Final SHS 12 Intro. to Philosophy Q1 M6

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person The Human Person as Embodied Spirit Quarter 1, Module 6

THE HUMAN PERSON AS AN EMBODIED SPIRIT Noddings, Nel (1995). Philosophy of Education. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. p. 1. ISBN 0-8133-8429-X. Frankena, William K.; Raybeck, Nathan; Burbules, Nicholas (2002). "Philosophy of Education". In Guthrie, James W. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd edition. New York, NY: Macmillan Reference. ISBN 002-865594-X.

This module will help students understand the human person as an embodied spirit. Learning Objectives: Specifically, you will be expected to:

Phillips, Trevor J. (2017-03-18). "Ch. III: Transactionalism in Contemporary Philosophy and Ch. V: The Educative Process". In Tibbels, Kirkland; Patterson, John (eds.). Transactionalism: An Historical and Interpretive Study. Independently published. pp. 163–205. ISBN 9781520829319.

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"Philosophy and Education". Teachers College - Columbia University. Retrieved 2017-04-29.

"Philosophy of Education - Courses - NYU Steinhardt". Retrieved 2017-04-29. PREPARED BY: Name of Teacher : MICHAEL G. FABIA Position :

Teacher II


Judge Jose De Venecia Senior Technical Vocational Secondary School



Recognize own limitations and possibilities.PPT11/12-If-3.1 Evaluate own limitations and possibilities for their transcendence.PPT11/12-Ig-3.2 Recognize the how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence.PPT11/12-Ih-3.3 Distinguish the limitation and possibilities for transcendencPPT11/12-Ii-3.4

In doing this module, the following are some reminders: 1. Take the pretest before answering the module. 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task. 3. Answer all the exercises. 4. Take the posttest. 5. Use a separate sheet in answering all the activities.


Matching type: Write the correct letter before each number. __1.The soul is imprisoned in the body. In death, the soul is released from the body. __2. Man is the whole of his body and soul; The body and soul are two aspects of man. __3. Man is the unity of body and soul . __4. Soul is not the man; The nature of man is composed of soul, flesh, and bone. __5. Real essence of man is different from the body . __6. The physical aspect of the human person . __7. The observable aspect; The aspect that is visible and tangible __8.All the skills we have learned in life. __9. The awareness of our body of the things that we cannot do. __10. Spirituality something which cannot be seen. A. Soul

I. Aristotle

B. Sense of limitation

J. Plato

C .Sense of skills D. Physicality E. The body F. Rene Descartes G. Saint Thomas Aquinas H. Saint Augustine


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. The following are the philosophical definitions of human spirit except one: A. This includes intellect, emotions, passion and creativity B. This considered to be the mental functions of awareness, insights, and understanding, judgment. C. This comprises entities of emotions, images, memory and personality D. This studies about moral values and judgment. 2. Yana is righteous believer of God, suddenly death as result of heart disease, his family believe that he is now in heaven. What ascended to heaven? A . Human Body C. Human Spirit B. Human soul D. All of the above 3 .Zaldy is death as result of car crash, his wife cannot accept his early death, since then , most his children knew that their dad is still with them. What had they experience? A . The spirit of dead C. Both Soul and Spirit B. The soul of the dead D. Undecided 4. .A discipline of philosophy that attempts to apply ethical theory to real life situation? A . Metaphysics C. Ethics B. Applied Ethics D. Logic 5. How did Daniel Helminiak and Bernard Lonergan explains the human spirit except one? A. Considered to be the mental functions of awareness, insights, understanding and judgment and other reasoning powers B. Component of human philosophy, psychology, art and knowledge. C. Is used to refer impersonal, universal on higher component of human nature D. The Principle of Existentialism


. The freedom of the soul from the body, its imprisonment is transcendence. Transcendence is the existence that is present beyond normal or physical level. Transcendence means that: “I am my body but at the same time I am more than my body. The things that I do, all those physical activities and attributes which are made real through my body, reveals the person that I am”. Three Main Spiritual Philosophies Hinduism is the belief in karma and reincarnation. Brahman is Self-Hood Hinduism lies the idea of human being's quest for absolute truth, so that one's soul and the Brahman or Atman (Absolute Soul) might become one. For the Indians, God first created sound and the universe arose from it. The Aum (Om) is the root of the universe and everything that exists and it continues to hold everything together, the most sacred sound in which the universe arose from and was the first thing God created. Primary Values of Hindus: wealth, pleasure, duty and enlightenment Wealth and Pleasure are worldly values, but when kept in perspective they are good and desirable. The spiritual value of duty, or righteousness, refers to patience, sincerity, forgiveness, love, honesty and similar virtues. The spiritual value, though, is enlightenment, by which one is illuminated and liberated and most importantly, finds release from the wheel of existence. Buddhism is the life experience and teaching of Prince Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha -he who achieves his aim), a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development, solutions is lay in his own mind and is famous for its belief in Nirvana; a place of perfect peace and happiness .Buddhism, contained in the teachings of its founder, Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha.


The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit (Recognize Own Limitations and Possibilities). Man is not only body, but he is something infinitely higher. Of all the animal creations of God, man is the only animal who has been created in order that he may know his maker. Man’s aim in life is not to add from day to day to his material prospects and to his material possessions but his predominant calling is from day to day to come nearer to his maker [Mohandas Gandhi, 1948]. To recognize our own limitations and possibilities it is right to know where we are, what is our world. According to Plato reality is made up of two worlds namely, the world of Forms and the world of Sense where human beings participate in both of these different worlds. The world of Sense which is proposed and believed by Heraclitus, is the world we see, experience, the world of objects; a world of change, it is made up of matter and is bound to decomposition. Heraclitus proves this through the statements “Cold things grow hot, the hot cools, the wet dries, the parched moistens.” and “We both step and do not step into the same revers. We are and we are not.”The world of Forms which is proposed by Parmenides who influenced Plato in this type of world is a world that is eternal, perfect and unchanging. Parmenides proved the world of Forms by his statement “ We can speak and think only of what exists. And what exists is uncreated and imperishable for it is whole and unchanging and complete. It was not or nor shall be different since it is now, all at once, one and continuous.


For Plato, reality is eternal and unchanging, it is the real world, the world of forms. Everything in the world of senses is but an imitation or a mere shadow of the ideal.

I. True or False

Human beings participate in both the senses and the ideal world because they have a material body and immaterial soul, synthesis of change and permanence.

___1. According to Aquinas, all creatures are metaphysically made of essence and existence.

Human beings is a body and soul, according to Plato, body is evil for it is inclined to temporal things; objected to temporal satisfaction and happiness.

___2. Neil doubts everything and he even question facts, belief, knowledge . His act of extreme doubting follows the methods of empiricism. ____3.Aquinas sought to Christianize Plato

As stated by Origen, a Christian theologian and philosopher that is also a Platonian “all rational beings were once pure intellects in the presence of God, and would remain so forever had they not fallen away through Koros (satiety).”

____4. Syllogistic or logical method is attributed from Aristotle, the founder of logic

Because of koros (sin) or our transgression and disobedience to God we are punished by being given a body.

____6. Stoicism was founded by Zeno.

To be free it is a human task to gradually recollect the ideas the soul used to know through education in order for it to be released from being imprisoned in our body and be able to return to its place in the world of forms, for the soul is superior and exists eternally even after the body evanesces gradually.

____8.According to existentialists, human nature is chosen through life choices.

However, failure to recall everything the soul used to know, the soul has to undergo another imprisonment and this process will continually occur until the soul is ready to go back to its place in the world of forms.


____5. Descartes rejected the notion that knowledge is innate. ____7. According to Sartre, essence precedes existence.

____9. Aquinas believe that the principal purpose of man is to be virtuous. ____10. Essence is acquisition of extrinsic properties upon our existence


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