dirt" JAIC 1990, Volume 29, Number 1, Article 11990 (pp. JAIC 01 to online 12) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati tehnica picturii ? Water Color Painting - Learn To Paint Flowers ?2004 ? ? tehnica picturii Arthur L. Guptill Watercolor painting step-by-step 1957 WATSON-GUPTILL PUBLICATIONS tehnica picturii Richard Taylor Watercolorist's Guide to Painting Buildings 1999 David & Charles, Brunel House tehnica picturii David Bellamy Watercolour landscape course 1993 HarperCollins Publishers UK Limited arta picturii John C. Van Dyke What is art STUDIES IN THE TECHNIQUE AND CRITICISM 1910 CHARLES OF PAINTING SCRIBNER'S New SONS York tehnica picturii file folder James Elkins What Painting Is 1998 file folder USA pictura si altele Linnet Kestrel Whips and Angels - Painting on Cloth in the Mediaeval Period 2003 ? materiale de pictura httpwww.mediafire.comdm2zndizj3z Alvah Horton Sabin White Lead - its use in paint 1920 JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. New York arta picturii Morris Eaves William Blake's Theory of Art 1982 Princeton University Press, Princeton, c1982. [SERIES NJ, USA- Princeton ess vitralii / pictura cu/pe sticla Lewis Foreman Day Windows - a book about stained & painted glass 1909 B. T. BATSFORD London materiale de pictura Michel Laar, Aviva Burnstock With paint from Claus & Fritz - A study of an Amsterdam painting materials firm (1841–1931) JAIC 1997, Volume 36, Number 1, Article 11997 (pp. JAIC 1 to 16) online - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati vitralii / pictura cu/pe sticla Thomas Willement Works executed in stained glass A concise account of the principal works in1840 stained PRINTED glass that FOR have PRIVATE been executed London DISTRIBUTION

materiale de pictura materiale de pictura tehnica picturii materiale de pictura Catherine M. Helm Yellow Ochre Henry W. Levison Yellowing and bleaching of paint films Daniel Young Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets Frank Piazza Zinc - The Other White Paint

2001 JAIC 1985, Volume 24, Number 2, Article 21985 (pp. JAIC 69 to online 76) - Journal of the USA American Institue of Conservati A Collection of Above 500 Useful Receipts1861 on a Variety Project of Gutenberg Subjects (first printed Toronto by Rowsell & Ellis, Toronto) 2010? ? ?

Localitate / tara Loveland, CO, USA Loveland, CO, USA

Illinois, USA



Napoli, Italia

Leuven, Belgium

n behalf of Folklore Enterprises, Ltd. Praga, Cehia

Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Westport, Connecticut

GH. Asachi, Iasi - Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Management Industrial

Somerset, UK


by Johann Theodor de Bry; Printed by Hieronymous Gallerus

Karnataka, India PENNSYLVANIA, USA Indianapolis, IN, USA

Amsterdam, The Netherlands Kyoto, Japan

ation Division of the Australian Museum Belo Horizonte – Junho de 2001 Cambridge, Massachusetts

ok. The Italian "Il Libro dell' Arte." Translated by Daniel V. Thompson, Jr. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1933, by Yale University Press.

Bradley, IL, USA

Roma, Italia


ular Aspects of Ageing of Painted Art) - AMOLF (FOM Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics)


Sarasota, Florida

osminului‖ (de verificat)

Botoşani, România

Framingham, MA, USA

Venetia, Italia

Milano, Italia

Newton Abbot, Devon, UK

Buffalo, New York

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Milano, Italia

Milano, Italia Napoli, Italia


VINTON. IOWA. d - Issue 169, FIRST Quarter 2009 tober 4, XLIII (2008) Napoli, Italia Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom

J. B. Lippincott Company

mbH & Co KGaA


Perugia, Italia Cesena, Italia

AMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE Calcutta, India Weinheim, Germania Firenze, Italia

d Ralph Serpe

Ferraria, Italia

Viagrande (CT), Italia

Amsterdam, The Netherlands Alessandria, Italia Montréal, Canada

Catania, Italia Spoleto, Italia



Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Bologna, Italia

Santa Barbara, California Garden City, NY, USA

Minneapolis, MN, USA Caen, Franta

, no. 8, 25 April 2001 Măgurele, România Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam, The Netherlands Berlin - Heidelberg, Germany

Catana, Italia Digne, Franta Sydney, Australia

unterfeit Deterrence Techniques IV, SPIE 4677, 2002. Collepiano - TORRECUSO (Bn), Italia Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

ournal, 11(1), 2008, pp. 1-28

ne 2009 issue Rhode Island

Newark, New Jersey


Washington, USA

um on Rendering (2006)

Arabia Saudita

St. Louis, MO, USA


Chisinau, Moldova

TIMISOARA Washington


mka Susan Gordon)

Philadelphia Chişinău, Moldova Tours, Franta

Madrid, Spania com/Texts/Eastlake/ProfEssays.htm Montreux, Switzerland

Firenze, Italia

iensis. Seria Historica, II, 2005, p.317-323

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Washington, D.C.

San Diego, CA, USA BOSTON AND NEW YORK Philadelphia

Tolose, France

Lockport, New York

Manitoba, Canada

Florence, Italy

Iasi, Romania

Brighton, UK

Washington Koln, Germany

Newton Abbot, Devon, UK

Cincinatti, Ohio, USA

Edinburgh, UK Washington Sydney, Australia Pennsylvania

NDT of Art 2008 Jerusalem, Israel, May 2008 Phoenix, USA Glastonbury, UK

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Sterling, VA, USA

Melbourne, Australia London & Edinburg

Philadelphia Nevada, Ohio

Philadelphia Toronto, Ontario

Wilmington, Delaware, USA


Chicago, Illinois


Westport, CT, USA

Los Angeles Washington, USA CAMBRIDGE San Francisco, USA

Suite d'estampes pour servir à l'histoire des moeurs et du costume des Français dans le dix-huitième siècle années 1775-1776. 1777.

Lille, France

Manchester, UK

Milano, Italia Washington Huddersfield, UK

volder, ANAGPIC 2005 Paper


Princeton, NJ, USA



Link info


Petre Velicu


Gallery Roermond (Olanda) Alberti, Leon Battista

Despre pictură


Alcoy i Pedros Rosa

L‟Art Du Vitrail


Alexandrian 1927



Alexandru Ioan (1941-2000)



Alexianu, Alexandru

Acest ev mediu românesc


Allart, Dominique

L‟Art flamand et hollandais


Alpatov, Mihail Vladimirovici

Kraski drevnerusskoj ikonopisi


Anghel, Gheorghe, pictură

8 art +


Antōnakatou Diana



Antōnakatou Diana



Arasse, Daniel

Nu vedeţi nimic


Arbore, Grigore

Piero della Francesca

Atanasiu A.D.

Arta Românească

Ataöv, Türkkaya

Pictura turcă

Baba, Corneliu

Corneliu Baba


Baba, Corneliu

Corneliu Baba


Baba, Corneliu

Corneliu Baba


Badea-Păun, Gabriel

Portraits de société XIXe-XXe siècles

Bajkay Éva

Mattis-Teutsch und Der Blaue Reiter

Balaci, Alexandru

Pictura veneţiană în secolul XVIII


Baldass Ludwig



Banner Zoltán



Banu, George

Spatele omului


Barberini, Maria Guilia



Barbu, Daniel


701 Aggie Hendriks Fine Art 698 697 696 695 694 693 692 690 688 689 686 685 680 679 674 675 676 672 671 670 669 667 666 664 663


1974 19081979

2007 ©2000

661 660 657 654 655 656 653 652 647

Bartos M.J.

Pictura murală din Ţara Românească în secolul al XIV-lea Compoziţia în pictură

Bartz Gabriele

Michelangelo Buonarroti


Baumann Claus

Kurt Günther


Bazin, Germain

Istoria avangardei în pictură


Bazin, Germain


Bazin, Germain

Trésors de la peinture au Louvre


Beach, Milo Cleveland

Rajasthani Painters


Becherucci, Luisa



Belović Marina



643 639 638 637 635 634

Beyer, Andreas

L‟Art du portrait


Biberman Edward

Time and circumstance


Bietoletti, Silvestra



Binoche Juliette (1964-)

Portraits in-eyes


Bismarck, Beatrice von

Impressionist Art


Bitan, Ion

Esposizione della Republica Populare Romena




633 Bizardel, Yvon 632 Bobulescu, C.

Les peintres témoins de leur temps


Lăutari şi hori în pictura bisericilor noastre


630 Bogdan, Dan 626 Bonafoux, Pascal 625 Bonn Sally (1970-)

Eugen Drăguţescu




L‟Art en Angleterre


622 623 621 620 619

Botticelli, Sandro



Botticelli, Sandro

Postcard Book


Boulanger Robert

La Peinture égyptienne et l‟Orient ancien


Bounoure Vincent

La Peinture américaine


Boţkov Atanas (1929-1995)

Bălgarskoe izobrazitelnoe izkusstvo

1964 [1994

613 614 612 608 610 607 606 605 603 602

Brigalda-Barbas, Eleonora

Pictură japoneză din patrimoniul Galeriei de Artă Orientală Igor Vieru

Brigalda-Barbas, Eleonora

Pavel Şillingovski


Brion, Marcel

Pictura romantică


Broşteanu, Aurel D.

...Acest altceva, pictura


Brown, Jonathan

Pictura spaniolă din sec. XVII


Bruteig, Magne



Budişteanu, Miruna

Expoziţia Imponderabile

601 600 598 597 592 593 595 11 590 591 587 586 585 583 584 581 580 579 578 577 576 572 573 574 569 568 563 564 566 565 562 560

618 Brad Carmen



Buisson Dominique

Encyclopédie des Impressionnistes

DL 20

Burrus, Christina

Frida Kahlo


Busuioceanu Alexandru (1896-1961)


Büttner, Nils

Les Tableaux du Greco de la Collection Royale de Roumanie L‟art des paysages

Calaşnicov, Irina

Leonid Grigoraşenco


Caraion, Ion

Lacrimi perpendiculare


Cartianu, Virginia

Miniatura medievală în Anglia


Cebuc, Alexandru

Augustin Costinescu


Cebuc, Alexandru



Cebuc, Alexandru



Čegodaev, Andrej Dimitrievič

Antuan Vatto


Cennini, Cennino

Tratatul de pictură


Cennini, Cennino

Tratatul de pictură


Charensol, Georges

Les Grands Maîtres de la Peinture moderne


Chatzēdakēs Manōlēs

Ho Krētikos zōgraphos Theophanēs


Chirculescu, Constantin



Ciobanu, Constantin Ion

Andrei Sârbu


Ciobanu, Constantin Ion

Valentina Rusu-Ciobanu


Cirlot, Juan Eduardo

Pictura contemporană


Ciseri, Ilaria

Le Romantisme


Ciucă, Valentin

Penelul şi paleta


Claudel, Paul

Introducere în pictura olandeză


Clonda August

Arta şi omul


Codrescu, Ion

Imagine şi text în haiga


Cogniat, Raymond


Cogniat, Raymond



Cogniat, Raymond



Cosma, Gheorghe

Pictura istorică românească


Costescu, Eleonora



Coşoveanu, Dorana

Iacob Lazăr


Coşoveanu, Dorana

Rodica Lazăr


Courthion, Pierre

Henri Rousseau


Courtois Michel

La Peinture chinoise


Crespelle, Jean-Paul



Cristea, Ioan

Curentele artei moderne




561 Cristea, Ioana

Doamnele artelor frumoase româneşti afirmate interbelic L‟Art italien

559 Cropper, Elizabeth La provence des peintres 558 Cros, Philippe Csapodiné Gárdonyi Klára (1911-1993) Iluminowane kodeksy europejskie 556

2004 1998 2008 [1982

555 554 553 552 551 550 548 546 545 541

Cuzin, Jean-Pierre

Petit Larousse de la peinture


Dali, Salvador

Jurnalul unui geniu


Damadian, Liza

Expoziţia Steinlen


Damian, Laurenţiu

Geometria iluziei


Dan, Liviana

Ioan Iacob


Dancu, Iuliana

Pictura ţărănească pe sticlă


Daumier, Honoré



De la Bédoyère, Camilla

A Brief History of Art


De Vecchi, Pierluigi



Deac, Mircea

50 de ani de pictură


542 543 544 540 539 538 536 535 534 531 530 529 528 526 525 524

Deac, Mircea



Deac, Mircea

Impresionismul în pictura românească


Deac, Mircea

Pictură românească 1964


Debicki, Jacek

Istoria artei


Degas, Edgar

Degas by himself


Deliyannis, Dimitrios

Pictura neoelenă


Demetrescu, Camilian

Culoarea, suflet şi retină


Dene, Viorica

Miniatura franceză


Descargues, Pierre



Deutsche Akademie der Künste

Willi Geiger

Diehl, Charles



Diehl, Gaston



Dimitrov, Danko



Dionisie din Furna

Carte de pictură


Dionisio, Mário

A paleta e o mundo


Diţescu, Ştefan



523 522 519 520 509 511 512 513 514 517 516

Dobrian Vasile



Dobriban, Emil

Corelaţia universurilor picturii şi muzicii


Dracopol-Ispir, Lucia

Clasicismul în pictura românească


Dracopol-Ispir, Lucia

Clasicismul în pictura românească


Drăguţ, Vasile

La peinture roumaine


Drăguţ, Vasile

Pictura murală din Transilvania


Drăguţ, Vasile

Pictura românească în imagini


Drăguţ, Vasile

Pictura românească în imagini


Drăguţ, Vasile

Romanian painting in pictures


Dreptu, Ruxandra

Culorile Avangardei


Drury, Elizabeth

Self portraits of the world‟s greatest painters


507 Du Bos, Jean-Baptiste 504 Dubé, Marcel 503 Dumitrescu, Carmen Laura 502 Dumont Henri 501 Duţu, Alexandru 500 Eckardt Götz

[s. a

Cugetări critice despre poezie şi pictură


Jean Paul Lemieux et le livre


Pictura murală din Ţara Românească în veacul al XVI-lea Rembrandt


Eseu în istoria modelelor umane


Peter Paul Rubens




499 498 497 496

Eichler, Anja-Franziska

Albrecht Dürer

Einem, Herbert von



Eisler, Colin T.

Masterworks in Berlin


Emilian, Albert

Pictura japoneză şi epoca lui Sesshu Toyo Oda


495 492 493 494 491 486 483 481 479 480 474 475 476 477 478 473 468 467 5 465

Enaud-Lechien Isabelle

William Turner (1775-1851)

Enăchescu, Constantin

Art and madness


Enescu, Theodor

Scrieri despre artă


Enescu, Theodor

Ştefan Luchian


Essers, Volkamr

Henri Matisse


Fehér Géza

Török miniatúrák


Fiocco, Giuseppe



Fischer, Eberhard

Paintings by Nainsukh of Guler


Fliedl, Gottfried

Gustav Klimt

30 cm

Fliedl, Gottfried

Gustav Klimt


Florea, Vasile



Florea, Vasile

La peinture roumaine


Florea, Vasile

Perov (1833-1882)


Florea, Vasile

Pictura rusă


Florea, Vasile

Th. Aman


Focillon, Henri

Piero della Francesca


Francastel, Galienne



Francastel, Pierre

Pictură şi societate


Frenţiu, Rodica

Lecţia de caligrafie japoneză


Fride R. Carrassat, Patricia

Mişcări artistice în pictură

2007 [2003

DL 20

464 458 459 460 461 455 454 453 452 451 450 449 448 447 444 443 442

Friedländer, Max J.

Să înţelegem şi să recunoaştem curente în pictură Despre pictură

Frunzetti, Ion

Pictura chineză clasică


Frunzetti, Ion

Pictura chineză clasică


Frunzetti, Ion

Pictura chineză clasică


Frunzetti, Ion

Pictura contemporană românească


Gabelić Smiljka

Manastir Lesnovo


Galaction Passarelli Luki (1906-)

Galaction Passarelli

Garnier-Pelle Nicole (1955-)

Chantilly, Musée Condé


Gascar, Pierre

Toffoli ou la Force du destin


Gassiot-Talabot Gérald

La Peinture romaine et paléochrétienne


Gauguin, Paul

Paul Gauguin


Gay Claire

Le XVIIIe Siècle


Gellér Katalin

La pintura francesa del siglo XIX


Gentili, Augusto

Paintings in Venice


Gheorghiu, Ion

Ion Alin Gheorghiu


Gibson, Michael



Glauber Pojar Paraschiva

Iser 1881-1958


440 439 437 438 435 415 434

Golomştok, I.N.

Pictura monumentală mexicană


Gombrich, Ernst Hans

Artă şi iluzie

Gonçalves José

Jean-Siméon Chardin

DL 19

Gonçalves José

Philippe de Champaigne

DL 19

Goswamy, B.N.

Domains of Wonder


Götz, Adriani

Pictura germană în secolul al XVII-lea


Gouliaev, Vladimir

Les miniatures sur laque russe


466 Fride R. Carrassat, Patricia




Graščenkov Viktor Nikolaevič



Greceanu, Olga

Femei-pictori de altădată


Grecu, Vasile

Cărţi de pictură bisericească bizantină


Grecu, Vasile

Manualul de pictură a lui Dionisie din Fura în româneşte Eseuri asupra picturii contemporane


Ohridsko zidno slikarstvo XIV veka


424 Grozdea, Mircea 423 Gruner, Simone

Rodica şi Iacob Lazăr


Étude de peintures d‟adolescents délinquants


422 Guber Andrej Aleksandrovich

Leonardo da Vinchi


Guichard-Meili, Jean

Să privim pictura


Gusti, Gustav

Arhitectura în România


Güterslon, Paris von

Bekenntnisse eines modernen Malers


Guy Marica, Viorica

Arta gotică


Guy Marica, Viorica

Clasicismul în pictura franceză


Guy Marica, Viorica

Pictura germană între gotic şi Renaştere


Hagen Rose-Marie

Francisco Goya


Händler Gerhard

Deutsche Maler der Gegenwart

© 19

Harastzi-Takács, Marianne

Maîtres espagnol


Hasan, Yvonne

Paul Klee şi pictura modernă


Hautecoeur, Louis

Literatura şi pictura în Franţa, secolele XVII-XX


Patimile după Leonardo


432 431 429 430

428 Grenier, Jean 425 Grozdanov Cvetan

421 420 414 417 418 419 413 397 412 411 410

409 Haziel, Vittoria

Marcel Lupşe 396 Hăulică, Dan 407 Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770- Leçons d‟Esthétique


2007 2002

1831) Heinrich Christoph

Claude Monet


Heugten, Sjraar van

Van Gogh


Hockney, David

Ştiinţa secretă


Honnef Klaus

Andy Warhol


Hrib, Dana Roxana

Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal


Huyghe, René

L‟art et l‟âme


Huyghe, René


DL 19

Huyghe, René



Iacob, Ioan

Întunericul roşu


Ilea, Gheorghe

Între alb şi negru


Ilisei, Grigore

Regatul acuarelei


Ivaniuc Florenţa

Magdalena Rădulescu


Jianu, Ionel

Ştefan Luchian


Jiquidi Aurel (1896-1962)

Pohod na Kârdjali


Jiquidi Aurel (1896-1962)

Victor Ioanid


Kamenski, Aleksander

Cum să privim pictura


Kamenski, Aleksander

Cum să privim pictura


Kandić Olivera

Le Monastere de Gradac


377 Kandić Olivera

The Monastery of Gradac


378 Kandić Olivera

Le Monastère de Sopoćani


406 404 403 402 401 398 399 400 395 394 393 388 385 383 384 380 381 376

379 Kandić Olivera

Sopoćani Monastery


373 Kazar, Gyuri


372 371 368 369 370 365 366 363 362 361 360 359 358 354 352 350 349 347 348 346 344 345

Kemenov, Vladimir

Rolul şi semnificaţia prim planului în "Meisho Edo Hyakkei" de Hiroshige Kartiny Velaskesa

Kennedy Ian G.



Kiplik, D. I.

Pictura monumentală


Kiplik, D. I.

Pictura în ulei


Kiplik, D. I.

Tehnica picturii vechilor maeştri


Knackfuss Hermann

A. von Menzel


Knackfuss Hermann



Kozloff Max

Jasper Johns

Kranzfelder, Ivo

Edward Hopper


Krischel Roland

Jacopo Tintoretto


Krystof Doris

Amedeo Modigliani


Kustodieva Tatijana Kirillovna

Tician večellio


Kuznecov Jurij Ivanovici

Zapadnoevropejskij Natjurmort


Kuzneţov, Iuri



La Sizeranne, Robert de

Măşti şi figuri din Renaşterea italiană


Lafond, Paul



Laing, Alastair

The Drawings of François Boucher


Lajta, Edit

Brocky Károly


Lajta, Edit

Les Primitifs français


Lambert Jean-Clarence

La Peinture abstraite


Laneyrie-Dagen, Nadeije



Laneyrie-Dagen, Nadeije



343 302 303 341 340 337 338 339 335 336 332

Lanthony Philippe

Lumière, vision et peinture


Lăzărescu Liviu (1934-)

Maestrul meu Corneliu Baba


Lăzărescu Liviu (1934-)

Tehnica picturii în ulei


Le Men, Ségolène



Le Thorel-Daviot, Pascale



Lemaire, Gérard-Georges

The Orient in Western Art


Lemaire, Gérard-Georges

The Orient in Western Art


Lemaire, Gérard-Georges

L‟Univers des Orientalistes


Lemonnier, Camille

Félicien Rops


Lemonnier, Camille

L‟École belge de peinture


Leonardo da Vinci

Cartea despre pictură a lui Leonardo da Vinci


333 334 317 331

Leonardo da Vinci

Tagebücher und Aufzeichnungen


Leonardo da Vinci

Tratat de pictură


Lésoualc‟h Théo (1930-2008)

La Peinture japonaise


Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

Laocoon sau despre limitele picturii şi ale poeziei


316 304 305 306 307 308

Lévèque Jean-Jacques

La Peinture islamique et indienne

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

DL 20

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Henri Fantin-Latour

DL 19

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Jean de La Fontaine

DL 19

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Le Louvre

DL 19

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Madame de Sévigné ou la saveur des mots

DL 19

Maurice Denis 1870-1943

DL 19

Musee d‟Orsay

DL 19

309 Lévêque Jean-Jacques 310 Lévêque Jean-Jacques




311 312 313 314 315 329 328 327 326

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Nicolas Poussin

DL 19

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Paul Gauguin

DL 19

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Paul Verlaine

DL 19

Lévêque Jean-Jacques


DL 20

Lévêque Jean-Jacques

Édouard Vuillard

DL 20

Leymarie, Jean

La peinture française


Lhote, André

Să vorbim despre pictură


Liaskovskaia A. O.

I. E. Repin


Libman, Mikhail Jakovlevič


325 324 323 322

Licht, Fred

Bavarskie Gosudarstvennye Sobranija Kartin. Mjunhen Goya


Limentani Virdis, Caterina



Livraga Rizzi, Jorge Angel

Interpretarea ezoterică a "Pimăverii"


Lloyd, Michael

European and American Paintings and Sculptures 1870-1970 in the Australian National Gallery Retrospectiva Lucian Grigorescu


321 Luca, Thea 319 Lukácsy András (1930-) 301 Macarie, Augustin

Peter Bruegel Cronici şi studii de arte plastice la cumpăna dintre mileniul al doilea şi al treilea

1994 1981 2006-

299 298 297 295 293 291 290 289 288 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 274 273 272 271 270 269 268

Maleković Vladimir

Krsto Hegedušić


Malraux, André

Muzeul imaginar


Marin, Ileana

Pictura prerafaelită sub semnul narativului


Martin, Mary



Masanès Fabrice

Gustave Courbet


Mateescu, Denia

Piero della Francesca


Mavrodin, Henry

[Album de pictură]

Mayoux, Jean Jacques

Pictura engleză


Mazzoleni, Donatella

Fresques des villas romaines


Mehring, Walter

Pictură excomunicată


Meissner, Günter

Max Liebermann


Mereuţă, Iulian



Miatev Krastu

Les peintures murales de Boïana


Michailovič Aleksej Ivanovič

Pavel Korin


Michel, Edouard

Pierre Brueghel Le Vieux


Miclea, Ion

[Fond documentar Ion Miclea 1]


Mihalache, Marin



Mihalache, Marin, critic de artă

Alexandru Cumpătă


Mihalcu, Mihail

Valori medievale româneşti


Mink Janis

Joan Miró


Mocanu, Virgil

Margareta Sterian


Moisescu, Anton, pictură



Mokretsova Inna Pavlovna

Les Manuscrits enluminés français du XIII-ème siècle dans les collections soviétiques


266 265 263 262 261 260 259

Mondrian, Piet, pictor



Monet, Claude

Monet by himself


Morariu, Modest



Moreau-Vautier, Ch.



Morel, Philippe

L‟Art italien


Morena, Francesco

Ukiyo-e ou l‟estampe japonaise


Mouloud, Noël

Pictura şi spaţiul



254 252 251 629

Movillă Juan

Gazeta artelor


Mueller von der Haegen Anne

Giotto di Bondone


Musset Alfred de (1810-1857)

Pictură din iubire


Muzeul "Krikor H Zambaccian" Bucureşti Muzeul Banatului Timişoara



Ghidul colecţiei de pictură 249 Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste Florenţa Pretorian 248 România Muzeul de Artă Constanţa

1978 1975

247 245 Muzeul Naţional de Artă al



Catalogul de artă universală


645 Muzeul Naţional de Artă al

Pictura europeană în Muzeul de Artă al R.S.România


246 Muzeul Naţional de Artă al

Catalogul Galeria Naţională


243 241 238 230 237 227 236 235

României Galeria Naţională Nagel, Otto

Käthe Kollwitz


Nava Simonetta

L‟âge d‟or de la peinture italienne


Neidhardt Hans Joachim

Ludwig Richter


Németh, Lajos



Nepi Sciré Giovanna

La peinture dans les musées de Venise


Néret, Gilles

Henri Matisse


Nicolae, Emil

Victor Brauner


Nicolau, Marin

Pictura în Muntenia la începutul secolului XIX


Nicosia, Fiorella

Claude Monet


Novotny Fritz (1903-)



Nützmann Hannelore

Andrea Mantegna


Oberle Jean (1900-1961)



Octavian, Tudor

Pictorul Eugen Bratfanof


Octavian, Tudor

Rodica Lazăr & Iacob Lazăr


Octavian, Tudor

Un artist al Casei Regale


Opitz Marion

Benozzo Gozzoli


Oprea, Petre

Colecţionari de artă bucureşteni


219 Oprea, Petre

Expozanţi la saloanele oficiale de pictură, sculptură, grafică


220 Oprea, Petre

Expozanţi la saloanele oficiale de pictură, sculptură, grafică


Oprescu, George

Michelangelo Buonarroti


Oprescu, George

Pictura românească în secolul al XIX-lea


Oprescu, George

Pictura românească în secolul al XIX-lea


Oprescu, George

Pictura românească în secolul al XIX-lea


217 Oprescu, George 208 Paleolog, Andrei 207 Panaïotova Dora (1931-)

Théodore Géricault


Pictura exterioară din Ţara Românească


Peintures murales bulgares du XIVe siècle


206 Panić Draga 204 Partsch Susanna 203 Passeron, René

Bogorodica Ljeviška


Franz Marc


René Magritte


României Galeria de artă universală

României Galeria de artă universală

234 231 226 225 222 223 224 221 218

211 213 214 215

202 201 164 163 199

Pavel, Amelia

Pictura românească interbelică


Pavelescu Emil

Emil Pavelescu


Pănoiu, Andrei

Pictura votivă din nordul Olteniei


Păuleanu, Doina

Pictori români la Balcic


Peleanu, Georgeta

M. W. Arnold




198 Percheron, René 194 Pešina Jaroslav

Painting of the Gothic and Renaissance periods


196 195 193 192 190 186 185 184 181 182 179 180 178 176 174

Petraşcu, Gheorghe

Expoziţie de pictură


Petrov Vsevolod Nikolaevich

"Mir iskusstva"


Philippot, Paul

Pictura flamandă şi renaşterea italiană


Pichard Joseph

La Peinture romane


Pillat, Cornelia

Pictura murală din epoca lui Matei Basarab


Plugin, Vladimir

Freski Dmitrievskogo sobora


Podlacha, Wladyslaw

Umanismul picturii murale postbizantine


Poeschke, Joachim

Fresques italiennes


Pogány Ödör Gábor (1916-1998)

19th Century Hungarian Painting


Pogány Ödör Gábor (1916-1998)

Derkovits Gyula


Popa, George

Semnificaţile spaţiului în pictură


Pop-Bratu, Anca

Pictura murală maramureşana


Popescu, Ştefan, pictor



Popović Marko

Crkva svetog Nikole u Staničenju


Porumb, Marius


175 173 172 170 171 169 168 167 165 162 161

Porumb, Marius

Dicţionar de pictură veche românească din Transilvania Pictura românească din Transilvania.I

Povert, Lionel

Dicţionarul gay


Predescu, Lucian

Enciclopedia Cugetarea


Preutu, Marina

Pictura spaniolă din sec. XVII


Preutu, Marina



Priever Andreas

Paolo Caliari, called Veronese


Procházka, Antonín



Prodan, Constantin

Sculptura, pictura şi gravura românească


Prokopp Mária

Giotto freskói a padovai Aréna-kápolnában


Quasimodo Salvatore

L‟opera completa di Michelangelo pittore


Radojčič Svetozar

Portreti srpskih vladara u Srednjem veku


Nicolae Popescu


Rautmann, Peter



Răchiteanu, Carmen

Catalogul de artă universală. vol. 3


Rădulescu, Mihai

Grupul celor şapte


Roettgen, Steffi

Fresques italiennes


Roettgen, Steffi

Fresques italiennes de la Renaissance


160 Radu Stela 157 144 143 154 155 152 150 149 148 147 145 142 140 139

Rosenblum, Robert




Rotenberg Evsej Iosifovič

Zapadno-evropejskoe isskustvo XVII veka

Rouchés, Gabriel

Peinture espagnole


Roussan, Jacques de

Québec en peinture


Rouveret Agnès

Peintures grecques antiques


Russu, Stela

Catalogul de artă universală. vol. 2

Sabartés, Jaime



Sarabianov, Dimitri Vladimirovici

Pictori ruşi moderni


Sassoon Donald

Leonardo şi povestea Mona Lisei



Anecdote literare 82 Săteanu. C. Christian Rohlfs 135 Scheidig, Walther 134 Schleinitz Otto Julius Wilhelm (1839- Ph. A. von László

127 128 129 130 123 124 125 126 122 121 120 119 117 115 116 114 6 111 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 95 96 97 94 93 92


1916) Selz Jean


Selz Jean

Odilon Redon


Selz Jean



Selz Jean



Senarmont Henri



Senarmont Henri

L‟aquarelle facile


Senarmont Henri

Le Pastel


Senarmont Henri

La Peinture à huile


Sendler, Egon

Icoana, imaginea nevăzutului


Serullaz, Maurice



Servien, Pius (1902-1953)



Seyller, John

Workshop and Patron in Mughal India


Sheng, Xishan

Life and People in Old Beijing


Silvestri, Artur



Silvestri, Artur (1953-2008)

"Loc" şi "Persoană"


Simonds, John Ormsbee

Arhitectura peisajului


Šip Jaromir

Pieter Brueghel d. Ä.


Societatea Arhitecţilor Români



Soria, Antonia

Artele în Spania


Spee M. Theo

L‟ illustration européenne


Spiteris Tony

La Peinture grecque et étrusque


Stabenow Cornelia

Henri Rousseau


Stavilă, Tudor

Auguste Baillayre


Steingräber, Stephan

Les Fresques Étrusques


Stendl, Teodora

Teodora Stendl


Stephani, Claus

Imaginea evreului în pictura modernă


Stephanowitz, Traugott

Pictura în ulei


Sterian, Margareta



Stoichiţă, Victor Ieronim

Pontormo şi manierismul


Stoichiţă, Victor Ieronim

Ultimul carnaval


Stoichiţă, Victor Ieronim



Storia, Antonio

Artele în Spania

Strauss Gerhard

Käthe Kollwitz


Stukenbrock Christiane (1961-)

1000 chefs-d‟oeuvre de la peinture européenne de 1300 à 1850 Ohridska slikarska škola XV veka


Sudakova Nina Fedorovna

The Kalinin Art Gallery


Šumova Marina

Vasily Perov


Székely Gheorghe

Van Eyck


Székely, András

Pictura spaniolă


Ştefănescu Ioan D.

Arta feudală în Ţările Române


Ştefănescu, I. D.

Arta feudală în Ţările Române


Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe

Pictura Renaşterii în Italia şi alte scrieri despre artă Pictura Renaşterii în Italia şi alte scrieri despre artă Pictura în Ţările de Jos


Bartolomé Esteban Murillo


90 Subotić Gojko 89 5 85 84 8 9 79

s.a 1965

80 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe 81 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe 77 Takács, Marianna







78 Takács, Marianna 76 Teodoriu, Anatolie 75 Terpitz Dorothea

A manierizmus mesterei Giovanni Antonio Canal, known as Canaletto


74 Theodorescu Răzvan (1939-)



Catalogul de artă universală. vol. 1

73 72 71 70 69 67 66 64 63

Thomson, Belinda

Les peintures magistrales de Van Gogh


Thuillier Jacques

La peinture française


Tibori Szabó, Zoltán

Ferenczy Júlia


Tild, Jean



Tiradritti, Francesco

Peintures murales égyptiennes


Todić Branislav

Serbian medieval painting


Toma, Ludmila

Mihail Grecu


Tomaševic, Nebojša

Pictura naivă iugoslavă


Tomescu, Vasile, muzică

Alfonso Castaldi


62 61 60 59 58 54 53

Tonitza, Nicolae N.

Note despre pictură


Topsfield, Andrew

Court Painting at Udaipur


Totskaia Irma Fantimovna

Mozaiki i freski Sofii Kievskoj


Trajanescu Im.

Artele frumoase


Tzipoia Georges

Alexandru Ţipoia


Ullmann, Ernst

Albrecht Dürer


University of Illinois College of Fine and Applied Art Valéry, Paul

Eleventh exhibition of Contemporany American Painting and Sculpture Daumier


Degas, dans, desen


Dragă Theo


Vieţile celor mai de seamă pictori, sculptori şi arhitecţi Pluralul românesc


Soţialni i patrioticini temi v staroto bulgarsko izkustvo Pictura murală din nordul Moldovei


Victor Brauner d‟après Duchamp sau drumul pictorului către un suprarealism "bine temperat"


Cum să înţelegem pictura


Bildende Kunst


51 52 Valéry, Paul 50 Van Gogh, Vincent 48 Vasari, Giorgio 47 Vasile, Geo 46 Vasiliev, Asen

32 Vătăşianu, Virgil 45 Velescu, Cristian Robert 44 Venturi, Lionello 43 Verband Bildender Künstler der 42 41 40 39 36 33 34 30 29 27 28 26




DDR Berlin Verdon, Timothy Gregory

Le Christ dans l‟art européen


Verne, Henri



Verona, A. G.



Vida, Gheorghe

Nina Arbore


Vlasiu, Ioana

Anii ‟20, tradiţia şi pictura românească


Vöhringer Christian

Pieter Bruegel


Vydra, Iosef

Folk painting on glass


Wallis, Mieczyslaw

Canaletto, Warschaus Maler


Walther, Ingo F

Pablo Picasso


Walther, Ingo F.

Marc Chagall


Walther, Ingo F.

Marc Chagall


Weitzmann, Kurt

L‟illustrazione del libro nell‟antichità


25 Wentinck Charles 24 Wright, Christopher

Histoire de la peinture européenne




23 22 21 20 19

Würtenberger Franzsepp

Der Manierismus


Zambaccian, Kricor H

Th. Pallady


Zambaccian, Kricor H.

G. Petraşcu


Zelgy, Theo

Siebenbürgisch-sächsische Möbelmalerei


Zhang, Daming

The Stories Behind the Long Corridor Paintings at the Summer Palace The wall-paintings in the Katholikon


Filipp Andreevič Maljavin


18 Zias Nikos 1 Ţivova O. A. 12 Zuffi Stefano 13 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 7 10


Pictura modernă


Antoine Watteau


Amedeo Modigliani


Gustav Klimt


Katsushika Hokusai






Johannes Vermeer


Leonardo da Vinci


Viktor Mihajlovič Vasnecov


Gosudarstvennaja Tret‟jakovaskaja Galereja



Theodor Pallady


35 37 38 49

Kartiny gosudarstvennogo ermitaţa


Zapadnoevropejskaja zivopis‟ i skulptura


Margareta Sterian


Piter Paul Rubens


55 56

Licevaja rukopis‟ Uspenskogo Sobora


André Fougeron



Catul Bogdan


65 68

La Renaissance italienne


Miniatjury rukopisi "Babur‟namė"


83 86 87 88 91 98 109 110 112 113 118 131 132



133 136 137 138

Carl Spitzweg

Aleksandr Dejneka


Miniatjury k Babur-Name


Miniatjury k Babur-Name




Pejzaţ v russkoj ţivopisi


Boris Vladimirovič Ioganson


Rospis‟ Blagoveščenskogo Sobora


Camille Corot


Arkadij Plastov


The Gorky Art Museum picture gallery


Fransisko Gojja


Šedevry Gosudarstvennogo muzeja izobrazitelnyh iskusstv imeni A. C. Puškina



Ivan Ivanovič Šiškin




The State Russian Museum


141 146 151 153 156 158 159 166

Salon Oficial


Domenico Theotocopuli El Greco




Konstantin Juon


Honoré Daumier


Aleksandr Vasilevič Kuprin


1000 de tablouri ale unor pictori de geniu


Francuzskaja ţivopis‟ XIX veka


177 183



Die ungarische Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts


187 188 189 191 197 200 205 209 210 212 216 228 229 232 233 239





Pictori despre pictură


Vasily Polenov


Vasilij Ivanovič Surikov


Chinesische Miniaturen


Miniatures Indiennes


The Radischev art museum, Saratov


Georg Baselitz


La peinture roumaine contemporaine


Pictură romînească contemporană








Lucas Cranach


Gosudarstvennaja Tretjakovskaja Galereja


240 242

Aleksandr Vasilevič Panteleev


Sabin Popp


244 250 253 255 256 257 258 264 267 275 283 284 285 286 287 292 294

Istoria ilustrată a picturii


296 300 318

Martin Kippenberger




La peinture française du XVII-e siècle


La peinture française du XVIII-e siècle


Les Primitifs Flamands


Les Primitifs français du XVe siècle




100 cele mai frumoase muzee ale lumii


Viaţă şi transfigurare


Pochoirs, trompe-l‟oeil


Window color


Andrew Wyeth


Igor Emmanuilovič Grabar


Gheorghe Ciobanu


Arkady Rylov


Mastera mirovoj ţivopisi v muzejah Sovetskogo Sojuza Felice Casorati a Verona


Giovanni Bellini





320 330 342 351 353 355 356 357 364 367 374 375 382 386 387 389 390 391 392 405 408 416 426 427 433 436 441 445 446 456 457 462

Roger de La Fresnaye, 1885-1925


Rembrandt Garmens van Rejn


S. Ju. Ţukovskij


Voyage dans un tableau


Bonpo Thangkas from Khyungpo


The Hermitage Leningrad




Western european painting in the Hermitage Museum Nikolay Roerich

[1972 [1976

Konstantin Alekseevič Korovin




Paul Gauguin


La peinture espagnole


Artă şi istorie


Chefs-d‟œuvre de la peinture française dans les Musées de Leningrad et de Moscou


Isaak Il‟ič Levitan


Šedevry mirovoj ţivopisi v muzejah Sovetskogo Sojuza Šedevry mirovoj ţivopisi v muzejah SSSR


Max Slevogt





L‟Art flamand et hollandais


Rubens medici-galériája




Irina Vasil‟evna Ševandronova


La peinture byzantine


Armando Piccinato


Musée de l‟Ermitage


Pissarro Dzjarţaŭny mastacki muzej BSSR


Tobey‟s 80


André Fougeron


Pictură universală în Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste România World Painting in the Art Museum of the Socialist Republic of Romania La peinture hollandaise du XVII-e siècle


Arta chineză de la origini pînă la epoca T‟ang


471 472



482 484 485 487 488

Theodor Aman


Aquarelles de Turner à Farneley Hall






Fantastic and Imaginative Works by Russian Artists Artă plastică de amatori


Expoziţia de artă plastică româno-bulgară


L‟Histoire de Paris par la peinture


463 469 470

489 490 505

1975 1951

Fresques italiennes de la Renaissance: [vol. 1]


506 508 510 515 518 521 527 532 533 537 547 549 557 567 570 571 575 582 588

L‟histoire de Venise par la peinture


111 contemporary painters


Pictura murală din Moldova


Umanismul picturii murale postbizantine. volumul 1 Curente şi sinteze / Armjanskaja miniatjura


Arta romanică din Catalonia


Écrire la peinture


Salvador Dalí


Les peintres de la Renaissance et la Bible


Chefs-d‟oeuvre du Musée d‟Orsay


Freski Ferapontova Monastirja


Eine auslese von vieryig Gemälden in Heliogravuren-Imitation Arta şi oraşul


Satul bucovinean în pictura lui Ion Grigore


Collogue sur la conservation et la restauration des peintures murales Manet




Limania tou ellinismou




589 596 599

Literatură şi pictură


Raoul Dufy


604 609 611 615 616 617 624 627 628


631 636 640 641 642 644 646 648 649 650 651 658 659 662 665

Fresques italiennes de la Renaissance: [vol. 2] s.a

Maria Pillat-Brateş


Henri Rousseau


L‟art du XX-e siècle


O istorie culturală a umorului


Estetica vieţii cotidiene


Francuzskaja ţivopis 20go veka


Semen Čujkov


Lupta poporului român pentru unitate şi independenţă naţională reflectată în artele plastice Muzeul Zambaccian



1001 de picturi de privit într-o viaţă




Nicolas Poussin

DL 19



Enn Iochannesovič Pyldroos


The World‟s Greatest Art




L‟Art baroque


L‟Art gothique






Néoclassicisme et Romantisme


Simpozionul Naţional de Pictură


Jurij Pimenov


668 673 677 678 681 682 683 684 687 691 699 700 702

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec


Bistriţa/Oraşul inefabil


703 704 705 706

Pictura modernă

707 708 709 710 711

Igor Grabar


Peintures et aquarelles de Lucien Simon




The Art of gothic


Fra Angelico


Ilya Mashkov


La Renaissance italienne


Simon Ushakov


Persidskie Miniatjury XIV-XVII vv.


The Cambridge Companion to Masaccio


Uljanovskij oblastnoj hudoţestvennyj muzej



[Album de pictură]


Album de pictură tradiţională chineză din Yanglinging Aleksandr Vasilevič Kuprin




Biblioteca de artă Biblioteca de artă. Biografii. Memorii. Eseuri Biblioteca populară ilustrată

724 725

Cîntarea României

729 730 731 732 733 734


Biblioteca artistică

712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723

726 727 728



Bienala internaţională de pictură Brueghel l‟ancien C. D. Rosenthal Catalogue de la Galérie d‟Art Universel

1977 [s.a. 1974-

Catalogul Galeria Naţională. vol. 1 Chinesische Malerei von heute


Clasicii picturii universale Colecţia de artă Colecţie de artă Comori de artă din România Cronici şi studii de arte plastice la cumpăna dintre mileniul al doilea şi al treilea. vol. 2

[Cărţi poştale cu reproduceri după tablourile cu subiecte istorice ale pictorului polonez Jan Matejko] Dicţionarele Nemira



Encyclopedia of Artists


Expoziţia "Construcţii noi în oraşele patriei"


Expoziţiunea operilor de pictură, sculptură, arhitectură a artiştilor în viaţă Fedir Kričevskij


[Fond documentar Oscar Han

1988 1932-



Francisco Goya


Gestalten der Weltgfschichte


735 736

Gh. Constantinescu


Gosudarstvennaja Kartinnaja Galereja Armenii



Gosudarstvennaja Tretjakovskaja Galereja



Gosudarstvennîi Ruskii Muzei


739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746



The graphic work of Eugene Berman


Gustav Klimt


Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec




Italia văzută de artiştii români


747 748 749 750 751 752

La Lanterne magique


Maeştrii picturii româneşti în Muzeul de Artă al R. P. R. Malerei der Jahrhunderte





Mapa 5 Mapa 12 Maszelka János


Matilda Ulmu


753 754 755 756

N. Grigorescu


N. Grigorescu


757 758 759

Pagini de veche artă românească: [Vol.] 3


Paintings by the Old Masters


Peterburg-Leningrad v gravjurach A. P. Ostroumovoj-Lebedevoj Picasso


Pictura barocă


Pictura italiană


Pictura modernă. vol. 5


Pictura modernă. vol. 4


Pictura modernă. vol. 2


Pictura modernă. vol. 1


Pictura modernă. vol. 3


Pintura rusa en los museos de la Unión Soviética


760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768

Nicolae Grigorescu Pagini de veche artă românească

769 770 771 772

Prospecţiuni estetice

773 774 775 776 777 778

Rembrandt harmensz van Rijn

s.a 1970-



Romania Group 5 Exhibition


Die Rumänische Malerei im XX. Jahr hun dert


Sergej Vasilevič Gerasimov


Seriile de autor Humanitas Sinteze Sisley


Societatea "Tinerimea artistică"-Expoziţie de pictură şi sculptură 3 Bucureşti 1904 Societatea "Tinerimea artistică"-Expoziţie de pictură şi sculptură 3 Bucureşti 1909

1904 1909

779 780 1 Orban, Nicolae

Studii de artă Studioul de arte plastice al armatei Pigmenţi anorganici pentru lacuri, vopsele şi cerneluri


Editură [s.n.]



(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Mengès Flammarion Meridiane Minerva Citadelles & Mazenod Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Charmides


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)



s.n. [s.n.] Art

(1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0)


Tipografia Dacia Meridiane


Meridiane The Romanian Cultural Foundation

(1/0)(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)

Citadelles & Mazenod Haus der Kunst Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Verlag Anton Schroll et Co Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(1/0)




(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Könemann Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft Meridiane Les Éditions Braun et C-ie Éditions Aimery Somogy

Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Citadelles & Mazenod The Ward Ritchie Press Könemann




x (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Éditions Place des Victoires Taschen




Grange Books


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Fundaţia Culturală Română

Museum Rietberg

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Musée Gallien


Institutul de Arte Grafice "Mârvan" Editura România Press Univers Nouvelles Éditions Françaises

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(2/0) (1/0) (1/0)


Benedikt Taschen

(1/0) (1/0)

Benedikt Taschen Éditions Rencontre

(1/0) (1/0)

Éditions Rencontre Izdatelstvo literaturii na Inostrannih Jazikah Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României



(1/0) (1/0) (1/1)

Arc Meridiane Meridiane Meridiane

(5/0) (1/0)

Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)


Institutul Cultural Român Edita


Univers Éditions de la Connaissance


Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0)

Arc Minerva Meridiane

(3/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Monitorul Oficial Monitorul Oficial Monitorul Oficial Iskusstvo


(1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(2/0) (1/0)

(1/0)(2/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)



(1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Tipografia Fîntîna Darurilor Meridiane


(1/0)(1/0)(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)


Éditions Rencontre


Iera Monē Stauronikēta Meridiane

(3/0) (1/0) (1/0) (3/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Arc Arc Meridiane Gründ Art XXI

(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane [s.n.]

Flammarion Flammarion Meridiane Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă Humanitas Humanitas Fernand Hazan

(2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)

Éditions Rencontre


Editura Nolit Allfa



Herald Fernand Nathan


(1/0) (2/0)


(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)



Regia Autonomă "Monitorul Oficial"


Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Citadelles & Mazenod Ossolineum Librairie Larousse



Humanitas Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României

(1/0) (1/0)

Editura Video Humanitas


Meridiane Meridiane

(2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Flame Tree Publishing Citadelles & Mazenod Oficiul de Informare Documentară pentru Industria Construcţiilor de Maşini Facla Meridiane

(3/0) (4/0)

Meridiane Enciclopedia RAO Chartwell Books, Inc

(1/0) (2/0)

Meridiane Meridiane Meridiane


(1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0)(2/0) (1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)(3/0) (1/0)(1/0)



Editorial Presença Verlag der Kunst



(1/0) (1/0)

Flammarion Izdatelstvo Naroda Prosveta Meridiane Publicações Europa-América







Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste România





(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

Arta şi cultura Meridiane Meridiane Meridiane Meridiane Meridiane Publishing House Institutul Cultural Român Parkgate Books Meridiane Art Global Meridiane Fernand Nathan Editura ştiinţifică Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (5/0) (1/1) (2/0) (1/0) (3/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (2/0)

Minerva Bulfinch Press Book Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă





ACR Édition NOI Media Print

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Institutul Cultural Român Taschen Magyar Helikon Corvina Casa editrice "Mediteranea"


(1/0) (1/0)


(2/0) (1/0)



Museum Rietberg Benedikt Taschen

(1/0) (1/0)

Taschen Meridiane Meridiane Meridiane

(1/0) (4/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)


(1/0) (1/0)


(2/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Argonaut

(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

Editura RAO International Publishing Company Aquila ’93


Meridiane Meridiane



(1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Meridiane Stubovi Kulture

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


s.n. Réunion des Musées Nationaux Hachette Réalités


Éditions Rencontre


Benedikt Taschen


Éditions Rencontre


Arte y literatura

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Bulfinch Press Editura Institutului Cultural Român Taschen Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste Romania Meridiane Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

(4/0) (1/0)

(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)

ACR Édition ACR Édition San Diego Museum of Art Meridiane Éditions d’art Aurore

x (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0)

Institutul Cultural Român Tiparul "Glasul Bucovinei" Institutul de Arte Grafice "Glasul Bucovinei" Meridiane


Institut za Istoriju Umetnosti. Filozofski Fakultet Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)



Éditions Cujas


Gosudarstvennoe izdatelăstvo izobrazitelănogo iskusstva Minerva Meridiane


Verlagsanstalt Meridiane Meridiane

(1/0) (2/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Taschen

(1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(2/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (2/0) (1/0)


(1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


Rembrandt Verlag Corvina Meridiane

x (1/0)


Meridiane Editura RAO International Publishing Company Eikon



(1/0)(1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)



Hatier Benedikt Taschen Citadelles & Mazenod Enciclopedia RAO Benedikt Taschen Regia Autonomă "Monitorul Oficial"

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)



Flammarion Hachette Les Éditions Braun et C-ie Humanitas Eikon Princeps Edit Maiko

(1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0)

Editura de Stat pentru Literatură şi Artă

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

[s.n.] [s.n.] Meridiane Meridiane Institut pour la protection des monuments historiques de la République Socialiste de Serbie Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Serbia Institut pour la protection des monuments historiques de la République Socialiste de Serbie


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Serbia Charmides Izdatelstvo Iskusstvo Taschen

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă

(1/0) (1/0)

Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă Verlag von Velhagen und Klassing

(1/0) (1/0)

Verlag von Bernhard Franke Harry N. Abrams Taschen Könemann Taschen Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Sovetskij Hudozhnik


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Éditions d’art Aurora Minerva

(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)


H. Floury, libraire-éditeur American Federation of Arts Képzömüvészeti Kiadó Corvina Kiadó

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Éditions Rencontre Enciclopedia RAO Editura RAO International Publishing Company Citadelles & Mazenod Brumar Polirom Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


Institutul Cultural Român Könemann


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(1/0)



Könemann Éditions Place des Victoires

(1/0) (1/1) (2/0) (2/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

H. Floury, libraire-éditeur Labor


Paul List Verlag Meridiane


Éditions Rencontre Univers Éditions Rencontre ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition

(1/0) (2/0) (1/0)

ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition ACR Édition Skira

(1/0) (2/0)




Cartea Rusă Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo


Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0)

Citadelles & Mazenod Noua Acropolă


The Australian National Gallery


Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României


Éditions La Farandole Roza Vânturilor

x VEB Verlag der Kunst


Editura RAO

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(1/0)




(1/0) (1/0)



Running Press Taschen Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)

Edizione Aspasia Meridiane

(5/0) (1/0) (5/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Citadelles & Mazenod Meridiane VEB E.A. Seemann Verlag Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)




VEB Verlag der Kunst


Sovetskij Hudozhnik


Les Éditions Braun et C-ie [s.n.]

(1/0) x


(1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (3/0)

Meridiane Sport-Turism Taschen Meridiane Editura tehnică Iskoustvo


Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă



(1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


Editura Eminescu

Citadelles & Mazenod



Chartwell Books, Inc

Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)


(1/0)(2/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (2/0)



x (1/0)

Stabilimentul de arte grafice "Universala" Könemann


Editura tipografiei "Populara"

(1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

x (2/0)


x VEB Verlag der Kunst




E. A. Seemann

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Éditions Place des Victoires Taschen Hasefer


Enciclopedia RAO



(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/1) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft Fernand Hazan Pro PRO Editură şi Tipografie Monitorul Oficial Könemann



(1/0) (1/0)


Direcţia pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniul Cultural Naţional a Municipiului Bucureşti

(1/0)(1/0) (2/0) (2/0) (1/0)(2/0)(1/1)


Direcţia pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniul Cultural Naţional a Municipiului Bucureşti

(1/0)(1/0) (2/0) (2/0) (1/0)(2/0)(1/0)


Direcţia pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniul Cultural Naţional a Municipiului Bucureşti

(1/0)(2/0) (2/0) (2/0) (1/0)(2/0)(2/0)




Meridiane Meridiane Fundaţia regală pentru literatură şi artă

(1/0)(1/0) x

Editura Fundaţiei pentru Literatură şi Artă "Regele Carol II" Meridiane Meridiane


(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)

Éditions en langues étrangères Panorama Taschen Benedikt Taschen


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0)

Editura Nemira

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Monitorul Oficial Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste Romania Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)





(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo

(1/0) (4/0)



(2/0) (2/0)

Éditions Rencontre




Aurora Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)


Citadelles & Mazenod




Képzőművészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata


Meridiane Meridiane


(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)

Editura Tineretului Arheološki Institut

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)




(1/0) (1/0)

Editura Academiei Române




(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (3/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Cugetarea-Georgescu Delafras Meridiane Meridiane Könemann Melantrich


Imprimeria "Independenţa" Képzömüvészeti Kiadó


Rizzoli Editore Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Comitetul de Cultură şi Educaţie Socialistă al Judeţului Timiş Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0)

Editura Anca

(1/0) (1/0)

Citadelles & Mazenod Citadelles & Mazenod Harry N. Abrams Iskusstvo Les Éditions Braun et C-ie Roussan éditeur Fayard Flammarion Meridiane Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică

x (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (3/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0)


Tipografia Albina


VEB Verlag der Kunst

(1/0) (1/0)

Verlag von Velhagen und Klassing Flammarion

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Flammarion Flammarion Flammarion



(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Oskar Oskar Oskar Editura Sophia Fernand Hazan



Payot Artibus Asiae Publishers


Foreign Languages Press

(1/0) (1/0)

Carpathia Press



Carpathia Press Editura tehnică

(3/0) (1/0)



Avântul Marvan


Éditions Rencontre



(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (3/0)

Arc Citadelles & Mazenod Editura Institutului Cultural Român Hasefer Meridiane Meridiane Humanitas

(1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Humanitas Humanitas Institutul de Arte Grafice "Marvan" S.A.R Sachsenverlag Könemann Institut za Istoriju Umetnosti. Filozofski Fakultet Aurora Art Publishers Aurora Art Publishers

(1/0) (1/0) (1/1) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)




x (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)




Meridiane Meridiane Editura Mitropoliei Banatului Editura Mitropoliei Banatului


(1/0) (1/0) (2/0)

Universala Alcalay & Co Henschelverlag

(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0)


Corvina Kiadó

(1/0) (1/0)



Romanian National Comission for UNESCO


Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Skira Minerva Művelődési Egyesület Librairie Félix Alcan


Citadelles & Mazenod





(1/0) (2/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Editura Muzicală a Uniunii Compozitorilor din Republica Populară Română Casa Şcoalelor Museum Rietberg

(1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


Mistectvo Cartea Românească Alp’ Impression

(1/0) (1/0)

VEB Bibliographisches Institut University of Ilinois Press


Éditions d’art Albert Skira Meridiane


(1/0) (1/0)(2/0)


(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)



(1/0) (1/0)



Editura 100+1 Gramar

x Editura Eminescu



Izdatelstvo Bulgarski Hudojnik Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)


Institutul Cultural Român




(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft

x Citadelles & Mazenod Flammarion

(1/0) (1/0)

Editura şi Tiparul Sfintei Mânăstiri Neamţ Arc Meridiane Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH Artia PIW Benedikt Taschen Benedikt Taschen

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Benedikt Taschen


(1/0) (1/0)

Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo Presses de Gérard Citadelles & Mazenod


(1/0) (1/0)

Verlag Anton Schroll et Co

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Casa Şcoalelor Cartea Românească Kriterion


New World Press

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(1/0)

The Holy Mountain Iskusstvo

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române Aurora Art Publishers

(1/0) (1/0)




(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Humanitas Aurora Art Publishers Thames and Hudson Humanitas Humanitas Iskusstvo Sovetskij Hudozhnik Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste Romania Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Sovetskij Hudozhnik Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelistvo Izobrazitelinovo Iskustva Aurora VEB E.A. Seemann Buch- und Kunstverlag Comitetul de Cultură şi Educaţie Socialistă al Municipiului Bucureşti H.F. Ullmann Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelistvo Izobrazitelinovo Iskustva Corvina Aurora Fan Fan Meridiane Goznak Iskusstvo Aurora Nuit et Jour Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Aurora Art Publishers Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Aurora

Aurora Art Publishers Foreign Languages Publishing House








(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0)




VEB Seeman Buch- und Kunstverlag Izdatelstvo Akademii Hudožestv SSSR




Fundaţia "Dalles" Gazette de Beaux-Arts Corvina Kiadó Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Flammarion Sovetskij Hudozhnik Aquila Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo Izobrazitelnogo Iskusstva Meridiane Corvina Meridiane Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Aurora Art Publishers Iskusstvo

(1/0) (1/0)

Thyrsos-Verlag Les Éditions Cercle d’Art Aurora Art Publishers Benedikt Taschen Édition Iris

(2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)


Meridiane Corvina Kiadó Corvina Aquila ’93 Aurora Art Publishers Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo Izobrazitelnogo Iskusstva Sovetskij Hudozhnik Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste România Meridiane Taschen Aurora Art Publishers Les Éditions Cercle d’Art Les Éditions Cercle d’Art Les Éditions Cercle d’Art Les Éditions Cercle d’Art Sadea

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0)

Museum of Fine Arts Iskusstvo Editura Datini Aurora Art Publishers Aurora Libri Scheiwiller Arnoldo Mondadori Arte Corvina Kiadó




(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Auzou


(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)






Somogy Éditions d’art



(1/0) (1/0)

Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Casterman National Museum of Ethnology

(1/0) x

Aurora Art Publishers

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Aurora Art Publishers Aurora Art Publishers

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Iskusstvo Aurora Art Publishers Aurora Art Publishers Les Éditions Cercle d’Art

(1/0) (1/0)

Réunion des Musées Nationaux


Izdatelstvo Akademii Hudožestv SSSR

(2/0) (1/0)

Sovetskij Hudozhnik Sovetskij Hudozhnik

(1/0) (1/0)

VEB E.A. Seemann Verlag Phaidon Press Citadelles & Mazenod


(1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)



Les Éditions Cercle d’Art


(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)




Aurora Art Publishers

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)





Képzömüvészeti Kiadó Skira Sovetskij Hudozhnik Éditions d’art Albert Skira Izdatelstvo Iskusstvo Éditions d’art Aurore Aurora Art Publishers Belarus University of Washington Press Les Éditions Cercle d’Art

Meridiane Armando Curcio

Alcor Edimpex Éditions du "Studio" Hudojnik RSFSR Editura Atelier


Imprimeria Naţională Citadelles & Mazenod



(1/0) (1/0)


Citadelles & Mazenod

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Fondul Plastic-Artis Meridiane

(1/0) (1/0)(1/0)

x Hayastan Hratk




Citadelles & Mazenod



Benedikt Taschen Citadelles & Mazenod Éditions Place des Victoires Iskusstvo W. Krafft

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)


(1/0)(1/0) (1/0)

[s.n.] Sport-Turism Roumanie Juillet Armando Curcio

(1/0) (1/0)

Armando Curcio Diethnes Kentro Eikastikōn Technōn Aenaon Albatros


Éditions d’art Albert Skira

(2/1) (1/0)

Aurora Art Publishers


Institutul European


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Editura Meridiane


Izdatelstvo Avrora Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo

(1/0) (1/0)

Nuit et Jour Nuit et Jour Sovetskij Hudozhnik Flame Tree Publishing

(2/0) (2/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Somogy Éditions d’art H.F. Ullmann H.F. Ullmann Könemann Skira H.F. Ullmann Charmides Aurora Art Publishers

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0)(1/0)

Enciclopedia RAO Nuit et Jour




Editura Ştiinţifică

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

Verlag von E. A. Seemann


(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)



VEB Verlag der Kunst




Aurora Art Publishers

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Librairie Armand Colin Könemann Könemann Skira Aurora Art Publishers Les Éditions Cercle d’Art Aurora Art Publishers Nauka Cambridge University Press Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo Meridiane






Meridiane Editura Semne


(1/0)(1/0) (2/0) (1/0)



Editura populară de artă


Sovetskij Hudozhnik

(1/0) (1/0)

Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici

x x x x Calberson

(1/0) (1/0)

Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă [s.n.]


x (1/0) (1/0)

Verlag für Fremdsprachige Literatur

x x x x (1/0)(1/0) (2/0) (2/0) (1/0)(2/0)(2/0) x Towarzystwo Zachety Szluk Pieknych

x Todtri

(1/0) (1/0)

Tipografia modernă



(1/0) x


(1/0) (1/0)

Grange Books Cigaretten-Bilderdienst



(1/0) (1/0)

Sovetskij Hudozhnik Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo Izobrazitelnogo Iskusstva Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelistvo Izobrazitelinovo Iskustva Calberson

(2/0) x (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Clarkson N. Potter, Inc./Publisher Benedikt Taschen Benedikt Taschen Todtri Luceafărul Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă

x E. A. Seemann

(1/0) (1/0)

Éditions Pierre Tisné

Pallas-Akadémia Kiadó

(1/0) (1/0)

Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici din R.S. România Alcor

(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

Meridiane Editura de stat pentru literatură şi artă


Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România

x (1/0)

Aurora Art Publishers Hudojnik RSFSR

(1/0) (1/0)

Aurora Art Publishers


Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române

(3/0) (3/0) (2/0) (1/0) (2/0) (1/0)


(1/0) (1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0)(2/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0)(2/0)

x [s.n.]

(1/0) (1/0)

[s.n.] Verlag für Fremdsprachige Literatur


Sovetskij Hudozhnik

(2/0) x x


(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)

(1/0) (1/0)(1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)

x x Editura tehnică



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Mai multe biblioteci

Carti publicate Categ. inAutori lb. romana (majoritatea se gasesc numai in biblioteci, probabil) x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x tehnica *** x arta Alain Besançon x arta Alexandra Titu x arta Alexandru Duţu x arta Alexandru Duţu x arta Alexandru Duţu x arta Alexandru Ştefulescu x arta Amza Argintescu x Anatolie T. x tehnica Andrei Paleolog x tehnica Andrei Pănoiu x arta Andrei Plesu x arta Andrei Plesu x tehnica Arsenie Radoi x educationAurel Dascălu x tehnica Banciu, Rodica x arta C. Ailincăi x arta C. Demetrescu x tehnica Dionisie din Furna x tehnica Dionisie din Furna x tehnica C. Sandulescu-Verna x tehnica C. Săndulescu-Verna x tehnica Cennini, C. x tehnica Cezare Blaudi x tehnica Charles Bouleau x tehnica Charles Sterling x tehnica Christian Schonborn x arta Claude Levi-Strauss x arta Constantin Giurescu, Nicolae Dobrescu x arta Constantin Prut x arta Constantin Prut x tehnica Cristina Alpopi x tehnica D.J. Kiplik x tehnica David Hockney x tehnica E.H. Gombrich x arta E.H. Gombrich x arta E.H. Gombrich x arta Erwin Panofsky x arta Erwin Panofsky x tehnica Eugen Pohonţu x arta F.D.E. Schleiermacher x arta Florence de Meredieu x tehnica Francois Cheng x arta G. Achitei x arta G. Duby x arta Gaston Bachellard x arta Gaston Bachellard

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

arta arta arta arta arta arta arta arta arta tehnica arta arta arta arta tehnica tehnica arta arta arta tehnica tehnica arta arta arta arta arta tehnica tehnica arta arta arta arta arta arta arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica arta arta arta arta tehnica tehnica arta arta arta arta arta arta arta

George Gusdorf Gheorghe Ghivaescu Gilbert Durand Gilbert Durand Giulio Carlo Argan Giulio Carlo Argan Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue H. Delacroix H.H. Stahl H.R. Rodian Heinrich Wolfflin Henri Focillon Herbert Read Herbert Read I. Istudor I.D. Ştefănescu Ileana Pintilie Ioana Vlasiu Ion Ionaşcu Ion N. Şuşală Ion Stendl Iorgu Iordan Ivan Evseev Ivan Evseev J. Duvignaud J. Grenier J. Itten Jacek Debicki & co. Jean Bergos Jean Cassou Jean-Jacques Gleyzal Jean-Jaques Wunenburger Jose Ortega Y Gasset Jurgen Habermas Karl Popper Katherine Everett Gilbert & Helmut Kuhn Leonardo Da Vinci Leonid Uspensky Leonid Uspensky Leonid Uspensky, Vladimir Lossky Linda Hutcheon Liviu Lăzărescu Liviu Lăzărescu Lucian Blaga Lucian Boia Lucian Ionica Luiza Barcan Magda Cârneci Marc Havel Maria Golescu Maria Golescu Maria Văduva Mario de Micheli Matei Calinescu Maurice Cocagnac Maurice Marleau Ponty

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

arta Mihai Nicolae arta Mihai Vlăsie arta Mikel Dufrenne arta N. Ghika-Budeşti arta N. Ghika-Budeşti tehnica Negoita Laptoiu arta Nicolae Iorga arta Nicolae Stoicescu tehnica Nicolae Tonitza arta P. Francastel arta P. Francastel arta P. Hazard arta P.V. Năsturel tehnica Paola si Laura Mora, Paul Philippot tehnica Paul Constantin tehnica Paul Constantin tehnica Paul Evdokimov arta Paul Ricceur arta R. Arnheim arta R. Berger arta Radu Creţeanu arta Răzvan Theodorescu arta Rene Huyghe arta Rene Huyghe arta Rudolf Arnheim arta Salas Bancompani arta Samuel Huntington tehnica Serghei Bulgakov tehnica Sf. Ioan Damaschin tehnica Sf. Teodor Studitul arta Steven Connor tehnica Theodora Voinescu tehnica Theodora Voinescu tehnica Theodora Voinescu tehnica Theodora Voinescu tehnica Theodora Voinescu arta Thomas Munro arta Titus Mocanu arta U. Kultermann arta Umberto Eco arta Umberto Eco arta V.I. Stoichita arta Vasile Drăguţ arta Vasile Florea arta Vera Calin arta Victor Brătulescu educationVictor Pavel arta Viorica Băran, Natalia Horneţ, Gheorghe Anghel arta Virgiliu Drăghiceanu arta Virgiliu Drăghiceanu tehnica Vladimir Lossky arta Werner Hofmann tehnica Yvonne Hassan, Paul Klee tehnica *** arta *** arta *** Glossary

arta *** Web Gallery of Art tehnica A. Bazzi tehnica A. Châtelet tehnica A. Conti tehnica A. Conti tehnica A. Conti tehnica A. Conti tehnica A. Conti tehnica A. Conti tehnica A. Conti tehnica A. De Capitani D‟Arzago tehnica A. De Floriani tehnica A. De Floriani tehnica A. De Floriani tehnica A. L. Rosa tehnica A. Maiuri tehnica A. Negri tehnica A. Negri tehnica A. Perriccioli Saggese tehnica A. Petrucci tehnica A. Pozzo arta A. Reinach tehnica A. Russo arta A.L. Todd and Dorothy B. Weisbord tehnica A.P. Laurie arta A.P. Oppe tehnica Adriana Di Domenico tehnica Al. Brouillette arta Alain de Botton arta Alexander Fol and Ivan Marazov tehnica Alexander Theroux tehnica Alexander Theroux tehnica Alfred Duca & Lynn Loscutoff arta Alfred E. Dittert, Jr., and Fred Plog arta Alois Seneffelder arta Alphonse Napolean Didron tehnica Altoon Sultan tehnica Altoon Sultan tehnica Alwyn Crawshaw tehnica American Artist Magazine arta Anabel Thomas arta Andre Malraux arta Andre Malraux arta Andrew Martindale arta Anil De Silva - and photographs by Dominque Darbois arta Anita Albus tehnica Ann Hartley arta Anselme Dimier arta Anthony Bailey arta Anthony Blunt arta Anthony Gross arta Anthony Stevens educationArthur D. Efland arta Arthur M. Hind tehnica Artifex Bonus tehnica Artists Magazine

tehnica Ashok Roy tehnica Ashok Roy arta Ashok Roy and Dillian Gordon arta Avigdor Arikha tehnica B. Guineau, I. Villela-Petit tehnica B. Guineau, J. Vézin tehnica B. Slánschy tehnica Barbara Oelke educationBarbara Y. Newsom, and Adele Z. Silver tehnica Barkeshli, Mandana tehnica Baxter M tehnica Bernard Brett tehnica Bernard Chaet tehnica Bernard Chaet tehnica Bernard Dunstan tehnica Betsy Dillard Stroud tehnica Betty Carr tehnica Boris Vallejo arta Bram Kempers arta Brewster Ghiselin tehnica Brian Bagnall tehnica Brian Dunce tehnica Brigitte Borja De Mozota arta Bruce St. John tehnica Burt Silverman tehnica C. Brandi tehnica C. Merucci tehnica C. Opsomer, R. Halleux tehnica Calvin Harlan arta Canon Esward N. West tehnica Carl B. Boyer tehnica Carol Strickland tehnica Carole Katchen tehnica Carole Katchen tehnica Carole Katchen tehnica Carole Katchen tehnica Carole Katchen tehnica Cathy Topal tehnica Cennino D'Andrea Cennini tehnica Cennino D'Andrea Cennini tehnica Cennino D'Andrea Cennini arta Charles Baudelaire educationCharles D. Gaitskell, Al Hurwitz tehnica Charles Dunn arta Charles Eliot Norton tehnica Charles F. Linn tehnica Charles Hawthorne arta Charles Hullmandel tehnica Charles Le Clair tehnica Charles Le Clair tehnica Charles Le Clair tehnica Charles Reid tehnica Charles Reid arta Charles Robert Leslie tehnica Charles Sovek tehnica Chris Unwin

arta tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica arta arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta arta arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica arta tehnica

Christofer Crouch Clarence Rainwater Colin Hayes Count Goblet D'Alviella Craig Nelson Cristina Acosta Crook & Learner D. C. Winfield D. Mac Arthur D. Salazaro D. Talbot Rice D. Talbot Rice D.V. Thompson D.V. Thompson D.V. Thompson D.V. Thompson D.V. Thompson D.V. Thompson D.V. Thompson Daniel Burleigh Parkhurst Daniel Grant Daniel V. Thompson Daniel V. Thompson Daniel V. Thompson Daniel V. Thompson Daniel V. Thompson D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson Dard Hunter David Bayles & Ted Orland David Becker David Bomford, et al. David Bomford, et al. David Cecil David Ferry David Hill David Michaelis David Pye David Pyle David Richards David Rubins Derek Jarrett Diane Apostolos-Cappadona Dillian Gordon Dillian Gordon and Ashok Roy Dore Ashton Douglas Purdon Douma, Michael E. Aletti E. Berger E. Borsook E. Eibner E. Martin, A. Duval, M. Eveno E.H. Gombrich E.H. Gombrich E.S. Lumsden Earl Grenville Killeen, Leah Raechel Killeen

tehnica Eastlake tehnica Ed Meyer arta Edith Porada tehnica Edward Betts tehnica Edward Betts educationEdward F. Zigler and Matia Finn-Stevensen arta Edward Hulme arta Edward L. Mattil arta Edward McCurdy tehnica Edward Norton Ward tehnica Edward Reep arta Edwyn Bevan arta Egon Sendler arta Elisabeth Dhanens tehnica Elizabeth Leonard tehnica Elizabeth Mowry arta Eric G. Underwood arta Ernest Babelon tehnica Erwin Panofsky tehnica Ettore Maiotti tehnica Ettore Maiotti tehnica Ettore Maiotti tehnica Ettore Maiotti arta Eugene Fromentin arta Eugene N. Trubetskoi tehnica F. Baldinucci tehnica F. Brunello tehnica F. Crivello tehnica F. Daulte tehnica F. Tolaini tehnica F.R. Pesenti tehnica F.R. Pesenti tehnica Faber Birren tehnica Feller, Robert L. tehnica Feller, Robert L. tehnica Francis W. Dolloff and Roy L. Perkinson tehnica Frank Lalumia tehnica Frank Webb tehnica Frank Zollner arta Frederick Keppel educationFrederick M. Logan tehnica Friend David arta Fritz Eichenberg tehnica Fritz Schider tehnica G. Loumyer arta Gabor Peterdi arta Garo Z. Antreasian and Clinton Adams tehnica George L. Stout arta George T. Plowman arta Georges Duby tehnica Gerald Brommer tehnica Gerald Brommer and Nancy Kinne arta Gerd Meuhsam arta Germano Celant arta Gerstle Mack arta Giorgio Vasari

arta tehnica arta arta tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta tehnica tehnica arta tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica arta tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica arta arta arta tehnica arta tehnica arta arta tehnica

Giorgio Vasari [1511-1574] Giovanni Battista Armenini Gisela M.A. Richter Gisela Walberg Glema Kennel Gordon Onslow-Ford Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Graham Collier Graham Collier Graham Reynolds Graham Reynolds H. Bennett H. E Jones H. J. Plenderleith & A.E.A. Werner H. Rosen–Runge H. Silvestre Hans Belting Hans Biedermann Hans Hofmann Harley Brown Harriet Shorr Hazel Harrison Heinrich Wolfflin Helen Langdon Helen Van Wyk Helen Van Wyk Henry Adams Henry Pitz Herbert Read, Henry Moore Hermann Weyl Hiram Williams Hokusai Hongnian Zhang Howard Moss Hugh Greer Ian Dunlop Ian Simpson Igor Golomstock Irving Kriesberg Irving Shapiro Iulian Cretu J. B. Bullen ed. Roger Fry J. G. Vibert J. Hullah Browm J. J. Brody J. Marette J. Martin-Barbaz J.C. Cooper J.C.J. Metford J.E. Cirlot J.K. Popham Jack Flam Jack Hamm Jacob Burckhardt Jacob Burckhardt James Beck

arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta arta arta tehnica arta tehnica tehnica arta tehnica arta arta arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta tehnica arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica

James Beck James Elkins James Elkins James Watrous Jay Hambridge Jean Drysdale Green Jean-Louis Ferrier Jean-Louis Ferrier, Director and Yann le Pichon, Walter D. Glanze Jed Perl Jed Perl Jennifer King Jennifer Speake Jenny Rodwell Jeremy Galton. Jesse Walter Fewkes Jessica Zemsky Jill Dunkerton Jill Dunkerton Jill Dunkerton and Carol Plazootta Joan Oates Joanne Mattera Johannes Wilde John Agnew John Brunsdon John Canaday John Carlson John Dillenberger John Dillenberger John F. Carlson John Gage John Gage John Gage John Howard Sanden John Lidzey, et al. John Mason John Norton John Pike John Pope-Hennessy John Robinson John Ruskin John Ruskin John Ruskin John Ruskin John Sloan John Summerson John W. Dixon, Jr. John W. Dixon, Jr. John White Jonathan Stephenson Jose M. Parramon Judy Martin K. Herberts K. Herberts Kalon Baughan & Brook M. Baughan Karl Ruhrberg, Schneckenburger, Manfred, Fricke, Christiane, Honnef Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger

tehnica arta arta arta tehnica tehnica arta arta tehnica arta arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica tehnica arta arta tehnica arta

Keith Critchlow Kenneth Clark Kenneth Clark Kenneth Clark Kenneth Jameson Kevin Macpherson Klaus Honnef Krisztina Passuth Kurt Wehlte Kuspit Wallach L. G. G. Ramsey L. March Phillipps L. Masschelein-Kleiner L. Tintori & E. Borsook L. Tintori & M. Meiss L. Tintori & M. Meiss Leon Battista Alberti Leon Battista Alberti Leonard Brooks Leonard Brooks Leonard Woolley Leonardo Da Vinci Lew Lehrman Lin Seslar Lionel Trilling Lionello Venturi Lois Griffel Lou Lehrman Louis L. Noble Lynton Lamb M. Bazzi M. Cagiano de Azevedo M. Hours M. Meiss M. Muraro M. P. Merrifield M. P. Merrifield M. Pallottino M. Rotili M. Simonetti Margaret Krug Marian Appellof Marilyn Aronberg Lavin Mark David Gottsegen Mark David Gottsegen Mark Galer Martin Fischer Martin Kemp, ed. and Margaret Walker Mary Todd Beam Mary Todd Beam Matila Ghyka Max Doerner Max J. Friedlander Max J. Friedlander Merrifield Michael Baxandall

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Michael Bossom Michael Holroyd Michael McCann Michael McCann Michael North Michael Wilcox Michel Pastoureau Michel Quenot Mike Svob Mikhail Bahtin Moira Huntly Moira Huntly Mora Philippot Morris Eaves Moshe Barasch N. Morgan Nancy Reyner Nathan Cabot Hale Nicholas Fox Weber Nicholas Roukes Nicholas Verrall and Robin Capon Nita Leland Norman Bryson Norman Kent Northrop Frye O. Demus O. Deubner O. Kurz O. Pächt Oleg Tarasov Olga Zaferatos Orna, Mary V.; Mathews, Thomas F. Oskar Fischel Otto Benesch Otto Benesch Otto F. Brendel P. Graziosi P. Huisman P. Philippot & P. Mora Pat Dews Patricia Seligman Patrick Howe Patrick Seslar Patti Brady Paul Hills Paul Strisik Paul Valery Peninah R. Y. Petruck Peter and Linda Murray Peter Burgher Peter H. V. Blanchkenhagen and Christine Alexander Peter Humfrey Peter Lunenfeld Peter Mactaggart and Ann Mactaggart Peter Murray and Linda Murray Peter Steinhart

arta Petra ten-Doesschate Chu tehnica Phil Metzger tehnica Phil Metzger tehnica Philip Steadman tehnica R. D. Harley tehnica R. H. Marijnissen tehnica R. Halleux tehnica R. J. Gettens & G. L. Stout tehnica R. Oertel arta R.C. Alberts arta R.G. Collingwood arta R.W. Church tehnica Rachel Wolf tehnica Rachel Wolf tehnica Rachel Wolf tehnica Rachel Wolf tehnica Rachel Wolf arta Ralph Adams Cram tehnica Ralph Mayer tehnica Ralph Mayer tehnica Ralph Mayer tehnica Ramon Kelley arta Randall Davies & Cecil Hunt tehnica Ray Campbell Smith tehnica Ray Smith tehnica Ray Smith tehnica Reed Kay tehnica Reed Kay arta Rensselaer W. Lee tehnica Rex Vicat Cole tehnica Rheni Tauchid arta Richard Ellmann and Charles Feidelson, Jr arta Richard Meryman tehnica Richard Schmid tehnica Richard Schmid arta Richard Sennett tehnica Rob Howard tehnica Robert A. Johnson educationRobert Coles tehnica Robert Genn tehnica Robert Henri arta Robert Hughes tehnica Robert L. Feller tehnica Robert L. Feller tehnica Robert Massey tehnica Robert Reynolds tehnica Robert Vickrey tehnica Robert Vickrey tehnica Robert W. Gill tehnica Robert W. Gill tehnica Rod Lawrence tehnica Rod Lawrence tehnica Roland Rood arta Ron Brandt tehnica Rose, John tehnica Ross, Janet Lawrence

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Rowland Hilder Ruth Butler Rutherford J. Gettens and George L. Stout S. Augusti S. Baroni S. Baroni S. Beardsley S. Bordini S. Clancy S. W. Hayter S. Waetzoldt S. Weinstein S.B. Tosatti S.B. Tosatti S.B. Tosatti S.B. Tosatti S.B. Tosatti S.B. Tosatti S.W. Hayter Sally Bulgin Sally Bulgin Sally Fisher Sally Montanari Samuel & Richard Redgrave Sean Dye Simon Schama Simon Schama Sir Banister Fletcher, Knt. Sir Nikolaus Pevsner Smith, Cyril Stanley and Hawthorne, John G. Spyridon Marinatos Stan Smith Stephen Kern Stephen Knapp Stephen Knapp Stephen Paul Stephen Quiller Stephen Quiller Stephen Quiller Steve Allrich Susan Rayfield Susan Sarback Sylvie Beguin, et al T. Turquet de Mayerne Ted Goerschner Theopilus Thomas Albert Stafford Thomas Munro Tim Lefens Timothy Bay Tom Nicholas & John Terelak Tom Taylor, Esq. Tony Couch Toshimitsu Hasumi Turner, Nancy U. Procacci

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Umberto Baldini Umberto Baldini Umberto Eco Uta Grosenick & Burkhard Riemschneider Vaclav Vytlacil and Rupert Davidson Turnbull Vernon Blake Vernon Blake Vicki Lord Vicky McMurry Vicky Perry W. Fol W. G. Collingwood W. G. Constable W. Koschatzky W. Koschatzky Waldemar George Walter Chamberlain Walter Koschatzky and Alice Strobl Walter Pach Watercolor (Quarterly from American Artist magazine) Watercolor Magic (Quarterly from Artists magazine) William Innes Homer William Morris Hunt Wm. A. Dyrness Wucius Wong Wucius Wong Xavier du Langlais Zoltan Szabo

Denumire publicatie Editura Locatie edituraAn aparitie Album metodic de creaţie artistică plastică Bucureşti Arta romaneasca 1982 Dictionarul artistilor romani contemporani 1976 Dicţionar de artă Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1995 1995 Enciclopedia artistilor romani contemporani 1998 Marturisiri si reflectii ale unui colectionar de arta 1990 Pictura romaneasca 1976 Pictura romaneasca in imagini 1970 album Still Life Grange Book, 2005 2005 Imaginea interzisa Ed. Humanitas, Bucuresti, 1996 1996 Experimentul în arta românesca dupa 1960 Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti, 20032003 Coordonate ale culturii româneşti în secolul al XVIII-lea Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1968 1968 Cultura română în civilizaţia europeană modernă Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1978. 1978 Imagine plastică şi imagine literară Noi cercetări în domeniul istoriei 1983 artei româneşti, Academia de Ştiinţe Gorjul istoric şi pitoresc Târgu Jiu, 1904 1904 Expresivitate şi limbaj plastic Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1970 1970 Galerii de artă universală 1997 Pictura exterioară din Ţara Românească (secolele XVIII-XIX) Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1984 1984 Pictura votivă din Nordul Olteniei Editura Meridiane, 1968 1968 Ochiul si lucrurile Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1980 1980 Pitoresc si melancolie Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti, 19921992 Design Ed Mirton Timisoara . 1996 1996 Educaţia plastică în ciclul primar Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1997 1997 Scurta istorie a artelor textile ed. Marineasa, Timisoara 20042004 Introducere în gramatica limbajului vizual Culoare, suflet, retină Erminia picturii bizantine Ed. Sophia 2000 Carte de pictură Erminia picturii bizantine ed. Mitropoliei – Banat, 1979 1979 Materiale şi tehnica picturii Ed. Marinesa, Timişoara 20002000 Tratat de pictură Teoria restaurarii Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1996 1996 Geometria secreta a pictorilor ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti, 19791979 Natura moarta Ed. Meridiane, 1970 1970 Icoana lui Hristos Ed. Anastasia 1996 Antropologie structurala Ed. Politica, Bucuresti, 1987. 1987 Documente şi Regeste privitoare la Constantin Brâncoveanu Bucureşti, 1907 1907 Dictionar de arta moderna Ed. Univers Albatros, Bucuresti, 1982 1982 Dictionar de arta moderna si contemporana Ed. Univers Enciclopedic, Bucuresti, 2002 2002 Creativitate Si Inovare Ed. Fac. A.S.E Bucuresti.20032003 Pictura în ulei ed. De Stat pt. Literatura si Arta, 1952 1952 Stiinta secreta Enciclopedia RAO, 2007 2007 Norma si forma ed. Meridiane 1981 1981 Artă şi iluzie Istoria artei Bucuresti, Edit. Pro Editura si Tipografie, 2007 2007 Arta si semnificatie Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti, 19801980 Ideea Ed. Univers, Bucuresti, 1975 1975 Iniţiere în artele plastice Editura Albatros, Colectia Cristal, 1980 Bucureşti, 1980 Hermeneutica Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 2001 2001 Arta si noile tehnologii. Arta video. Arta digitala Enciclopedia RAO, Bucuresti, 2005 Vid si plin ed. Meridiane, 1983 1983 Frumosul dincolo de arta Bucuresti, Edit. Meridiane, 1988 1988 Arta si societate 980-1420 Bucuresti, Edit. Meridiane, 1987 1987 Poetica reveriei Ed. Parelela 45, Pitesti, 2003 2003 Poetica spatiului Ed. Parelela 45, Pitesti, 2003 2003

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Modernism in art design and architecture St. Martins Press, New York, 2000 2000 Light and Color. Original Project Editor Herbert1971 S. Zim, Golden Press, NY, Western Pu The Complete Guide to Painting and Drawing: TechniquesNew andYork: Materials Gallery Books, 1981 1981 The Migration of Symbols Aquarian Press, 1979 1979 60 Minutes to Better Painting. North Light, 2002 2002 Paint Happy North Light, 2002 2002 Impact of Modern Paints. Watson-Guptill, 2000 2000 Middle and Later Byzantine Wall Painting Methods Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XXII,1968 Washington 1968 AGLAE et l‟étude des encres et des colorants des manuscrits « Techne » 1995, 2, pp. 68-75;1995 L'arte della miniatura nel sec. XIV - a cura di C.R. Dodwell,Napoli London 1877 1961 1877 Byzantine Art Oxford University Press, 1935 1935 The Beginnings of Christian Art Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 19571957 “Liber de coloribus illuminatorum sive pictorum” from Sloane “Speculum”, Ms. No.1,1754, 1926, pp. 280-307, 1926448-450. A new Edition of Theophlus (recensione all‟ edizione del Theobald “Speculum” del10, 1933) 1935, pp. 437-440; 1935 Artificial Vermillion in the Middle Ages “Technical Studies” 2, 1933, pp.62-70; 1933 Recensione a Roosen-Rungen (1967) “The Art Bull.”, 54 (1972), pp. 539 1972s. The Schedula of Theophilus Presbyter “Speculum” 7, 1932, pp. 199-220; 1932 Theophilus Presbyter. Words and Meaning in Technical Translation “Speculum” 42, 1967, pp. 313-339; 1967 Trial Index for medieval Craftsmanship “Speculum” 10, 1935, pp. 410-435. 1935 The Painter In Oil: A Complete Treatise On The Principles Lee and&Technique Shepard Co., NecessaryTo 1898 1898 The Painting of Pictures In Oil Colo An Artist's Guide: Making It in New York City Allworth Press, 2001 2001 A anonimous XIV Century treatise: De arte illuminandi London 1933 1933 Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting London: Dover Publications 1957 The Materials of Medieval Painting Yale University, 1936 1936 The Practice of Tempera Painting New Haven: Yale University Press. 1946 1936. Fourth Printing, 1946. The Practice of Tempera Painting: Materials and Methods New York: Dover Publications 1936 On Growth and Form Cambridge University Press, 1959 1959 Papermaking: The History & Technique of An Ancient Craft Alfred A. Knopf (1943, 2nd ed.1957 1947), 1957 Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking Image Continuum, 1993 1993 Watercolor Composition Made Easy. North Light, 1999 1999 Art in the Making: Italian Painting Before 1400 London: National Gallery. 1989 Art in the Making: Underdrawings in Renaissance Paintings London: National Gallery 2002 Visionary & Dreamer: Two poetic painters: Samuel PalmerConstable, & Edward1969 Burne-Jones 1969 Painting Without a Brush. Wellfleet, 1991 1991 Cotman In the North: Watercolours of Durham & Yorkshire Yale University Press, 2005 2005 N.C. Wyeth: A Biography Alfred A. Knopf, 1998 1998 The Nature & Art of Workmanship Cambridge U. Press, 1968 1968 Paint & Colors: What Every Artist Needs to Know. Krause, 2000 2000 How to Discover Your Personal Painting Style. North Light, 1995 1995 The Human Figure. Penguin, 1976 1976 England In the Age of Hogarth Viking Press 1974 1974 Dictionary of Christian Art Continuum Publishing, 1995 1995 The Italian Paintings 1400–1460 London: National Gallery Company 2001 Ltd. Fra Angelico‟s Predella for the High Altarpiece of San Do-menico, Fiesole. 2002 Twentieth-Century Artists on Art. New York: Pantheon Books. 1985. 1985 Color Secrets for Glowing Oil Paintings. North Light, 1998 1998 Pigments through the Ages. 2001. WebExhibits. Nov. 1st, 2004. 2004 La tecnica della pittura greca e romana Roma 1951 1951 Beiträge zur Entwicklung-Geschichte der Maltechnik München 1897-1909 1897-1909 The mural painters of Tuscany London 1960 1960 Wandmalerei München 1926 1926 Une famille de pigments verts mal connue « Techne » 1995, 2, pp. 76-79;1995 Shadows: The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art National Gallery Publications, London 1995 1995 The Heritage of Apelles. Studies in the art of the Renaissance, Torino Oxford Einaudi Phaidon 1986, limitatamente Press 1976, 1986 ai trad. primi ital. due L‟eredità capitoli, di pp.Apelle. 5-48; Stu The Art of Etching J.B. Lippincott Company, 19251925 The North Light Book of Acrylic Painting Techniques. North Light, 1995 1995

Methods and Materials of Painting of the Great Schools and New Masters York; Dover [Formerly Publications, titled: Materials 1960 Inc. 1960for [Originally a History published of Oil Painting by Long Watercolor Painting on Location Cinncinnati: North Light Books,1984 1984 The Art of Ancient Iran, Pre-Islamic Cultures New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. 1962Art of the World. 1962. Creative Landscape Painting. Watson-Guptill, 1980 1980 Creative Seascape Painting. Watson-Guptill, 1981 1981 Children, Development and Social Issues D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, 1987 MA & Toronto, 1987. Symbolism In Christian Art Blandford Press, 1976 rev. ed.1976 of 1861 edition Meaning in Crafts 3rd Ed. Englewood Cliffs, New1971 Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1971. The Mind of Leonardo Da Vinci Jonathan Cape Life & Letters Series, 1932 1932 First Impressions: Sketching Nature in Watercolor New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1990 1990 The Content of Watercolor Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 19691969 Holy Images: An Inquiry into Idolatry and Image-Worship in George Ancient Allen Paganism & Unwin and Ltd.,in 1940 Christianity 1940 The Icon - Image of the Invisible: Elements of Theology, Aesthetics orig. 1981/and Oakwood Technique Publications, 19881988 Van Eyck: The Ghent Altarpiece Viking Press, 1973 1973 Painting Flowers. Watson-Guptill, 1991 1991 The Poetic Landscape Watson Guptill, 2001 2001 A Short History of French Painting Oxford University Press, 1931 1931 Manual of Oriental Antiquities London: H. Grevel and Co. 1906. 1906 Perspective As Symbolic Form Zone Books, 1991 1991 The Drawing Handbook: Learning From the Masters Potter Inc., 1989 1989 The Oil Painting Handbook: Learning From the Masters Potter Inc., 1990 1990 The Pastel Handbook: Learning From the Masters Potter Inc., 1988 1988 The Watercolor Handbook: Learning From the Masters Potter Inc., 1985 1985 The Masters of Past Time Phaidon Press, 1948 1948 Icons: Theology In Color St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,1973 1973 Vocabolario toscano delle arti del disegno Firenze 1681 1681 Colori e pitture nell'antico Egitto e in Mesopotamia Pitture e vernici, n. 4, pp. 3-7, 1967. 1967 Arti e tecniche del medioevo, a c. di F. Crivello, Torno Einaudi 2006; 2006 L'acquerelle francaise au XIX siécle Paris 1969 1969 Breve storia dello studio dei ricettari di tecniche artisticheAnnali medievali della Scuola Normale Superiore 2003 di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Fil Del modo di colorire le incarnazioni e i vestiri in Giotto, dopo Roma alcuni Quasar restauri, 1997, in pp.“Scritti 149-157; 1997 e immagini in onore di Corrado Mal Pittura, in Le tecniche artistiche, a c. di C. Maltese Milano Mursia 1973 (e rist.), pp. 1973 315-358; Color: A Survey In Words and Pictures from Ancient Mysticism University to Modern Books, Science 1963 1963 Artists‟ Pigments. A Handbook of Their History and Characteristics A. Roy (Ed.) - Vol. Oxford 2 University1993 Press, 1993. Artists‟ Pigments: A Handbook on their History and Characteristics Cambridge,- Vol. Cambridge 1 University 1986Press, 1986. How to Care for Works of Art on Paper Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 1985 Fourth Edition. 1985 Plein Air Painting in Watercolor and Oil. North Light, 2000 2000 Watercolor Energies Cinncinnati: North Light, 1983 1983 Leonardo da Vinci Tashen, 2003 2003 The Golden Age of Engraving: A Specialist's Story About Fine The Baker Prints& Taylor Co., 1910 1910 Growth of Art in American Schools New York: Harper & Brothers, 1955 1955. [Univ. of Wisconsin.] The Creative Way to Paint. Watson-Guptill, 1970 1970 The Art of the Print: MAsterpieces, History, Techniques Abrams Inc., 1976 1976 An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists. Dover, 1981 1981 Le traditions techniques de la peínture médiévale Bruxelles 1914 1914 Printmaking Macmillan Co., 1973 1973 Tamarind Book of Lithography: Art & Techniques Abrams Inc., 1971 1971 The Care of Pictures Columbia University Press, 1948 1948 Etching and Other Graphic Arts Dodd, Mead and Company, 1929 1929 The Age of the Cathedrals: Art & Society, 980-1420 Chicago University Press, 1981 1981 Emotional Content: How to Create Paintings That Communicate International . Artist, 2003 2003 Exploring Painting: A Guide for Teachers. Davis, 1995 1995 French Painters and Paintings From the 14th Century To Post-Impressionsim Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1970 1970 Arte dal Futurismo alla Body Art Venezia, 1977 1977 Gustave Courbet Alfred A. Knopf, 1951 1951 Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects Everyman's Library, 2 volumes1966 with slipcase

'Lives of the Artists'. On The True Precepts of The Art of Painting Burt Franklin & Co., 1977 1977 Handbook of the Greek Collection (The Metropolitan Museum Harvard of Art) University Press, 1953 1953 Tradition and Innovation Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp 1986 Von Zabern. 1986 Colour and mastering for Digital Cinema Painting In the Instant. Search ABEbooks Thames & Hudson, 1964 1964 Laocoon, An Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins1962 University Press. 1962. Originally publ Form, Space & Vision, An Introduction to Drawing and Design 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, New1985 Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1985 Form, Space, and Vision Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967 1967 A Concise History of Watercolors Abrams, 1971 1971 Turner Abrams, 1969 1969 Concise Chemical and Technical Dictionary Chemical Publishing Co., 19471947 The effect of aging and re-forming of the case of solubilityButterworts, of certain resins London 1963 1963 The conservation of antiquities and works of art London 1971 1971 Farbegung und Technik Frümittelalterlicher Buchmalerei 1967 Le MS. Bruxellensis 10147-58 et son Compendium Artis Picturae “Bull. De la Commission Royale 1954 d’Histoire” 119, 1954, pp. 95-140. Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image Before theUniversity Era of Artof Chicago Press, 1994 1994 Dictionary of Symbolism: Cultural Icons and the MeaningsFacts Behind On Them File, 1992 1992 Search for the Real & Other Essays. MIT, 1967 1967 Harley Brown's Eternal Truths for Every Artist. International Artist, 2001 2001 The Artist's Eye: A Perceptual Way of Painting. Watson-Guptill, 1990 1990 Painting Great Pictures From Photographs. North Light, 2001 2001 The Art of Albrecht Durer Phaidon,1971 1971 Caravaggio: A Life Farrar Straus & Giroux 1998 1998 Color Mixing the Van Wyk Way: A Manual for Oil Painters.Art Instruction Associates, 2000 2000 Helen Van Wyk's Favorite Color Recipes. Art Instruction Associates, 2000 2000 Eakins Revealed: The Secret Life of an American Artist Oxford University Press, 20052005 How to Use the Figure in Painting & Illustration. Search ABEbooks Watson-Guptill, 1968 1968 Scupture and Drawings Londra, vol. I, 1944, vol. II, 1955, 1944-1965 vol. III, 1965 Symmetry Princeton Universtity Press, 1952 1952 Notes For a Young Painter. Prentice Hall, 1984 1984 Hokusai: One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji George Braziller, Inc., 1988 1988 The Yin-Yang of Painting. Watson Guptill, 2001 2001 The Magic Lantern of Marcel Proust New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962 1962. Acrylic Landscape Painting Techniques. North Light, 2002 2002 The Cathedrals' Crusade Taplinger, 1982 1982 The Complete Painting Course: A Comprehensive Learning Running Guide Press, and Reference 1993 Manual. 1993 L‟Art totalitaire Éditions Carre, Paris, 1991 1991 Working With Color: A Manual for Painters. John Wiley, 1997 1997 How to Make a Painting - Planning, Procedures, and Techniques New York: in Watercolor Watson-Guptill Publications, 1985 1985 Marcheting si Design Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti 1996 1996 Vision and Design London: Oxford Univ. P Ress. 1981 1981 La science de la peinture Paul Ollendorff Editeur, Paris 1983 1983 Water-Colour Guidance for the Student, the Amateur and the Adam Occasional & CharlesColourist Black Publishers, 19471947 Mimbres Painted Pottery University of New Mexico Press 1977 [With support from the Weatherhead Connaissance des primitifs par l'étude du bois Paris 1961 1961 The Holiday Painter Emerson Books, Inc., 1966 1966 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols Thames & Hudson, 1978 1978 Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend Thames & Hudson Ltd., 1983 1983 A Dictionary of Symbols Philosophical Library, Inc. 1971 1971 Pictorial Composition Pitman Publishing Corp. 1954 1954 Matisse On Art University of California Press, 1995 First Lessons in Drawing and Painting. Perigree, 1988 1988 Rubens originally 1898/ Phaidon, 19501950 The Civilization of the Renaissance In Italy Phaidon, 1960 1960 Leonardo's Rules of Painting. Viking, 1979 1979

Three Worlds of Michaelangelo W.W. Norton & Co., 1999 1999 The Object Stares Back: On the Nature of Seeing Simon & Schuster, 1996 1996 What Painting Is: How To Think About Oil Painting Using the Routledge, Language 1999 of Alchemy. 1999 The Craft of Old-Master Drawings London: University of Wisconsin 1957 Press. The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry Dover 1967 1967 ArtEffects. Watson-Guptill, 1993 1993 L‟Aventure de l‟art au XXe siècle Éditions du Chêne, Paris, 20022002 Art of Our Century New York: Prentice-Hall Editions. 1988 1988 Eyewitness: Reports from an Art World in Crisis Basic Books, 2000 2000 Paris Without End: On French Art Since World War I North Point Press, 1988 1988 Expressing the Visual Language of the Landscape International Artist, 2002 2002 The Dent Dictionary of Symbols In Christian Art J.M. Dent Ltd., 1994 1994 Painting With Acrylics. North Light, 1990 1990 The Encyclopedia of Oil Painting Techniques The Mimbres Art and Archaeology Albuguerque, New Mexico: Avanyu 1989 Publishing, Inc. [A reprint of three Capturing the Magic of Children in Your Paintings. North Light, 1996 1996 Dürer to Veronese: Sixteenth Century Painting in the National London: Gallery Yale University Press2001 Giotto to Dürer: Early Renaissance Painting in the National London: GalleryYale University Press1991 Vincenzo Foppa‟s Adoration of the Kings 2001 Babylon Thames & Hudson, 1986 1986 The Art of Encaustic Painting. Watson-Guptill, 2001 2001 Italian Drawings In the Department of Prints & Drawings InBritish the British Museum, Museum: London, Michaelangelo 19531953 and His Studio Painting the Secret World of Nature North Light, 2001 2001 The Technique of Etching and Engraving B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1965 1965 Mainstreams of Modern Art New York: Simon and Schustesr. 1961 1961. Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting. Peter Smith, 1984 1984 A Theology Of Artistic Sensibilities: The Visual Arts and the Crossroad Church Publishing, 1986 1986 The Visual Arts and Christianity in America: From the Colonial Crossroad Period Publishing, to the Present 1989 1989 Elementary Principles of Landscape Painting Bridgman Publishers, Inc., 1929, 1943 1943 Color and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity toBulfinch Abstraction Press, Little, Brown &1993 Co., 1993 Color and Meaning: Art, Science, and Symbolism University of California Press, 1999 Color In Turner: Poetry and Truth Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1969 1969 Portraits from Life. North Light, 1999 1999 Color Mixing for Artists. Barrons, 2002 2002 Paper Making As An Artistic Craft with a Note On Nylon Paper Faber & Faber, 1959 1959 Painting & Drawing Children. Watson-Guptill, 1979 1979 Watercolor: The Art and Technique of Watercolor PaintingNew York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1973 1966, 1973 Raphael New York University Press, 1970 1970 Paint the Sea in Oils Using Special Effects. International Artist, 2000 2000 Modern Painters Aldine Book Publishing 1843 Modern Painters Knopf, 1987 1987 On Composition New York: Dover Publications,1971 1971. The Elements of Drawing Dover 1971 1971 The Gist of Art. Dover, 1977 1977 Georgian London Pleiades Books, 1945 1945 Art & The Theological Imagination The Seabury Press, 1978 1978 Art As Communication National Methodist Sudent Movement, 1957 1957 The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space Boston Book & Art Shop, 19671967 The Materials and Techniques of Painting New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1989 1989 The Big Book Of Watercolor Watson-Guptill Publications, 1985 1985 100 Keys to Great Acrylic Painting. North Light, 1995 1995 Enciclopedia Universale dell'Arte Venezia-Roma, 1958-67 1958-67 The complete book of artist techniques New York 1958-60 1958-60 Painting the Faces of Wildlife. North Light, 2000 2000 Art of the 20th Century Taschen, Köln, 2005 2005 Product Design And Development Ed.Megraw –Hil, New-York 2008 2008

Order In Space: A Design Source Book Thames & Hudson Publications, 1987 1987 An Introduction To Rembrandt John Murray Publishers, 1978 1978 Leonardo Da Vinci Viking, 1988 1988 Looking At Pictures Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960 1960 Starting With Abstract Painting and Abstract Work in Other Watson-Guptill, Media. 1970 1970 Fill Your Oil Paintings With Light & Color. North Light, 2000 2000 Contemporary Art Taschen, Köln, 1990 1990 Les Avant-gardes d‟Europe Centrale Paris, 1988 1988 The Materials and Techniques of Painting - with a Supplement Van Nostrand on ColorReinhold, Theory 1975 1975 Reflections of Nature: Paintings by Joseph Raffael Abbeville Press, 1998 1998 An Encylopedia of Decorative Arts and Antiques New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc. 1962 1962. Form and Colour Duckworth and Co., London, 1915 1915 Les liants utilisées par nos peintres au XVe siècle: état de“Art&Fact” la question – Mélanges Pierre Colman, 1996 15, 1996, pp. 61-64; Giotto: The Peruzzi Chapel New York 1965 1965 Additional observations on Italian Mural Techniques Art Bulletin n. 3, 1964 1964 The painting of the Life of St. Francis in Assisi New York 1962 1962 On Painting Yale University Press, 1956 1956 On Painting New Haven: Yale University Press. 1970 1970 [First printed 1956] Painter's Workshop: A Basic Course in Contemporary Painting Van Nostrand and Drawing. Reinhold, 1969 1969 Painting and Understanding Abstract Art. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1964 1964 The Art of The Middle East New York: Crown Publishers. 1961 1961 A Treatise on Painting Amherst, New York: Prometheus 2002 Books. Energize Your Paintings With Color. North Light, 1993 1993 Painting Seascapes in Sharp Focus. North Light, 1987 1987 Sincerity and Authenticity Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ.1972 Press. 1972 History of Art Criticism New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.,1936 Inc. 1936. Painting the Impressionist Landscape. Watson-Guptill, 2003 2003 Freshen Your Paintings With New Ideas. North Light, 1994 1994 Life and Works of Thomas Cole Cornish, Lamport & Company,1853 1853 Preparation For Painting: The Purpose and Materials of the Oxford ArtistUniversity Press, 1954 1954 Abecedario Pitorico Longanesi & C., Milano 1956 1956 Tecniche della pittura parietale antica 1958 Les secretes des chefs-d'oevre Paris 1964 1964 The great age of fresco London 1970 1970 Pitture murali nel Veneto e tecnica dell'affresco Venezia 1960 1960 The art of fresco painting, as practised by the old Italian and London Spanish 1966masters 1966 The Art of Fresco Painting: As Practiced By the Old ItalianTiranti, & Spanish 1952 Masters with a Preliminary 1952 Inquiry Into The Nature of Etruscan Painting Genéve 1952 1952 La miniatura gotica in Italia Napoli 1970 1970 Tecniche della pittura veneta, in La pittura nel Veneto. Il Quattrocento Milano Electa 1989, pp. 247-270; 1989 An Artist's Handbook: Materials and Techniques Abrams, 2008 2008 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Watercolor New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1992 1992 The Place of Narrative - Mural Decoration in Italian Churches, Chicago: 431-1600 The University of Chicago 1990 Press. 1990 The Painter's Handbook Watson-Guptill Publications, New 1993York 1993. The Painter's Handbook: Revised and Expanded. Watson-Guptill, 2006 2006 Les Norvat, Digital imaging: essential skills The Permanent Palette National Publishing, 1930 1930 Leonardo on Painting New Haven: Yale Univ. Press.1989 1989 Celebrate Your Creative Self North Light, 2001 2001 The Creative Edge North Light, 2009 2009 The Geometry of Art & Life Sheed & Ward, 1946 1946 The materials of the artist and their use in painting New York 1962. 1962 Landscape, Portrait, Still-Life: Their Origin & DevelopmentBruno Cassrier, Oxford, 1949 1949 On Art & Connoisseurship Bruno Cassirer, Oxford (1942),1946 1946 Original treatises on the art of painting New York 1967. 1967 Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1984

Encaustic Art: How to Paint With Wax. Search Press, 1997 1997 Augustus John: The New Biography Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1996 1996 (updated version of the 1975 work) Artist Beware Watson-Guptill Publications, New 1979York 1979. Health Hazards Manual for Artists Nick Lyons Books, New York 1985. 1985 Art & Commerce In The Dutch Golden Age Yale University Press, 1997 1997 The Wilcox Guide To The Best Watercolor Paints Cloverdale, Perth, Western Australia: 1991 Artways, 1991 Blue: The History of a Color Princeton University Press, 2001 2001 The Icon: Window On the Kingdom St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,1996 1996 Painting Red Hot Landscapes That Sell!. International Artist, 2002 2002 The Dialogic Imagination University of Texas, Austin, 1981 1981 Imaginative Still Life. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983 1983 Painting in Mixed Media. North Light, 1989 1989 Proposte sulla tecnica della pittura murale romana Bollettino dell'Istituto Centrale 1967 del Restauro, Roma 1967 William Blake's theory of art Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University 1982 Press, c1982. Light and Color In The Italian Renaissance Theory of Art New York University Press, 1978 1978 Aspects of Colour in English and French Ms. Painting of the Wien-Köln-Graz late 13th Century, 1986, in pp.G.111-116; Schmidt, 1986 H. Bölau (a c. di), Europäisch Acrylic Revolution: New tricks and techniques for workingNorth with Light, the world's 2008 most versatile 2008medium. Abstraction In Art And Nature: A Program For Artists, Teachers, Watson-Guptill and Students Publications, 1972 1972 Balthus: A Biography Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1999 1999 Acrylics Bold and New. Watson-Guptill, 1986 1986 Color and Light in Oils Batsford, 1005 2005 Exploring Color: How to Use and Control Color in Your Painting North Light, 1998. 1998 Looking At The Overlooked: Four Essays On Still Life Painting Harvard University Press, 1990 1990 100 Watercolor Techniques New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1968 1968 Anatomy of Criticism, Four Essays Princeton, NJ: Princeton University 1957 Press, 1957. Il colore nella pittura bizantina su libri Tavolozza, n. 26, 1967. 1967 Expolitio, Inkrustation und Wandmalerei 1939 Varnishes, Tinted Varnishes and Patina Burlington Magazine, CIV, pp. 1962 56-62, 1962. Metodo e prassi nella storia dell‟arte (1977) Torino Bollati Boringhieri 19941994 Icon and Devotion: Sacred Spaces In Imperial Russia Reaktion Books Ltd., 2002 2002 Painting the Still Life. Watson-Guptill, 1985 1985 “Uncovering the secrets of medieval artists.” Analytical Chemistry, 1988. 1988 Raphael Kegan Paul, 1948 1948 Rembrandt As A Draftsman Phaidon Publishers, 1960 1960 The Art of the Renaissance in Northern Europe: Its Relation Phaidon to Contemporary Press, rev. ed. Spiritual 1965 1965 and Intellectual Movements Etruscan Art New York: Penquin Books. 1978 1978 L'arte della antica età della pietra Firenze 1956 1956 L'acquerelle francaise au XXVIII siécle Paris 1968 1968 Technique et Conservation des peintures murales Rapport du Comité Int. d'Etudes 1965 pour la Conserv. des Biens Culturels Creative Composition & Design. A painter's workshop Painting the Effects of Weather. North Light, 1997 1997 Dramatic Light: Paint Eye-Catching Art in Watercolor and North Oil. Light, 2006 2006 Wildlife Painting Step by Step. North Light, 1995 1995 Rethinking Acrylics: Radical solutions for exploiting the world's North Light, most2008 versatile medium. 2008 The Light of Early Italian Painting Yale University, 1987 1987 The Art of Landscape Painting. Watson-Guptill, 1980 1980 Degas, Manet, Morisot Bollingen Series XLV, Pantheon, 1960 1960 American Art Criticism 1910-1939 New York: Garland Publishing,1981 Inc. 1981 The Oxford Companion To Christian Art and Architecture Oxford University Press, 1996 1996 Theory of the Avant-Garde Minneapolius, 1986 1986 The Paintings from Boscotrecase Heidelberg: F. H. Kerle Verlag.1962 1962. Painting in Renaissance Venice Yale University Press, 1995 1995 The Digital Dialectic. New essays on New Media The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999 1999 Practical Gilding London: Archetype Publications. 2002 The Art of the Renaissance New York: Thames & Hudson.1963 The Undressed Art: Why We Draw Knopf, 2004 2004

Letters of Gustave Courbet University of Chicago Press, 1992 1992 Enliven Your Paintings With Light. North Light, 1993 1993 The Artist's Illustrated Encylopedia: Techniques, MaterialsNorth & Terms. Light, 2001 2001 Vermeer's Camera: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Masterpieces Oxford University Press, 2001 2001 Artists' Pigments c. 1600-1835 London 1970 1970 Dégradation, conservation et restauration de l'oevre d'art Bruxelles 1967 1967 Pigments et colorants dans la Mappae Clavicula, in “Pigments Orléans et colorants CNRS 1990, de pp.173-180; l‟antiquité 1990 au moyen âge. Etudes hist. et phy Painting Materials: a short Encyclopaedia New York 1966 1966 Wandmalerei un Zeichnung in Italien 1940 Benjamin West: A Biography Houghton Mifflin, 1978 1978 The Principles of Art Oxford University Press, 1938 1938 An Essay On Critical Apppreciation George Allen & Unwin, 1938 1938 Art From the Parks. North Light, 2000 2000 Basic Still Life Techniques. North Light, 1994 1994 Keys to Painting Color & Value. North Light, 2001 2001 Keys to Painting Trees & Foliage. North Light, 2001 2001 The Acrylic Painter's Book of Styles & Techniques. North Light, 1997 1997 The Ministry Of Art Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914 1914 A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1969 1969 The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques Various Editions. New York: Viking 1991 Penguin, 1991 The Painter's Craft: An Introduction to Artists' Methods and Viking Materials Books, 1975 1975 The 5 Essentials in Every Powerful Painting. International Artist, 2001 2001 Stories of the English Artists, 1600 - 1851 Tudor Publishing, 1938 1938 The Art of Watercolor: A Guide to the Skills and Techniques New York: Reader's Digest Association, 1995 Inc., 1993, 1995 Watercolor Color (DK Art School) New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1993 Inc., 1993 Watercolour Landscape (DK Art School) New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1993 Inc., 1993 The Painter's Guide to Studio Methods and Materials Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:1983 Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983 The Painter's Guide to Studio Methods and Materials Doubleday & Co., 1972 1972 Ut Pictura Poesis, The Humanistic Theory of Painting. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1967 Inc. 1967. Perspective As Applied To Pictures (The Practice & Theory Seeley, of Perspective Service & As Co.Applied 1941 1941 To Pictures, with a Section Dealing w The New Acrylics: Complete Guide to the New GenerationWatson-Guptill, of Acrylic Paints. 2005 2005 The Modern Tradition New York: Oxford University Press. 1965 1965 Andrew Wyeth: A Secret Life Harper Collins, 1996 1996 Alla Prima: Everything I Know About Painting. West Wind, 1998 1998 Richard Schmid Paints Landscapes. Watson-Guptill, 1980 1980 The Craftsman Yale University Press, 2008 2008 The Illustrator's Bible: The Complete Sourcebook of Tips, Watson-Guptill, Tricks, and Time-Saving 1992 Techniques 1992 in Oil, Alkyd, Acrylic, Goua On Becoming a Painter Sunflower Publishing, 2001 2001 When I draw the Lord He'll be a Real Big Man Boston and Toronto: Little Brown, 19641964. The Painter's Keys: A Seminar With Robert Genn. Studio Beckett, 1997 1997 The Art Spirit. Lippincott, 1960 1960 Goya Knopf, 2003 2003 Artists' Pigments: A Handbook of Their History and Characteristics Cambridge- University Vol. 1 and National 1986 Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. On Picture Varnishes and Their Solvents National Gallery of Art Washington 1985 D.C., (1959, revised 1971) 1985. Formulas For Painters Watson-Guptill, 1967 1967 Painting Nature's Peaceful Places. Watson-Guptill, 1993 1993 Artist At Work: Advanced Techniques In Egg Tempera Painting Watson-Guptill Publications, 1979 1979 New Techniques In Egg Tempera Watson-Guptill Publications, 1973 1973 Basic Perspective Thames and Hudson Ltd. London, 19911974 (1991 reprint) Creative Perspective Thames and Hudson Ltd. London, 19921975 (1992 reprint) Painting Wildlife Textures Step-by-Step. North Light, 1997 1997 Wildlife Painting Basics: Waterfowl and Wading Birds. North Light, 2000 2000 Color and Light In Painting Columbia University Press, 1941 1941 On Assessment in the Arts: A Conversation with Howard Gardner. In Educational Leadership. December 1988 1987/January 1988 Pigments:Historical, Chemical, and Artistic Importance of Agents. 2001. Nov.2004 17th, 2004. Pigments Used in Late Medieval Western European Manuscript Austin:Illumination. University of Texas at Austin, 1971 1971.

Expressing land, sea, and sky in watercolor New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1982 1982 Rodin: The Shape of Genius Yale University Press, 1993 1993 Painting Materials: The Artist's Encyclopedia Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1943 I colori pompeiani Roma 1967 1967 I ricettari medievali per la preparazione dei colori e la loro trasmissione, in Il Colore nel 1996 Medioevo. Arte, simbolo, tecnica, L Riducendoti al triare de‟ colori “ACME – Ann. Fac. Lett. Filos.1998 Università Studi Milano”, LI, I, 1998, pp Earthworks and Beyond New York, 1989 1989 Vernici e restauri nel Settecento: la „Lettera sopra l‟ uso della Roma vernice 1988, sulle pp. 163-173; pitture‟ di Filippo 1988 Hackert, in Problemi del resta Artisti in bottega, artisti senza bottega. Il caso di Jean Fouquet, Milanoin Jaca La bottega Book 1998, dell‟artista pp. 109-130; 1998 tra Medioevo e Rinascimento, a c. About Prints Oxford University Press, 1962 1962 Systematisches Verzeichnis der Farbnamen 1952-53 The End of Expressionism Chicago, 1990 1990 I trattati di tecniche artistiche medievali Milano CUSL 2002 2002 Le tecniche della pittura medievale, in L‟arte medievale nelMilano contesto. Jaca 300-1300, Book 2006, a pp. c. di295-320, P. 2006 Piva 425-433, ill. 238-253. Le tecniche pittoriche di Simone nell‟ „Allegoria Virgiliana‟,Firenze in Simone Centro Martini, Di 1986, attipp. del131-138; convegno, 1986 a c. di L. Bellosi (Siena 19 Pigmenti pittorici, s. v. Pittura, in “Enciclopedia dell‟ arte medievale”, Roma IstitutoIXdell’ Enciclopedia 1998 Italiana 1998, pp. 554-561; Trattati medievali di tecniche artistiche Milano Jaca Book 2007 2007 Trattati tecnico-artistici “Enciclopedia dell’arte medievale”, 2000XI, 2000, pp. 316-319; New Ways of Gravure Oxford University Press, 1966 1966 Acrylics Master Class. Search ABEbooks ABEbooks The Artist's Problem Solver.. North Light, 2001 2001 The Square Halo & Other Mysteries of Western Art Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1995 1995 Look Again! Clues to Modern Painting. Starrhill, 1990 1990 A Century of British Painters orig. 1866/ Phaidon, 1947 1947 Painting With Water Soluble Oils. North Light, 2001 2001 Landscape and Memory Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1995 1995 Rembrandt's Eyes Knopf, 1999 1999 A History of Architecture On the Comparative Method Chas. Scribner's Sons, (1896) 1958 1958 An Outline of European Architecture Penguin (1943), 1974 1974 Mappae Clavicula : a little key to the world of medieval techniques, Philadelphia: Transactions The American of the Philosophical 1974 American Society, Philosophical 1974 Society, ne Excavations at Thera Vi. Uiversity of Athens. Athens. 1974 1974 The Artist's Manual. Mayflower, 1980 1980 The Culture of time and Space, 1880-1918 Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard 1983 University Press, 1983. Creative Inspirations: A Collection of Drawing and Painting Rockport, Ideas for 1997 Artists. 1997 Landscape Inspirations: A Collection of Drawing and Painting Rockport, Ideas1997 for Artists. 1997 Illustrator's Figure Reference Manual. Bloomsbury, 1997 1997 Acrylic Painting Techniques: How to Master the Medium of Watson-Guptill, Our Age. 1994 1994 Color Choices. Watson-Guptill, 1989 1989 Painter's Guide to Color. Watson-Guptill, 1999 1999 Oil Painting for the Serious Beginner Painting Birds. Watson-Guptill, 1988 1988 Capturing Radiant Color in Oils. North Light, 2000 2000 The Feast in the House of Simon: Veronese: History and Restoration Alain de Gourcuff of a Masterpiece Editeur, 1997 1997 Pittura, scultura e delle arti minori, 1620-1646: ms. Sloane 2052 del British museum di 1995 Londra, a c. di S. Rinaldi, Anzio De R Oil Painting: The Workshop Experience. North Light, 2001 2001 De diversis artibus London 1961 1961 Christian Symbolism In the Evangelical Churches, with definitions Abingdon-Cokesbury of church terms Press,and 1967 1967 usages The Arts - And Their Interrelations Cleveland: The Press of Western 1967 Reserve University. 1967. Flying Colors. Beacon, 2002 2002 Ideas and Information: Managing in a High-Tech World In The New York Times. New York: 1989 New York Times, April 9, 1989. The Best of Oil Painting. Rockport, 1996 1996 Autobiographical Recollections by the late Charles RobertTicknor Leslie,and R.A., Fields, with a 1860 Prefatory 1860 Essay on Leslie as an Artist, and S Watercolor, You Can Do It! Cincinnati: North Light, 1987 1987 Zen In Japanese Art: A Way of Spiritual Experience Philosophical Library, 1962 1962 The Recipe Collection of Johnnes Alcherius and the Painting London: Materials The International Used in Manuscript Institute 1998for Illumination Conservation in France of Historic andand Nort Ar Sinopie ed affreschi Milano 1951 1951

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An prima aparitie (original)






Şcolar al Municipiului Bucureşti

1977-2009 1958


1996 1986

aggese, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

1758 1921 1968 1954 1987 2006 1977 1994 1996 1996 1968 1851 1999 1999 1991 1995

1972 1964 2000 1998 1999 2006 1940 1970 1999 1990 1939

2001 1995

du Livre III d‟Eraclius De coloribus et artibus Romanorum d‟après trois manuscrits, ivi, pp. 227-254 ; 1956 2000 1978

1984 1979 1978 1983 2002 2003 1987 1952 1994 1965 1977

1986 1989 1987 1998 1993 1985 1986 1997 1992 1930

1982 1996 1880 1974 1965 1982 1997 1994 1994 1976 1990 1845 1991 1995

1971 1981 1979 2002 2002 2000

1961 1935 1957


1898 2001 1957 1936 1936 1936 1959 1943, 1947 1993 1999 1989 2002 1969 1991 2005 1998 1968 2000 1995 1976 1974 1995 2001 2002 1985 1998 2001 1897-1909

1995 1976 1925 1995

1847 1984 1962 1980 1981 1987 1861 1971 1932 1990 1969 1933 1981 1973 1991 2001 1931 1991 1989 1990 1988 1985




1985 2000 1983 1910 1955 1970 1976 1981 1973 1971 1948 1929 1981 2003 1995 1970 1951

1587 1953 1986 1964 1766 1985 1967 1971 1969 1947 1963

1992 1967 2001 1990 2001 1901 1998 2000 2000 2005 1968 1944-1965 1952 1984 1988 2001 1962 2002 1982 1993 1997 1985 1981 1983 1947 1989 1966 1978 1983 1971 1954 1995 1988 1898 1860 1979

1999 1996 1999 1957 1948 1993

2000 1988 2002 1994 1990 1914-1924 1996 2001 1991 2001 1986 2001 1953 2001 1965 1961 1984 1986 1989 1929 1993 1999 1969 1999 2002 1959 1979 1966 1970 2000 1843 1987 1971 1857 1977 1945 1978 1957 1967 1989 1985 1995 1958-67 1958-60 2000

1969 1978 1939 1960 1970 2000

1975 1998 1962 1915

1435-36 1969 1964 1961 early 16th c. 1993 1987 1972 2003 1994 1853 1954 1956


2008 1992 1990 1993 2006 1930 1989 2001 2009 1946 1949 1942 1984

1997 1975 1979 1985 1997 1991 2001 2002 1983 1989 1967 1982 1978 2008 1972 1999 1986 2005 1998 1990 1968 1957

1977 2002 1985

1960 1978

1997 2006 1995 2008 1987 1980 1981 1996 1962 1995 2002 1963 2004

1992 1993 2001 2001

1978 1938 1938 2000 1994 2001 2001 1997 1914 1969 1991 1975 2001 1938 1993 1993 1993 1983 1972 1967 1941 2005 1965 1996 1998 1980 2008 1992 2001 1964 1997 1960 2003 1959 1967 1993 1979 1973 1974 1975 1997 2000 1941 1988 2001

1982 1993 1943

1962 1952-53

1966 2001 1995 1990 1866 2001 1995 1999 1896 1943 1974 1980 1983 1997 1997 1997 1994 1989 1999 1988 2000 1997 2001 1961 1967 1967 2002 1989 1996 1860 1987 1962


1935 1926 1929 1996 2006 2005 1893 1954

1973 1972 1948

1964 1976 1971 1987 1991 1959 1995 2004

BIBLIOGRAFIE minimală 2010 (la Univ. Arte Plastice Iasi) - am marcat cu culoare rosie doar cartile ref. la tehnica picturala (am introdus si comentarii - doar pt. cartile pe care leam gasit de cumparat) - banuiesc ca aceste carti s-or gasi ele macar la biblioteca (de cumparat din librarii ... doar vreo doua-trei, din pacate) - in coloanele din dreapta sunt trecute disciplinele ce se studiaza la aceasta universitate pt. cursul de pictura (cu cifre romane sunt indicati anii de studiu) Ailincăi, C. – Introducere în gramatica limbajului vizual , Ed. Dacia, Cluj Napoca,1982; Albers, Josef - L’Interaction des couleurs , Hachette, Paris, 1974. Archer, Michael - L’Art depuis 1960 , Thames & Hudson, Paris 2000 Arnheim, Rudolf - Arta şi percepţia vizuală , Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1979; Arnheim, Rudolf - Forţa centrului vizual , Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti,1981 Arnheim, Rudolf - Forţa centrului vizual. Un studiu al compoziţiei în artele vizuale , tr.Luminiţa Ciocan, Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1995 Baroni, Sandro - Restauration et conservation des tableauxManuel pratique Editions CELIV, Paris,1993.

Material e, Anali Bazel proces za e e, limb dese tehnici ajului nului Com si vizua pentr unic tehnolo lu atii Cro Crom gie plasti pictur vizu chiu atolo pentru c a ale ri gie pictura I,II

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Metod ologia creatie i in pictura

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Studiul compo zitiei pentru pictura

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Practica de specialit ate

Studiu l culorii si bazel e picturi i






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