intro form

  • Uploaded by: salman chaudary
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Task ID

Open the application on the phone.   Click on the SignUp option.   Enter the university Email, password, and a verification code that is sent to the email.

Task 1

See the available slots for today in seek help tab.

Task 2

Connect with the psychologist.   Book the session for a time and give a reason for consultation(optional).

View the active appointment tab

Task 3

Find the “View Assigned Activities” in the “Active Appointments”

Task 4

Rate the services of psychologists in the active appointment status.

Task 5

Mark the activities in the “Tasks Assigned” tab as complete or incomplete

Task 6 

Find the activities in the “Completed” and “Incomplete” tabs of “Tasks Assigned” 

Task 7 

Find the record of previous appointments in the “Past Appointments” tab

Task 8 

1.4.1 Introductory form We are very grateful to you for giving us your time.  We have built a prototype for a mobile app called SpeakOut, where university students can get connection easily with university psychologists. University psychologists can also assign activities to students and students will mark those activities based on completion status.  We want you to use this design and help us in collecting feedback so that we can improve our app according to users requirements. We want you to perform tasks available in tasks list. Some tasks depend upon the previous ones. You can ask questions if you need.  We hope you have a wonderful experience using this app.

1.4.2 Consent Form I hereby give consent... …to use my audio recording for educational/research purposes     YES

NO publicize pictures from my recordings in written papers       YES


Date:            Gender:       Name:         Age:              Email:           Signature:  

1.4.3 Pre-test Questionnaire 1- In which year of studies, you are right now? a)     1st b)    2 c)     3 nd


d)    4 e)    5th th

  2- Have you ever gone to a university psychologist? a)     Yes b)    No    3- Have you used other apps for psychological help? a)     Yes  b)    No   4- How familiar are you with technology?  a)     Novice b)    Intermediate c)     Casual d)    Expert   5- Which phone do you use? a)     iPhone b)    Android c)     others

1.4.4 Post-test Questionnaire 1.      I think my experience with this app is good     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 

2.      I think this app needs more functionality     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

3.      I think some tasks are complex to use 

Strongly agree

   

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

4.      I think all tasks are easy to do     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 

5.      I think all tasks are well connected and make sense     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 

6.      I think getting an appointment through this app is much easier than other resources available     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree  Strongly disagree 

7.      I think first I need to learn how to use this app because it is confusing me     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 

8.      I get frustrated while using this app     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 

9.      I will suggest this app to my class fellows     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 

10.   I prefer using this app over a physical visit to a psychologists clinic     

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 

11.   Your suggestions                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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